You will find a choice of 4 pair articles. Please select one pair.

After making your selection search for suitable JOURNAL ARTICLES to match with these articles to create your report. Ensure that your references include valid links to the articles you use so that your examiner can find them.

To complete your report for Assessment 4, you will read through your selected MEDIA ITEM, and then select an area of theory that we have covered in this subject. The area of theory is attached in a separate folder. You will then find and apply a main JOURNAL ARTICLE to make arguments to support or criticise your MEDIA ITEM. You will also find another 5 or more JOURNAL ARTICLES to support your arguments in your report (Assessment 4).


All in-text citations and references are to be written using the Harvard Referencing System.

Make sure your reference list is formatted in alphabetical order of authors’ last names. For more information on the Harvard Referencing System

Note: all journal articles must from 2021 or later. Any journal article that is from before 2021 will be not count in marking. Marks will be lost if you have less than five journal articles.

Word limit: The examiner will not read past 1650 words. No marks will be awarded for content beyond word limit.

• Select one media item

• Select one primary academic journal

• Use the primary journal article to analyse and evaluate the issues discussed in the media item. Build a central argument and support it with at least 5 other journal articles. These additional articles should back up your points. Do not summarise these articles in Section 3 of the report.

• Reflection component: Reflect on the feedback you received for Assessment 3. Discuss how you felt about this, and how this influenced your approach to Assessment 4. Reflect on how your learning of the topic discussed may affect your future experiences.



Employee retention refers to an organisation's ability to prevent workers from leaving the organisation. Employee retention is highly important for organisations as it has a direct impact on the success and performance of organisations. As employee turnover is highly cost-effective and disadvantageous for companies, it is important for companies to retain their human assets. The purpose of the current report is to briefly analyse a media article and a journal article on the selected topic. University Assignment Help, then after, a critical discussion will be made on the selected topic by taking guidance from the lectures provided in the class and correlating them with the media and journal articles. At last, a conclusion will be written and a reflection on the previously provided feedback will be made.

Media article

Harrison, H. 2023. How to improve employee retention, Money. Available at: (Accessed: 04 November 2023).

This article discusses the importance of employee retention not only for the growth of the company but also for its success. A high rate of employee turnover not only adds to the cost of the company but also hampers the productivity and morale of the company. Moreover, it creates a bad image of the company in the competitive market. Therefore, it is the task of the managers to take the necessary measures to retain employees and increase organisational commitment among employees. This article proposes the benefit of employee retention within the company. These include reduced cost, increased stability, improved productivity, increased morale and better customer service. Managers have to hire candidates suitable for the organisation and then support and compensate them accordingly. Factors like motivation, encouragement, feedback, trust of managers and better career development plans are crucial for employee retention.

Journal articles

Alajlani, S. and Yesufu, L.O., 2022. The impact of human resource practices on employee retention: A study of three private higher educational institutions in the United Arab Emirates. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 20, p.1823.

Alajlani and Yesufu, have discussed how employee retention is indicated by human resource practices. The relationship between employees and employers often determines employee retention. A favourable employee-employer relationship helps in increasing employee retention and lowering down turnover rate of the company. Human resource practices like employee hiring and selection, recruitment, training and development, health and safety and compensation and benefits influence employee performance, perception and retention. For this research investigation data was collected from a sample of 270 employees working for higher education institutions in UAE Using the descriptive statistical analysis along with the multiple regression analysis. Results suggested that these human resource practises have a positive influence on retaining employees A moderately positive perception from the citizens of UAE, however unsatisfactory level of perception from the expatriates. Hence, it is important for managers to look into these Asia practises and manage them effectively to enhance employee loyalty, commitment and retention.

Critical Discussion

In the article by Uzonna (2013), the impact of motivation on the performance of employees was discussed (Topic 4). This seems to be correlated to the current field of discussion. As was already discussed in Assessment 3 motivation is a force that drives individuals to perform certain behaviours that will help them achieve the desired goals. In a workplace setting as well, motivation plays a pivotal role in determining the performance of employees. Workers who are highly motivated are found to perform better than those employees who have lower levels of motivation. It is therefore the task of the employers or managers to thoroughly motivate employees so that their performance improves. It was mentioned in the article that it is the function of the management to Organise work in such a way that it is more rewarding and satisfying for the employees and makes employee motivation consistent with the organisational objectives.

One of the most critical challenges faced by organisations in recent times is the lack of employee retention. This is mainly due to a lack of opportunities for career development and also a very highly competitive labour market. The loss of employees can be highly disadvantages for the companies as it not only leads to the cost of corporations but also results in loss of skill, training and experience. Therefore, managers who are able to motivate the employees assist the companies by inducing positive behaviours among the employees and increasing retention which consequently leads to determining the success of the companies in the long run. Human Resource practices also play a significant role in motivating employees (Alajlani and Yesufu, 2022). Among the various HR practices, compensation and benefits have a direct impact on employee motivation. As employees' performance is influenced by pay and benefits, retention is also based on the same.

