PRJ5108 Project Delivery and Procurement Case Study 4 Sample
Assessment 3 Details:
Following are some of the high priority infrastructure projects in Australia which are currently in construction phase. After completion of these projects the Australian people will get huge benefits from the outcomes.
1. Stage 2 of Pacific Motorway, Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill Upgrade (QLD)
2. Ichthys Gas Field Development (WA)
3. Mount Peake Vanadium-Titanium-Iron Project (NT)
4. Gawler rail line electrification Project (SA)
5. Sunrise Battery Materials Complex Project (NSW)
6. Western Sydney Airport (NSW)
7. Metro Tunnel Project (VIC)
8. Level Crossing Removal Project (VIC)
In this assessment task, students are required to choose ONE of the above six projects and answer all the questions stated below. There are three parts of this assessment task:
Part I: In this part of the assessment task, students are required to write a report based on the answers to the following questions and submit the report in week 5. Although this part of the assessment task will not provide any grading points, but the lecturer/tutor will provide feedback based on which students are required to write part II and the final part of the assessment task. Students are reminded that this part of the assessment task must do because the performance of the final part of the assessment task will depend upon the incorporation of the feedback of this part of the assessment task.
Answer the following questions in Part I of the assessment report:
1. Briefly describe the background and the objectives of the case project.
2. What is the delivery method of this project? What are the reasons behind the choice of this project delivery method for the case project?
3. Which organisation is the main construction contractor of this project, briefly describe the background of the construction contractor organization?
4. Briefly describe the bidding processes and the selection of the construction contractor.
5. Briefly describe the current updates of the case project.
Part II: In this part of the assessment task, students are required to summarise about the improvement of the first part of the assessment task based on the feedback obtained from the lecturer/tutor and students are also required to answer the following questions. There are no grading points for this part, but it is a must do task because the performance of the final part of the assessment task will depend upon the incorporation of the feedback of this part of the assessment task.
Answer the following questions in Part II of the assessment report:
1. Write a summary about the improvement of the first part of the assessment task based on the feedback provided by the lecture/tutor.
2. Are there any variations of contract types (fixed-price, cost-type or labour and material) for different works of this project such as design, construction, construction management or operation and maintenance?
3. Are there any issues (environmental, source of funding or political) associated with the case project which are obstructing the project progress?
4. Is there any cost overrun or schedule delays for the case project? Discuss about these issues using numerical values such as cost overrun in millions and schedule delays in months or years etc.
Final part of the Assessment task: In this part of the assessment task, students are required to
summarise about the improvement of the first and the second parts of the assessment task based on the feedback obtained from the lecturer/tutor and students are also required to answer the following questions.
Answer the following questions in the final Part of the assessment report:
1. Write a summary about the improvement of the previous two parts of the assessment task based on the feedback provided by the lecturer/tutor.
2. Finally, you need to interpret the findings in the discussion section, draw conclusions, and make recommendations. The conclusions and recommendations must be directly related to the data about the case project that you have collected and analysed based on the literature review on the case project.
3. You are also required to verbally present the analysis of the case project in week 12. Please see the presentation details in Assessment 4.
? Western Sydney Airport is one of the major projects procured by the government of Australia for managing air traffic and better aviation facilities in this country.
? There is a need to focus on the areas of risk and potential outcome of the project based on which its success measures can be identified (Australian government, 2023)
? This presentation includes a brief description of the project and details of project delivery measures and major risks.
Western Sydney Airport is one of the major projects ongoing in Australia, and this presentation includes details of the background of the project as well as the risks associated with the project. University assignment help, Further potential solutions for managing the risk have been mentioned here.
Background and Objectives of the Project
? Western Sydney Airport project is focused on managing air traffic and addressing the growing demand for aviation facilities in the Sydney region of Australia
? This project was started in 2014 and is expected to be completed within 2026 (Australian government, 2023)
? There are certain economic, social, and environmental benefits associated with the Western Sydney Airport project
? 10 million passengers are expected every year, and direct and indirect job creation for 28000 people are expected (International Airport Review, 2022)
The main objective of this project is to ensure convenience for passengers in accessing air mobility facilities. This project is also intended to ensure employment for the local population. Through this project, there is the possibility of economic and social development in this area. Through the completion of this project, there are possibilities of developing numerous small and medium-scale business opportunities in this area.
The delivery method of the project and choice behind the project delivery method
? Public-private-partnership (PPP) method has been considered in the Western Sydney Airport project.
? PPP has certain benefits, including better access to private financing facilities as well as limited liability in the project (Bisbey et al., 2020)
? Through the application of PPP in the current project, the private's sector ownership risk has been avoided, yet efficiency in the project has been maintained.
Through public-private partnership, this project has been completed, and the benefits of such partnership include better management and proper overseeing of project activities. Thus through this PPP, there is the possibility of reducing the potential risk of the project and better management of the operation as well as management of cost-related risk. There is also a minimization of liability considering this type of project delivery method.
