PROJ6000 Principles of Project Management Report Sample
Task Summary
After reading the project case study, use it to develop a 2,000-word Project Charter, describing the entire project in a short, succinct, and professional document.
Project leadership is about inspiring the project team to do their best from the outset. This requires a combination of verbal and written communication skills and a range of applied leadership skills.
One of the foundational documents that helps “kick off” a project is the Project Charter. The Project Charter describes the entire project in a short, succinct, and presentable document that can be shared with project staff or other stakeholders and aims to commence the project in earnest. The Project Charter helps to clarify the project context, the project team roles, and the goals of the project.
You will be given a project case study to use in order to develop your Project Charter. Though all students will receive the same case study, it is expected that each student will think about the project from their own perspective as an up-and-coming project manager in order to formulate a unique Project Charter. Use your own style based on your critical thinking of what it means for you to lead a project. You may use one of the templates provided in the learning resources or develop your own format.
Please follow the instructions below:
1. Read the case study provided by your lecturer. This will form the basis for your Project
Charter, because you will assume that you are the project manager for this project.
2. After reading the case study, begin to develop your project charter. This needs to be a 2,000- word report (+/- 10%) and must use a minimum of six (6) references (academic literature and industry publications—please consider the case study as a 7th reference). Please ensure all references are cited in-text.
3. The Project Charter must include the following headings and should be written as if you are presenting it to the project team that will build this project. You are the project manager.
The contents of your Charter should include:
a. Background of the project
b. Reasons for the project
c. Project objectives
d. Proposed project management approach or methodology/methodologies
e. Constraints, limitations, and risks
f. Leadership structure (project manager and his or her senior aides: list their roles and explain what each does in the project. You need to cite four (4) roles)
g. Project risks and their mitigation
h. Project stakeholders and how to interact with them
i. The vision of the project and the type of project team culture you wish to promote in your team
j. Reference list
My Florida Regional MLS (MFRMLS) is a multi-service providing company that has a customer base of 50,000 real-estate agents. They have a large extended market throughout the world. In the case study, a software named ePropertyWatch is introducedwhich is for the consumers of the organisation. Uni Assignment Help, This report will analyse the case study and prepare a plan of action from the project manager’s side. This report will also discuss the problems that are about to come and will provide a solution for the same.
Background of the Project
MFRMLS is planning to work on a new software-based project named ePropertyWatch, where their consumers will experience certain features. As the project manager, I maintain the sustainability and engagement of the consumers. In spite of proper planning, the project needs efficient project management that will eventually lead the project to a successful future which is why, it is also important to major all the upcoming problems. As the project manager, I have planned to engage all the stakeholders long with system properly(Council of Multiple Listening Service 2018).
Reasons for the Project
The report is based on the software-based project of MFRMLS, named ePropertyWatch. This project will be beneficial for all the consumers or subscribers of the organization. This report is made on the management part of this project. Around 50,000 real estate agents are connected with the agency and that is the reason that the project is so huge. As the project manager, I will build a proper and efficient project management team and specific execution.
As the project manager, I will find the appropriate project management method. On other hand, this report analyses all the aspects of the project management team. Upcoming problems can be calculated and a minimum backup plan can be prepared along with that.
Project Objectives
The project is being planned and built for certain objectives. Those objectives make the project more significant and check the usability as a whole. In this case of ePropertyWatch, objectives are very specific and certain as well.
· Finding a proper project management methodology
· Plan of execution of the selected method
· Prediction of upcoming problems
· Determining probable solutions
· Majoring risk and management issues
· Stakeholders and their communication
· Leadership management through the project
Proposed Project Management Approach or Methodology
Several project management approaches or methodologies are used or implemented in different projects. There is no specific rule or table to determine the perfect method. It depends on the nature and constraints of the project. In this case, as the I will access the requirements. In this project, the agile project management method is used.
The agile project management method is a new concept or way of action. After 2000, the use of the agile method has increased and have established itself to be significant. In this method, primarily all the project segments will be divided into parts by as the project manager I will allot to different people or short teams. This way, the work doesn’t interfere with each other and the process becomes smooth and efficient as well for the as the project managerI manage (Lock, 2013).
On other hand, feedbacks are much appreciated in agile methodology. ePropertyWatch comprises of 50,000 real estate agents. If the project just trusts the analytical reports, then it is hard to show satisfying result. Feedbacks are that factor, where the result can be better. Agile project management can consume a little more time frame, but it would be better to make a great product on the first attempt. That’s why PM has chosen this mothed. It will eventually be cost-efficient and more usable in terms of usability.
Constraints, Limitations, and Risks
This project management method has some risks and constraints factors as well, which must be considered. Otherwise, it will be difficult to resolve upcoming issues. The basic problem is time-consuming. Feedback acceptance is a very unique and effective approach, but that makes the whole project more time-consuming. On other hand, all the works are well-segregated for efficient and interruption-free development of the project, but that can affect as well. As the project manager I can handle the things and segments efficiently with proper management skills.
This method cannot be used in specific situations where an agency is making in-house software for personal use or the organisation just needs a feature immediately. The method is limited in some ways, but the spread or usability is broad and wide.As the Project managerI decided this method in terms of compatibility of the organization.
In terms of risk, the number is very low, but inefficient people or teams can create them. A poor survey or sorting team can choose wrong feedbacks and can make the scenario riskier. On other hand, poor team managers can affect the whole project by improper segregation (Wells et al., 2016).
Leadership Structure
Basically, as the project manager I will the whole project of MFRMLS. In this development of ePropertyWatch, the board members have also selected a person for the post of as the project manager I must plan, organise and manage the whole project, after the approval of the proposal. So, the leadership structure basically depends on the as the project manager I Though he is the core leader of the project, there are some superior positions as well, who have significance and influence on the project. These people together make the proper admin panel of a certain project (Kerzner, 2013).
