Research Report
AHS205 The Australian Healthcare System within a Global Context Report 2 Sample
In this assessment, you will investigate and discuss the influence of policies on the provision of healthcare. This information will be presented in a poster format.
Case Study
AT3 Nursing Case Study Sample
Purpose: To demonstrate your knowledge and application of clinical reasoning with the best evidenced based nursing practice to the given nursing scenario.
Case Study
CAP203 Care of the person with an acute illness Case Study 2 Sample
This assessment is designed to further assess your knowledge of pre-operative nursing care. This assessment follows on from Assessment 1. From your analysis of the case study you will answer a series of questions.
Research Report
CAP203 Care of The Person With An Acute Illness Report 4 Sample
In this assessment, you will apply your knowledge and understanding of post- operative nursing care. After analysing a case study you will answer a series of questions. Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Clinical Governance Essay 1 Sample
The Clinical Governance Essay serves to assess students' comprehension and conceptual grasp of clinical governance, its imperatives, and implications in healthcare settings.
Case Study
Critically Examine and Identify the Issues within The Case Study from a Legal and Ethical Perspectiv
Gordon is a first-year undergraduate nursing student who is currently on his first clinical placement in a busy nursing home and has been allocated 4 residents with RN buddy, Homer.
Research Report
DHI401 Digital Health and Informatics Report 2 Sample
You will write a journal based on weekly learning from the subject that records weekly personal and professional reflections on the current status of digital health applications in Australia.
Research Report
ES5702 Planetary Health and Climate Change Report Sample
Systems-based approaches to Planetary Health, Climate Change and Population Health: application to allocated UN geographical regions.
Research Report
HCCSSD102 Person Centred Practice Report 1 Sample
Compile a workbook by working through each activity in the document “Workbook 1 Activities.” Subheadings for your workbook can be the activity number e.g., Activity 1, followed by your answers and the references should be cited at the end of the document.
Research Report
HCT343 Research Methods and Data Analysis Report Sample
Assessment (100% of module grade): The student will plan a research study/project investigating an issue relevant to his/her own profession or workplace and present a written proposal (4000 word limit).
Research Report
HDW204 Healthcare in the Digital World Report 1 Sample
For this assessment you are required to analyse three individual postings of digital health media – such as a radio broadcast, blogs or podcasts (or a combination of the three) and critically analyse these three postings.
Research Report
HDW204 Healthcare in the Digital World Report 2 Sample
For this assessment, you are required to write a report (1800 words) which discusses and critically analyses a patient-facing digital technology platform with reference to evidence-based practice.
Research Report
HEAL5004 Strategic and Operational Health Services Management Report 3 Sample
A critical analysis of managerial competencies necessary for sustainable organizational performance in healthcare. Maximum word count for this section: 2500 ± 10% Task: using the framework “Common Competencies for All Healthcare Managers:
Research Report
Health and Social Care in Emergencies and Disasters Report 3 Sample
In your submission, apply 12-point font size and double-spaced paragraphs. Ensure the document you upload is easily legible and has been spell checked and proofread before submission. Please ensure your reference list is accurate and complete.
Case Study
HWEL2006 Social and Emotional Wellbeing Case Study 3 Sample
Students will be provided with a case study. The individual in this case study will present with health issues and health compromising behaviours. Students are required to identify these.
Local Government Area LGA Essay 2 Sample
This assessment is a written (Word document) reflective essay, which builds (scaffolds) on the TWO chosen determinants of health in the Assessment Task 1 presentation related to the same Local Government Area (LGA) chosen in Assessment Task 1.
Research Report
MBA622 Comprehensive Healthcare Strategies Report 1 Sample
Students are to write a 1500-word report that analyses an industry segment of the Australian Healthcare sector based on the below selection of sectors.
Research Report
MBA623 Healthcare Management PPT Sample
In this individual assessment, you will be given an opportunity to critically analyse the opportunities and challenges of embracing new technology in healthcare now and into the future by analysing the environment of healthcare management in Australia and the increasing need to deliver better value to all stakeholders.
