PROJ-6012 Managing Information Systems/Technology Report Sample
The subject demonstrates the significance of project management in the industry, especially for projects involving IT projects. Assessment 1 was designed to evaluate the ability of the student to understand the context and environment of the project case under study. Students utilised a range of tools for analysing the strategic significance of the project in order to sharpen their skills to select appropriate projects from a given set. Further, it enabled students to analyse and select appropriate project management tools and methods for the successful execution of projects. In this process of critically analysing the case situation and applying their project management skill, students learnt to balance the three competing goals of projects i.e. scope, time and cost. It exposed them to project management standard tools and techniques, best practices and current trends which hone their professional ability to manage projects.
Assessment 2 builds upon the first assessment by focusing on the risk management, quality control and human resource aspects of project management. Due to globalisation, creation of high quality products quickly at a reasonable price is essential for surviving in the business. The assessment will enable the students to evaluate the suitable tools for quality control of their project and utilise the most relevant one. Organizations where the top management places emphasis on the need for quality and encourages the employees to achieve customer satisfaction gain competitive advantage over other companies. This assessment will highlight the significance of leadership skills, effective team management methods and stakeholder communication which are essential for successful project development. It will be required to focus on effective project risk management since it has a substantial impact on project success. The students may use relevant tools for identification and analysis of major risks in the considered project case. They may further discuss the risk mitigation approaches that are used or could be utilised for controlling the risks.
You may consider the same case as in Assessment 1 for further analysis to complete this assessment. Alternatively, you may use a different project for analysis. In both the cases, please ensure that you provide a brief description of the project case and the organization where the project was executed.
For completing your Assessment 2 you need to consider the following
1. Examine the current state of organization and the context in which the IS/IT project is executed.
2. Consider the issues related to the quality of the project and evaluate the tools used to address those issues.
3. Investigate the leadership style used by the project manager to motivate the team members. Analyse the methods used for conflict management.
4. Examine the approaches used for stakeholder identification and evaluate the methods used for effective communication amongst the stakeholders.
5. Analyse the tools and methods used for planning and conducting procurement.
6. Examine the risks which would have a negative impact on the project and evaluate the tools used to analyse those risks.
7. Include how being a part of this subject has impacted your personal and professional journey into the global project management field.
Please consider some general instructions for preparing your assessments as given below.
Submission of Assessment 2: A Project Report
General Instructions
1. If you have sensitivity about criticising your own organisation or any other organisation, remove any specific reference to the identity of the organisation, the people within it, or the identity of any projects referred to. The assessment is intended to develop your analytical skills and ability to suggest improvements.
2. Do not exceed the word limit. Give concise descriptions of projects and avoid irrelevant technical detail. In marking the assessment, attention will be paid to clear and concise expression of ideas. Include and refer to appendices if you feel they are required to provide a clearer understanding of the relevant project details, extensive attachments will not be read. Including unreferenced appendices will lose marks.
IT infrastructure is becoming an important part of business functions as it provides cost and operational efficiency while also facilitating 360 previews for identifying potential gaps. Also, the application of IT tools for a firm’s operation requires frequent up-gradation for smooth functioning and security of the network. University Assignment Help, From the past few years, there has been an advancement of technology which has provided an impetus for an organization for equipping functions on technological tools for creating a competitive edge within the industry due to efficient strategies and increased productivity. The report aims to discuss information management system issues encountered by Torrens university along with a discussion of project management practices that were applied by the university while applying the initial introduction of TRIMS software ad record management system (Mostafa, Dumrak, & Soltan, (2015).
Organizational Context
In general terms, organization context within the project management techniques is referred to as communication variables that influence the presentation of both internal and external communication of the organization. In the project management context, the organizational context includes a background of the project, project objectives, timelines, and budgetary aspects impacting the project.
Background of The Project
Torrens university had introduced TRIMS software for standardizing approaches to embed technology within the organization. It was introduced in consultation with senior executives while the IT department was only informed after the management was purchased and was ready to install within the firm. Even after several years, the Record Management Systems operates at earlier versions while the university uses it for managing the documents. TRIM systems have been equipped only being applicable in the Melbourne campus, as other campuses own its IT systems for managing the records and documents. Thus, the campus requires updated software with explicit IT systems for both managing records as well as documents. In the current times, the university has hired an expert named Elmo Cee to provide opinions and strategies to improve the IT infrastructure of TU especially on the Melbourne campus (Endlein, et al., (2013).