As it was discussed in the article by Harrison (2023), providing feedback and motivation to employees can help increase employee retention. A list of motivational techniques can be used by managers to retain workers. Team building seems to be one of the most important motivational techniques. When employees encourage each other to grow and follow a healthy competition for growth, it encourages employees to perform better. A good leader continuously provides feedback on how employees perform and allows them the scope of career advancement. Job enrichment was found to be another credible source of employee motivation. Jobs which are more challenging create a sense of achievement among employees which helps them to be motivated. Setting up targets has been found to be a very important source of motivation for employees. As motivation signifies goal-oriented behaviour, setting up targets helps them to perform in a desired manner, which increases confidence as well as employee morale. Moreover, rewards and incentives are direct sources of motivation. Employee retention will be high in cases where they are paid generously for their work and are also provided with other non-monetary benefits. Chatzoudes & Chatzoglou (2022), suggested that companies should focus on building a positive organisational climate, supporting organisational relationships and developing supportive HR practises to enhance retention, That is indirectly influenced by the working conditions like the supervisors or HR initiatives like career advancement opportunities.

Bonyani (2022) discussed in their article how employee motivation impacts the effectiveness of the organisation which is contrary to the article by Musa, Tumbel & Wullur (2021), where they determine the positive influence of motivation, loyalty and work discipline on employee performance. Results of the article by Musa, Tumbel & Wullur suggest that synergy between the three elements of work has a positive impact on improving performance, whereas, the result of the research by Bonyani suggested interaction of motives and incentives in meeting the needs of the employees which ultimately leads to organisational effectiveness.

In the article by Hakim et al., (2023), employees are described as tools for achieving the objectives of an organisation and are expected to monitor, view and comprehend the working conditions provided the importance of leadership in the company. It focuses on leadership style and their correlation with employee performance and commitment. Krishna (2002), also proposed an article on how transformational leadership influences employee retention. However, the findings of this research show that there is a positive correlation between employee retention and transformational leadership and that if the leadership style is successfully applied, it may lead to the retention of the best assets of the companies.


From the discussions made above, it can be concluded that employee retention is an extremely crucial aspect of a workplace. Organisations have to come forward to take the necessary steps to retain their employees. Motivating employees seems to be an effective technique for retaining employees. Various motivational techniques have also been discussed in the previous sections which have been found to be useful for employee retention. Apart from that, leadership style also is an important influencer of employee performance and retention.


I took into account the mistakes I made in the previous research assessment, and have tried to improve my work in this current research assessment based on the feedback provided earlier. I have tried to accomplish this current report very carefully without repeating the mistakes made earlier. For this report, I have selected a pair of media articles and journal articles which are relevant to the lectures provided in the class. Additionally, various other supporting articles have also been mentioned which justify the selected articles. I have critically analysed the sources from which information for the current report is extracted. Each source has been briefly discussed in the above sections. Proper correlation and critical acclamation have been made through the discussion. I have done the entire report by myself without taking help from CHATGPT. I studied all the sources carefully and have specifically mentioned the facts that are relevant to my current report. As the previous feedback stated that I lacked critical discussions in the previous assignment, keeping in mind, the current report is based on critical justification. Hence the current research investigations provide relevant and critically discussed information.


A. J. Bonyani, 2022. ‘The impact of employee motivation on organisational performance in the case of NOSA company’, ??????????, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 88–99, doi: 10.26425/2309-3633-2021-9-4-88-99.

Chatzoudes, D & Chatzoglou, P, 2022. ‘Factors Affecting Employee Retention: Proposing an Original Conceptual Framework’, International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, vol. X, no. Issue 1, pp. 49–76, doi: 10.35808/ijeba/748.

Deutrom, J., Katos, V. and Ali, R., 2022. Loneliness, life satisfaction, problematic internet use and security behaviours: re-examining the relationships when working from home during COVID-19. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(14), pp.3161-3175. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2021.1973107.

Hakim, AL, Faizah, EN, Mas’adah, N, & Widiatmoko, FR, 2023,, ‘Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Work Stress, and Employee Performance: a Case Study of a Hospital’, Journal of Leadership in Organizations, vol. 5, no. 2, doi: 10.22146/jlo.86285.

Krishna, C., Upadhyay, R.K., Ansari, K.R. and Babu, V., 2022. Transformational leadership and employee retention: a moderated mediation model of intrinsic motivation and perceived organisational support. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 19(2), pp.135-153.

Musa, FNH, Tumbel, A, & Wullur, M, 2021,, ‘Discipline Analysis Of Work, Motivation And Loyalty Towards Employee Performance (Case Study At Gorontalo State University)’, Aksara (Gorontalo. Indonesia), vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 449–462, doi: 10.37905/aksara.7.2.449-462.2021.

Tsipursky, G. 2023. How your personality determines if you can work remotely, Psychology Today. Available at:

Uzonna, U.R., 2013. Impact of motivation on employees' performance: A case study of CreditWest Bank Cyprus. Journal of economics and international finance, 5(5), p.199.

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