TECH2100 Introduction to Information Networks Report 3 Sample
Your Task
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will create a 10-minute presentation on the fundamentals of information, communication, and computer networks, focusing on the main technologies, models, and protocols used in data communications and networking.
Assessment Description
You have been tasked with creating a presentation that demonstrates your understanding of the fundamentals of information, communication, and computer networks. Specifically, you will need to cover the main technologies, models, and protocols used in data communications and networking, with a focus on network layer models and the problems that emerge among the networks that constitute today's internet architecture. Your presentation should be clear, concise, and engaging, and should effectively communicate complex technical concepts to a non-technical audience.
This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:
LO1 Evaluate the main technologies, models and protocols used in data communications and networking.
LO2 Explain the purpose and functionality of layered computer network models.
LO3 Identify problems that emerge among the networks that constitute today's internet architecture.
Assessment Instructions
• You will be assessed on your ability to communicate technical information effectively to a non-technical audience, as well as your understanding of the key concepts covered in the subject.
• Your presentation should include a clear and concise introduction, a detailed discussion of the key concepts, and a conclusion that summarises your main points and provides recommendations for future research or development in the field.
• Your presentation must be submitted as a video recording.
• You should provide appropriate references to support your discussion and ensure these match
KBS guidelines. Provide at least ten (10) academic references in Kaplan Harvard style.
• Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
The report provides information on the various kinds of digital communication processes and dthe networking systems that are used in the current world scenario. The different aspects of data communication in the networking system including the protocols, interfaces and services are explained in the report. University Assignment Help, The report provides the importance of layered networking architecture. Finally, the problems that are faced by the networks in the internet architectures are explained.
The main technologies, models and protocols used in data communications and networking
? The different kinds of communication models and protocols are used as the foundation of communication and computer networking systems. Various kinds of protocols are used in internet connection establishment. As per Wahab et al. (2021), the data transmission process does not only mean that the communication is occurring through the help of the internet being used and it can contain the messages exchanged from different networks that are associated with the computer networking system.
? The protocols include the regulations and the rules that define the policies and the standards. Further, as per Fu, Liu and Srivastava (2019), these policies and regulations have to be maintained when the data packets are transferred and exchanged in the different computer networks so that effective communication can be achieved.
? The protocols that are associated with the computer networks are the ones that help in the identification of the computers and the devices that are using the computer networks and help in the development of the connections so that effective communication can be achieved.
? The protocols even help to define the structure and the restrictions that are to be followed by the data packets in order to achieve communication between the computer networks. The rules that are to be followed by the messages within the data packets follow these protocols and the messages are received and sent in this way.
There are various protocols that are associated with the computer networks that help in the compression of the data and hence, a lot of data can be compressed within the data packets and sent to the different computer networks. Further, the recognition of the messages can be easily done with the help of various kinds of protocols taht are associated with computer networks. The protocols even determine the network communication that can be considered as high performance.
Evaluate the main technologies, models and protocols used in data communications and Networking
? The crucial protocol that is used in the transmission of data includes the IP and TCP. As opined by Goldman and Rawles (2019), the IP is considered the internet protocol and the transmission control protocol is considered TCP. The links are determined between the computer networks and it helps in the identification of the system.
? Further, the other types of protocols and the models that are used include POP, HTTP and SMTP. As per Rehman et al. (2019), data transfer is possible only because of the protocols and the models that are associated with the networks and help the user to access the internet and browse the internet. Further, the activities such as the access of the applications and the software such as the music listening applications are accessed.
? The various kinds of protocols and models that are used include HTTP, and TCP which are considered to be the communication data that occurs through the transfer of basic data packets.
There are various types of security protocols that are present such as SFTP, SSL and HTTPS and these protocols help in the implementation and maintenance of the security that is associated with the communication between the different computer networks.
Evaluate the main technologies, models and protocols used in data communications and Networking
? There are various protocols that help in the management of the networks. These protocols include the ICMP and SNMP. They monitor the networks and the communications taht are occurring within the networks.
? Protocol families are considered to as the protocol groups that work together. According to Zhuang et al. (2020), the OSI models that are used in computer networks help arrange the protocol families together into the layers of networking systems. These systems help stow provide information on the architectural complexities of the networking systems that are linked to each other.
