Research Report

BE485 Management and Strategy Report Sample

Task- Introduction (approx. 750 -1000 words) • Outline dearly your key objectives • Briefly refer to the theoretical framework influencing your study. • Outline dearly your key arguments/conclusion.

Research Report

BE489 Analysing Organizations in the International Report Sample

An individual 3,000-word business report (75%) analysing the internationalisation strategy of an organisation. Assessment task: You are a management consultant hired by the top management of a UK organisation (company X), which is looking to internationalise.

Research Report

BIZ102 Understanding People and Organisations Report 3 Sample

This assessment task builds on Assessments 1 and 2 to further your awareness and reflective learning ability while also assessing your understanding of the topics covered in Module 4. You must write your journal entry in the first person and should try to be as open and honest with yourself as you can.

Research Report

BRM5002 Intercultural Awarness for Business Report Sample

This is an individual piece of work and presentation group members must not undertake any joint preparation on this piece of work. Please note that doing so may alert Turnitin to similarity of work among students that could potentially be identified as “collusion”.

Research Report

BUS2008 Strategic Planning Report Sample

In this assessment task, students will be creating an Applied Project A - to conduct external and internal analysis of the business. Following requirements should be satisfied by the students: -

Research Report

BUS5PB Principles of Business Analytics Report 1 Sample

In the past two decades, the pharmaceutical, personal care, and nutritional industries have converged to address growing demands in the beauty, health, and wellness market.

Research Report

Business Management Report Sample

This assessment builds on the skills developed in Assessment 3 and requires students to incorporate feedback received on Assessment 3 into this report.

Research Report

CA7013 Sustatnability in Global Companies 2022-23 Report

A critical review of the sustainability strategies of two companies as communicated by their sustainability or CSR reporting. This report will compare the levels of engagement in the sustainability challenges and evaluate resilience to potential or actual business risks.

Research Report

CHM108 Introduction to Business Law Report 1 Sample

Joon Kim migrated to Australia with his wife from South Korea in 2019. In October 2021, they sold their apartment in Seoul and decided to build a house in Frankston, Victoria.

Research Report

COIT20252 Business Process Management Report 3 Sample

You are required (as a group with three to four members) to write a report based on Siemens’ case study. This case study describes essential elements of the company’s business process implementation journey.

Research Report

DSMG29001 Disaster Risk Reduction Report Sample

Assessment Details You are a disaster risk management specialist tasked with applying the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction to a specific community. Your report should be 3000 words (10% deviation accepted) and address, at a minimum, the following points:

Research Report

HI6008 Business Research Project Report Sample

This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project.

Research Report

Impact of Green Supply Chain Management on The Profitability of The Retail Industry Sample

The assessment for this module does not ask you to collect primary data (so, please do not collect primary data!). You are only asked to propose a research study.

Research Report

Journal Article Review Report 4 Sample

1. This is an individual assignment. 2. The assignment will be marked out of 100 and worth 20% of your overall grade. 3. Please submit your assignment in MS Word or pdf format to Canvas no later than Friday, Sept 29, at 12:00 pm. Please ensure your name and ID are included on your assignment's front page.

Research Report

MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Report Sample

Your task has two components: drawing on the Industry Guest Speaker (Week 6) and the self-analysis tools and techniques that you have been exposed during this subject. Based on these two components, you will write a reflection that you can use and continue to build on during your time studying at Kaplan Business School.

Research Report

MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Report 2 Sample

A thorough understanding of how a company’s Code of Ethics must be worded to effectively communicate behavioural expectations is an essential managerial competency.

Research Report

MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Report 3 Sample

Your Task Your assignment consists of two parts: • Part A: You are also required to identify the risks stated in the CEO’s letter and classify these identified risks into the four categories covered in Week 10.

Research Report

MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Report 3 Sample

Preparing well written reports for an audience as sophisticated as a corporate board on fundamental topics such as corporate governance, sustainability, and risk management practices is an important capability for business managers.

Research Report

MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Report 3 Sample

Individually, you are required to submit a 100-word validation step and prepare a 1500-word written analysis, in which you must critically analyse your recent purchase of a product or service based on the 5-step Consumer Decision-Making Process.

Research Report

MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Report 1 Sample

Individually, you are required to submit a 100-word validation step and prepare a 1500-word written analysis, in which you must critically analyse your recent purchase of a product or service based on the 5-step Consumer Decision-Making Process.

Research Report

MBA5004 Managing Decision Making Process Report 2 Sample

Assessment 2 Data Collection Platform Development Individual Assignment. Students will develop a model platform to analyse, interpret and report sets of complex information based on data drawn from specific organisational sources.

Research Report

MBA5008 Business Research Methods Report 2 Sample

The student will be asked to write a research project based building up on their annotated bibliography in Assessment Task 1, articulating a research problem / question, literature review, analysis and discussion of the various issues from different perspectives and coming up with conclusions, solutions and recommendations.

