Refund Policy
UniAssignment Help takes great pride in laying the refund policy out to the concerned customers. This guide will have a detailed overview of what you are supposed to expect in case we need more services. Although our primary goal is to ensure that customer enjoys 100% satisfaction, in case you are dissatisfied with our services, we are available 24/7.
The refund policy is drafted with the perspective of returning your money in half or in full if you can report the concern from your side. We understand your concern and the fact that money is crucial for a student. To support you, you can refer to this guide if and when you encounter any issues.
You have chosen this elite platform to assist you in writing your assignments, and we know this fact. However, how our experts overview your requirements can sometimes be the opposite. For situations like these, we can refund your hard-earned money.
Below are the scenarios where the refund process can be initiated if needed. Please make sure to have a thorough reading of each and every point. In case you don’t understand any point, our customer care executives are well at your service. Here is the list:
1. Overriding Deadlines
We realise the importance of close deadlines and their crucial role in the overall semester score. One missed deadline, and your professor might grade you a C+. Our team of PhD experts is well aware that the deadline needs to be respected. However, in exceptional cases,, you might not receive your assignment on time.
In such cases, you must keep track of the time the assignment was submitted. Then you have to contact customer support and convey your issue. Make sure to mention your concern “LOUD AND CLEAR”. You also have to give proof of the late submission and, hence, your affected grade.
It’s also to be noted that once your assignment is under process or attended to, you need to be available in case an expert queries you. If a delayed response rate from your side results in late submission, you may lose your argument then and there.
However, throughout the event, if we determine that our expert caused the delay, you are eligible for a refund. The refund can vary from 50-100%, depending on the delay rate.
The amount is placed because the payment to the expert would have been made already. However, we will not hesitate to take strict action under the working guidelines of our company against the concerned expert.
2. The Assignment received a Poor Grade.
At Uniassignmenthelp, we guarantee best-in-class service. However, if we fail to deliver, we have the strength to own up to the mistake from our end. If you have faced a similar situation regarding an assignment delivered by us, then there is a protocol to be followed to be eligible for a full refund.
Once you submit the assignment, the solution or the grading might occur after a week. You don’t have to panic; just wait for the scorecard. If and when any assignment written by our expert receives a poor grade, just contact our customer support, or you can contact us via email. Don’t forget to include a replica of an original scorecard and the professor's comments. After duly attaching these documents, you can request a refund.
We take full responsibility if the write-up wasn’t up to the mark and our experts were at fault. However, in a situation where the reference approach provided by you doesn’t match the marking standards, you will not be liable for a refund.
Note: If the request is placed after a buffer period of 50 days, we will be bound to not take any action on your request. Make sure to place a request before the expiration of the 50 days. If the request is placed within this period, we will fast-track your due return process, ranging between 50- 100% after proper consideration.
3. Delayed response time from our Expert
A delayed response can be a criterion to request ‘Money- Back’. Although a situation like this is doubtful to happen with our highly deemed services, we have left the bracket open. Errors can never be entirely avoided, and we acknowledge that fact.
In such a case, where you could not reach the expert and the quality of your assignment was affected, reach out to us. You will have the entire platform to explain the concern, and then our customer helpdesk executives will conduct thorough research.
Once we have heard the concerns from both the client and the expert, we will look at the evidence provided by the client. If the concern holds valid, our helpdesk executive will fast-track the process for the sue return.
However, it is also to be noted that the decision of our customer helpdesk executive will hold supremacy of concern of either of the parties. Hence, the conclusion will be determined after thorough research.
We, UniAssignment Help, take great pride in providing A+ quality work and have a record of 100% customer satisfaction. If you face any of the above-mentioned issues, we urge you to understand the content under each heading.
Regarding returning only part of the amount, we have certain points to keep in our defence. Once we take responsibility for delivering you full-proof assignments, our team works day and night to fulfil that promise. Hence, operational costs can’t be deducted from our payment.
However, under any of the aforementioned cases, you can get a return of up to 75% of the total payment. It is also to be noted that the reimbursement amount is subject to different cases, for example- Failed Grades, AI issues, Missed Deadlines, etc.
Terms and Conditions for Refund Policy.