WPDD202 Webpage Design and Development Report 4 Sample
Assessment Task:
Students are required to analyse the weekly lecture material of weeks 1 to 11 and create concise content analysis summaries of the theoretical and technical concepts contained in the course lecture slides.
Students are required to analyse the weekly lecture material of weeks 1 to 11 and create concise content analysis summaries of the theoretical and technical concepts contained in the course lecture slides. Where the lab content or information contained in technical articles from the Internet or books helps to fully describe the lecture slide content, discussion of such theoretical articles or discussion of the lab material should be included in the content analysis.
The document structure is as follows (2500 Words):
1. Title Page
2. Introduction (125 words)
3. Background (125 words)
4. Content analysis (reflective journals) for each week from 1 to 11 (2200 words; 200 words per week):
a. Theoretical Discussion
i. Important topics covered
ii. Definitions
b. Interpretations of the contents
i. What are the most important/useful/relevant information about the content?
c. Outcome
i. What have I learned from this?
5. Conclusion (50 words)
Your report must include:
• At least five references, out of which, three references must be from academic resources.
• Harvard Australian referencing for any sources you use.
• Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide on Referencing.
Today every person is having an internet, therefore, to reach people in mass it is important to have a website (Godwin-Jones, 2015, pp.10). Uni Assignment Help, Therefore, it is also important to learn about the creation of a website and what is there in the background for the creation of the overall website and publishing it on the internet. Therefore, the primary purpose of the study is to have a reflective journal regarding the overall unit of study where we go through the process of having our website and publishing it on the internet and marketing it.
Website is important for reaching out to the people and also reach our work and learnings. Therefore, for that, we need to understand what languages are used for the creation of the website and webpage development. Other than that, the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is important for the completion of the website (Burke and Maceli, 2020, pp.35). Moreover, with the help of following reflective journals, I could be understanding the problems and things that I learned during the process and what are the challenges I faced during the creation of the webpage. Based on that, I could be able to apply the proper promotion strategy and make recommendations.
Content analysis:
a. Theoretical discussion:
i. Important topics covered:
In the following during week 1 to 11,various theoretical discussions are being done in the following study. In the following study, I studied various tools and models. Some of the major things which I have studied in week 1 of the study is about the internet and the terms which are related to the same. Other than that, there are discussions done regarding the web browser and its main features. Some of the other things which are also related to the following week are typography, graphics and the use of colour. In addition to that, there is also the discussion regarding the Hypertext Markup language and other HTML elements. Finally, by the end of week 1, the primary purpose of the study was to create a basic HTML webpage (Harris, 2017, pp.4). This was done to showcase what we have learned during the entire week where the basics of web and HTML have been showcased.
In the second week of the study, the management of the website files is being done along with the use of HTML5 semantic elements. During the following week study, the designing and the building of the semantic wireframe was done. Here we created a webpage template and learned how to insert comments in the HTML documents (Harris, 2017, pp.6). Here other than the template we also learned how to insert the symbol quotes and other character entities in the following. Finally, to end the week study we learned how to create a home page with the HTML template and also learned to add some unique contents to the homepage which we created.
Here in week 3 of the unit, we started to go deeper into the theoretical aspect of web designing and development. Therefore, here in the following week, we learned the various types of hyperlinks and also, I learned how to create some of the links such as the absolute links, email links and telephonic links (Fitzsimmonset al. 2019, pp.21). In addition to that, we also learned how we could be describing the image file formats and the various image tags and attributes associated with them. Over the week I was taught how to use the div elements for marketing the division of the page. Finally, by the end of the week, we learned how to use the use of lists in HTML documents are done. Therefore, with the help of that, we were able to create the unordered lists and the description lists. Finally, at the end of the week, we finished it with proper testing and validation on the webpage.
The more the week passed the more in-depth we went. Here in week 4, we started to understand the importance of separating designs and the content of the webpage. Moreover, here is when the CSS or the Cascading Style Sheets was introduced to us and the definition of the following such as inline, embed, and other external styles are being discussed in the following (Parket al. 2015, pp.21). Basic syntax and CSS rules wereintroduced, and we learned them in the following week.Differences between the inline and block were introduced in the following. Finally, by the end of the fourth-week creation of the external styles are being taken into consideration along with the links to the HTML page.