Research Report

MBA5008 Business Research Methods Report Sample

A research based annotated bibliography presented based on at least 20 research papers of interest to the research topic. Uploaded by each student to the Discussion forum (800 – 1000 words).

Research Report

MBA503 Operations Management and Decision-Making Models Report 3 Sample

This assessment involves students choosing a real-life example of an organisational crisis. This will be used as a case study. An organisational crisis is a significant, essentially unexpected event that threatens the company’s reputation, financial standing and/or ability to operate.

Research Report

MBA504 Introduction to Data Analytics for Business Report 3 Sample

Group Component: Analyse a report on digital transformation as it relates to Industry 5.0. Discuss the findings and present insights to the class. Individual Component: Individually analyse a theme associated with digital transformation within Industry 5.0

Research Report

MBA505 Business Psychology Coaching and Mentoring Report Sample

The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate and develop your knowledge and skill in mentoring and coaching as an important people development technique within organisations. This subject requires you to thoughtfully develop your abilities in coaching and mentoring, and in weeks 8, 9,10 and 12 we will explore styles and techniques in doing this.

Research Report

MBA600 Capstone Strategy Report 2 Sample

Assignment Brief Using the same organisation from the first assessment, individually, you are required to write a 2000- word business report in which you must apply learnings from the Capstone topics to the organisation by undertaking additional research.

Research Report

MBA6104 Business Process Modelling & Management Report Sample

Assessment Brief Objective This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and writing a report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter.

Research Report

MBA6204 Managing the Quantitative Support of Decision Making Report 2 Sample

You will be assessed based on your accessible login to the LMS and the CHAT in the LMS. Also, your interaction with faculty and coordinator through email will be considered for evaluation.

Research Report

MBA6204 Quantitative Support of Decision Making Report 2 Sample

This is an individual assessment and you must choose one of the managerial problem as listed below that relate to your organization or another organization of your choice.

Research Report

MBA6204 Quantitative Support of Decision Making Report 3 Sample

Individual Report on Quantitative Model Development: Students will develop a Quantitative model to analyse a specific managerial problem faced by their organization.

Research Report

MBA6301 Event Management Report 3 Sample

It is important to critically evaluate and recommend improvements to an event management project in order to ensure that the event is successful.

Research Report

MBA633 Real-world Business Analytics and Management Report 2 Sample

This is a group project, followed by an individual report. You will be provided with a dataset pertaining to the operations of a retail organisation. You need to analyse the data and present insights using a BI tool of your choice.

Research Report

MBA641 Strategic Project Management Report Sample

Lot Fourteen is an Australian construction management project and the risk management as well as stakeholder management aspects were used to create this report.

Research Report

MBA642 Project Initiation, Planning and Execution Report Sample

Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute video in which you are to compare and contrast three different examples of project management software by incorporating an accompanying set of PowerPoint slides.

Research Report

MBA673 Business Analytics Life Cycle Report 2 Sample

The Garment Industry is one of the key examples of the industrial globalisation of this modern era. It is a highly labor-intensive industry with lots of manual processes.

Research Report

MBIS4008 Business Process Management Report 2A Sample

Students are expected to write a 1000-word literature review individually. Your lecturer may select an industry for you to do some research and write a literature review. Example: Food and Beverage Delivery Industry; You will try to find out how businesses are operated within that industry.

Research Report

MBIS4008 Business Process Management Report Sample

In this project, you will write a comprehensive report analysing the current As-Is of an organisation. You will evaluate the existing business processes and then using the concepts, BPM frameworks that you have learned in this unit you will design a To-Be business process model that addresses the main limitations and challenges of the previous scenario. There are many cases that students can explore.

Research Report

MBIS5012 Strategic Information Systems Report Sample

In this assessment, you will work individually. The topics for this assessment will be covered in the previous weeks: therefore, it is vital that you attend this class. You are encouraged to attend a workshop on Referencing and Research Practice organised by the Academic Success Team (AST).

Research Report

MGNT803 Organisational Behaviuor and Management Report Sample

After making your selection search for suitable JOURNAL ARTICLES to match with these articles to create your report. Ensure that your references include valid links to the articles you use so that your examiner can find them.

Research Report

MGT501 Business Environment Report Sample

This assessment requires you to conduct a final reflection and create a 5 minutes video discussing your learning experience and how it has evolved during the course of the subject.

Research Report

MGT502 Business Communication Report 1A Sample

Select 10 resources on a topic related to communication and write a 1500-word annotated bibliography summarizing the central theme and scope of the resources. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.

Research Report

MGT502 Business Communication Report 1B Sample

Write a critical argument on the topic selected in Assessment 1 Part A Annotated Bibliography. Provide supporting evidence for the argument from the resources used in Assessment 1 Part A. Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.

Research Report

MGT502 Business Communication Report 2 Sample

The original post of the business communication in management does not cover all of the portions because the individual can talk about many sides of the communication.