? The various layers that are considered in the networking systems include the physical layers that have the serial bus, relay, subscriber line, radiation, digital hierarchy and optical networks.
The various kinds of computer network layers include the physical layer, data link, and network layer. Further, the transport layer, session, application and presentation layers are considered.
Explain the purpose and functionality of layered computer network models
? Traditional computer communication systems included hardware pieces and software pieces. The implementation of the software was done on the basis of the programs that had various types of complex and unstructured components that were interacting.
? The layered approach of network models is used with the help of the ISO. The different layers have the responsibility of doing different tasks and helping in networking.
? The major aim of the layered approaches is to divide the tasks for the implementation of the software and the achieving effective communication.
The layers that are lying at a lower position in the layered structure provide their services to the layers that are present in the higher layers. This helps in the proper and effective management of communication through the networking systems and the applications can be run easily.
Explain the purpose and functionality of layered computer network models
? The layered architecture help in providing the interfaces that are clear and it helps in the development of the interaction within the networking subsystems.
? The independence aspect is gained by each layer and helps in the determination of the services that are independent of the lower phases of the layer to the higher phases of the layer. Further, as per Zhao (2021), the modification can be easily done in the lower layers and it would not affect the higher layers. Hence, the complexity of the functioning of the layers can be reduced and the interfaces can be easily modified.
? The major purpose of the layers taht are lying lower to the higher layers is to provide networking services to the higher layers without providing them with any information regarding the processes through which the services have been implemented.
The layered architecture that is used in computer networking systems helps in dividing the tasks that are allotted to the networks for the implementation of the software. Further, the division of the task helps in reducing the load on the systems to run the application. The lower layers of the networking systems provide the services to the higher layer without letting them know about the processes used for the services.
Explain the purpose and functionality of layered computer network models
? The major elements that are used in the layered architecture of the network system include the protocols, services, and interfaces.
? The interface is the medium through which the messages are transferred from the lower to the higher layers. As opined by Gao et al. (2020), the protocols include the instruction that is to be followed by the messages in the data packages. The services are the commands that are passed on to the higher layers.
? The importance of a layered approach is the ability to modify the services.
The various advantages of using the layered architecture of computer networks include the ability to modify the services and test each and every message in each and every layer. Further, the division of the tasks helps in easing the complexity.
Identify problems that emerge among the networks that constitute today's Internet architecture
? The major challenges that are found in computer networks include the degradation the performance. As per West (2022), the integrity of the data and the network speed is something that is facing a lot of issues in recent years.
? The security issue includes the attack on the networks from hackers.
? Large networks cannot be easily configured and identification is associated with the hosts.
The challenges include the decline in the speed of the networks and the performance degradation occurring at a high rate on large networks. Further, the networks are not secured properly and hence, the cyber attacks are increasing. The identification of the network cannot be easily done in the case of large networks.
Identify problems that emerge among the networks that constitute today's Internet architecture
? As per Duan et al. (2020), the conflicts taht are associated with the configuration are the major challenges in the current world scenario.
? Due to the huge amount of data being out into the packets, the networking systems are not able to take so much load.
Large networking systems have to handle conflicts that are arising due to the rising traffic in the networking systems. Further, the huge volume of data taht is transferred between the networking systems is making the networks slow.
The report provides the importance of digital communications and the networking systems that is used, The importance of the protocols such as the IP and the HTTP are explained. The importance of the layered structure by dividing the tasks is highlighted. Finally, the problems faced in the networking system including slow connectivity and ineffective security are highlighted.
Wahab, O.A., Mourad, A., Otrok, H. and Taleb, T., (2021). Federated machine learning: Survey, multi-level classification, desirable criteria and future directions in communication and networking systems. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 23(2), pp.1342-1397.http://www.mosaic-lab.org/uploads/papers/6088b6ef-8073-40b6-bcca-ae5c39a7e61f.pdf
Fu, W., Liu, S. and Srivastava, G., (2019). Optimization of big data scheduling in social networks. Entropy, 21(9), p.902.https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/21/9/902/pdf
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Zhao, J., (2019). A survey of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs): Towards 6G wireless communication networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.04789.https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.04789
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West, J., (2022). Data Communication and Computer Networks: A Business User's Approach. Cengage Learning. https://www.tamuct.edu/syllabi/docs/2022_Fall/20220880273.pdf
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