Research Report
32144 Technology Research Preparations Report 2 Sample
To establish search skills and the ability to evaluate the appropriateness of the articles chosen. To develop the skills of critical analysis and synthesis, direct and indirect citation, referencing and the writing of a complete report.
Research Report
BUS2003 Data Engineering & Python Report 1 Sample
Assignment Brief Case Study of Bank Marketing Campaign for Intelligent Targeting In this case study, imagine yourself as a junior business analyst collaborating with the marketing team to analyse and identify the most effective campaign strategies for a bank aimed at attracting customers to open term deposits.
Research Report
BUS5VA Visual Analytics Report 3 Sample
In this assessment, you will use SAS Viya Visual Analytics to generate an interactive report with visualisations to address tasks related to a real-world business scenario. The dataset is available on SAS Viya and can be directly imported for visualisations.
Research Report
CAO107 Computer Architecture & Operating Systems Report 2 Sample
In this assessment, you are required to apply the theories and knowledge you have learned in Modules 5 to 7 to analyse the computer operating system, hardware, and software requirements and write a 1000-words report. You should include screenshots of the steps you took in performing the tasks.
Case Study
CMT218 Data Visualisation Case Study Sample
The term "data visualisation" refers to a graphical representation of data that emphasises its importance. It reveals patterns and insights that might otherwise be hidden in raw data. It is a method for making data, statistics, and measures more understandable.
Research Report
COIT20248 Information Systems Analysis & Design Report 1 Sample
Assessment 1 is an individual assessment. In this assessment, you are assigned tasks which assess your knowledge gained between weeks 1 and 4 about different facets of systems development.
Research Report
COIT20249 Professional Skills in Information Communication Technology Report 2 Sample
In this assessment, you are required to develop a portfolio of written submissions with varying tasks. The compilation and submission of the written items are progressive throughout the term.
Research Report
COIT20249 Professional Skills in Information Communication Technology Report2 Sample
The compilation and submission of the written items are progressive throughout the term.This assessment consists of two portfolio activities – Part A & B, each with varying tasks.
Research Report
COIT20253 Business Intelligence using Big Data Report 1 Sample
Assignment 1 is an individual assessment. In this assessment, you are assigned tasks which assess your unit knowledge gained between weeks 1 and 5 about big data and how it can be used for decision making in any industry.
Research Report
COIT20253 Business Intelligence using Big Data Report Sample
Assignment 1 is an individual assessment. In this assessment, you are assigned tasks which assess your unit knowledge gained between weeks 1 and 5 about big data and how it can be used for decision making in any industry.
Research Report
COIT20262 Advanced Network Security Report 2 Sample
This is an individual assignment, and it is expected students answer the questions themselves. Discussion of approaches to solving questions is allowed (and encouraged), however each student should develop and write-up their own answers. See CQUniversity resources on.
Research Report
CPO442 Cybersecurity Principles and Organisational Practice Report 2 Sample
Assessment Task For the purpose of this assessment, you and your group members will act as a cybersecurity team. Your team can select and handle one of the major cybersecurity case scenarios listed in Appendix 1. Alternatively, your team can elect to choose one of the latest cybersecurity case examples listed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
Research Report
CS4417 Software Security Report Sample
Assignment Details Each graduate student will develop a client-server-based application of their choice using any preferable programming language. The application developed must have the following functionality:
Research Report
CSE2AIF/CSE4002 Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals Report Sample
Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game consisting of three pegs (P1, P2 and P3) and a stack of disks of different diameters. Disks can slide onto any peg. The game starts with all disks stacked on P1 and ends at the point where all disks stacked on P3.
Case Study
DATA4000 Introduction to Business Analytics Case Study 1 Sample
Your Task Complete Parts A to C below by the due date. Consider the rubric at the end of the assignment for guidance on structure and content.
Case Study
DATA4000 Introduction to Business Analytics Case Study 1 Sample
Complete Parts A to C below by the due date. Consider the rubric at the end of the assignment for guidance on structure and content.
Research Report
DATA4000 Introduction to Business Analytics Report 2 Sample
As an analyst within Bank of Ireland, you have been tasked with considering ways in which customer data can be used to further assist Bank of Ireland with its marketing campaigns. As a further task, you have been asked to consider how Bank of Ireland could potentially assist other vendors interested in the credit card history of its customers.