Here in week 5, the primary focus of the study was to create a responsive design for mobile devices. Therefore, here in week 5, the principles of the responsive designs were being taught (Bader and Hammouri, 2016, pp.8887). Along with that the pros and cons of the mobile website were taken into consideration for the following week. In addition, some of the most important parts of the following week was understanding the viewpoint and the method of creating a fluid layout. In addition to that, a mobile-first strategy was also taken into consideration for the following study.
Coming to week 6 the primary focus which was put in the following week was towards the user interface and the security of the website and the mobile designs. Here more focus was put on the interface of the webpage and the use of the worldwide web so that they could be connected to the internet. URL or Uniform resource locator was understood in the following week and therefore, the in-depth knowledge about the webpage and the use of internet connection to the webpage which is designed in the previous week was done. When it comes to security, both the server-side and the client-side scripting was covered in the following week. To understand the security and the protection of the webpage and the website which is designed SQL injection and the leakage of the password are understood in-depth (Van Ackeret al. 2017, pp. 1753).
Chapter 8 is all about the creation of tables and forms on the webpage. Therefore, here some of the basic definitions regarding the table element and the steps that are being discussed which are used for the planning, designing and coding of the tables. Other than that, in the following chapter, it is also taught that how the table caption is being inserted in the webpage and the styling of the tables is done both for the tablet and the desktop point of views. Finally, by the end of the chapter, the primary focus of the following was to create a submit button and also create a reset button for the web design and development.
Chapter 9 was all about integrating the audio and the video aspect with the webpage. Therefore, in the following, we learned what are the limitations and the benefits of adding multimedia to the webpage. Other than that, we also learned how to identify the audio and the video formats and also it helped us to describe a plug-in. We had a basic understanding of what is a codec and also, we understood how we could be creating audio elements. We also tested the common audio and the video attributes and finally by the end of the chapter the source elements we understood and testing of both the audio and the video elements were done.
As we come closer to the end of the unit, we learned about how to make the webpage more interactive with the help of social media and Java Script. Therefore, understanding social media is the key and also the various forms of social media which are present. Other than that, understanding blog and JavaScript helped us to get an understanding of the interactive functioning of the webpage. The primary focus of the chapter was to understand the use of the elements of the script and also how these codes could be written. Various uses could be taken into consideration which makes the website more interactive and therefore their understanding is key. The use of alert () method and open() method are some of the methods which need to be taken into consideration and understanding the events and one-click event handler are, therefore, included in the following chapter (Brunelleet al. 2016, pp.95).
Therefore, as we learned the basics of making the website more interactive, therefore, creating the pop-up windows and the validation of the forms are important. Moreover, there are various JavaScript user-defined functions so that they could be used for displaying a scrolling message. Here, we go into more of the practical aspect and use case such as with the help of user-defined functions calculations of monthly loan payments. And also, we described how to open the pop-up window (Brunelleet al. 2016, pp. 12).
Finally, after the completion of the website the primary part is to publish and promote the website. Therefore, understand that search engine is understood along with search engine optimisation (Soegoto, 2018, pp. 12). Therefore, to make the website more secure and appealing to the users the things which are taught is how to have the domain name, how to have a top-level domain and also the role of web hosting is understood in the following chapter. Other than that, file transfer protocol and remote server are some of the major parts of website publishing. Therefore, in the final part to finish the study is understood how the website could be marketed and how the website could register a URL with the help of a search engine.
ii. Definitions:
Internet is a worldwide collection of computers which are linked together for the usage of the organisation and also, they are the individuals which are using the communication devices and the media (Clark, 2018, p.5).
Network is the collection of two or more number of computers which are linked together for the sharing of information and the resources which are available (Wuet al. 2019).
A protocol is defined which is about how a client workstation would be communicating with the server (Godwin-Jones, 2015, pp.11).
