TEC100 Introduction to Information Technology Report 2 Sample
Your Task
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will write a report on the emerging technologies covered in Weeks 4 to 8 of TEC100, and their potential impact on the IT industry and society.
Assessment Description
Ensure to include a range of emerging technologies that were covered in Weeks 4 to 8 of TEC100 and apply them to the case study, which is outlined below. The recommended emerging technologies to cover may vary from student to student, however, it is recommended to discuss about four (4) emerging technologies, which you may pick and choose based on the topics covered in Weeks 4 to 8 of TEC100.
Case Study:
You are a technology consultant working for a small IT firm. The firm has been approached by a large organisation that wants to explore the potential of the emerging technologies covered in Weeks 4 to 8 of TEC100. As a consultant, you have been tasked with preparing a report that outlines the potential benefits and risks associated with these emerging technologies.
This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:
LO1 Describe basic concepts of emerging technologies.
Assessment Instructions
• Your report should be submitted in Word Document or PDF format and be approximately 1500 words in length. The report should include the following sections:
1. Introduction: A brief introduction to the emerging technologies covered in Weeks 4 to 8 of TEC100. (Recommended ~100 words)
2. Background: Theoretical underpinnings or business cases for the emerging technologies covered in Weeks 4 to 8 of TEC100. (Recommended ~300 words)
3. Discussion: An in-depth discussion of the emerging technologies covered in Weeks 4 to 8 of TEC100, including their potential impact on the IT industry and society.(Recommended ~1000 words)
4. Conclusion: A summary of the report, including key findings and recommendations for Future research. (Recommended ~100 words)
5. Reference: The report should include a minimum of six (6) academic references from credible sources, such as peer-reviewed journal articles, industry reports, or academic books. These references should be cited using KBS Harvard referencing style.
• Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
Emerging technology refers to new and developing inventions that have the potential to profoundly affect numerous sectors and society. It includes, among other topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual reality, augmented reality, 5G, quantum computing, and biotechnology, all of which promise interesting future possibilities.
In weeks 4 to week 8, some emerging technologies and their details discussion are provided in which wireless networking technology is discussed which is mainly related to Wi-Fi. Then using Bitcoin and blockchain technology in the business transaction is discussed along with the usage of mobile network standards, Wi-Fi standards, etc. University assignment help, Then the usage of IoT, virtual technology, and cloud computing technologies are widely used in organizations.
Emerging technologies' theoretical foundation is their ability to disrupt existing business structures and promote innovation. Several theoretical frameworks help justify and encourage their acceptance and application:
Disruptive Innovation: This theory of Clayton Christensen works for discuss emerging technologies that can simultaneously disrupt and create new markets. They can disrupt existing organizations and cause market changes by delivering new value offerings.
Technology Adoption Lifecycle: Everett Rogers' theory describes the stages of technological adoption, from inventors and early adopters through the early, late, and laggards. Understanding the lifespan of technology allows firms to target certain segments and create strategies to increase technology adoption (Nakamoto, 2008).
Digital Transformation: The idea of digital transformation is using emerging technology to profoundly improve corporate processes, interactions with clients, and value generation. It involves rethinking tactics and organizational structures to capitalize on advances in technology.
In terms of business cases, developing technologies provide organizations with a variety of options:
Enhanced Efficiency: Artificial intelligence, automation, and IoT technologies allow simplified processes, optimized resource allocation, and increased production.
Consumer Experience: Immersive and customized experiences are provided via virtual reality, augmented reality, and personalized marketing tools, increasing consumer engagement and satisfaction.
In terms of business cases, developing technologies provide organizations with a variety of options:
Enhanced Efficiency: Artificial intelligence, automation, and IoT technologies allow simplified processes, optimized resource allocation, and increased production.
Consumer Experience: Immersive and customized experiences are provided via virtual reality, augmented reality, and personalized marketing tools, increasing consumer engagement and satisfaction.
For the current business process, there are some emerging technologies that the organizations can use, and those emerging technologies are discussed below:
? IoT
The network of interconnected devices that can communicate with one another and exchange data over the Internet is referred to as the IoT or Internet of Things. Smartphones, wearable devices, household appliances, industrial machinery, and even automobiles are all examples of these devices.
