TCHR5003 Principles and Practices in Early Childhood Education Assignment Sample

Task Description

You are required to develop a professional response to the three (3) scenarios described below that have occurred in early childhood settings making reference to the unit materials, the National Quality Standard [NQS] (ACECQA, 2020) and the Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF] (AGDE, 2022).


The scenarios are based on real life events in early childhood settings and relate to the early childhood principles and practices that have been explored over the first three weeks of the unit (Modules 1-3).


Develop a professional response to each scenario below (500 words each) to demonstrate your understanding of the importance of relationships and how to build and foster them with children, families, staff and the community respecting the diversities of their histories and backgrounds. Refer to the EYLF, NQS, unit materials, and academic literature to support your points.

Scenario 1:

You are the early childhood teacher in the toddler room. Increasingly, you notice some of your colleagues have a deficit view of the toddlers in their care. Your colleagues demonstrate behaviours that suggest the toddlers are not capable of making choices and completing routines on their own.

Critically analyse this learning environment in terms of a) the need for children’s agency and b) the practices you would implement for improved children’s agency in this setting.

When synthesising your response, justify your analysis with one NQS Quality Area (ACECQA, 2020), one EYLF Principle and one EYLF Practice (AGDE, 2022) and academic literature.

Scenario 2

As the early childhood teacher responsible for the Preschool room at a long day care service, you are eager to introduce a healthier eating program. Your goal is to involve both families and the community in this initiative. Your service caters to a diverse range of family backgrounds, each with unique cultural influences and dietary requirements and preferences.

How can you effectively implement a healthier eating program, considering the diverse backgrounds and preferences? Additionally, how can you ensure participation and support from both families and the broader community in this initiative?

When constructing your response, justify your answer with one NQS Quality Area (ACECQA, 2020), one EYLF Principle and one EYLF Practice (AGDE, 2022) and academic literature.

Scenario 3

You are the educator in the 0–2-year-old room. You have a number of new families who are concerned about their children who become very upset at drop-off time. You are to formulate a strategy that will enable you to a) reassure the new families that their children’s behaviour is common, and b) communicate to the families the practices you undertake to settle the children each morning and build trust.

When detailing the strategy use one NQS Quality Area (ACECQA, 2020), one EYLF Principle and one EYLF Practice (AGDE, 2022) and academic literature to justify your decisions, and the importance of these for the child and family.


Scenario 1

Need for children’s agency

Children's agency can be explained as a learning framework to empower early childhood educators and children to make choices that are influenced by the events and have an impact on individual learning (Correia et al., 2023). The scenario signifies that there is a lack of skills and efficiency among the educators to understand children's requirements and a lack of availability of the right resources to empower children to improve their learning through decision-making practices. In this context as per the NQS quality area, seven governance and leadership are applicable. This quality area 7 focuses on ensuring supportive leadership and management of services that ensure continuous improvement of children's learning and development. It signifies the implementation of policies and procedures as well as well-maintained records, shared values, and clear directions. There is a focus on continuous planning, and review, including engagement with families and creating settings for continuous improvement (ACEQUA, 2024). The scenario signifies that there is a lack of service providers' engagement with the children to understand their needs which is creating choices and increasing the skills of the children to make the choices. There is a need for governance and continuous understanding of children's learning needs which can be ensured through a detailed understanding of roles and responsibilities as well as educational leadership in terms of the development of skills of the educators.

Practice for improved children's agency

For improving children's agency as per the EYLF principle outcome two is applicable as it highlights the practices to ensure children are connected and contribute to their world. This outcome is that children develop a sense of belongingness to their communities and understand the reciprocal rights to active community participation (AGDE, 2022). There is also a scope of ensuring a response of children on diversity with aspect, its children become more ever and fair as well as children become socially responsible outcome 2 is applicable to improve children agency in the current scenario. Principle 5 is applicable here in terms of ongoing running and reflective practice. As per this principle, there is a focus on ensuring ways to use professional knowledge and develop a learning community to support the children and ensure a co-learning environment with children. In the current scenario, there is a gap in educators' efficiency to understand the gaps in children's efficiency that is imperative to actively participate in the landing thus the co-learning environment is necessary here (AGDE, 2022). This principle would help to support the children's agency improvement. Supporting genuine decision-making practices will require engaging in activities that empower children's decision-making activities such as arranging activities in a routine and physical environment that empowers children to make decisions and provide children with opportunities to make choices (AGDE, 2022). Based on the principle followed and the activity identified for improving the children's agency there is a need to engage in call-earning activities and empower children's understanding of the running environment so that their vision looking efficiency can be improved. It focuses on motivating children to engage in decision-making activities for university assignment help.

