MECO6912 Political Public Relations Report 1 Sample
Option 1: A political campaign for election
You will need to identify a political candidate or current politician and prepare a campaign proposal that could be successfully employed in the Australian political context. The campaign proposal needs to be targeted at a local, state or federal election. The campaign proposal should be written in a report format and should include the following sections:
Introduction (introduce the candidate and their political values)
• The candidate's political philosophy
• The seat/electorate the candidate will contest Stakeholders and Issues Analysis (identify the strategic stakeholders and publics relevant to your chosen candidate)
• Identify the local issues affecting the electorate and key strategic stakeholders
• Identify the national and international issues and policies affecting the electorate A political strategy for the candidate
• Highlight the issues on which the candidate should campaign
• Highlight the different tactics the candidate should use and how these will support the overarching strategy of the relevant political organisation
• Set objectives and goals which can help define the campaign’s success
• Other issues and problems the candidate might encounter and how these can be managed
• Third-party allies that might be mobilised to support the campaign
• Schedule/timeline of how this campaign might unfold in the lead-up to the next election
• Measuring success (how will success be determined?)
• APA system
Further advice:
Students should conduct independent research into political campaigns, parties and politicians and use this to inform their proposal. Students should identify the values of their political candidate and the local, regional and national issues facing their electorates on which a politician can campaign.
Other excellent resources are available at:
The Parliament of Australia: http://www.aph.gov.au/Links to an external site.
The Parliament of NSW: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Links to an external site.
Australian Electoral Commission: http://www.aec.gov.au/Links to an external site. Electoral Commission NSW: http://www.elections.nsw.gov.au/Links to an external site.
Australian Bureau Statistics: http://www.abs.gov.au/Links to an external site.
Option 2: A political campaign for a third-party interest group Students need to prepare a strategic communications plan that could be successfully implemented in the Australian business and legal context. Students must identify a corporation or organisation that will be their ‘client’ (i.e. a case study) for this assessment. The goal of this assessment is to develop a strategic communications plan applicable to one of the following scenarios:
1 Help an organisation to persuade relevant publics to take actions supportive of a social movement, political group or cause.
2 Assist a multinational corporation or industry lobby group influence the creation of legislation through an effective internal and public lobbying campaign.
Once an organisation and scenario have been chosen, students need to conduct research into the background, brands, products, publics, and issues relevant to their case study. For instance, the database Factiva can be used to locate all news stories on a particular corporation and is, therefore, a great source of independent information. Likewise, Annual Reports are an excellent source of information on a corporation’s values, operations and finances. Primary research in the form of a small-scale survey or focus groups can also be conducted with classmates and other students in order to test messaging strategies or understand public perceptions of a particular product, company or issue. More information on these research methods will be provided in class.
This communication plan should be written in report format and include the following sections:
1. Introductory Information
• Executive summary (introduce the organisation, the scenario and the aims)
2. Research and analysis
• Background to the problem, issue, scenario or brand
• Situation analysis
• Research findings (primary and secondary findings)
3. Strategy development
• Goals and Objectives (the latter needs to be measurable)
• Publics and Stakeholders
• Key messages and tactics
• Third-party actions (that you might depend on in order to make your communication effective)
• Risk management
• Ethical considerations
• Budgeting (be realistic by sourcing current industry prices)
4. Implementation
• Project management
• Timing
5. Evaluation and adjustment
• Measuring the effectiveness of messages, media, and outcomes
6. References (these will not be included in the word count)
This is an industry-focused assessment item. As such, students can make use of bullet points and tables where appropriate, but fragmented expression should be avoided. Evidence will also be needed to support the strategic approach outlined in the communications plan. Accordingly, students should provide in- text citations and a list of references. Both academic and industry sources will be valuable sources of evidence and should be cited using the APA system of referencing or footnotes (NB footnotes can only be used for this assessment as MECO normally uses APA 7). All communications plans must be submitted to the Turnitin assignment drop box.
The country Australia deals with democratic representatives. Political election campaigns have been organized to conduct a transparent discussion about the suitable candidates whose party makes a better government. In this assessment, the Liberal Party of Australia has been chosen to propose an election campaign. University Assignment Help, The main focus of the campaigns is to target the federal party. In order to conduct the assessment, Peter Dutton has been chosen. He has progressive outsights to provide liberty to individuals and limited the activities of the government. He is also against the issues of abortion and marriage of the same sex. He has been nominated for the election on behalf of the liberal party in Australia. This study also chose stakeholder analysis and political strategies to help the candidate.
Stakeholders and Issues Analysis
Identification of the local issues affecting the electorate and key strategic stakeholders
Local issues
The federal issues of Australia are diverse in range. Many issues deal with the proper implication of various rights including indigenous rights, disability rights, rights of children, and rights of older people, LGBTIQ rights and others. These rights need to be implemented more firmly at the federal level, which is quite lacking at present. Also, other issues can affect the electorate such as rights regarding freedom of expression, climate change protocol’s policy and implementation and the rights of the refugees that serve as the key issues (Mickel & Wanna, 2020). The Liberal Party of Australia will have to come up with and deal with proper ways of action to address these issues at the federal level. The candidate Peter Dutton will have to specify his line of approach to the public regarding the issues that are in quite the lead.
