NURBN1016 Primary Health Essay 2 Sample
Assignment Brief
Task 2: Reflective essay
This assessment task is to be submitted electronically through Turnitin via the Moodle link on or before the due date.
The Assessment Task:
This assessment is a written (Word document) reflective essay, which builds (scaffolds) on the TWO chosen determinants of health in the Assessment Task 1 presentation related to the same Local Government Area (LGA) chosen in Assessment Task 1. You are required to produce an academic essay about your chosen LGA and your chosen TWO determinants of health undertaken in Assessment Task 1. Local government areas (LGAs) differ across Australia and Victoria. The health needs of a community are unique and specific to the area within which the community is located. Determining what those specific health needs are requires a reflective analysis to gain further understanding of the complex elements that contribute to the health status of that LGA community - which we can call a "community profile".
Logical essay headings should include:
· A brief overview of the chosen Local Government Area (LGA)
Examination of Health Determinant 1
· Examination of the first chosen health determinant
· How it impacts the health of the community within the LGA
. Identify what are the protective or risk factors for this community and what relevant resources and support services are available for the risk factors.
· Relevant data/statistics
. Discuss one relevant health policy for this health determinant related to this community
Examination of Health Determinant 2
· Examination of the second chosen health determinant
· How it impacts the health of the community within the LGA
· Identify what are the protective or risk factors for this community and what relevant resources and support services are available for the risk factors.
· Relevant data/statistics
. Discuss one relevant health policy for this health determinant related to this community
Strategies and Recommendations
· Discuss potential strategies or interventions that could improve health outcomes related to the examined determinants
· Recommendations for local government, healthcare providers, or community organizations
This needs the same LGA and determinants of health as before. LGA was Wyndham and determinants of health were Employment and income.
Wyndham Vale is known to be one of the suburbs Situated in the Melbourne region of Victoria Australia. It covers a local government area of Approximately 31 kilometres in the southwest of the central business district of Melbourne. The approximate population of the selected LGA is around 322,226 according to the estimated report of 2023 it is considered to be one of the rapidly growing suburbs with active urban development (Community profile, 2023). The population density of the region is approximately 570.6 individuals per square kilometre with a median age of 32 years. According to the statistical report of 2022 approximately 9.2% population aged between 5 to 9 years 111.3% aged between 35 to 39 years and 9.8 individuals aged between 32 to 34 years. The ethnic diversity of the city of Wyndham accounts for 17.4% of Indians 116.5% of Australians and 16.8% of the English population. The population in the selected local government area is involved in a wide range of employment status as well as diversity according to employment as well as income (Community profile, 2023).
The following assessment will thus focus on two chief health determinants of the selected local government area which include income and employment community health analysis. It will also intend to evaluate the risk factors sustained by the community as well as its relation to the selected health determinant. Further analysis significant interventions and strategic recommendations will be provided to ensure better health facilities and services for the target population for university assignment help.
Examination of Health Determinant 1:
Employment is considered one of the critical social determinants of Hell as it ensures the source of income, social connection, health service coverage as well a sense of Independence within an individual often a wide range of barriers significantly associated with employment which leads an individual towards deprived health and social outcomes. These factors often include health and well-being, education, society, gender, age as well as race. It has been found that approximately 135,829 of the city of Wyndham were identified to be employed out of which 31% were indulged in part-time employment and 62% were full-time employees (Wyndham City Community Profile, 2023). The employment statistics of the region indicates 93.2% out of which 28.9% are involved in part-time jobs whereas .58 .0% are involved in full-time job. It has also been found that 6.8% of the population is either looking for full-time employment or part-time work opportunities due to unemployment status. Focusing on the type of employment and source of income considered by the population approximately 66.9% of the people living in Wyndham are involved in labour forces where the age includes 15 years and above (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2023).