Research Report
DATA4000 Introduction to Business Analytics Report 3
Consider below information regarding the National Australia Bank data breach. Read the case study carefully and using the resources listed, together with your own research, complete:
Research Report
DATA4000 Introduction to Business Analytics Report 3 Sample
Consider below information regarding the Capital One data breach. Read the case study carefully and using the resources listed, together with your own research, complete: • Part A (Industry Report) Individually by Monday 23: 55pm AEDT Week 12
Research Report
DATA4300 Data Security and Ethics Report 1 Sample
You are being considered for a job as a compliance expert by an organization and charged with writing recommendations to its Board of Directors’ Data Ethics Committee to decide on: A. Adopting new technology solution that addresses a business need, and B. The opportunities and risks of this technology in terms of privacy, cybersecurity and ethics
Research Report
DATA4400 Data-driven Decision Making and Forecasting Report 3 Sample
This assessment seeks to simulate a real-world task that you may have to undertake in the future. Therefore, the assignment is non-prescriptive and requires you to pose a relevant, small, creative and significant problem to solve that could result in benefits to the organisation of choice.
Research Report
DATA4400 Data-driven Decision Making and Forecasting Report 3 Sample
This assessment seeks to simulate a real-world task that you may have to undertake in the future. Therefore, the assignment is non-prescriptive and requires you to pose a relevant, small, creative and significant problem to solve that could result in benefits to the organisation of choice.
Case Study
DATA4600 Business Analytics Project Management Case Study 1 Sample
Your Task • This assessment is to be done individually. • A business project case study is provided below. • You will be applying concepts related to the first four weeks of your subject to a business case study.
Research Report
DATA4700 Digital Marketing and Competitive Advantage Report 3 Sample
You have been engaged as a consultant to advise Cherry Ripe, the iconic Australian chocolate brand. Cherry Ripe are looking for your advice on how to enhance their digital marketing approaches, especially given that a new generation of young adult consumers in Australia are increasingly likely to be ordering their groceries online instead of browsing the shelves of supermarkets.
Research Report
DATA4900 Innovation and Creativity in Business Analytics Report 3 Sample
In this assessment, you will be writing an individual report that encourages you to be creative with business analytics, whilst also developing a response to brief containing a “wicked problem”, to be addressed using Complexity Science principles and Artificial Intelligence.
Research Report
DATA4900 Innovation and Creativity in Business Analytics Report 4 Sample
In this assessment, you will be writing an individual report that encourages you to be creative with business analytics, whilst also developing a response to the UX, CX and Ethical innovation case study that you have selected.
Case Study
DATA6000 Capstone Industry Case Studies Sample
For this project, the industry chosen is from the finance sector, the banking sector. In the banking sector, the area of focus is the credit card services. The problem statement is the prediction of the churning customers.
Research Report
DATA6000 Capstone: Industry Case Studies Report Sample
Assignment Details YourTask Generate a unique business question that can be explored using available data sources and analytics methodologies mastered in the business analytics degrees.
Research Report
HI6032 Leveraging IT for Business Advantage Report 1 Sample
Students will be expected to write a research proposal on a specific topic in Information Technology. A student will be required to conduct research in regards to their assigned topic and present his/her idea or question and expected outcomes with clarity and definition.
Research Report
HI6034 Enterprise Information Systems Report Sample
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve student research and writing skills and to give students experience in researching the literature on a specific topic relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter.
Research Report
ICC104 Introduction to Cloud Computing Report 2 Sample
This assessment assesses student’s capabilities to identify key cloud characteristics, service models and deployment models. During this assessment, students should go through the four case studies identified below and prepare a short report (250 words each) around the case studies as per the instructions.
Research Report
ICC104 Introduction to Cloud Computing Report 3 Sample
This assessment is designed to acquaint the students to public cloud platforms, their products, and experience the concepts of virtualisation and resource pooling in the Cloud Environment.
Research Report
ICT606 Machine Learning Report Sample
This assignment includes two main components. In part one, you are asked to complete a small-scale literature review on a popular topic explainable machine learning. In part two, you will be expected to delve deeper into the topic by exploring and implementing relevant techniques on your selected public dataset, so that you can create a prediction model that can provide explanations for its decisions, thereby achieving explainability.
Research Report
ICT80011/40005 Energy Storage System Report Sample
The convener appreciates the diversity of students’ background from various disciplines at different levels. Therefore, the convener is prepared to accept different styles such as research proposal, research report, project proposal or project report.