IoT technology has the following benefits:
Increased efficiency: Automation and real-time monitoring are made possible by the Internet of Things, which makes manufacturing, agriculture, and logistics more efficient. Optimized operations, predictive maintenance, and improved resource management are all made possible by it (Fran, 2021).
Data-driven insight: The Internet of Things generates a lot of data that can be analyzed to get useful insights. This information can be used to settle on informed choices, further develop processes, and make customized encounters.
IoT technology comes with risks and challenges like
Security issues: Security holes get bigger as more devices are connected. Hackers can take advantage of weakly secured IoT devices, which can result in data breaches, privacy violations, and the possibility of disrupting critical systems.
Privacy risk: Privacy concerns are raised by IoT devices' ability to collect and transmit personal data. Assuming this information falls into some unacceptable hands or is abused, it can bring about wholesale fraud, unapproved reconnaissance, or designated publicizing.
IoT technology can be used in supply chain management, inventory tracking, predictive maintenance, real-time asset and production process monitoring, cost savings, and improved decision-making in business. In smart cities, IoT is used for public safety, energy efficiency, waste management, and traffic management in society. Wearable devices and remote patient monitoring also contribute to healthcare. The Internet of Things has an impact on agriculture as well, facilitating efficient resource utilization and precision farming. By and large, IoT upgrades efficiency, network, and manageability, driving development and working on personal satisfaction in both business and society.
? Virtual reality
Through headsets or other devices, virtual reality (VR) technology immerses users in a computer-generated simulated environment that is both realistic and interactive.
The advantages and disadvantages are listed below.
The advantages of virtual reality
Immersive experience: VR can move clients to virtual universes, offering vivid encounters in different fields like gaming, diversion, schooling, and preparation. It makes it possible to feel more present and involved.
Visualization of Architecture: VR empowers draftsmen and originators to make virtual walkthroughs of structures and spaces, permitting clients to encounter and give criticism before development starts. This improves design precision and customer satisfaction (Brownworth, A 2016).
The risks of virtual reality are
Health Concerns: When using virtual reality, some users may experience motion sickness, dizziness, or discomfort. Stretched-out openness to VR conditions can cause eye strain, weakness, and cerebral pains. Appropriate breaks and client solace measures are fundamental.
Isolation in Society: Because users are immersed in virtual worlds, VR experiences can isolate them, which could result in less social interaction and a loss of connection to reality. It's critical to strike a balance between online and offline experiences.
Concerns about privacy and ethics: Privacy concerns arise as a result of VR systems' collection of user data and behavior patterns. When it comes to virtual experiences that may have a psychological impact, explicit content, or violence, ethical difficulties may arise.
Virtual reality (VR) technology is utilized in business for virtual meetings, remote collaboration, and training simulations, making it possible to create immersive and cost-effective experiences. It can be used in architecture, product design, marketing, and engaging customers. VR is used in education, museum exhibits, virtual tourism, therapy, and everyday life. It improves growth opportunities, gives admittance to far-off areas, and supports restoration and emotional wellness medicines.
? Bitcoin and blockchain technology
Bitcoin is a decentralized computerized money that works on blockchain innovation, which is a circulated record framework. Here are a few advantages and dangers related to Bitcoin and blockchain:
The advantages of Blockchain and Bitcoin:
Transparency and Decentralization: Because Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, banks, and other intermediaries are not required. Blockchain innovation gives straightforwardness, as all exchanges are recorded on a public record, cultivating trust and decreasing extortion.
Security: Due to its decentralized nature and cryptographic algorithms, blockchain is extremely secure. Digital assets' ownership can be reliably verified, and transactions are difficult to alter or manipulate (Brownworth, 2017).
Low-cost transaction: Bitcoin empowers speedy and minimal-expense distributed exchanges all around the world, bypassing conventional financial frameworks and decreasing exchange charges.