Key strategic stakeholders
Strategic stakeholders are an essential part of Australian federal election campaigns where they serve as resource generators for supporting the campaigns of political parties. The key strategic stakeholders for the Liberal Party of Australia are the industrialists who serve with resources and funds to support the expenses of the electoral campaigns. Also, the industries dealing with mineral ores of gold, copper, nickel and alumina and the advertising and news broadcasting agencies are the effective stakeholders that control the majority of import and export business and contribute to the Australian economy by conjuring the needed support for the candidate (Schleich, 2022). Along with these allies, the public of Australia is the major strategic stakeholder of the federal elections as they are ultimate voters who will vote and exercise their democratic rights.
Identify the national and international issues and policies affecting the electorate
Several national and international issues are likely to affect the electorate of Australia. As the Liberal Party of Australia is in the opposition they will have to deal with these issues during their election campaigns where the party will raise its voices and opinions against the ruling Labor Party of Australia. The current key national and international issues are regarding Australia’s foreign policies that deal with its commitments to multilateralism and regionalism (Holland, 2023). This includes the issues with the policies and business law controlling and looking over free trade and attaining economic stability with Asia-Pacific. The more rigid perspective of the government has narrowed down the bilateral norms to a remarkable extent.
Also, the issues with the policies of the government that deal with terrorism, and the rights of refugees are going to be affecting the flow of the election. The Australian Liberal party has to come up with a solution approach and project its perspective towards the public regarding their modus operandi during the election campaigns regarding these issues. Foreign relations with the Indo-Pacific and trade-determining policies are also going to be at the forefront.
A political strategy for the candidate
A better political campaign strategy should be proposed with the help of the key objectives and goals that the candidates need to maintain. The election campaigns have been organized after the announcement of the candidates till the date of polling the time of the campaigns is not more than two weeks (Cameron & McAllister, 2020). Peter Dutton could interact with the voters and communicate with them about their issues and also address the other political leaders to be notified by a huge amount of people. Here the candidate deals with several issues that he will proceed with after the election that are discussed below.
Issues should be addressed in campaign
Economical Issues
Financial breakdown is a prominent issue of the voters and they have been significantly suffered through it. Dutton could address employment, reduce the living cost of the country, and also take some significant initiatives for economic growth. In the campaigns, he announced that he would create a million new employees over the next 4 years of his ruling in the country (Ndhlovu, 2020). He also supports small startup businesses for the growth of the local and federal economy. In this context, he will also share his previous experience so the voters will be affected by his proposal and the experience he was going through.
Figure 1: Election Campaigns Strategy
(Source: Ndhlovu, 2020)
Right related issues
The Australian has been going through several human rights issues among them indigenous rights, disability rights, rights of children, rights of older people, LGBTIQ rights, and others in the prominent one. Dutton could propose some subsidiaries and some other benefits in order to support the disadvantaged community and improve their development and growth.
Labour Issues
Labor issues are significant in the country and currently the laborers are in power and they are going through some potential challenges. Inflation and the raising of the current interest rates are the main challenges (Mcgregor-Lowndes & Hannah, 2023). He could focus on these challenges and could address them in the campaign. He could also debate that the labor of the country is not significantly helping the natives of the country. On this ground, he also effectively highlights the performance of the laborers and the security and the national defense system of the country.
Different Tactics of the Campaign
Dutton could implement some tactics that he should have proposed in the campaign to get maximum vote at the time of polling, some tactics of the candidates are discussed below.
Indoor Canvassing
The candidate canvassing through door to door can be an effective tactic for the candidates to communicate with the maximum number of voters about their issues and the change that they wanted to be. The candidates himself can attend the canvas or he can also send the representatives on his behalf.
Social media
Social media is a vast way to reach a vast amount of people in less time. With the help of social media, the candidate can effectively connect with the representatives of the party and the voters to communicate with them (Loughnane & Hume, 2022). The candidates can post updates of his campaigns and the topic should be taken, and the queries of the voters and the more individuals who will be affected by his political ideology.
Support the overarching strategy of the relevant political organization Objectives and goals which can help define the campaign’s success
The objectives of the election campaigns led by the Liberal party of Australia which they need to focus on to achieve the success will be:
1. The main objective will be related to establishing the rights and relevance as per the law to set up a society endowed with the empowerment of communities and social equality.
2. The Liberal Party of Australia led by Peter Dutton will try to equalize the economic condition of the country by putting forward promising economic measures dealing with the liquefaction of capital in the national and international market.
