PRJ5106 Research Methodology and Data Analysis Assignment 2 Sample
Assessment 2: Structured Literature Review
Conducting a critical review of the literature for a topic/area of interest, identifying knowledge gaps and defining an appropriate research question and objectives.
Assessment 2 Detail
Conduct a critical review of the literature for a topic/area of interest, identify knowledge gaps and define an appropriate research question and objectives. Provide references to at least FIFTEEN research studies, government reports and/or industry reports, using Harvard Referencing. Please note, websites are not acceptable resources for the purpose of the assignment.
Currently, social media is adopted by many firms or organizations as a business tool that provides interactive ways to improve the competitive position of businesses and also provide new opportunities. University Assignment Help, in this report, conduct a critical review of the literature on social media capabilities and their importance for businesses.
Literature Review
The literature review is performed to identify social media's role and its benefits for different businesses.
Company Public Relations are Improved Using Social Media
Tam & Kim (2019) define social media analytics tools as obtaining real-time data and data analysis quickly and also useful in identifying the network of issues regarding various publics. Social media analytics support organizations by improving the organization's relationship quality with the public. As retail industry in the current environment also requires using an effective approach to create a stronger and better relationship with the public instead of using marketing alone. However, using social media networks like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook one of the challenges is restricting third-party access to data.
Social Media Marketing Impact on Business Performance
Tarsakoo & Charoensukmongkol (2019) define social media used by many companies as a marketing tool that supports marketing activities. Also, as a channel used social media helps to obtain useful information from customers like product preferences of customers. Companies used the information to improve their products and make products according to customer preferences. Social media is a marketing communication channel that supports customer relationship management and helps companies to build effective relationships with their customers.
Social Media Value for Innovation
Muninger (2019) defines social media as increasingly used by many firms for innovation. A theory-building and qualitative approach is used to identify the advantage of social media in the innovation process of companies. A conceptual framework is used for the innovation process to support applications based on social media and also to determine the resources and key capabilities of social media. This study discussed various activities of social media in the innovation process orchestrated by social media managers, cultivating support through top management, agile processes, test and learn cycle, team empowerment, knowledge flows across teams, and rapid decision-making.
Digitalization in small businesses through social media
Olsson & Bernhard (2020) define the rapid advancement of digitalization in information and communication technologies are changes that create challenging and reshaping conditions, generating new customer expectations, and shaking up the industry for work and interaction. Social media as digital technologies include changes in business operations and impact the production of products and services and delivered organizational logic and processes. Digital technology as a part of business strategies supports the business to handle new competitive dynamics.
Social media marketing and the future of digital
Dwivedi (2021) define customer behavior and companies’ ways of conducting their business are changed by adopting social media and the internet. Digitalization and social media provide significant opportunities like increased sales, improved brand awareness, and lower costs to organizations. However, several challenges are existing from the irritating and intrusive online brand presence and negative electronic comments (Dwivedi et al., 2021). This study includes the key aspects and perspectives on various issues like mobile marketing, advertising, AI, AU marketing, management of digital content, B2B marketing, and ethical issues.
Engage employees using social media
Ewing (2019) defines that in organizations, social media growth changes the internal communication strategy. This study defines social media's internal value and improves employee engagement. Social media connect the employee to the objectives and goals of the company and provides passion, and energy, and empowered the employees (Ewing et al., 2019). The finding of this study defines social media's role in engaging employees in current digitalized organizational settings and also discussed challenges and risks like fear of loss of management control and penetrations among job natures and employees from various generations.
Social Media Marketing Strategy
In this study, Li (2020) define discusses marketing strategies of social media like monitoring strategy, customer relationship management strategy, and commerce strategy. The different social media marketing strategy success will rely on the ability of an organization to determine and access customer-owned resources. social media transforming the customer from passive receivers to active value contributors (Li et al., 2020). The strategies also rely on the willingness of the organization to allocate resources to enhance customer relationships, develop appropriate responses, and foster collaborative conversations.
Social Media in Tourism
Dolan (2019) defines the way of gathering and distributing tourism information as transformed by social media. This study defines the interactive process of value formation through tourists complaining on social media using social practice theory and service-centric research. This study shows the social media complaints investigation concerning airlines of Australia. Also, the finding of this study defines complaining practices and their possibilities for co-destruction and co-creation (Dolan et al., 2019).
Social commerce information sharing for brand co-creation
Tajvidi (2020) defines social media networking sites provide useful information about brands and their products and services to consumers and also improved consumer relationships with organizations and also impact brands (Tajvidi et al., 2020). This study creates a brand co-creation model using the socio-technical theory and also includes key elements like social support, information sharing about commerce, social support, privacy concern, and quality of relationship. This study defines the social support, quality of the relationship, information sharing about commerce directly or indirectly impact the brand co-creation, and information sharing about commerce impact on the co-creation of brand moderate by privacy concerns.
Social media future in marketing
Appel (2019) defines social media enable people to interact with other people freely and also provides a different way that helps the market to engage with their customers. This study defines social media in different ways that impact business and individuals and also define some issues regarding marketing (Appel et al., 2019). The finding of this research study defines the social media future in marketing as exciting but not certain.
Social media influencers' impact on travel decisions
Pop (2021) defines that in the travel industry, consumer behavior is changing increasingly due to social media influencers' growing presence. In tourism marketing and social media influencers, the most important topic is a trust which creates and maintains successful and effective relationships between consumers and organizations. This study discusses the social media influencers' trust impact on the travel decision-making of customers. As a marketing tool, social media influencers provide trustworthiness which is an important aspect, and impact decision-making successfully (Pop et al., 2021).