In addition, Wireframeswere defined to understand the visual guide of having a web browser and how it could be developed further. Using the wireframe and sitemap the use of graphics and navigation tools are being defined (Davidsonet al. 2017, pp. 659).
Hyperlinks are the links on a webpage which is allowing the users so that they are able to navigate a website and they are moving from one page to the other. There are various kinds of links which are present, and they are text link and the image link (Harris, 2017, pp.5).
Furthermore, it is defined what is known as the cascading style sheets. Along with those other definitions which we learned are in line, embed and the external styles and what are their uses. Using the definition and proper understanding of the following terms it is understood how they are being used in precedence on the website (Burke and Maceli, 2020, pp.35).
Responsive designs are the strategy for the development of the website which is striving to provide the optimal experience to the user of awebsite, and this is done regardless of the device or the browser the user is using (Hussain and Mkpojiogu, 2015, pp.43).
Other than that, viewport is defined which is also known as the viewing area of the webpage (Wanget al. 2016).
The user interface is taught and defined which is designed into an information device with which a user or the person would be able to interact. Therefore, this could be including the display screen the keyboard or the appearance of a desktop (Pottertonet al. pp.70).
Web interface is an interface for the user which is being implemented in the form of a webpage and therefore, they could be used for the navigating with the help of a standard web browser (Potterton et al. pp.75).
SQL injection is referring to the attack where the attacker or the hacker is executing the malware or the malicious code into the SQL statement which is also referred to as the payload and also, they are controlling the application of the database server (Liet al. 2019, pp.4183).
We learned the definition of table elements which are present in the Webpages such as the tables, rows, cell and columns. Furthermore, in further studies in the week, we learned to define what is multimedia and howit could be used in the Webpages. Other than that, we also learned the definition of Cell which is known as the intersection of the row and column (Maity and Bhattacharya, 2017, pp.89).
In week 10 of the studies, we learned to define social media and they are known as the online community where the members are posting and also, they are exchanging the contents of social media (Bader and Hammouri, 2016, pp.8887).
Search Engines are defined as they are used for finding the specific contents or information on the web (Tranet al. 2019, pp.70).
Bots or the robots which are the programs which are running on the web automatically to transverse the web in the search of the keyword which is put by the user (Tran et al. 2019, pp.73).
b. Interpretation of the contents:
Some of the most important and relevant information which we learned in the following unit is how to have a webpage and what are the various information and tools which are needed for the creation and the development of the webpage. Other than that, we also learned about CSS which is used for the visual appearance of the webpage and therefore, it is playing one of the major and most important roles in the creation of web development.There are various things that I also learned in the following unit is that what is a webpage and what is relevant information is needed for the development of the webpage.
JavaScript is something that is needed for the development of the mobile interface of the web so that it could be made accessible to the mobile viewer of the website. Security is the key to the existence of the website. Therefore, we learned about some of the basic definition of a secure website, and they are how the security of the website works. Moreover, in addition to that, the leakage of the password and SQL injection are some of the basic terms which we learned for the development of the webpage which is important for the following unit.
c. Outcome:
From the unit, I learned from the basics of what is a web to having a webpage and connecting it to the domain and hosting it. The basics of what are a web and every aspect of webpage development is being taught in the following. Other than that, I also learned about how they could be better optimised with the help of CSS and JavaScript to make it more intuitive and interactive both for the desktop viewer and the mobile viewer. Having just the website is not enough it also needs to be secure. Therefore, one of the major things which I learned is what are the security aspects of having a website. Therefore, I learned about SQL injection and password leakage. Finally, to cover-up the entire unit, I would say I learned about how to create a webpage template and using that webpage template for the creation of my website. I also learned about how I could connect that website to the domain and have the top domain level and hosting and publishing it to the people to view.
Therefore, by the end of the unit, it could be concluded that the process of creating a website is long and time taking and a learning curve. However, it is important at a time when internet usage is at its boom. Certain challenges will be faced like the security aspect of a website. However, the unit will help in the future creation of a website for clients and make proper recommendations for better website creation.
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