Size, Budget, and Project Objectives
The size of Torrens university as the business is huge as it owns three campuses which are spread across acres of land for supporting many academic courses and activities. Also, the university’s operations are complex and highly dependent on the management of records. Hence, the university requires a record-keeping mechanism for managing employees, staff, scheduling, and management of academic activities, admission and pass out student records, and others. At the time, when the university decided for embedding technology for managing records and other documents, the objective was to include efficiency in managing huge and voluminous data thereby reducing manual methods which are expensive and inefficient. Since the nature of operations is complex, hence, equipping technology for operations would ease effort and time while also supporting efficient decision making. It was assumed that technological advancement will help in reducing costs and improving sustainability in the long run. In addition to this, the university had faced budget constraints due to which SaaS applications were applied rather than developing software within the organization. Also, record and document management are done through the same software, thus indicating budgetary restrictions for using separate software for managing its operations (Gulakov, & Vanclay, (2018).
Current Technological State
Technology is being increasingly used for managing records and other functions efficiently. In the past few years, there has been advancement in technology, hence, online operations are considered to be fast and recuperative for transforming into digital modes. Currently, Torrens University has deployed technology in all its functions which range from taking admission, conducting online classes, managing staff, and other functions. Organizations like Torrens University rely on technological tools for managing each function effectively.
Although, the objective of the project for installing TRIM software was to embed efficient and faster approaches for managing a huge amount of information, however, the university did not include the IT department which reduced the scalability of this project. In addition to this, the IT department or individual in the IT field is an expert on technical devices and software that could be used by the organization, hence the inclusion of IT experts would help in improving the scalability of the project. In addition to this, it can be said the University had faced budget constraints while for which dedicated software for both record and document management.
Hence, single software has been explicitly used for keeping records and documents thereby reducing the efficiency of using and storing the data.
Additionally, the reliance on TRIM record management software is very high due to which, it has been changed or modified for several years. The record management system which is used for managing documents as well is used by more than 400 individuals, thus changing the magnitude of the software will impact the operation severally. As per Gartner’s report, TRIM software should be used as a Record Management System for higher efficiency of the technology, hence indicating the requirement of new SaaS for managing documents. In addition to this, the network of both Melbourne and Auckland campuses is interrelated, hence, the functioning is largely impacted due to inappropriate usage of the software. It is observed that both the campuses face a struggle in performing the basic functions as wrong software without up-gradation is used.
The network is linked for synchronization to embed on the efficiency of operations. On other campuses, universities have already been operating on software that is not linked with TRIM, thus, indicating issues in integration and efficiency for synchronizing all the documents and records. This impacts decision-making as the leaders cannot view the organization's perspective from a 360-degree view. Since there is an expansion of the campus, there is a requirement for improving the scalability of applications for enabling the campuses to restore as well as archive sensitive information regarding the employees, students, and confidential activities. Also, reduced scalability of the software application has increased the risks for cyber-crimes and data theft as the technology is degraded while it is used inappropriately in two campuses of Torrens University.
It can be stated that the state of technology used in Torrens University for managing records is obsolete, not secure, and used for different functions (then created originally). This has impacted the productivity of the university while huge expenses could be incurred due to cyber threats and data theft in the future.
Impact of The Project on society
Technological impacts are high on society; hence, SWOT and PEST analysis will be conducted for analyzing the impact.
Strengths: Torrens University has high brand recognition due to its quality of education provided to the students while operating through technology also provides improved brand name in the education industry of Australia.
Weakness: In addition to this, the university has been using obsolete technologies with reduced scalability that has impacted its productivity in the present, and future.
Threats: In Torrens University, has a high-level campus, so the main problem is data theft and security. There are many universities in Australia, so competition is high in a given market.
Opportunities: There are many advanced technologies to improve scalability data reduction. In given Data opportunities, we described all data redundancy.
Analyze the process (es) and methods
To select initiatives that should be evaluated, a business must first look at its project portfolio. The setting of standards will then meet to review each program's costs, estimated benefits, risks, and strategy implementation. The chosen project should attempt to provide the most value to the company. The Quality Assurance Framework displays a strong dedication to evidence-based judgment and continual improvement at the institutional level. This aligns with Torrens University Australia's goal of excellence in all parts of its operations through responsibility, cooperation, and teamwork, as well as a student-centered strategy to learning and teaching. The Quality Control Framework was created to ensure that regulatory and legal requirements are met to the greatest possible standard. Torrens University Australia (TUA) values staff and student feedback and engagement in improving its performance and recognizes the usefulness of external points of reference in monitoring. The Master of Business Information Systems is an interdisciplinary program that will help you advance your business knowledge. You will immerse yourself, in theory, to prepare for the evolving business contexts in which you aim to work and control, with the skills and experience necessary to critically analyze key business activities, execute strategic procedures, manage risk, and lead complex teams. Data management, system analysis, requirement specification, microservices architecture, ethical behavior, and long-term planning are among the core and elective courses in the course. It has a trimester-based approach and flexible study alternatives, and you can enter or exit the program through the Grinnell College website.