Scenario 2

Way to implement a healthy eating program effectively

For supporting the healthy eating habits of children NQS quality area 2 is considered to focus on safeguarding and promoting children's health and safety as well as minimise risk in protecting children through harm, injury, and infection as per this quality area two children have the right to experience quality education and care in having that allow an individual to access physical and psychological well-being and offering support to each child through growing confidence, consistency, competence and independence (ACEQUA, 2024). Standard 2.1 focuses on health and well-being and highlights the importance of health and physical activity to be supported and promoted (ACEQUA, 2024). Three elements in the standard two point one focus on well-being and comfort, health practices and procedures, and healthy lifestyles. Under the healthy lifestyle element, healthy eating and physical activity are promoted which is appropriate for individual children. Based on the standard the major area is to focus on incorporating healthy food options in the daily diet for this there is also a need for the incorporation of parents. The major area is to consider our news regarding the importance of including vegetables, fresh fruits, and less sugar in this option in the diet for promoting a healthy lifestyle (Chaudhary et al., 2020). Eating habits differ as per the changes in racial and ethnic backgrounds in terms of cultural influence over the eating habits and preferences for different cuisines (Monterrosa et al., 2020). Thus ensuring parent and caregiver involvement to understand the unique cultural values of each of the children and ensuring diet as per the cultural values and health requirements of each of the children will be beneficial. Thus, to apply the programming effectively, first, a basic diet plan will be beneficial that includes the right portions and alternative vegetables and fruits to encourage children to participate in the healthy eating program and improve their habit of healthy eating. Further conducting meetings with parents and caregivers to make them aware of the importance of healthy eating as well as understanding the cultural preferences and the differences in cultural values as per the chances will ensure a customise healthy eating rooting for each of the children. Following this initiative in terms of children on a specific diet that is healthy as well as incorporating the cultural values of the children will lead to active participation and completing the standard 2 of NQS.

Ways to ensure participation

Principle 2 of the EYLF principles is applicable here which signifies partnership in terms of cooperation between early childhood educators and families. The activities will include engaging and shared decision-making practices through continuous meetings and conducting activities where parental involvement would lead to ensuring a child's awareness regarding healthy eating habits (AGDE, 2022). Further discussion regarding individuals' role in ensuring healthy eating will be beneficial for implementation. Engaging with parent and educator meetings as well as focusing on empowering communication regarding the culture and the eating habits of the children will lead to active participation and successful implementation.

Scenario 3

Reassuring family

As per the scenario, NSQ area 6 is applicable which signifies collaboration and partnership with families and communities. This idea focuses on recognising the collaboration partnership or families and is fundamental for achieving quality outcomes for children and their community partnerships. Under area six standard 6.1 is applicable along with standard 6.2. Standard 6.1 focuses on supporting relationships with families and 6.2 focuses on collaborative partnership (ACEQUA, 2024). As the family members need to be reassured about the children's behaviour the focus is on ensuring the family's engagement with the services and reviewing parents' views over the services offered. The partnership will focus on accessibility and participation of the parents and making them aware of the transitions children go through and accessing the early childhood learning facilities. As per the standard, continuous involvement of parents in history along with an understanding of their cultural values and their parenting habits will lead to a better understanding of the children's domestic environment and reassure the parents regarding the natural habitat of children to behave to be upset at the drop-off time (ACEQUA, 2024). In early childhood facilities, children often become upset because the dangerous days create a sense of being separated from their parents however with time their habits change (Birhan et al., 2021). This information needs to be successfully communicated to the parents to inform them about the offerings in the early childhood care services and transparency regarding the activities and daily routine the child follows in the case it is to ensure the trustworthiness of the parents.

Communicate with family

In the case of the EYLF principal the principal one is applicable in the scenario in terms of a secure, respectful, and reciprocal relationship that focuses on educators to be attuned with children's thoughts and feelings and support in the development of a strong sense of well-being (AGDE, 2022). Thus to support the children and families there is a need to engage with the parents in terms of the presence of a nurturing relationship between educators and the children making the parents aware of it. The major activity here is to conduct meetings with parents and educators and participate of the parents in the daily activities for a certain time to make them aware that the children are safe in the learning environment as well as encourage parents to communicate more with the children to learn about their feeling when they are in the early childhood education Institute. These activities will lead to a better understanding of children's emotions during the classes as well as they will also help to improve the understanding of the parents regarding the wailing of children in the early childhood education centres. For communication, conducting weekly meetings with the parents will be beneficial at the initial stage as well as providing feedback regarding their children’s performance will also help to improve the trustworthiness.


ACEQUA (2024) Quality Area 2 – Children's health and safety,

ACEQUA (2024) Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities,

ACEQUA (2024) Quality Area 7 – Governance and leadership,


Birhan, W., Shiferaw, G., Amsalu, A., Tamiru, M., & Tiruye, H. (2021). Exploring the context of teaching character education to children in preprimary and primary schools. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 4(1), 100171.

Chaudhary, A., Sudzina, F., & Mikkelsen, B. E. (2020). Promoting healthy eating among young people—a review of the evidence of the impact of school-based interventions. Nutrients, 12(9), 2894.

Correia, N., Aguiar, C., & Amaro, F. (2023). Children’s participation in early childhood education: A theoretical overview. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 24(3), 313-332.

Monterrosa, E. C., Frongillo, E. A., Drewnowski, A., de Pee, S., & Vandevijvere, S. (2020). Sociocultural influences on food choices and implications for sustainable healthy diets. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 41(2_suppl), 59S-73S.

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