Research Report

MGT600 Management People and Teams Report 1 Sample

Self-awareness creates an opportunity for further development and personal success. This reflective analysis is designed for you to explore the subject’s introductory content and importantly, identify how it relates to your own experiences and how you may use it in the future.

Research Report

MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Report 1 Sample

Your task in Assessment 1 is to reflect on your current level of emotional intelligence by completing the Genos Emotional Intelligence Report, analysing your results and preparing a brief report on your results and their implications for your development as a leader or influencer of people in your communities, social networks and workplaces.

Research Report

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Report 3 Sample

This assessment has been designed to: Critically reflect on the application of key concepts and theories of MGT602 in the analysis of a decision from your current or previous workplace.

Research Report

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Report Sample

Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with rapid advances in technology and means of communication with teams separated by distance and time.

Research Report

MGT604 Strategic Management Report 3 Sample

The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in the foundational management topics that include external environmental assessment, problem diagnosis, strategy development, and the consideration of cultural and ethical contexts.

Research Report

MGT605 Business Capstone Project Report 1 Sample

This subject allows the student to synthesise the knowledge and skills gained from all other subjects studied up to that point. The main deliverable in the subject is a major project. In this first assessment, the project is proposed.

Research Report

MGT613 Leadership for Sustainable Futures Report Sample

This paper focuses on the tenth SDG, which is reducing inequalities. This goal aims at minimising the gap or inequality across and within the nations. University Assignment Help, According to Diaz?Sarachaga, Jato?

Research Report

MN7001 Summative Assessment 2 Report Sample

This assessment mainly assesses learning outcomes (LO) 2 and 4 of the module, but builds upon LO1 and LO3, the LOs are that on successful completion of the module students will be able to:

Research Report

MN7002 International Business Strategy Report Sample

This assessment assesses all 5 learning outcomes of the module, which are that on successful completion of the module students will be able to: • Analyse the environment of a firm, both internal and external, current and future, to identify sources of competitive advantage and disadvantage and opportunities and threats.

Research Report

MOB6110 Creating Entrepreneurial Leaders Report Sample

Entrepreneurial leaders should be routinely seeking out the feedback of others. This helps you better access aspects of who you are and how you impact and influence others.

Research Report

OPS802 Operations Management of Subway Research Report 4 Sample

Assessment 4 requires you to write an individual research report that is focused on analysing the operation of an organisation that can be selected from a fast food organisation listed.

Research Report

OPS802 Operations Management Report 3 Sample

It requires you to write an individual research report that is focused on analysing the operation of an organisation that can be selected from any airline with international operations.

Research Report

OPS909 Total Quality Management Report 1 Sample

You have been appointed as the Quality Manager of a company of your choosing and have been asked to implement a quality management system into the company. You must choose a specific industry and show how you could apply the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 to establish a quality management system in that industry in your home country.

Research Report

OPS909 Total Quality Management Report Sample

How would you implement a quality management system complying with ISO 9001? You have been appointed as the Quality Manager of a company of your choosing and have been asked to implement a quality management system into the company.

Research Report

OPS928 Logistics Systems Report 2 Sample

As an indispensable part of today’s business, logistics is being transformed by recent development in technology and business models. To better manage logistics, it is helpful to understand the recent trends and see how they can influence logistics management.

Research Report

PLM Principles of Logistics Management Report Sample

Choose a fast-food restaurant that is locally operated but not necessarily locally owned. It can be an existing small business, or a start?up. Refrain from using companies that you have no association with and are located on the Internet.

Research Report

Principles of Supply Chain Management Report Sample

It can be an existing small business, or a start?up. Refrain from using companies that you have no association with and are located on the Internet. You are to ensure that you know the owner(s) or someone in the organisation who can answer any questions posed to them.

Research Report

PRJ6001 Applied Project Report 1 Sample

Report outlining what research project could be carried out and how the project could be analysed and evaluated to address the project or business goal/problem.

Research Report

Rich Picture CATWOE and Root Definition Report Sample

We live in a dynamic world, which consists of various complex adaptive systems and requires today’s managers to take a holistic view of the business.

Research Report

Strategic and Operating Health Management Report 2 Sample

The financial management component of this unit explores specific financial concepts and tools as applied to the health sector to facilitate development of an understanding of the financial realities facing health services organisations.

Research Report

SWOT Analysis of Chanel No5 Perfume Marketing 4ps Report

SWOT analysis of Chanel no5 perfume Marketing 4ps' used my Chanel No 5 perfume Strategic marketing approach of Chanel no5 Market and competition analysis of chanel's no 5. You have to cover all these aspects.

Research Report

TO5103 Global Destination Competitiveness Report Sample

AIM The aim of this assessment is to provide students an opportunity to apply existing knowledge on best practice in destination management and marketing to analyse the strategies, initiatives or policies of a given tourism destination

Research Report

TO5103 Global Destination Competitiveness Report Sample

Assignment Details AIM The aim of this assessment is to provide students an opportunity to apply existing knowledge on best practice in destination management and marketing to analyse the strategies, initiatives or policies of a given tourism destination.

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