Justify The Methodology
The TRIM system was unusually brought to the University: practically all applications and IT services are evaluated by the University's Information Technology Services department solutions in favor of the University's many departments This is to maintain a proper approach because of the organization's current technological landscape TRIM, Senior company executives, on the other hand, made the decision unilaterally, without consulting anyone else to the information technology The only time the product was delivered to the University was when the agreement was finalized. This purchase was brought to the attention of the Director of Information Technology Services. Integrated Management, which focuses on "what we do" as a high-quality educational provider. The Integrated Review establishes the checks and balances that validate "how we know" the University is a high-quality educational institution. Risk Management, which ensures that the University is adaptable to risks and their potential consequences. The Plan, Implement, Screen, and Improve (PIMI) quality control and continual improvement model is contained in the Quality Assurance System. TUA can use this framework to reach its strategic goals, assure high-quality outcomes, and comply with statutory and regulatory requirements. TUA is dedicated to the quality management standards listed below.
Make Suggestions Regarding The Tools
A culture of constant improvement at all levels of the organization. Processes for making decisions that are both scientific proof and inclusive. Results are being tracked against the company's declared goals, performance metrics, and targets. Identifying process improvements and putting action plans and mitigating strategies in place using internal and external review systems. Creating a culture of ownership, engagement, and reactivity in which all employees are aware of their individual and communal accountability for quality procedures and outcomes.
The Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research and Optimization (AIRO) focuses on trying to cut research in two revolutionary fields of science in the twenty-first century: artificial intelligence and optimization. Accountancy, finance, worldwide project management, world supply and value, leadership, business solutions, service businesses, tourism, strategy, management, and organizational behavior are among the research themes covered by the Centre for Organizational Change and Agility (COCA). The Centre for Healthy Futures (CHEF) strives to increase individual welfare by preventing and treating chronic diseases. Environment, behavioral, and economic variables all have an impact on health, according to the study. An application is computer software that executes a specified function service to the end-user or, in some situations, for yet another program. A program can be a single program or a collection of programs (Duke, et al., (2021).
Critically Analyze of Organisation
In our business, we frequently want all of the moving elements to work together. Everything and everyone should be rowing in much the same direction. This isn't always simple to achieve. In today's competitive world of competition, we must decompose internal boundaries and align our departments' strategic thinking, aims, and objectives. The first step is to make sure you've created the main strategic vision and goal, as well as our strategic agenda items. Aligning mapping as part of a strategic planning approach can then be implemented. The Ruling Body actively supervises quality assurance by responding to regular reports on academic program quality, such as feedback and reports on program delivery with certain other parties’ data sources that result in a Torrens University award, as well as regularly reviewed of academic quality risks. The Academic Board is in charge of ensuring the quality of all academic activities at the college, including energetic oversight of quality control policies and practices, academic quality bench-marking initiatives and behavior, academic honesty procedures, and educational standards in learning and scholarship in conformance with the TUA. The Executive Education and Learning Committee is responsible for approaches to teaching and learning from across the university and offers strategic analysis and guidance on research and education, as well as course achievement, to the Academic Board on a routine basis, allowing for the assessment of outcomes and patterns. The Vertical Learning and Teaching Committees advise the Executive Teaching and Learning Committee, the Scientific Board, and the University's Executives on the following activities at a measurement point.
Examine The Scope of The Project
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is no longer the major entry criteria at Torrens University Australia. For candidates wishing to study at Torrens University Australia, the ATAR has been eliminated as a major criterion. We were certain that an alternative to the ATAR method should be developed that assesses pupils more holistically, particularly as soft skills become more critical employability traits. Students who have recently completed secondary school and hold a Year 12 (Australian secondary school) certification are now considered for admission. Torrens University Australia is a for-profit university. Visit Tuition Fees for further information. FEE-HELP may be available to domestic students. For further information, go to the website. Please note that we do not give complete fee waivers to foreign students at this time. We don't provide stipends or living expenses. To qualify for a FEE-HELP loan, you must first: be an Australian citizen who will study at least part of your degree in Australia, or a New Zealand Special Category Visa (SCV) or temporary compassionate visa holder who will meet the residency criteria. be enrolled in a fee-paying location with a FEE-HELP loan provider by the census date, you must be registered in a qualifying course at your provider. Your supplier can tell you if your program is qualified (Mueller, et al., (2018).
