MGT613 Leadership for Sustainable Futures Report Sample
BCorporations and benefit organisations, or ‘for-purpose’ organisations may be for profit, and not-for-profit. There is a growing number of these organisation types, including Laureate International, (Torrens University) in a range of industry sectors. BLab is the organisation involved in accrediting organisations as BCorps. BLAB is an ENABLER for organisations to focus on balancing Profit AND Purpose You can find a list of BCORPS at https://bcorporation.net/.
BCorps are often focused on one or more specific sustainable development challenges. Review the list of 17 SDGS (Sustainable Development Goals) at UNDP (United Nations Development Program)- see overview plus poster image.
Your task is to select ONE (1) SDG and ONE (1) BCorp focused on your selected SDG. You then should proceed to investigate – complete some background reading on the SDG and the BCorp, including a range of academic articles from within the Laureate Library. Access via https://library.torrens.edu.au/home
Your report should include:
1. Introduction – why you chose this SDG for your focus (personal experience; observations, reflection) and the BCORP selection.
2. Literature review that highlights the specific challenges for this SDG within the framework of sustainable development
3. Discussion: explain what, why and how the selected BCORP is working on this SDG (and others). Benchmark (compare) the activity of this BCORP with competitors in the same industry sector.
4. Summary of your key points, and
5. Recommendations for further action in relation to the SDG challenge (based on sections 1-4)
6. List of references (APA 6th ed. style. See the Academic writing Guide; access via Student Hub https://library.torrens.edu.au/apa) WORD COUNT for sections 1-5 = 1,500
NOTE: Failure to cite references from within the subject modules and the Laureate Library will result in automatic failure. You may also use additional relevant resources.
This paper focuses on the tenth SDG, which is reducing inequalities. This goal aims at minimising the gap or inequality across and within the nations. University Assignment Help, According to Diaz?Sarachaga, Jato?Espino & Castro?Fresno (2018), the inequality which is to be reduced by this SDG is in terms of income along with other aspects of differentiation like ethnicity, race, age, disability, sex, economic or social status, origin and religion within a nation. Animikii Indigenous Technology is a Certified B Corporation chosen in this study, which is working towards establishing a balance between profit and purpose (Animikii, 2020). Their purpose is to reduce the inequality among the indigenous and non- indigenous people of Canada. This Certified B Corp requires considering the effect of the organisation’s decision on the customers, workers, suppliers, environment and community. This web service based indigenously owned company is working with many organisations for creating better economic and social outcomes for the Indigenous population.
Literature Review
According to Sinha, Sengupta & Alvarado (2020), there are a total of seventeen interrelated international goals which have been designed for the purpose of achieving a sustainable and better future. These goals are known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The United Nations General Assembly had set up the SDGs in the year 2015. These Global Goals are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. The sustainable development goal 10 focuses on reducing inequalities within and among countries. Inequality has remained a persistent cause of concern for various countries across the world (United Nations, 2021). It still persists despite certain measures undertaken such as decreasing relative income inequality and other preferential trade status that has benefitted some lower-income countries.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has further deepened this inequality by striking the most vulnerable and poorest sections of the society (United Nations, 2021). Simultaneously, various social, economic and political inequalities have become more evident during this pandemic. These inequalities are further increasing amongst vulnerable populations in countries possessing inefficient health systems and facing humanitarian crises (United Nations, 2021). Thus, it has left various people including refugees and migrants, older persons, persons with disabilities, indigenous people and children at disadvantages. There has been three dimensions of social, economic and ecological for understanding inequality (Savitz & Weber, 2006). Social dimension provides that inequal levels of income and revenue are indicators of persisting problems within societies (Kuhn, 2020). The economists believe that inequality in inevitable and desirable in nations for encouraging entrepreneurs in getting incentives so that they invest capital and technical know-how in businesses (Reinhardt, 2000). This further helps in creating jobs and wealth for other members in the society. Lastly, ecological inequality is also faced by major populations consisting of poor people and individuals living in rural areas (Kuhn, 2020). Thus, it is essential to address the problem of inequality through all these dimensions.
Inequality has always been a serious threat to both social and political stability of a country. It has also been observed that such inequality hampers sustained growth of a nation (Anderson, 2016). There has been various literature studying about the association between growing inequality and economic shocks or crises. Furthermore, greater equality of income is expected to enhance the duration of economic growth and sustainability in a country, which further leads to low government corruption, low foreign debt, free trade and foreign investment (Anderson, 2016). This helps in contributing towards the nation’s sustainable development. Businesses mainly focus mainly on addressing the environmental concerns rather than social issues (Reinhardt, 1999). It has become essential for them to address this issue of inequality for surviving in the competitive world. Inequality has also been viewed as moral and economic issues that need to be reduced under the sustainable development goal (Oestreich, 2018). The tenth goal focuses on progressive and sustained decrease in economic inequality amongst and within countries instead of elimination of the same. This indicates that while some inequality in the society is inevitable, it still needs to be addressed under the economic theory. It has been further pointed out that equity can be implied through redistribution of wealth amongst the poor through different mechanisms (Oestreich, 2018). These include progressive taxation, social services, cash transfers and programs for economic opportunity. It is also essential to address the short-term unfairness and injustice in this regard through equity-creating policies for reducing inequality (Pandey, Kumar, Ayanore & Shalaby, 2020). In addition, the goal also focuses on addressing discrimination against various minority groups like indigenous populations, disabled persons, minority groups, women and others.
