NURBN 3031 Teaching, Learning and Situational Leadership for Health Practice
Task Overview
There are three (3) pieces (elements) for this portfolio. Each portfolio element will be related to the key content in Modules 1, 2 & 3 respectfully. Students will be required to draw upon learning, key documents, and readings to complete each element.
The aim of the three elements is to:
Module 1 element: ensure students can demonstrate an understanding of the registered nurses’ leadership role, and the ability to apply professional practice expectations and responsibilities to daily registered nurse practice.
Module 2 element: ensure students can identify and describe positive preceptorship behaviours that you can use when you become a registered nurse.
Module 3 element: ensure students can create your Learner Profile so you have a better understanding of how you learn best and strategies you can implement to improve your learning as a student and an early career registered nurse.
Task Instructions
Module 1 element: Case Scenario (600 words)
Read the case scenario below and provide a response in writing to the issues outlines below.
Step 1: read the Case scenario:
You have finally made it to third year! You and Kim met in your first year of study and you have become good friends. Both of you are keen do well in your final year of study and you both hope to work in the same area of clinical practice
After the first week of the NURBN3031 classes, Kim says to you “This unit is a waste of time. I am not interested in leadership. We should havemore classes on the clinical skills we need instead of spending time on things we will never use!” You disagree with Kim and want to help them understand that learning about leadership in nursing is relevant and important.
Step 2: Draft response to scenario
Your task is to explain to Kim, in writing, why learning about leadership is an important skill for a registered nurse working in your desired area of clinical practice. Please include the following in your explanation:
• Nominate the area of clinical practice and relate your key explanation points to this context. The area of clinical practice is your choice (e.g., mental health, aged care, emergency, paediatrics, rural health, general medical surgical, theatre, ICU or any other area you are interested in). However, it is important your explanation is directly relevant to this area of clinical practice.
• Write a convincing explanation/argument regarding the leadership role of the registered nurse and the importance of learning about leadership. This explanation/argument is to be supported with evidence from the professional documents that guide nursing practice of the Australian registered nurse (these are identified in Module 1 and students are required to locate and familiarise themselves with these professional standards and documents). No other references are to be used.
• In your explanation include at least two (2) examples of everyday practice situations in your named area of clinical practice where leadership skills will be required.
• In-text citations and a reference list using the APA7 referencing guidelines are to be included.
You have permission to write in the 1st or 3rd person, and you can assign a gender identity to Kim if you wish.
Module 2 element: Impactful Preceptorship (600 words)
The aim of this element is to identify and describe positive behaviours exhibited by preceptors during your placement, which you can adopt as a future registered nurse.
Step 1: Consider an appropriate situation to discuss
Recall a positive experience you had with a nurse preceptor or buddy in one of your 1st or 2nd year placements.
Step 2: Draft response
In this element, please provide the following:
• Name the placement venue, the year and semester of the placement you are discussing. Provide a brief description of your preceptor/buddy including their role.
• Identify and discuss two (2) supportive strategies your preceptor/buddy used. Include in your discussion how each strategy impacted your motivation and confidence during the placement. Support your explanation with evidence provided in the Moodle content and readings in Module 2. Include one additional reference that is not in module 2 and is directly relevant to your context.
• In-text citations and a reference list using the APA7 referencing guidelines are to be included.
You have permission to write in the 1st or 3rd person, and we recommend you assign a pseudonym to your preceptor/buddy.
Module 3 element: Your Learner Profile (600 word)
In Module 3 we explored the importance of understanding the learning needs of individuals, the range of factors that influence the way people learn and the importance of designing learning opportunities to meet these differences. A very effective way to understand different learning needs is to start with ourselves
The aim of this activity is for you to create your Learner Profile so you have a better understanding of how you learn best and strategies you can implement to improve your learning as a student and an early career registered nurse.
