TECH2200 IT Project Management Case Study 1 Sample

Your Task

Your first assessment in this subject requires you to study a case in the assessment instruction and create a project business case which includes key elements (such as problem statement, project benefits, and stakeholders) and SWOT Analysis for recommendations to support your project getting approved.

Assessment Description

A business case is a project management document that explains and justifies the reasoning for initiating a project. It is often presented in a well-structured written document to the key business stakeholders such as project sponsor(s) to get approval and funding. A thorough understanding of how to write a business case must be demonstrated in this assessment. A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your project. Developing a SWOT analysis can help you look at your project from different directions. It can also help you to come up with recommendations to support the project.

Assessment Instructions

The Case

GoNative Pty. Ltd. is based in Melbourne, Victoria. The business was established in 2015 to cater for the demand for Australian native food products. The company manufactures and retails a range of certified, organic, Australian native foods.

Currently, the business is selling its products through several small supermarkets and health food stores throughout Australia. The company also has a basic website that includes only four pages:

home, about us, products and contact details. The company launched this simple website just after opening, but there has been very little traffic to the site except during Christmas and Mother’s Day. This is because of poor design, a limited shopping cart and no call to action or active social media networks.

The company’s overall business objectives for the next three years are to increase sales, create brand awareness and develop a broader product range. The company’s target market are customers aged between 35 and 60 years old, who are looking for Australian organic gourmet foods. As a contracted IT Project Manager (Subject Matter Expert in IT solutions for business problems), you have been asked by the Operations Manager to propose an IT solution, which will be a critical part of the company’s strategy. You will be managing the project and reporting to the project sponsors (CEO and Operations Manager) and informing project team members of the project’s progress after the business case is approved.

Based on the above case, you are required to create a business case to cover the following:

1. Problem Statement

a) Describe the problem that your project will overcome, and

b) The opportunity that your project will take advantage of

2. Project Summary

a) Discuss what this project hopes to achieve.

• Project benefits (at least 3)

• Proposed IT solution

• Brief cost, resources, and schedule

• A 2-levels WBS.

3. SWOT Analysis

a) Create a SWOT Analysis Matrix for your proposed project to cover:

• Strengths
• Weaknesses
• Opportunities
• Threats

b) Provide at least 3 recommendations based on the SWOT Analysis

4. Stakeholders

a) Identify key at least 5 project stakeholders and their roles

Submission Instructions

• Name your document “Assessment 1_[Student ID]”

• Save it as a Word or PDF document format


1. Problem Statement

a) Problem to overcome

The old website and lack of social media presence of GoNative Pty. Ltd. are impeding their capacity to contact their target audience, generate sales, and extend their product selection. University Assignment Help, To solve these problems and boost company development, IT Manager's idea presents a complete e-commerce website and social media marketing plan.

b) Advantageous Opportunities

The proposed IT solution offers GoNative Pty. Ltd. a compelling chance to capitalise on the growing demand for Australian native food items. GoNative can efficiently extend its online presence, attract a bigger audience, and position itself as a notable distributor of Australian gourmet foods by deploying a modernised e-commerce website and an active social media marketing plan. The improved e-commerce website will provide a more fluid online purchasing experience, encouraging more people to buy GoNative items. Active social media participation will boost brand recognition, attract new consumers, and promote items and special offers, resulting in greater sales and brand awareness. This investment in the suggested IT solution is in line with GoNative's business goals and has enormous potential to drive corporate development.