By the census date, you must have submitted the Request for FEE-HELP application to your provider and not have borrowed up to your Assistance loan limit. A Project Director prepares and manages plans, interacts with workers, and manages timeframes with colleagues from various backgrounds and ability sets to ensure that each stage of a project proceeds as anticipated. They serve as the primary point of contact for communication and collaboration, managing budgets, contingency plans, and allocating resources at all times (Gulakov, & Vanclay, (2018).
Investigate The Methods of Organization
Elmo Cee returned to his office one day and sat at his desk, setting down a manilla folder, almost unconsciously focusing his gaze on it. The schedule and minutes from the previous encounter Elmo had attended were in the folder. He shifted slightly, now staring wistfully in the area of the Flagstaff Gardens, in which the mid-afternoon sun cast dark shadows across the trees and shrubs, as he considered the opposing interests at work while looking for a solution for Torrens University's Information Management system. Following reports by Gartner Research on the viability and applicability of TU's Documentation, Cee was invited in to provide a professional opinion. Elmo Cee arrived in his office one day and sat at his desktop, subconsciously focusing his gaze on a manilla folder he had placed on his desk. The packet contained the agenda and minutes from the previous meeting Elmo had attended. As he regarded the conflicting interests at the job while trying to find a solution for Torrens University's Information System, he shifted a bit, now gazing longingly in the area of the Flagstaff Gardens, where the mid-afternoon sun cast dark shadows across the shrubs and trees, he moved slightly, now gazing longingly in the neighborhood of the Flagstaff Gardens, where the mid-afternoon sun cast shadows across the shrubs and trees. Cee was asked to provide professional input following findings by Gartner Research on the viability and applicability of TU's Documentation (Hirshfield, & Chachra, (2019).
Analyze The Potential Methods of Organization
The goal of this research is to define different types of disputes, their causes, and the preferred alternative dispute resolution procedures in the Nigerian construction business. Clients, construction managers, senior project executives, senior Architects, and Consultant Quantity provided information. A quantitative research approach was used, which involved randomly selecting building practitioners in the research area and administering questionnaire surveys to them. The questionnaire is divided into two sections, the first of which asks for basic information about the respondents. The second section included 20 reasons of disagreement, a categorization of the disagreements, and 12 options for resolving the disagreements. Conflict resolution is an important and challenging process that determines project success and, as a result, the building industry's overall performance. According to Chan and Suen (2005), the negative repercussions of construction disputes include project delays, a loss of team spirit, a rise in project expenses, and a deterioration of business relationships. According to Verster (2006), the first stage of the process of disagreement between likely to connect to any issue should be to establish a procedure by which parties can resolve their differences. According to the findings, the initial goal of complaints and dispute settlement should be to demonstrate a party's chance to submit (Szatmari et al., (2021)).
Recommendations and Conclusion
The goal of this research is to define different types of disputes, their causes, and the favored alternative dispute procedures in the Nigerian construction industry. Clients, construction executives, senior project managers, senior Architects, and Quantity Surveyors provided information. A quantitative research approach was used, which involved randomly selecting construction practitioners in the research area and administering questionnaire surveys to them. The survey is divided into two sections, the first of which asks for basic information of the respondents. The second section included 20 reasons for disagreement, a classification of the disagreements, and 12 options for resolving the disagreements. Companies with top management that emphasize the importance of quality and motivate staff to attain customer satisfaction have a competitive advantage over their competitors. The importance of leadership abilities, effective team management approaches, and having conversations will be highlighted in this evaluation, which is all necessary for successful project development. Effective project risk control will be necessary, as it has a significant impact on project success. Students can apply appropriate methods to identify and analyze the main risks in the business case at hand. They may go on to explain the risk mitigation strategies that have been employed or could be used in the future. The topic emphasizes the importance of project management in the business, particularly for IT-related projects. The purpose of Assessment 1 was to assess the student's ability to comprehend the context and setting of the project case in question. Students used a variety of techniques to analyze the project's critical implications to improve their ability to choose relevant projects from a collection of options (Perry, & Andrus., (2019)).
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