TECH2400 Introduction to Cyber Security Report 1 Sample

Your Task

In this individual assessment, you will demonstrate your understanding of cyber security concepts as outlined in LO1 and LO2. You will create a video presentation focusing on a specific type of malware, exploring its characteristics, behavior, and potential impact on the IT infrastructure of organisations. Your video should contextualise the terminology associated with cyber security for diverse stakeholders in business (LO1) and identify vulnerabilities and threats relevant to the IT infrastructure of organisations (LO2). You have the freedom to choose two malware types discussed in class or conduct independent research to investigate a different variant. Through this assessment, you will not only showcase your knowledge of cyber security fundamentals but also showcase your ability to effectively communicate complex technical concepts to a diverse audience.

LO1: Contextualise the terminology associated with cyber security for diverse stakeholders in business.

LO2: Identify vulnerabilities and threats pertaining to the IT infrastructure of organisations.

Assessment Description

In this assessment, you will demonstrate your ability to research, discuss and present information on two malware types of your choice. Your research must be supported by at least five references. Your video recording must be supported by a visual aid (presentation), which must include the following slide headings:

1) Introduction

2) Malware Overview

3) Malware #1 Characteristics

4) Impact on IT Infrastructure

5) Malware #1 Prevention and Mitigation

6) Malware #2 Characteristics

7) Impact on IT Infrastructure

8) Malware #2 Prevention and Mitigation

9) Similarities of Malware #1 & #2

10) Conclusion

Note: “Malware #1” and “Malware #2” should be replaced by the name of the actual malware types you choose. Your video entry must include both non-technical and technical elements of the type of malware you talk about.

Assessment Instructions

Assessment instructions for this assessment:

1. Read the ‘your task’ and ‘assessment instructions’ section of this document to fully understand the requirements of this assessment.

2. Choose and finalise which types of malware you will be talking about.

3. Create the visual aid (presentation) that will be supporting your video entry submission.

4. Create the ten (10) slide headings which must be included and are listed above.

5. Refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.

6. Submit your video to MyKBS (Kaltura) once you have completed your video entry.



The Trojans and worms are the two most significant viruses that are discussed in the particular presentation work. It can be argued that Trojans is a significant malware virus that can generate an impact on the business operations of the IT infrastructure. University Assignment Help, On the other hand, worms are the other most dangerous viruses that are impacting the working of various firms located around the world.

Malware overview

The trojan horse signifies the programs that disguise themselves as helping software, including downloadable games and plug-ins, while secretly generating malicious activities in the system. There are different categories of malware, and all are very impactful on the computer system. The worms and trojans are the two most significant malware that are damaging the computer system and software. The IT infrastructure needs to take significant steps to mitigate the emergence of such malware.

Malware #1: Characteristics of Trojans

Trojan malware is one of the most threatening malware, which attacks various sensitive information of various computer systems. Trojans disguise themselves as legitimate software and are often tricked by an individual into visiting or downloading a malicious application and website. Proper mitigation techniques need to be implemented by various organisations to address such challenges generated by trojan malware.

Impact of Trojan Horse on IT infrastructure

The Trojan Horse is a threatening malware that is stealing various information from IT companies. IT companies must develop a mitigation scheme to counter the negative impacts that are generated by the virus in the computer system. The Trojan Horse can be downloaded in RAS by various operations, including social engineering, USB, and email. The Trojan Horse can act as a malicious tripping by attacking the software firewall of the computer device. The malware will intrude inside the computer by breaching the software wall of the system in quick succession.

Prevention and mitigation of Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse is a harmful malware that can harm a device or a system that is already installed on the computer. All organisations or computer users should install an antivirus program to detect the malicious files and folders that are already present in the computer system. Detecting those files can help the user to get rid of the malware as quickly as possible.

Malware #2: Characteristics of worms

Worms are a persistent cyber threat available in digital media since the year of 1980. Worms deny temporary access to significant parts of digital platform services and resources. Viruses and conventional worms are significantly contagious and also have features of replication. It is complex to distinguish between conventional worms and viruses. Worms is another distinctive malware like trojan horse. The worms are also stealing essential information from various computers and devices. Worms often replicate themselves as a helpful application, and they intrude into the computer system.

Impact of worms on IT infrastructure

The security awareness of emerging users is predicted to develop a significant internet rate connected with several times. Worms are harmful to the control systems that IT companies use to regulate their business. Worms can also exploit the associated features of the network that are causing disastrous impacts on the network. The IT infrastructure should be careful in detecting the malware worms that can impact the computer system or software.

Prevention and mitigation of worms

An organisation or a user should have detailed knowledge about the mechanism of worm propagation and that provides a good understanding of its works as well as propagates. A worm is required to be mitigated by successfully installing a firewall or an authentic antivirus application. The firewall can block malicious files and unauthorised access to the worms and malware in the computer system.
Similarities of Trojan Horse and worms

Both Trojan Horse and worms disguise themselves as legitimate application or software before entering into a device. The Trojan Horse malware and worms are both cyber threats that are causing internal damage to the computer device by stealing all sensitive information. Trojan Horse is significant software that intruders use to steal all vital information that is already present in the hard disk and computer drives.


Identification of spyware, firewalls and removal programs are some of the security products that are addressing the rise of malware. There are several types of malware, such as spyware, worms, trojan horses, rootkits, keyloggers, botnets, and fileless malware. These malware are causing a significant impact on the computer system. Both the Trojan Horse and worms malware got spread in the computer device by network resources.


Akinde, OK, Ilori, AO, Afolayan, AO & Adewuyi, OB 2021, ‘Review of computer malware: detection and preventive strategies’, Int. J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Secur.(IJCSIS), vol. 19, p. 49, retrieved 23 November 2023,

Faghani, MR & Nugyen, UT 2017, ‘Modeling the propagation of trojan malware in online social networks’, arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.00969. retrieved 23 November 2023,

Kamal, SUM, Ali, RJA, Alani, HK & Abdulmajed, ES 2016, ‘Survey and brief history on malware in network security case study: Viruses, worms and bots’, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 683-698. retrieved 23 November 2023,

Ray, A & Nath, A 2016, ‘Introduction to Malware and Malware Analysis: A brief overview’, International Journal, vol. 4, no. 10. retrieved 23 November 2023,

Singh, VK, Ozen, A & Govindarasu, M 2016, September, ‘Stealthy cyber attacks and impact analysis on wide-area protection of smart grid’, In 2016 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), pp. 1-6. IEEE. retrieved 23 November 2023,

Ucci, D, Aniello, L & Baldoni, R 2019, ‘Survey of machine learning techniques for malware analysis’, Computers & Security, vol. 81, pp. 123-147. retrieved 23 November 2023,


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