MIS611 Information Systems Capstone 3 A Report Sample

Assessment Task

In this assessment, you will finalise your report and recommendations to your client/organisation. You will incorporate all feedback provided by your lecturer throughout the trimester, including additional research or content to be completed. The final report must be structured as per the guidelines detailed in these assessment instructions. Note, you are producing an industry-level final report, not resubmitting your previous assessments. Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


This trimester, you will actively contribute to a project team to deliver a business solution for a client. The assessment format is modelled on industry practice, and the subject is designed to leverage your knowledge of information systems management and industry techniques to help you transition to industry. All teams will complete one project, focused on the client’s/organisation’s brief.


This final report for your client/organisation will bring together the work you have completed throughout the trimester. It is essential that all feedback provided by your lecturer throughout the trimester is incorporated into this report. Note, there are additional requirements and sections.

The following structure should be used:

A title page. State the subject code and subject name, assignment title, organisation’s/client’s name, students’ names, students’ numbers and lecturer’s name.

A table of contents. This is mandatory for this assessment. You can create the table of contents using MS Word’s auto-generator. Instructions for which can be found here: https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Create-a-table-ofcontents.

Introduction: This must include background information on the case study and client/organisation that has been provided to you. It should also state the purpose of the report and what you plan to deliver to your client/organisation (drawing on your Assessment 1, Project Plan). (150 words).

Purpose: Identify the purpose of the report for your client. What are you presenting to them and why? (75 words).

Background: Provide an overview of the client’s/organisation’s case that you have been provided.
Outline the work undertaken to date, the steps in the process and the final outcome that you are presenting today. (125 words).

Scope: Clearly identify your project scope in relation to each of the following, the project:

a) goals and objectives;

b) exclusions;

c) constraints;

d) assumptions; and

e) deliverables (importantly, ensure you include what will not be delivered).
(200 words).

Stakeholders: Provide an updated overview of all key stakeholders who have been considered in the report to date, including their roles, level of impact and level of interest. In addition, provide a clear outline of the stakeholders that should be managed by the client/organisation should they choose to adopt your recommendations. (150 words).


- Customer personas. Provide a minimum of two customer personas that are to be used as the basis for determining the other elements of the ‘empathise’ stage. (200 words).

- Empathy maps. Complete an empathy map for each customer persona you have developed.

This should include how/what the customer persona hears, thinks, says and sees in relation to the client/organisation. In addition, it should state their ‘pains’ and gains’. (200 words).

- Research. Conduct research into the customer personas you have developed and what their
‘needs’ are in relation to the client’s/organisation’s product or service. (200 words).

- Stakeholder requirements. Clearly define the stakeholder requirements using the MoSCoW.
(250 words).


- Complete a customer journey map using the following framework: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, Loyalty and Advocacy. (200 words).

- Problem statement: A clear problem statement is imperative in meeting any client’s/organisation’s needs and agreeing on the path forward in a project. Clearly articulate the problem statement that you will be solving in Milestone 2—Client Report, Section B. (100 words).

Ideate and Prototype. Using the problem statement you defined, develop a prototype solution that meets the needs of the customers you identified. Include:

- An overview of the UX/UI elements to be considered in prototype development. (150 words).

- The accessibility requirements. (100 words).

- The cyber-security requirements/considerations. (100 words).

- Wireframes or interface designs for how the prototype will work (and how the customers will interact with it). (400 words or equivalent diagrams/mock-ups).
Test. Provide an overview and analysis of how well your prototype solution meets the stakeholder requirements you identified. Identify any potential gaps and opportunities for future improvements. (300 words).

Implement. Provide your final recommendations to the client. Ensure that you:

- Clearly articulate how this solution addresses the problem statement you defined. (150 words).

- Provide a high-level communications plan recommending how the client/organisation could deliver this product/solution to the identified customers. (150 words).

Recommendations. Provide a final summary on the overall experience of the project, potential
future steps and additional opportunities identified. (300 words).



The advanced financial technology possesses cutting-edge technology which will help to improve the level of transparency, accessibility and effects of charitable donations with the aim of bridging the gaps between charity organization and contributors. Maintaining transparency will provide confidence to stakeholders. University Assignment Help, Stakeholders play a vital role in the organization; the ability to interact with stakeholders is vital for the smooth and effective implementation of the project. Customers, government authorities and suppliers form key stakeholders in the project. Customers are held by products which are considered to be involved in Information technology. Necessary regulations are to be followed by regulatory authorities.

Gaps and Opportunities


Selecting the correct IT system

Selecting the proper information technology system is considered important as it helps to implement internet connectivity and information processing in the organization. The software which is to be used should be designed so that it can gather as much data as possible. It should allow users to retrieve data whenever required. The software should allow the correct users to retrieve data whenever required. In the project selecting the correct information systems is not explored.

Identifying Defects

Identifying the defect is considered to be significantly important for minimizing and controlling the impact on the Information systems and these are required to be used. It involves adults in computer programs which causes it to produce unexpected results in unintended ways. In the project, the defect identification of Information systems is not discussed.


Implementation of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Implementation refers to specific activities like processing and collecting of data and appropriate AI models and integrating them in particular systems.AI will help to improve the efficiency of the information systems which will help to increase productivity in various industries. It can help to analyze data by providing decision-making insights.AI will help to reduce errors and increase precision accuracy in information technology.


Conducting system Survey

System survey refers to the ways of measuring and establishing boundaries. System survey consists of three main points of activities which involve system identification, selection and system planning. The system helps to identify the problem in the information system and the expertise team will look for the opportunities which can be done to overcome it. In the selection plays the evaluation points. System planning will help to develop a formal plan for informational systems. System survey will help to include the airborne scanning and digital levels which have helped revolutionary advances in measuring the role of computers in society. It will help to gather insights on the internet services and software tools.

Investment in IT infrastructure

IT infrastructure is considered as the backbone of modern business which is considered as an essential foundation for communication, data management and service delivery. It involves various components like the software, hardware and human expertise in supporting seamless operations. Improving the IT infrastructure will help organizations in improving their security and productivity by staying competitive and saving money. It will also help in providing a competitive edge to organizations.

Implementing Automation

IT automation refers to the process involved in creating systems and software for replacing repeatable processes for reducing the need for manual intervention. It will help to accelerate the delivery of IT infrastructures and applications by automating the manual process which requires human touch. IT automation will help to streamline the process from end to end. It will help to accelerate the delivery process involved in the IT infrastructure and application by automating the manual process which requires the human touch. It will help to create networking and configure various applications which will be vital for the provision of production-ready infrastructure.

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