Information Security Assignment Sample
Q1 We will start the class with some general discussion around the protection mechanisms mentioned in the lecture notes for this week.
Information Security PG Assignment Sample
All submissions should be made as a simple Microsoft Word formatted document. If you do not have Word installed on your computer, you should use the Office 365 account provided by the University, where you will be able to use a version of Microsoft Word.
Research Report
INFS2036 Business Intelligence Report 1 Sample
Assignment Details The Five Steps to Building a Dashboard Building a working dashboard comes from completing 5 major steps: 1. Choosing an organisation of interest; 2. Identifying a priority for that organisation;
Case Study
INFS5023 Information Systems for Business Case Study Sample
In today's technologically advanced world, the fields of IT (Information Technology), Information Systems, and Accounting have become increasingly interdependent, driving significant changes and innovations across various industries.
Research Report
ISYS1005 Systems Analysis and Design Report 3 Sample
This final assessment due in Week 7 consists of a Report containing: a. a Mind Map (drawing) and b. a Reflective Review (report)
Research Report
MBIS5009 Business Analytics Report Sample
Assessment Description Students will work in teams of 3 or 4 members to submit a project report. The group report should be at least 2,500 words. Students should apply advanced business analytics on a chosen dataset.
Case Study
MBIS5010 Professional Practice in Information Systems Case Study 3 Sample
This assessment task assesses students’ ability to apply theoretical learning to practical, real-world situations. The aim is to help students to understand the benefits of ethical values in their professional life.
Case Study
MEE80003 Automation Strategy Case Study Sample
Write a Case Study Report analysing a company or business that is currently implementing or in development of implementing Industry 4.0 practices.
Case Study
MIS100 Information Systems Case Study 2 Sample
Write a 1000-word–case study report in response to the provided case study. While most of the material can be found in both the case and study notes, you will be required to do further research in the topic area to broaden your knowledge.
Research Report
MIS500 Foundations of Information Systems Report 1 Sample
The assessment suite in this subject is built on top of skills you are building in your learning activities. Although the learning activities do not carry any assessable weight by themselves, completing them and seeking input from your peers and the learning facilitator is essential for you to achieving a positive result in the subject.
Research Report
MIS500 Foundations of Information Systems Report Sample
This assignment seeks an investigation understanding of the information system concepts is required for modern business organisations. In order to control the business operations in a contemporary way, the assistance of Information systems can be seen.
Research Report
MIS602 Data Modelling and Database Design Report 1 Sample
This assessment requires you to prepare a modelling report that demonstrates your ability to assess business requirements along with a logical design that could be implemented in a relational database management system.
Case Study
MIS603 Microservices Architecture Case Study Sample
For this assessment, you are required to write an individual report of 1000 words (+/- 10%) on the key principles and concepts of microservices architecture and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adopting microservices architecture for businesses in general.
Research Report
MIS603 Microservices Architecture Report 3 Sample
In this assessment, you need to present the different issues that have been previously documented on the topic using a variety of research articles and industry examples. Please make sure your discussion matches the stated purpose of the report and include the cases study throughout.
Research Report
MIS604 Requirement Engineering Report 1 Sample
This Assessment requires you to respond to a case study. The same case study will be used for all three assessments so that you can develop insights into the different facets of Requirements Engineering.
Case Study
MIS604 Requirements Engineering Case Study 1 Sample
This Assessment requires you to respond to a case study. The same case study will be used for all three assessments so that you can develop insights into the different facets of Requirements Engineering.
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Assignment 1 Sample
In response to the case study provided, identify the functional and the non-functional requirement for the required information system and then build a Use Case Diagram and document set of use cases.
Research Report
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Report Sample
Based on your responses to Assessment 1 – Written assessment, perform process and data modelling and develop and document a number of design diagrams using UML (including Context Diagram, Level 0 and Level 1 Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram).
Research Report
MIS607 Cybersecurity Report 3 Sample
Reflecting on your initial report (A2), the organisation has decided to continue to employ you for the next phase: risk analysis and development of the mitigation plan.
Case Study
MIS608 Agile Project Management Case Study 3 Sample
In this group assignment, you are required to produce a 2500 words report for the organization presented in the case scenario.
Research Report
MIS608 Agile Project Management Report 1 Sample
You are required to write an individual research report of 1500 words to demonstrate your understanding of the origins and foundations of Agile by addressing the following areas: 1. The origins of Agile – why did Agile emerge, what was it in response to, and how did this lead to the values and principles as outlined in the agile manifesto?