Organisation to be the main contractor of the project
? Western Sydney Airport Company (WSA Co) is the major construction contractor for this project
? Further, WSA Co has reneged on other stakeholders with this project, such as contractors for procurement and installation as well as for the development of surrounding facilities (Australian government, 2023)
? CPB Contractors is the other major contractor of this project
CPB contractor is a subsidiary of CIMIC Group Ltd, and this organisation is responsible for maintaining airports' runways, taxis, and other Airport infrastructure. Apart from that, other contractors are responsible for developing the Airport equipment systems and surrounding infrastructure and facilities that lead to complete convenience for passengers.
Bidding process and current update
? Open and competitive bidding has been considered in the current project
? The benefit Benefits of open and competitive bidding include the opportunity to get the best bid price as per the proposal (Marinelli and Antoniou, 2019)
? Based on this binding process, there has been the presence of costs cutting measures in the project
Currently, 22 million cubic meters of soil have been extracted for infrastructure development, and a 3.7 Km long 60-meter wide runway has been prepared. An open and complete bidding process in this project has helped to ensure ease of accessibility of contractors as well as cost-efficient measures while completing the project.
Variations in Contract Types
? Design contracts have been applied for the initial phase of designing the building.
? Maintenance contracts are developed for the long-term maintenance of the project.
? Construction contracts are applied for the construction and building of the infrastructure.
? A construction management contract is applied for overseeing the project activities.
The decision in contract times has been considered in this project, hearing different phases. During the first phase of designing, the design construction contract was considered for designing the prototype. In the maintenance contract, long-term maintenance has been insured. Through construction contract construction building maintenance and completion has been ensured. Construction management contracts have ensured overall management.
Issues obstructing the project
? Western Sydney Airport is a major construction project going on and prime project obstruction there is the potentiality of damage in terms of biodiversity and pollution (Losos et al., 2019)
? The construction activities can affect the health and well-being of neighbouring people in terms of noise pollution and environmental pollution, such as air and water quality degradation.
? Availability of financial sources is another challenge interim of changes in the price of raw materials and cost of labour.
The major issues associated with the project include environmental degradation and financial matters. Due to construction activities, there is a threat to local biodiversity and the environment. Further cost-related areas need to be appropriately monitored.
Possibility of cost overrun and schedule delays
? Still now, as per the budget and timeline, a cost overrun has yet to be identified.
? This project will be completed in six phases, including designing and early works, major earthwork, and airside infrastructure work.
? Further activities include terminal and landside infrastructure works, commercial development, and airport operations.
? The total cost for this project is AUD 11.3 million however; there is the possibility of facts overrun if this milestone still needs to be completed on time.
Currently, there have been no issues of cost overrun, yet there can be cost overrun if the schedule needs to be properly followed. The situation ensures the timeline is followed correctly for the project to avoid cost overrun in terms of excessive consumption of resources and delay in project completion.
? The use of BIM and prefabricated construction activities can help to minimize environmental destruction (Tang, 2021)
? The following schedule can help to limit cost overrun in terms of avoiding errors in work and high-cost allocation for resources.
? Communication between project members and stakeholders can limit confusion and conflict in the project.
To avoid environmental issues, BIM and prefabricated construction processes can be applied. In case of cost overrun issues, there is a possibility to reduce this by following the timeline and maintaining the budget.
? Based on the case analysis, there is the potentiality for job opportunities and better air transport after the development of this airport.
? Environmental impact is a significant concern for the project
? There are no costs to overturn issues cost of resources, and lack of compliance with the schedule can be an issue
Please want to project it becomes evident that this project is completed to ensure employment facilities as a race passenger convenience. However, environmental issues can be a significant concern to which BIM and prefabricated construction can be applied.
Australian government (2023) An airport for Western Sydney, Available at: https://www.westernsydneyairport.gov.au/sites/default/files/summary_brochure-an_airport_for_WS.pdf[Accessed on: 22/4/2023]
Bisbey, J., Nourzad, S.H.H., Chu, C.Y. and Ouhadi, M., (2020). Enhancing the efficiency of infrastructure projects to improve access to finance. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy, and Development, 4(1), pp.27-49.
International Airport Review (2022) New airport creating job opportunities for Western Sydney, Available at: https://www.internationalairportreview.com/news/175198/new-airport-creating-job-opportunities-for-western-sydney/ [Accessed on: 22/4/2023]
Losos, E.C., Pfaff, A., Olander, L.P., Mason, S. and Morgan, S., (2019). Reducing environmental risks from belt and road initiative investments in transportation infrastructure. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, (8718).
Marinelli, M. and Antoniou, F. (2019). Improving public works' value for money: A new procurement strategy. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(1), pp.85-102.
Tang, X., (2021). Research on comprehensive application of BIM in green construction of prefabricated buildings. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 760, No. 1, p. 012006). IOP Publishing.