It has been found that the population living in Wyndham with full-time employment status are provided with health benefits and insurance which significantly support the health outcome of the population. Whereas the population with part-time job as well as those involved in the labor force lacks major health insurance benefits that impacts their health and well-being. It often leads them towards deprived health outcomes due to a lack of knowledge and information regarding health concerns and health benefits as well as the inability to meet healthcare expenses and services (Wyndham City Community Profile, 2023). Also, the population is known to sustain the risk of long-term chronic health conditions such as asthma, obesity arthritis as well as cardiovascular issues due to their lifestyle as well as their employment status. Poor diet intake as well as deprived involvement in exercise and physical activity due to employment status and workload the population living in Wyndham is identified to suffer from the increased risk of long-term chronic diseases. Long-term chronic diseases have been considered to be a major challenge for the population as it is associated with both psychosocial and practical issues that often lead an individual toward lifelong suffering. It is also known to affect their employment status as well as job opportunities as chronic diseases develop a barrier to meeting their daily requirements and working progressively in their work field (WCHWP, 2023). It has been found that approximately 25% of the adult population in Wyndham is either obese or overweight when compared to the other cities located nearby as well as Victoria. It is also reported that more than 35% of the adult population have been instructed to be involved in physical activities every week due to the rising issue of diabetes cardiovascular complications and well as blood pressure (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2023).
Against the rising issue of chronic health conditions due to poor diet and lack of exercise within the general population of Wyndham, the authorities have taken different measures to assist employees within their workplace they have been providing health insurance to the employees as well as support systems to their family in order to ensure medical assistance (Government of Australia, 2018).
One of the identified actions taken by the support services accounts for Live Well @ Work which focuses on instructing guiding as well and assisting employees within their workplace with different dietary guidance as well as physical activities that they need to maintain to remain healthy and avoid long-term chronic diseases (UCSD, 2017). The Australian Work Health and Safety Policy has been functioning equally for the population of Wyndham which provides workers and employees with compensation and assistance to improve their health and safety within the workplace. It provides equal and rightful services to every population within Wyndham City respective of their employment status.
Examination of Health Determinant 2
Income is perhaps considered to be the most important determinant of Health as it has been found that with increased income an individual sustains the ability to access better services and facilities that ensure health benefits it accounts for better food hygiene proper housing facility financial stability as well as access to advanced health care services. With decreased income individuals as well as associated families witness increased health risks as well as poor health services. It has also been identified that low education, poor income as well and unemployment are equally associated with poor health outcomes which significantly increase the death rate (Wyndham City Community Profile, 2023). According to Statistical evidence, the population of Wyndham withstands an increased population with low income whereas a lower portion of the population earns a stable or high income. It has been found that more than 31.7% of the population are involved in low-income status whereas 10.7% are considered to have a high-income source which is significantly similar to those of the population living in Greater Melbourne. Also, the average income of a household in Wyndham is approximately $262,075 Which thus increases the poverty rate up to 1.11% (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2023).
With the deprived income and increased family expenses, the general population of Wyndham has been witnessing an increased risk of mental health complications which mainly account for depression and anxiety. It has also been found that with the increased expenses and housing rates, the population has been thriving to maintain a stable expenditure and living. Also, increased expenses as well as family dynamics have been developing a major burden on low-income families as they are deprived of a healthy lifestyle (WCHWP, 2023). Further, It increases the risk of diverse health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, kidney disease, asthma, lung conditions as well and stroke. Poor income has been serving as a major challenge in meeting equal and rightful health services within the population as deprived educational standards as well as employment status inhibit them from accessing several facilities that are provided to the other populations.
Some of the major risk factors for the community associated with low income accounts for increased mental health complications as well as obesity which has been hampering the health status of the target population. It has also identified that with low income the population has been witnessing difficulties in accessing appropriate health services and facilities due to increased health expenditure as well as deprived health insurance (WCHWP, 2023).
Wyndham Community Health Services has been providing health promotion health information and other services to the general population of the city in order to ensure better health outcomes and health management within the population (Wyndham Community Health Service, 2023). Wyndham Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 has been working on different strategies and accident plans along with policies in order to provide equity as well as the rightful opportunity to every individual (MPHWP, 2023). Within society to maintain a stable health outcome it focuses on providing disability support network community strength policy as well as community revitalization impact and learning plans to strengthen the community health outcome.
Strategies and Recommendations:
One of the major interventions or strategies that can be implemented to overcome the health challenges faced by the general population of Wyndham is associated with employment and income accounts for workplace wellness programs. It will focus on providing job safety guidance and training, health education as well and health incentives to ensure the employees as well as labourers with an opportunity to seek better health outcomes (Bezzina et al., 2021).
It will also be necessary that a health assessment and treatment service must be provided to the general population of the community by the primary health care services. To ensure Equal and rightful delivery of health services as well as an opportunity to overcome the increased health expense burden, the intervention will support the community with a health program that is easily available within their surroundings (Parikh et al., 2021).