Research Report
MIS608 Agile Project Management Report 2 Sample
You are required to write and submit a 1500-word individual reflection about how your work as an agile Team is progressing so far. You are required to use Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle as a framework for this exercise and your reflection should clearly follow the steps of the framework.
Research Report
MIS608 Agile Project Management Report 2 Sample
This assessment is about ensuring that we understand the thinking or the ‘what’ of Agile in preparation for learning the methods, practices, tools, and techniques associated with the ‘how’ of Agile.
Research Report
MIS608 Agile Project Management Report 4 Sample
You are required to write and submit a 1500-word individual reflection about Agile ways of working and Agile teams in preparation for your group assignment.
Case Study
MIS609 Data Management and Analytics Case Study 1 Sample
For this assignment, you are required to write a 1500-word report proposing data management solutions for the organisation presented in the case scenario.
Case Study
MIS609 Data Management and Analytics Case Study 3 Sample
For this assignment, you are required to write a 2000-word case study report proposing data management solutions for the organisation presented in the case scenario.
Research Report
MIS610 Advanced Professional Practice Report 2 Sample
You are required to write a 1500 words professional practice reflection. This requires you to by reflect on your experiences in Master of Business Information Systems (MBIS), specifically the IS Capstone and how these experiences provided you with insights into your own future as an IT/IS Professional.
Research Report
MIS610 Advanced Professional Practice Report 2 Sample
Write a 1500 words Ethics Project Report for an ethical dilemma scenario provided and make a professional decision by analysing it from a range of ethical perspectives with the aim of understanding:
Research Report
MIS610 Advanced Professional Practice Report 3 Part A Sample
In groups, write 2500 words industry report providing a technological solution to a specific issue outlined in industry brief provided in class. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Research Report
MIS611 Information Systems Capstone 3 A Report Sample
In this assessment, you will finalise your report and recommendations to your client/organisation. You will incorporate all feedback provided by your lecturer throughout the trimester, including additional research or content to be completed.
Research Report
MIS611 Information Systems Capstone Report 1 Sample
This assignment is designed to provide you with a true-to-industry business-project experience. This project plan will form the basis of the client report you will produce by the end of the trimester. All successful projects should begin with a plan and resource allocation, which have been agreed to by all team members.
Research Report
MIS775 Decision Modelling for Business Analytics Report Sample
This assignment task is aligned to the learning outcomes GLO1 & ULO1 and skills GLO4 & ULO3 and GLO5 & ULO2 required to build complex decision models and use advanced quantitative modelling techniques, such as optimization, to analyses and develop solutions to business problems.
Case Study
MITS4001 Business Information Systems Case Study 3 Sample
In this assignment, a scenario is presented in the form of a description of a company. Based on your understanding on the scenario, you are asked to write a report answering the questions at the end of this assignment.
Research Report
MITS4004 IT Networking and Communication Report Sample
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptors. This assessment covers the following Learning Outcomes:
Case Study
MITS5003 Wireless Networks and Communication Case Study Sample
In this assessment you are required to explore the given case study and provide a solution, employing the latest wireless communication techniques.
Research Report
MITS5004 IT Security Research Report 2 Sample
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and writing a report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter.
Research Report
MITS5502 Developing Enterprise Systems Report Sample
The purpose of assessment is to assess students on the following Learning Outcomes: LO1: Apply best practices to design application components and business objects by analyzing the business needs and adopting software engineering best practices.
Research Report
MITS6002 Business Analytics Research Report Sample
Instruction: You are required to submit 2500± 10% words report on the below tasks. Use appropriate headings and subheading in your report.
Research Report
MITS6004 Enterprise Systems Report 1 Sample
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students are required to conduct critical analysis of the ERP implementation in given case study and present it in a professional report.
Research Report
MN691 Research Methods and Project Design Report Sample
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) At the completion of these assessments, students will be able to: a. Develop and apply research methods and analytical, technical, managerial and time-management skills to the analysis and design of a capstone project.
Research Report
PROJ-6012 Managing Information Systems, Technology Report Sample
The subject demonstrates the significance of project management in the industry, especially for projects involving IT projects. Assessment 1 was designed to evaluate the ability of the student to understand the context and environment of the project case under study.
Research Report
Social Media Audit Details Report Sample
In this individual assessment task, you will be required to review a client’s current social media strategy.