Among them, the product manager comes first, who takes the analytics from the teams and make a proper requirement of software or system. He can even modify the project requirements if there is a need. As the project managerI must consider and understand all of his/her requirements or concept. The product manager actually suggested this ePropertyWatch system. Then the team is being made. Then comes the finance manager. In the proposed system or appraisal,as the project manager I also shows a budget, which can also be increased during the project. The finance manager is the person who approves their whole budget and then as the project manager I can gets the funding (Springer, 2013) (Kerzner, 2018).
One supervisor is also a person who is considered a member of the admins. He is the person, who is directly allotted by the board members and observe the whole system and project progress. Lastly, the team leader of the analytical team takes place. He not only supports as the project manager I but also has an influence on the development part of the project as well. In ePropertyWatch, certain data and feedback sorting are essential, where he becomes significant (Kerzner, 2013).
Project Risks and their Mitigation
The development of ePropertyWatch is a huge and unique project by MFRMLS. They are developing this project for 50,000 real estate agents, who are their subscribers as well. They are already taking certain services from the organisation. They will experience all of the features of this software-based product. The whole plan of action made by the project manager and steps are determined and managed by the project manager. In spite of that, a few risks are involved with the project as well. Those can be resolved by proper precautions. The risks are certain and very essential to be considered along with the project progress.
The whole project is based on the subscribers or consumers. The software is going to give them certain features like reports and suggested investment plans. In this case, so many people and their data are involved. So, a security concern takes place with significant reasonability. All the data and processing must be encrypted and protected as much as possible. On other hand, it is also essential to make a proper technical support team to protect the system from certain attacks and risks.As the Project manager I will major these risk factors and will chose the support team members (Project Management Institute, 2017).
The next risk is consumer satisfaction. The projects where lots of people or consumers are involved becomes hard in terms of results. All of the people can have different requirements and needs. Then a major product with all the solutions is very hard to develop or manage. As The project manager and product managerI play major roles here. On other hand, the agile project management method is very flexible in nature. Poor management can affect the cost of the project. Cost-efficiency must be considered in ePropertyWatch as well. Here, as the project manager I will use the communicative skills and will determine the satisfactory factors of the consumers that will resolve the problem accordingly later.
Project Stakeholders and Interaction with Them
There are many people from different levels and teams that are involved with this development project management of ePropertyWatch. Primarily the developers and the management team are directly involved with the project. The admins and board members, who organised the whole requirement of the project and developed the development and management team. This team will be led by the project manager.
All the survey and analytical teams are also connected as stakeholders with the development project of ePropertyWatch. They are the teams that manage all the back support parts of the project. Those reports led the management team and team manager to the final required product or results. Finally, the consumers take place as the major stakeholder of the project, They are the group, who are demanding the requirement and going to experience all the features of the software.
It is hard enough forme, the project manager to connect all the stakeholders, but without doing that it will be hard to connect with them as well. As the project manager, I need to connect with their individual background and role on the project first. Then it will be easier to understand them and their thoughts. After that, he just segregates all of his requirements and supports among them and that will lead him to proper support from every stakeholder. He can manage 50,000 consumers with all the feedback managing team. On other hand, he can handle the admin panel with regular meetings and updates. That will be more efficient while managing a huge and major project like ePropertyWatch where a large consumer base is involved. Overall, he must interact with them personally in a professional manner. Proper leadership and communication skill can easily manage this part of the project (Pritchard, 2014).
The Vision of the Project and the Type of Project Team Culture
The ultimate vision of this development project is to develop an assistant for all of the 50,000 consumers. They can access all of their present investments and other details. On other hand, certain analytical reports will be handed over as well. In their dashboards, they can manage all of their details and can get some essential suggestions regarding future investments and steps as well. This will eventually increase the interest and engagement of the consumers with the system and the organisation as well. Subscribers can experience unique features which will be a great brand promotion as well.
In any broad project, the management team must be strong and efficient enough. Otherwise, it will be hard to make the project cost-efficient and profitable. Here, in this case, ePropertyWatch also needs an efficient as the project manager and a project management team. On other hand, the culture of the team is also significant. The culture should be communicative. That single factor can change the whole efficiency and accuracy of the whole team of the project. The places will be segregated, but they will be connected and supportive with each other while managing the whole project of ePropertyWatch development.
This report is based on the project management implementation and management methodology of ePropertyWatch. All the upcoming issues and probable solutions are discussed as well. The future condition of the project and further precautions can be determined by the report. The report presents the whole management and leadership structure of the project.As the project managerI will implement these steps and the whole project structure. He has also analysed the problems and possible solutions through this report.
Council of Multiple Listening Service (2018). CMLS: A Case Study In Project Management. Edition 1.0
Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management : a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (Eleventh). John Wiley & Sons. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/809250664
Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management : case studies (Fourth). John Wiley & Sons. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/828724601
Kerzner, H. (2018). Project management best practices: achieving global excellence (Fourth). Wiley. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/1021064277
Lock, D. (2013). Project management (10th ed.). Gower. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/829713869
Pritchard, C. L. (2014). The project management communications toolkit (Second, Ser. Effective project management series). Artech House. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/922294707
Project Management Institute. (2017). Project manager competency development framework (Third). Project Management Institute. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/974796222
Springer, M. L. (2013). Project and program management : a competency-based approach (2nd ed.). Purdue University Press. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/843881924
Wells, K., Kloppenborg, T. (2016). Project management essentials. Business Expert Press. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/1104667415