It is recommended that the local government as well as the state government, work in a collaborative approach where the health care services and providers along with community authorities work in an interprofessional strategy. The strategy will ensure that every individual within the community is provided with a community-based health service approach in order to initiate the early diagnosis of illness proper treatment and management guidance as well as assistance to better recovery. It will also ensure that the people within the community are provided with proper education, and health literacy in order to sustain the potential to manage healthy eating as well as physical activity that is necessary to overcome the risk of obesity as well as other chronic health conditions (Haldane et al., 2019). Also, social service providers need to work along with the different organizations and authorities in order to provide them with assistance regarding job opportunities, employment guidance as well and a stable income source in order to overcome the identified health risk. The initiative will ensure that the population of the Wyndham community sustains independence over their income source, education as well and employment in order to fight against the health risk and ensure health stability for the family. It is also recommended that the different policies as well as services provided to the general population of Australia as well as Victoria under the Department of Health must be guided and delivered to these populations. It will help in delivering the different services the population of Wyndham authorized to restore their economic as well as employment standards along with health benefits.
In order to conclude the assessment it can be stated that the evolution and analysis of the local government area provided an insight into the different determinants of health that activity functions within the region it helped in analyzing its impact on the population as well as their health outcomes in regards of employment and income. The population requires significant assistance and services to overcome the challenges and health risks they face due to deprived employment and income values. It is thus recommended that the population of Wyndham is provided with different interventions such as a workplace well wellness program as well as primary health care services through the community centre. It will provide independence as well as support to the people living in the community to maintain a stable health outcome as well as manage the risk factors associated with employment and income.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2023). Wyndham. 2021 Wyndham, Census All persons QuickStats | Australian Bureau of Statistics. https://abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/quickstats/2021/21305#:~:text=Note%3A%20Selected%20long-term%20health%20conditions%20include%20arthritis%2C%20asthma%2C,health%20condition%20%28including%20depression%20or%20anxiety%29%20and%20stroke.
Bezzina, A., Austin, E. K., Watson, T., Ashton, L., & James, C. L. (2021). Health and wellness in the Australian coal mining industry: A cross sectional analysis of baseline findings from the RESHAPE workplace wellness program. Plos one, 16(6), e0252802. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0252802
Community profile. (2023, February 22). New Opportunities for Gender Equity Analysis. Home | City of Wyndham | Community profile. https://profile.id.com.au/wyndham
Government of Australia. (2018). Wyndham Community Health and Wellbeing Profiles - Summary. https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2018-03/Health%20and%20Wellbeing%20Profile%20-%20Summary%20-%20March%202018%20%282%29.pdf
Haldane, V., Chuah, F. L., Srivastava, A., Singh, S. R., Koh, G. C., Seng, C. K., & Legido-Quigley, H. (2019). Community participation in health services development, implementation, and evaluation: A systematic review of empowerment, health, community, and process outcomes. PloS one, 14(5), e0216112. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0216112
MPHWP . (2023). Wyndham Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025. report ... MPHWP REPORTING Monitoring Outcomes 2021-2022. https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-08/MPHWP%20REPORTING%20Monitoring%20Outcomes%202021-2022.pdf
Parikh, D. R., Diaz, A., Bernardes, C., De Ieso, P. B., Thachil, T., Kar, G., ... & Garvey, G. (2021). The utilization of allied and community health services by cancer patients living in regional and remote geographical areas in Australia. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29, 3209-3217. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-020-05839-6
UCSD. (2017, October 3). Creating a culture of health: Wyndham. UCSD Center for Community Health. https://ucsdcommunityhealth.org/news/creating-a-culture-of-health-wyndham/
WCHWP. (2023). Wyndham Community Health and Wellbeing Profiles - Summary. https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2018-03/Health%20and%20Wellbeing%20Profile%20-%20Summary%20-%20March%202018%20%282%29.pdf
Wyndham City Community Profile. (2023). City of Wyndham. Individual income | City of Wyndham | Community profile. https://profile.id.com.au/wyndham/individual-income
Wyndham City Community Profile. (2023a). City of Wyndham. | City of Wyndham | Community profile. https://profile.id.com.au/wyndham/long-term-health
Wyndham Community Health Service. (2023). Wyndham Community Health Service. healthdirect. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/healthcare-service/wyndham-6740-wa/wyndham-community-health-service/health-promotion/1abdb63e-8879-920b-6969-a3df5b2174a0