Module 1: Case Scenario
Leadership is quite an essential matter for the overall healthcare sector, and nursing is no exception to this scenario. Over time, it has been seen that leadership within nursing helps to make a difference within the work culture. Furthermore, through an accurate leadership style, nurses can bring positivity to improve the overall healthcare legislation further. Strong Nursing leaders are responsible for identifying the accurate necessity for a constant evolution. Several factors, such as operational costs and patients’ safety and satisfaction, can be maintained through the implementation of leadership practices (Kiwanuka et al. 2021). Furthermore, it can be said that leadership is essential for guiding nurses to achieve better skills and understanding regarding the industry. It also has been seen that when the nurses start to admire the leaders, it effectively boosts their morale. Leaders are capable of establishing effective communication within organisational culture. Therefore, if nursing can be aligned with an appropriate leadership style, then it will be easier to establish a psychologically safe workplace for nurses (Lee & Dahinten, 2021). Within the Australian healthcare sector, it has been noticed that in recent times, the number of patients has increased compared to the number of healthcare professionals. That is why leadership practices for nurses are equally important, similar to the knowledge of clinical skills.
Mental Health is one of the crucial factors in the healthcare sector, as it has been seen that not every patient feels comfortable sharing their emotional issues. In this particular segment, it is more necessary for the nurses to become familiar with patients to offer the required comfort and trust. Therefore, it can be seen that communication is needed to facilitate the mental health sector. That is, leadership within nursing is crucial for rehabilitation centres. Additionally, the ICN code states the ethical values and responsibilities of healthcare professionals (Toumová et al. 2021). On the other hand, it has also been identified through this code that typical guidance is more crucial for nurses based on different roles. Therefore, nurses must identify their responsibilities regarding different virtues, equity and other factors. Additionally, within the mental health care sector, nurses have to deal with different criteria, such as patient record management, administering medications, patient assessments, educating patients and their families and many more. However, it is also true that nurses cannot achieve the accurate skills to accomplish all of these goals without the proper leadership knowledge. At the same time, it has been seen that leadership can offer knowledge to nurses regarding patient-centred care for university assignment help.
In several cases, it has been noticed that the Decision-Making Framework evaluates the capabilities of nurses portrayed through the set standards (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). Several areas within the mental health care sector that demonstrate the effectiveness of leadership have been identified. As for regular practices, leadership guides nurses to deal with crises. Therefore, nurses gain the ability to address crises such as situational, maturational, sociocultural and many more. In further cases, leadership can be proven to be beneficial for highlighting the effectiveness of interdisciplinary collaborations. Several interactions between mental health care patients and organisations have exposed the urgency of accurate tolerance skills. Nurses have to deal with patients with more sensitivity compared to any other patients within the healthcare sector. Leadership is the only effective key for this industry to guide nurses to earn accurate patience. Even in several cases, nurses with accurate leadership skills have been seen to receive the appropriate respect for the organisation and patients through their accurate behavioural skills. Additionally, decision-making skills guide nurses to analyse situations more accurately to understand the intensity of the patient’s issues.
Reference list
Kiwanuka, F., Nanyonga, R. C., Sak?Dankosky, N., Muwanguzi, P. A., & Kvist, T. (2021) ‘Nursing leadership styles and their impact on intensive care unit quality measures: An integrative review’, Journal of Nursing Management, 29(2), 133-142. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/JONM.13151
Lee, S. E., & Dahinten, V. S. (2021) ‘Psychological safety as a mediator of the relationship between inclusive leadership and nurse voice behaviors and error reporting’, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(6), 737-745. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12689
Molina-Mula, J., & Gallo-Estrada, J. (2020) ‘Impact of nurse-patient relationship on quality of care and patient autonomy in decision-making’, International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(3), 835. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17030835
Toumová, K., Havierniková, L., Kimmerová, J., Hellerová, V., Tóthová, V., & Chloubová, I. (2021) ‘The importance of ethical codes in nursing care’, KONTAKT-Journal of Nursing & Social Sciences related to Health & Illness, 23(2). DOI: 10.32725/kont.2021.021
Module 2: Impactful Preceptorship
My placement venue is Geelong Mckellar Ward Rehabilitation and I am pursuing the 2nd semester of the 2nd year. Jenefer is my buddy or batchmate who helped me a lot during the entire course and field experience to overcome the challenges I faced in the placement. Jenefer is now shift-in-charge of the palace and works as a registered nurse on the morning shift. As I joined the rehabilitation ward, various kinds of experiences caused traumatic experiences such as mental blockage, reduced decision-making and many more. Jenefer helped me a lot to overcome the situations by explaining them critically and motivating me to achieve my professional goals. Considering the placement area, mental pressure and excessive workload are common challenges for healthcare professionals, especially for newcomers (Ghafoor et al. 2021). Thus, adapting different healthcare skills and tackling workplace pressure is extremely crucial to staying focused and performing efficiently. Additionally, the aspects of a calm mindset and a greater range of self-awareness have been crucial in the healthcare sector to diagnose patients in their critical stages.