Case Study
NUR2023 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Nursing Management Case Study 2 Sample
Leonorah Jones is 26 years old and presents to the clinic with abdominal pain and urinary symptoms that have worsened over the last couple of days. She is now experiencing nausea and vomiting.
NURBN1016 Primary Health Essay 2 Sample
This assessment is a written (Word document) reflective essay, which builds (scaffolds) on the TWO chosen determinants of health in the Assessment Task 1 presentation related to the same Local Government Area (LGA) chosen in Assessment Task 1.
NURBN2021 Nursing Essay Sample
As a registered nurse, a key part of your role will be to identify and assess the need for health promotion and illness prevention interventions in both individuals and communities.
Case Study
NURBN2022 Case Study 3 Sample
Purpose: To demonstrate your knowledge and application of clinical reasoning with the best evidenced based nursing practice to the given nursing scenario.
NURBN2023 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Applied to Person-Centred Nursing Essay Sample
The objective of this task is to explore and explain the pathophysiology and pharmacology of the scenario. This should include the pathophysiology, treatment and individual considerations raised in he case study.
Case Study
NURBN2026 Person Centered Nursing Sample
Utilise the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2017), to detail the provision of evidence-based,person-centred care for the case study provided. This should detail the persons situation, collection of cues, processing and identification of issues and the establishment of realistic and relevant goals.
Research Report
NURBN3030 Management of Deteriorating Patient Report Sample
Task Overview Students will be randomly allocated one of four pre-determined topics that are common causes of patient deterioration. Students must then develop and submit a Mind Map focusing on the topic they have been allocated. Please see the Task Instructions chapter of this Moodle book to read about how you can identify which group you have been allocated to.
NURBN3031 Teaching, Learning and Situational Leadership for Health Practice Sample
Task Overview There are three (3) pieces (elements) for this portfolio. Each portfolio element will be related to the key content in Modules 1, 2 & 3 respectfully. Students will be required to draw upon learning, key documents, and readings to complete each element.
Case Study
NURS2021 Dimensions of Physical and Mental Health Case Study 3 Sample
In this assessment, you will analyse Alejandro's case and develop a comprehensive care plan that focuses on his recovery journey, considering the nexus between physical and mental health. This assignment aims to enhance your understanding of a recovery-based approach and nursing roles in mental health care.
PBHL20001 Understanding Public Health Essay 3 Sample
The third assessment task for this unit is a reflective practice assignment of about 2000 words that describes your growing understanding of Public Health as a discipline. This is an individual assignment.
Research Report
Personal Improvement Plan Report Sample
This final assessment invites students to apply, and reflect on the principles, methods and strategies for improvement that they have learnt in this subject, in a formal report on their personal improvement project.
Planning in Health and Social Care Essay Sample
In your submission, apply 12-point font size and double-spaced paragraphs. Ensure the document you upload is easily legible and has been spell checked and proofread before submission. Please ensure your reference list is accurate and complete.
Research Report
PUBH6008 Capstone A Applied Research Project in Public Health Report 2 Sample
By the end of module 3, student must provide to their learning facilitator a brief review of the literature on their chosen topic. The literature review must contain key references/theorists/researchers for the public health topic chosen.
Research Report
PUBH6008 Capstone A Applied Research Project in Public Health Report Sample
Students must discuss with their learning facilitator a potential project idea in module 1, week 1. By the end of module 1, students will be required to submit to their learning facilitator a one page outline of the project (non-graded) and a GANTT chart describing their project timeline.
Case Study
Recovery Nursing Care Plan Case Study Sample
This is information is a continuation of Bens story from Task 1, all previous information and video still applies Ben, a 25-year-old qualified builder, was brought into the Emergency Department by the Police three days ago following an aggressive episode involving his girlfriend outside their house.
Research Report
TUM202 Therapeutic use of Medicines Report 2 Sample
In this assessment, you will research and present your findings on a topic related to the therapeutic use of medicines. This information will be presented in a digital educational poster format. Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.