Massive number of individuals have started working remotely on an overnight basis. At Animikki, the work is always carried out in a remote-friendly basis that provides the privilege to work both as an organization as well as an individual. The selected BCORP, Animikki has been working on SDG 10, reducing inequalities through digital divide. In other words, through internet connectivity equitable outcomes are generated for Indigenous individuals. The company aims at accomplishing this impact on a daily basis through their work in providing support to the indigenous innovation (Animikki, 2020). Animikki reflects on the fact that although watching HD video on poor internet connectivity is possible but the probability to enjoy it reduces. This might a minor issue for privileged individuals but for minorities this acts as a structural inequality. They try to avoid structural inequality among Indigenous individuals by figuring out unreliable internet connectivity as well as slow speeds. The team members in the BCORP does not take internet connection for granted. In other words, although they have the connectivity to carry out their work remotely but due to bandwidth limitations internet connection gets hampered if any mishap takes place in one of the scarce fibre optic lines that are connecting the North. The initiative towards working from home as well as supportive online education has just exaggerated the digital divide (Savitz & Weber, 2006). They believe in the fact that investment in technology acts as a path that leads to economic justice, equitable results as well as self-sufficiency among indigenous individuals.
In Canada, there is hardly any market competition for internet connectivity. In other words, there are only five telecommunication companies that includes Telus, Bell, Shaw, Quebecor and Rogers. These companies own an enormous majority of internet infrastructure in the country. Canada appears to possess a digital reliance on corporate interests. This increases broader data sovereignty questions. The competitors such as Nirvana Canada, n49 are hardly as popular as Animikki. The benchmarking has been provided of Animikki in comparison to Starlink by SpaceX that has been regarded as the major competitor for Animikki. It has launched almost 422 satellites in the year 2020 that make sure to provide coverage to the entire world (Animikki, 2020). Starlink also has the probability to link remote indigenous individuals without investing a lot of time in creating complicated infrastructure. In comparison to that the activities by Animikki undertakes action that provides support to Indigenous individuals as well as communities in Canada. Starlink could deliver internet access to groups where there was hardly any probability before. It also has the potential to open new opportunities for economic development through internet-based technologies.
Animikii Indigenous Technology is already working towards reducing the inequalities across the indigenous and non- indigenous people in Canada. The Certified B Corp is using technology for economic liberation and enhancing the self-sufficiency of the indigenous people. The team of innovators at Animikii Indigenous Technology comprises indigenous as well as non- indigenous people. They work together, using business as a driving force for social good. The organisation has been working effectively to generate equitable outcomes for the indigenous community. Animikii Indigenous Technology wants to emerge as a leading example of an indigenous tech company, which would be motivating the indigenous youth and the future generations to take up entrepreneurship and technology as a career. The organisation through the donations, programs and social initiatives is trying to establish economic justice for the indigenous community.
Recommendations and Conclusion
It can be concluded that the choice of tool of the Certified B Corp is technology, which they are using to yield equitable outcomes for the indigenous community. Animikii Indigenous Technology as the study suggests has been successful to a great extent in realising their SDG. They have been significantly contributing and reducing the inequality across Canada’s indigenous population. At Animikii, the leaders also belong to the indigenous as well as non- indigenous communities. Thus, the management reflects inclusion and reduction of inequality. They also believe that the investments made in technology facilitate enhancement of self-sufficiency of the deprived communities, which would further ensure economic justice and equity. The initiatives for economic development of the indigenous community as believed by Animikii Indigenous Technology paves the way for transformation from resource extraction into a knowledge-based economy.
However, certain recommendations can help the company to enhance their social impact.
• They can reduce the inequality between the indigenous and non- indigenous population by supporting and encouraging innovations by indigenous people every day through their works.
• They should allocate more resources for technological innovations by indigenous people.
• The organisational culture should incorporate the indigenous people and their cultures.
• Animikii Indigenous Technology should enhance the economic inclusion
• The indigenous workers should be ensured social protection at work
Anderson, E. (2016). Equality as a global goal. Ethics & International Affairs, 30(2), 189-200.
Animikki. (2020). Social innovation through Indigenous technology. Retrieved from: https://animikii.com/home. [Available on 25 November 2021].
Diaz?Sarachaga, J. M., Jato?Espino, D., & Castro?Fresno, D. (2018). Is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) index an adequate framework to measure the progress of the 2030 Agenda?. Sustainable Development, 26(6), 663-671.
Kuhn, H. (2020). Reducing inequality within and among countries: realizing SDG 10—a developmental perspective. Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights, 5, 137-153.
Oestreich, J. E. (2018). SDG 10: Reduce inequality in and among countries. Social Alternatives, 37(1), 34-41.
Pandey, U. C., Kumar, C., Ayanore, M., & Shalaby, H. R. (2020). SDG10–Reduce Inequality Within and Among Countries. Emerald Group Publishing.
Reinhardt, F. (2000). Down to earth: Applying business principles to environmental management. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts.
Reinhardt, F. L. (1999). Bringing the environment down to earth. Harvard business review, 77(4), 149-149.
Savitz, A.W. & Weber, K. (2006). The triple bottom line: how today's best-run companies are achieving economic, social, and environmental success—and how you can too. Weber, K, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Sinha, A., Sengupta, T., & Alvarado, R. (2020). Interplay between technological innovation and environmental quality: formulating the SDG policies for next 11 economies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 118549.
United Nations. (2021). Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries. Retrieved from https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/inequality/.