Research Report
TEC100 Introduction to Information Technology Report 2 Sample
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will write a report on the emerging technologies covered in Weeks 4 to 8 of TEC100, and their potential impact on the IT industry and society.
Case Study
TECH1300 Information Systems in Business Case Study 2 Sample
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will create a requirements specification plan using Agile requirement gathering techniques and UML modelling for a new online shopping platform that meets the specifications described in the case study.
Case Study
TECH1400 Database Design and Management Case Study Sample
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will design an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) for a real-world case study of an organisation that uses a relational database, focusing on the key concepts of database relationships and normalisation.
Research Report
TECH2100 Introduction to Information Networks Report 2 Sample
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will prepare a written report that evaluates the network architecture and communication protocols of an organisation and provide recommendations to address any problems identified.
Research Report
TECH2100 Introduction to Information Networks Report 3 Sample
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will create a 10-minute presentation on the fundamentals of information, communication, and computer networks, focusing on the main technologies, models, and protocols used in data communications and networking.
Case Study
TECH2200 IT Project Management Case Study 1 Sample
Your first assessment in this subject requires you to study a case in the assessment instruction and create a project business case which includes key elements (such as problem statement, project benefits, and stakeholders) and SWOT Analysis for recommendations to support your project getting approved.
Case Study
TECH2200 IT Project Management Case Study Sample
Your first assessment in this subject requires you to study a case in the assessment instruction and create a project business case that includes key elements (such as problem statement, project benefits, and stakeholders) and SWOT Analysis for recommendations to support your project getting approved.
Research Report
TECH2200 IT Project Management Report 2 Sample
Your second assessment in this subject requires you to create a detailed Project Management Plan (PMP) based on the Business Case you have created in the first assessment. The PMP has detailed management plans for scope, time, cost, team, and communication, plus a thorough risk analysis by using the Risk Matrix.
Case Study
TECH2300 Service and Operations Management in IT Case Study 2 Sample
Assessment Description You are the CIO of the company and during the COVID pandemic the company’s business needs to move to online. The CEO comes to you as CIO of the company to request the draft of the SLA contract.
Research Report
TECH2300 Service and Operations Management in IT Report 3 Sample
Choose and describe your organisation, including the industry it is in and background of the organisation o Conduct a risk management plan o Conduct business impact analysis
Research Report
TECH2400 Introduction to Cyber Security Report 1 Sample
In this individual assessment, you will demonstrate your understanding of cyber security concepts as outlined in LO1 and LO2.
Research Report
TECH2400 Introduction to Cyber Security Report 2 Sample
Assignment Details Situation: Mark, a cybersecurity analyst at DCS Inc., plays a vital role in safeguarding the company's information assets. During routine security assessments, he uncovers a significant vulnerability in the network infrastructure that poses a risk to sensitive customer data and valuable intellectual property. Addressing this vulnerability becomes a top priority.
Research Report
TECH3200 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in IT Report 3 Sample
Assignment Details Your Task Your third assessment requires you to analyse the supplied business case and understand the problem of the business so that you, as the subject matter expert in Machine Learning will write a solution proposal to highlight how your solution is suitable for supporting the business in several areas.
Research Report
TECH4100 UX and Design Thinking Report 2 Sample
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will apply design thinking models to real-world UX design projects. Additionally, you will evaluate UX design principles and practices in the development of web and mobile software applications.
Research Report
TECH5300 Bitcoin Report 2 Sample
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will evaluate the purpose, structure, and design of layer 2 of the Lightning network, which provides the scalability layer. Additionally, you will design a plan for an industry’s adoption of Bitcoin.
Research Report
TECH8000 IT Capstone Report 1 Sample
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will write a report to design a plan for research that aims to identify the causes and potential solutions of a complex IT problem for a client.
Research Report
TECH8000 IT Capstone Report Sample
Assignment Description This assessment is designed to assess your advanced research and analytical skills. In this assessment, you will conduct an in-depth research analysis and produce a comprehensive report for a client's IT problem.
Research Report
WPDD202 Webpage Design and Development Report 4 Sample
Students are required to analyse the weekly lecture material of weeks 1 to 11 and create concise content analysis summaries of the theoretical and technical concepts contained in the course lecture slides.
Research Report
Written Assessment Report 2 Sample
The goal of this assessment is to assess students’ knowledge and application of communication and conflict resolution skills in community services.