Social media: the relationship among purchase intention, brand attitude, community commitment, and community experiences
Wang (2019) defines social networking sites built the brand community and also providing efficiency in modern marketing. However, using social networking sites' brand community to build a consumer brand relationship propose a challenge in improving the performance of the market. This study predicts the purchase intention of consumers by determining the main factors regarding social networking sites' brand community (Wang et al., 2019). This study provides suggestions to organizations to manage the consumer's commitment and experiences strategically using social networking sites and brand communities.
Social media technologies improved CRM capabilities
Foltean (2019) defines in adopting new technologies despite the institutional factors' importance of social media use improves the performance of the organization and customer relationship management. This study determines the customer coercive pressure impact and competitors' mimetic pressure on the adoption of social media technologies using the capabilities theory and institutional theory (Foltean et al., 2019). The finding of the study defines the usefulness of social media technologies and their impact depending on the firm size, sectors, innovativeness, and the market.
Social Media Sales Research for B-to-B Social Selling
Ancillai (2019) defines buying behavior as the major changes faced by business markets due to consequent changes and increasing digitalization trends. This study conceptualizes social selling and used a discovery-oriented approach (Ancillai et al., 2019). Digital and social channels are used by social selling for engaging, connecting, and understanding influencers, and purchasing touchpoints for creating effective business relationships.
Social media and customer engagement de Oliveira Santini (2020) defines this study uses a meta-analytics model to determine customer engagement in social media. The finding of this study defines trust, positive emotions, and satisfaction as driven by customer engagement rather than commitment. In Twitter, B2B, and high convenience customer engagement the stronger predictor is satisfaction. This study for customer engagement theory also includes the practical implication for managers, establishment of definition, and mechanics of customer engagement (de Oliveira Santini et al., 2020).
Knowledge Gap
The defined literature provides limited guidance for approaches and strategies of social media used for innovation process and capability and the importance of social media for specific organizations. This study required advanced research on the implementation of social media in organizations and the usefulness of social media digital skills in different fields.
Research objective and Research Questions
This research objective is to analyze useful information about the role of social media in different businesses and analyze various benefits achieved by organizations after adopting social media as a business strategy. Some research questions are included in this research that helps to analyze more information about the social media used in businesses.
- How is social media providing different benefits to various businesses?
- How do companies and business improve their public relations after using social media?
- What challenges and issues occurred after adopting social media for business?
- How does social media contribute to improving the business performance of organizations?
- How is social media marketing enhancing the customer journey and customer engagement behaviors?
This report includes a literature review to determine the digitalization and social media impact on specific firms and the usefulness of social media for different firms and organizations. Social media growth creates better opportunities for the organization and also supports businesses to develop marketing capabilities to achieve competitive advantage. After reviewing the different research analyze the knowledge gap present in existing research. Also, define some research questions and objectives to perform further research.
Ancillai, C. et al. (2019) “Advancing Social Media Driven Sales Research: Establishing conceptual foundations for B-to-B social selling,” Industrial Marketing Management, 82, pp. 293–308. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.01.002.
Appel, G. et al. (2019) “The future of social media in marketing,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(1), pp. 79–95. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-019-00695-1.
de Oliveira Santini, F. et al. (2020) “Customer engagement in Social Media: A Framework and meta-analysis,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(6), pp. 1211–1228. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-020-00731-5.
Dolan, R., Seo, Y. and Kemper, J. (2019) “Complaining practices on social media in tourism: A value co-creation and co-destruction perspective,” Tourism Management, 73, pp. 35–45. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2019.01.017.
Dwivedi, Y.K. et al. (2021) “Setting the future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and Research Propositions,” International Journal of Information Management, 59, p. 102168. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102168.
Ewing, M., Men, L.R. and O’Neil, J. (2019) “Using social media to engage employees: Insights from internal communication managers,” International Journal of Strategic Communication, 13(2), pp. 110–132. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/1553118x.2019.1575830.
Foltean, F.S., Trif, S.M. and Tuleu, D.L. (2019) “Customer relationship management capabilities and social media technology use: Consequences on firm performance,” Journal of Business Research, 104, pp. 563–575. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.10.047.
Li, F., Larimo, J. and Leonidou, L.C. (2020) “Social media marketing strategy: Definition, conceptualization, taxonomy, validation, and future agenda,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(1), pp. 51–70. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-020-00733-3.
Muninger, M.-I., Hammedi, W. and Mahr, D. (2019) “The value of social media for innovation: A capability perspective,” Journal of Business Research, 95, pp. 116–127. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.10.012.
Olsson, A.K. and Bernhard, I. (2020) “Keeping up the pace of digitalization in small businesses–women entrepreneurs' knowledge and use of social media,” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 27(2), pp. 378–396. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/ijebr-10-2019-0615.
Pop, R.-A. et al. (2021) “The impact of social media influencers on travel decisions: The role of trust in consumer decision journey,” Current Issues in Tourism, 25(5), pp. 823–843. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1895729.
Tajvidi, M. et al. (2020) “Brand co-creation through social commerce information sharing: The Role of Social Media,” Journal of Business Research, 121, pp. 476–486. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.06.008.
Tam, L., and Kim, J.-N. (2019) “Social Media Analytics: How They Support Company Public Relations,” Journal of Business Strategy, 40(1), pp. 28–34. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/jbs-06-2017-0078.
Tarsakoo, P. and Charoensukmongkol, P. (2019) “Dimensions of social media marketing capabilities and their contribution to the business performance of firms in Thailand,” Journal of Asia Business Studies, 14(4), pp. 441–461. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/jabs-07-2018-0204.
Wang, X.-W., Cao, Y.-M. and Park, C. (2019) “The relationships among community experience, community commitment, brand attitude, and purchase intention in social media,” International Journal of Information Management, 49, pp. 475–488. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.07.018.