Risks and Difficulties of Bitcoin and Blockchain:
Volatility: The volatility of Bitcoin's value poses potential financial risks. Its cost instability makes it theoretical and testing as a steady store of significant worth or mode of trade.
Concerns about Regulation: The administrative scene encompassing digital forms of money is advancing. The acceptance and use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies may be affected by government regulations and legal ambiguities.
Threats to security: Even though blockchain technology is safe, exchanges, wallets, and smart contracts can be vulnerable. Hacks and burglaries have happened, stressing the significance of strong safety efforts and moral obligation in protecting computerized resources.
? Cloud computing technology
The use of pay-as-you-go computing resources like servers, storage, databases, and software applications over the internet is known as cloud computing technology. Here are a few advantages and dangers related to distributed computing:
Advantages of distributed computing:
Cost-effectiveness: Businesses can scale resources as needed and save money thanks to cloud computing, which eliminates the need for upfront infrastructure investments. It additionally decreases support and functional expenses.
Flexibility and scalability: The capacity to rapidly increase or decrease computing resources in response to demand is provided by cloud services. Organizations can without much of a stretch adjust to fluctuating necessities and stay away from underutilization or asset limitations.
Availability and Coordinated effort: Remote access to applications and data is made possible by cloud computing, making it easier for teams located in different locations to work together. In a distributed workplace, it boosts flexibility and productivity.
Data backup and disaster recovery: Most cloud providers provide robust disaster recovery and data backup options. To ensure business continuity and reduce the likelihood of data loss, redundant data storage is implemented in multiple locations.
Risks of distributed computing:
Privacy and security: Concerns regarding privacy and security are raised by storing sensitive data in the cloud. To reduce risks, businesses must carefully evaluate the security measures taken by cloud providers, establish strict access controls, and encrypt data (Jagdale, 2022).
Internet connectivity dependence: Internet connectivity is an essential component of cloud computing. Access to cloud services and business operations can be impacted by downtime or slow internet connections.
Legal issues: Contingent upon the business and area, specific guidelines and legitimate necessities might limit or administer the capacity and handling of information in the cloud. The relevant laws and regulations must be understood and followed by organizations (Bahl, 2021).
Cloud computing reduces infrastructure costs and increases flexibility for businesses by allowing them to access and use computing resources, software applications, and storage on demand. It works with far-off joint effort, information reinforcement, and adaptability, enabling organizations to smooth out tasks and upgrade efficiency. In the public eye, distributed computing empowers admittance to advanced administrations, remote learning, and telehealth, crossing over the computerized partition.
From the entire report, it is found that various types of different emerging technologies are used for business but from that the most important four technologies are selected. IoT, VR technology, Bitcoin, blockchain, and cloud computing technologies are selected for evaluation. After critically analyzing each of the technologies, it is found that IoT and cloud computing are the most important and small to large-scale, every organization can leverage those technologies and for modern business scalability, these are essential.
As technologies are developing day by day, many more emerging technologies and innovations are coming into the market. So, on those technologies, future research can be done.
Bahl, V 2021, ‘How cloud computing can improve 5G wireless networks’, Azure Microsoft, retrieved February 24, 2023, from <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/how-cloud-computing-can-improve-5g-wireless-networks/>.
Brownworth, A 2016, Blockchain 101 - A Visual Demo, YouTube, retrieved from <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_160oMzblY8>.
Brownworth, A 2017a, Blockchain 101 - Part 2 - Public / Private Keys and Signing, YouTube, retrieved from <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIDL_akeras>.
Fran 2021, ‘The differences between data analytics, machine learning and AI’, FutureLearn, Retrieved February 24, 2023, from <https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/differences-data-analytics-machine-learning-ai>.
Jagdale, S 2022, 'How IoT will change the future of virtual reality technology, IoT Times, retrieved February 24, 2023, from <https://iot.eetimes.com/how-iot-will-change-the-future-of-virtual-reality-technology/#:~:text=The%20Internet%20of%20Things%20(IoT,and%20AR%20(augmented%20reality).>
Nakamoto, S 2008, ‘Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system’, Bitcoin, pp. 1–9, retrieved from <https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf