MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Report Sample
Task Summary
Based on your responses to Assessment 1 – Written assessment, perform process and data modelling and develop and document a number of design diagrams using UML (including Context Diagram, Level 0 and Level 1 Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram).
In Assessment 1, you performed a comprehensive requirement analysis for the given case study. With an in-depth understanding of the functional requirements of the System, you are now required to perform further analysis through process and data modelling. In doing so, you also need to provide a preliminary data storage design for the System.
Both process modelling and data modelling can be used to provide deeper understanding of a new System. Thus, they are an integral part of System Analysis. Process modelling describe processes – i.e. the sequence of activities that people do; while data modelling seeks to describe the data flows through those processes. Data flow diagrams (including context diagrams) and entity relationship diagrams are the most common process and data modelling techniques used in industry.
1. Please read case study provided with assessment 1. Please note that every piece of information provided in this case study serves a purpose.
2. Please complete the following tasks:
Task 1.
Create a Context Diagram for the given case study.(15 marks)
Task 2.
Create and document a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The Level 0 DFD should contain all the major high-level processes of the System and how these processes are interrelated. (20 marks)
Task 3.
Select three important processes from Level 0 DFD, decompose each of the processes into a more explicit Level 1 DFD. (24 marks)
Task 4.
For the given case study, provide an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). (20 marks
Task 5.
For the given case study, identify the data stores including the files that are not part of ERD.
Task 6.
Translate the ERD you developed in Task 4 into a physical relational database design. Document database tables and their relationship in MSWord file. Normalise your database design to the Third Normal Form (3NF). (16 marks)
Please note that your responses to the tasks above must relate to the case study provided.
Task 1: Context Diagram
The connection between the various entities and the system creates the context diagram, which is then utilized to construct the diagram using the components that are present inside the system boundary. In a context diagram, the interrelationships between the different parts of a system structure are shown as they exist between them. University Assignment Help, It is described how the link between internal and external entities is made in a diagram, which depicts the data processing system. Using a data flow diagram, you may better understand how information is shared across the different components in a system (Magana, Seah, & Thomas, 2018). The context level in the area of DFD creates a model for the depiction of system communication in a similar way.
The case scenario is based on a website called bookedbook.com, which is dedicated to book reading purposes. The system analysis of the website will aid in the understanding of the relationship between the internal and external entities of the organization. The website will enable book enthusiasts from all around the globe to read books by registering on the site and going through the book purchase procedure. Other features include a facility for books to be exchanged, reviews written, and books to be launched. In order for the website to produce book readers' requests to the owner of the books, and the approval procedure will enable the content manager to begin the book launch process, the website must first be approved.
Book lovers may sign up by providing information such as an ID proof, address, contact information, and other essential facts. Parents' contact information is not required for minors to use bookedbook.com to register. Book readers may subscribe and join the system using the provided login credentials (Lee et al. 2019). Websites with functions like as book procurement, book review, and book exchange assist in connecting the system with readers all over the globe. As a result of the system's functioning, users are linked through Meetup and may engage with one another using the website's message system. To better manage user engagement, functional requirements for systems are helpful.
As for book writers, the system provides a way for them to market their works on the website by providing the basic information, book specifics, as well as credit or debit card information.
Once a book is purchased, the system uses the entities to remove it from the system. An email is sent to users informing them that their registration has expired and that they should renew their membership and subscription to ensure continued access to bookedbook.com services.
As a result of the system collecting user data, the behavioral demands of the consumers may be examined using customer data analytics techniques. A contemporary interface for mobile application development of the website is also necessary to promote customer engagement with the system, in addition to an upgradeable system for data security (Buchanan 2019). The context diagram aids in the identification of the many elements and their connections to the system.
Task 2: Level-0 diagram
When working inside an automated system structure, maintaining correct data flow is essential for the enhancement of system performance. If the system requires a large quantity of data to manage the processes inside it, information systems may aid in the upgrade process. It is possible for a system's performance to worsen if gaps in system management exist as a result of incorrect data processing. It is necessary to create a data flow diagram in order to fully understand how networks respond (Frisk, Krysander, & Jung, 2017). This diagram depicts a graphical representation of various data elements and their relationships inside the systems on a Level 0 diagram. A sufficient quantity of data is held by the entities to allow for processing inside the system to take place.
Depending on the book, the reader's information may contain such things as their full name, address, date of birth, and proof of ID. A vital piece of information is gathered by the system during the registration process, which is all particular information about the book readers. However, in order for their books to be advertised inside the system, writers must supply their personal information, book information, and a credit or debit card number when completing the book show request form (Krasnova, Utkin, & Utkin, 2017). In addition, book owners must supply information during the registration process, including the book's title, author, publisher, and address where it may be purchased. The system manages the operations of book purchase, book exchange, and marketing, all of which are dependent on the information it has accumulated.
By participating in the review process, system users may provide feedback and comments to the system, which allows other users to see the rating of a book as it is being acquired by the system. It is possible for users to connect with one another via messages throughout the meeting and exchange book procedure. The system needs the email addresses of users in order to complete the subscription process on its end. User requests for conversation, as well as any and all updates about book purchase, are sent to them via email by the system.
The book approval and launch requests are managed by the content manager, a unique system entity (Andrade, Schuch, & da Silva Martins, 2018). The content manager is also in charge of the advertising procedure, which involves approving the requests of book writers and then launching the advertisement on the system's website.
Among the most prominent entities involved in the customer data analytics process is bookedbook.com's owner, who seeks insights into the preferences and requirements of book readers via the use of the website bookedbook.com's customer data. Analyzing the book evaluations and ratings may also assist the proprietor in managing the system in accordance with a sound strategic plan. Furthermore, once a book is acquired by a book reader, the book owner has the option to have the book removed from the system.
Task 3: Level 0 diagrams decomposition
Registration Process Decomposition
A user's fundamental information such as their name and address are necessary throughout the registration process, as is their contact information and photo ID documents. In order to ensure that the system remains secure, it is necessary to authenticate users by providing them with the appropriate login credentials. User registration and confirmation are completed by sending a text message or email to the user when information is verified by the network.
Expired Membership Process
When a membership expires, the bookedbook.com will send a notification. An e-mail will be sent to the member who has registered on the website 15 days before their subscription expires. The system will examine the start and end dates of membership based on the information in the users' database. Whenever a user's membership expiration date is approaching, the system will automatically send them an email notifying them of the impending expiration of their membership.
Book Review Process
Task 4: ERD
In a system, the entity-relationship diagram depicts the functional connectedness of the entities that make up the system. The database, as well as the appropriate entities and their data entries, will be stored on the bookedbook.com website. Registering as a book reader will create an object in the system that will store properties such as first and last names as well as addresses, email addresses, and book information (Huang 2017). The database of registered book readers will be kept on file for the purposes of releasing, deleting, and swapping new books in the future. It is possible to alert readers about updates and chat requests by providing them with their contact information during the membership process. In the case of a purchased book from the owner, the book acquirer is a distinct entity that will be in possession of the book's last name, first name, personal information, identification evidence, and address information. The qualities will assist the system in registering book readers inside the system and in requesting books for the book readers who have registered with the system. Feedback, suggestions, and reviews, on the other hand, are coupled with a database of book readers' information. A book is also a distinct entity that will be identified by a unique ID number, the date of publication, the date of debut, and the date of advertising. The book database will be used in the book procurement, book exchange, and book review processes, as well as in the book review process. It is possible to determine which books are being swapped most often, which reviews are important, and which books have received the highest ratings by using the information provided by users throughout the data analysis process. The book writers are another important entity that has characteristics such as the author's last name, first name, basic information, book information, credit or debit card number, time of book advertising, and removal of books stored in their possession. The database containing information about book writers will assist the system in running advertisements for the books for the duration of time specified by the book authors. Furthermore, during the book exchange, the system will create a database for both users, which will include information such as the dates and times of the interaction, the name of something like the book, and the names of the book proprietor and book purchaser.
Task 5: Determination of Non-ERD Data Storage Locations
Database administration is critical for the long-term preservation of information about system actions. The database management system (DBMS) serves as a repository for all of the data that belongs to the various entities. A Database Management System (DBMS) offers superior data storage for files such as work files, master files, audit files, data backup files, security files, data history files, and transaction files (Michalos et al. 2018). It also makes it simple to obtain the Sql statements in which the shared data is kept. The data is also protected against loss because of the lesser backup space required for files and the protection it offers. The following is a list of file types that may be found in the system.
• Main document
It's a database of book users' and writers' information that stores data indefinitely. The file will include the entities' individual IDs. If any of the entities' fundamental characteristics change, the file's data will also change. The file controls the data when an account is deleted or created. Master files may be divided into two categories:
• Static file
It's a database of people who have read and written books in the past.
A file that changes in response to input
The regular updates on the website's users' visits. These details include not just who was there, but also when. It also includes the content manager's salary information.
• A document store work data
The work files are meant to store data from the day-to-day work process, such as user IDs and information on requests to accept or cancel.
• Investigate the document
In the system where the payment records for books are kept, the transactional information is kept on file. The book writers' payment information is also kept on file.
• Specifics of a transaction
It includes details about the credit or debit card amount deducted. In addition, it contains financial information and information on the delivery of books (Frisk et al. 2017).
• A copy of the original data
Included in this file is chat-related data from the meetup. To aid in future recovery, it keeps all of the communications.
• A file used to protect sensitive data
The files include the encrypted file contents as well as privacy and authorization-related metadata.
• File containing the history of the data
Data history files keep track of the history of chats in meetings and website visits by users.
Task 6: Database table and relationship documentation
The system will be able to handle the book launch, book procurement, book interchange, and book removal procedure with the support of a database of registered book readers. Booksellers and book buyers have access to the database. When it comes to analyzing user feedback and comments, book reader or book purchaser databases go a step further. Book reviews and book purchases are made easier with the aid of the database. When a user acquires, exchanges, and reviews a book, that book becomes an entity with its own database. This is the most important information since it allows us to gauge how well the users are rated (Huang 2017). A crucial part of the bookedbook.com website is the databases of book writers, which ties the site's administration to the owner company's financial success directly. Content management clearance is required to run advertisements, thus a database of writers' names links the system to them. According to the database, this ad will run on the website for the specified amount of time. In any case, the database associated with the book exchange process links the users who are involved in the process and establishes efficient communication among users through the system.
Reference List
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