2. Project Summary

a) 4 Project benefits

i. Increased revenue- The redesigned website and updated e-commerce infrastructure will enable smooth online transactions, increasing GoNative's client base and creating increased sales income.

ii. Improved Customer Loyalty- A user-friendly digital experience paired with successful social media involvement can develop long-term connections, encouraging customer loyalty and repeat business.

iii. Increased Brand Visibility- An active social media approach will increase brand recognition, engage the target audience, and cement GoNative's position as a prominent player in the Australian organic gourmet food sector.

iv. Product Range Diversification- A strong web presence will give a platform for presenting and advertising new items, enabling GoNative to respond to changing customer tastes and market needs.

b) Proposed IT Solution

i. Website Redesign

1. Engage professional web designers to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website.

2. For the best possible experience on all devices, adopt responsive design.

3. Make the site easier to use by rearranging the menus and the order of the articles (Borowski, 2021).

ii. E-commerce Platform Upgrade

1. To ensure safe online purchases, use a powerful e-commerce platform.

2. Users should be able to explore, choose, and buy things with ease if the shopping cart functionality is improved.

3. To enhance service, include tools for monitoring orders and managing customers.

iii. Social Media Strategy

1. Make sure Go Native cover all the bases when creating a social media strategy on all the major sites (such Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).

2. Make sure the brand's social media accounts are up-to-date and polished (Gil-Gomez et al., 2020).

3. The best way to get people to notice your brand is to fill your content calendar with interesting articles, sales, and announcements.

iv. Integration of Analytics Tools

1. Set up analytics software to monitor website visitors, user actions, and revenue generation.
2. To enhance digital strategy, target customers more effectively, and provide a better user experience, employ data insights.

v. Security Measures

1. To ensure the protection of client data during online transactions, it is essential to implement strong cybersecurity safeguards.
2. Keep software up-to-date and patched to prevent security holes.

vi. Mobile App Development

1. Consider about developing a mobile app so people can buy things easily while they're on the move.
2. Create an intuitive mobile app to improve the buying experience for customers if possible (Chandy et al., 2021).

vii. Training and Support

1. The internal staff needs training on how to handle the e-commerce platform and website.

2. Set up a system to help with regular maintenance and fixing problems.

c) Brief cost, resources, and schedule

d) WBS


Figure 1: WBS

3. SWOT Analysis

a) SWOT Analysis

b) 3 Recommendations

i. Emphasise unique selling propositions to differentiate from competitors.

Given the possibility of competition from established e-commerce businesses, GoNative should emphasise its unique selling characteristics (USPs) in order to attract and keep consumers. This might include highlighting the company's dedication to sustainability, ethical sourcing, and the authenticity of its Australian native food items (Sheshasaayee et al., 2017).

ii. Integrate social media with the e-commerce website.

GoNative should link its social media presence with its e-commerce website to improve the user experience and generate sales. This might include integrating social media feeds on product pages, allowing social network logins during checkout, and advertising special deals via social media campaigns.

iii. Keep an eye on social media sentiment and adjust the strategy appropriately.

GoNative should continuously analyse social media sentiment and change its techniques to retain exposure and optimise its social media marketing efforts (Lopes and Casais, 2022). Responding to consumer feedback, correcting bad reviews, and modifying material depending on audience participation are all examples of this.

4. Stakeholders

5. References

Benzaghta, M.A., Elwalda, A., Mousa, M.M., Erkan, I. and Rahman, M., 2021. SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review. Journal of Global Business Insights, 6(1), pp.55-73.

Borowski, P.F., 2021. Digitization, digital twins, blockchain, and industry 4.0 as elements of management process in enterprises in the energy sector. Energies, 14(7), p.1885.

Chandy, R.K., Johar, G.V., Moorman, C. and Roberts, J.H., 2021. Better marketing for a better world. Journal of Marketing, 85(3), pp.1-9.
Gil-Gomez, H., Guerola-Navarro, V., Oltra-Badenes, R. and Lozano-Quilis, J.A., 2020. Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 33(1), pp.2733-2750.

Lopes, A.R. and Casais, B., 2022. Digital content marketing: Conceptual review and recommendations for practitioners. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 21(2), pp.1-17.

Ravat, U.P., 2018. Integration of library with SWOC analysis with special reference to digital natives. INTERNET OF THINGS AND CURRENT TRENDS IN LIBRARIES, p.117.
Sheshasaayee, A. and Jayamangala, H., 2017, February. A study on the new approaches for social network based recommendations in digital marketing. In 2017 International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA) (pp. 627-632). IEEE.

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