After I shared my opinions and the challenges I am exploited to, Jenefer explained the situation quite maturely and her immense support made me comfortable and flexible to cope with the placement flexibility. There were mainly two strategies used by Jenefer while treating the patients in terms of a critical approach and high-order professionalism. She shared his perspectives and opinions with me, stating that a higher degree of professionalism signifies a disciplinary approach in the placement area. Thus, the skills such as interaction, patient care and many more are included within this specific aspect. Considering the aspects of enhanced interaction with co-workers, improved critical observation power and decision-making capability over any situation (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021). Additionally, I think that the suggestion also induces my capability to work in a team to surpass any challenges. For instance, a patient in a critical situation needs urgent diagnosis and assistance. Effective teamwork can mitigate certain stages and buy some time for the patient, improving the quality of the treatment. Therefore, I can say that the adaptation of extreme professionalism motivates me to create a professional relationship within the area that induces the work process and pace. Personal achievements and performance qualities also get enhanced with particular adaptation. Considering the facts, nursing practices are associated with critical patient care. For example, a critical case can cause the rise of multiple challenges, such as the need for certain medicines and prescriptions. Such a situation reflects the importance of autonomous decision-making, which signifies the importance of a calm state of mind to assess the situation and requirements.
Conversely, a critical approach is an effective strategy to observe the situation and follow the seniors to adopt best care practices. This strategy helped me to achieve a higher level of capability to tackle more critical emergencies. The experience that I gathered during a certain period and shared with the teammates provided a clear outline of the approach, resulting in effective measures to terminate the challenges. Self-esteem and management are extremely crucial in terms of listening actively to others’ perspectives (Goldsby et al. 2020). This particular strategic adaptation allows me to choose the best approach by analysing the effectiveness of differentiated strategies offered by others. As Jenefer recommended, the critical approach improves the decision-making as well as impacts the performance metrics positively. A leveraged proficiency to manage the stress level has been acquired based on this specific suggestion. Thus, effective stress management and its related strategies provide the required opportunity to enhance the healthcare services for the patients and achieve the professional objectives simultaneously (Querstret et al. 2020). Hence, it can be said that Jenefer’s perspectives and opinions helped me a lot in terms of learning the nursing care and associated practices.
Reference list
Ghafoor, Y., Yaqoob, A., Bilal, A., & Ghafoor, S. (2021) ‘Impact of nurse shortage on patient care’, Saudi J Nurs Health Care, 4(4), 114-9. DOI: 10.36348/sjnhc.2021.v04i04.003
Goldsby, E., Goldsby, M., Neck, C. B., & Neck, C. P. (2020) ‘Under pressure: Time management, self-leadership, and the nurse manager’, Administrative Sciences, 10(3), 38. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/admsci10030038
Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021) ‘A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: barriers, facilitators, and the way forward’, BMC nursing, 20(1), 1-10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00684-2
Querstret, D., Morison, L., Dickinson, S., Cropley, M., & John, M. (2020) ‘Mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for psychological health and well-being in nonclinical samples: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, International Journal of Stress Management, 27(4), 394. DOI: 10.1037/str0000165
Module 3: Learner Profile
Reference list
Ho, Y. R., Chen, B. Y., & Li, C. M. (2023) ‘Thinking more wisely: using the Socratic method to develop critical thinking skills amongst healthcare students’, BMC Medical Education, 23(1), 173. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-023-04134-2
Wróbel-Lachowska, M., Dominiak, J., Wo?niak, M. P., Bart?omiejczyk, N., Diethei, D., Wysoki?ska, A., ... & Romanowski, A. (2023) ‘That’s when I put it on’: stakeholder perspectives in large-scale remote health monitoring for older adults’, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 27(6), 2193-2210. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-023-01753-w