Figure 2: Election Campaign in Australia
(Source: Loughnane & Hume, 2022)
1. Dutton can likely campaign on behalf of the Liberal Party of Australia in the elections to achieve the goal regarding the setting of the proper environment for the communities by promoting a healthy and equal social stance where all the rights for the betterment of the society will be practised.
2. The political campaigns will focus on mending the economic conditions and if they become successful in the elections then they will attempt to formalize more foreign treads to allow more financial input in the market, strengthening the economy (Zernetsky & Kucherova, 2021). The party will also serve proactively to make the economic distribution more stabilized by mending the taxation system and enabling more capital liquefaction in the Australian market.
Other issues and problems the candidate might encounter and how these can be managed
The candidate Peter Dutton can likely encounter other local issues that may come in the way of the election campaigns and may affect the election such as the constitutional rights and acknowledgement of practising equality of the rights in the social domain and local employment problem that is a result of a disruptive economic distribution (Alizadeh, Farid & Sarkar, 2020). Besides, many local issues can come up in the forefront like the issues with local facilities of health and administration, issuers with educational framework and others. These local issues can serve as an important determinant of the course of the election as these are related to the grievances of the local people and communities.
Ways to manage local issues
The election campaigns of Peter Dutton should manage these issues with prudentiality. As the opposition party candidate, he can assure the people that if he comes into power and authority then all these issues will be taken care of, especially the issues regarding the rights of the communities (Abbondanza, 2021). Also, Dutton being a representative of the opposition party can project a more philanthropic image where he can give assurance to the public that he will address these problems in the parliament to bring up an effective solution by acquiring the unanimous majority via his influential leadership.
Third-party allies to mobilize to support the campaign
There are several allies that the candidate could mobilize to support his election campaigns. With the help of these mobilizations, the candidate can effectively increase the chances of winning at the time of polling.
Business groups
In order to generate economic growth and provide employment the candidate can efficiently seek the help of the business groups (Elias, Mansouri & Paradies, 2021). Business groups have a significant contribution to generating the chances of winning and also help the candidate to create a strong reputation that can be helpful. Business groups can effectively raise several job opportunities for individuals and also conduct funding for election campaigns. They can also provide manpower and support to effectively run the campaign.
Indigenous Groups
The role of the indigenous group is very important for the candidates to raise their chances of winning. They are the key part of the Australian electorate; they can effectively provide support and capital to the candidate (Marshall et al., 2020). The Australian peoples have several rights-related issues to be considered and the group has the aim to ensure the rights of the people and deals with the great interests of the people.
Schedule/timeline of how this campaign might unfold in the lead-up to the next election
Multiple factors can affect the schedule of the proposed campaigns including economic factors, pollution, and some new challenges. In this study, a possible timeline of the campaigns is provided but the actual campaigns could unfold in some other way. The proposed timeline can provide a clear concept of how the election campaigns might unfold in the country to the next election.
January- April 2024
At this time the Liberal Party of Australia begins to search for suitable leaders in the coming election. Dutton has been regarded as the first priority of the party but still, he will face some competition from the opposition party.
May-August 2024
At this time the party will effectively conduct an election to select their leaders for the coming election. In these circumstances, the candidates have a vital chance to win the election but they might face some challenges from the other party.
September- December 2024
At this time the party will significantly start its election platforms and strategies to win. This platform of the party highlights the issues that are human rights, the economy, labor education, and many more.
Election 2025
This time the party will arrange its campaigns, run ads through social media, operate rallies and at the time of election they expect to win the election and form a new government.
From the above assessment it can be concluded that to achieve success in the election Peter Dutton will need to aim towards the problems and issues associated with the economic and social scenario of Australia. The election campaigns led by him will also need to focus more on stabilizing the economy of Australia by strengthening the monetary distribution and promoting more money liquidity in the domestic market of Australia. Also, he needs to raise his voice through his campaign to secure the rights of communities like LGBTIQ and disabled people which are some of the burning issues.
Cameron, S., & McAllister, I. (2020). Policies and performance in the 2019 Australian federal election. Australian Journal of Political Science, 55(3), 239-256. Retrieved from: https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/bitstream/1885/282640/4/Policies%20and%20Performance_AAM.pdf
Elias, A., Mansouri, F., & Paradies, Y. (2021). Racism in Australia today. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qamar-Jafri/publication/361113315_Racism_in_Australia_Today/links/63bb7eeb03aad5368e765978/Racism-in-Australia-Today.pdf
Holland, A. (2023). Dutton’s ‘no’vote reflects 40 years of Coalition partisanship on the Voice. Retrieved from: https://research-management.mq.edu.au/ws/portalfiles/portal/229753490/Publisher_version.pdf
Loughnane, B., & Hume, J. (2022). Liberal Party of Australia: Review of the 2022 federal election. Retrieved from: http://cdn.liberal.org.au/2022/2022_election_review.pdf
Mickel, J., & Wanna, J. (2020). The Longman by-election of 2018: An ordinary result with extraordinary consequences. Queensland Review, 27(1), 83-99. Retrieved from: https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au/bitstream/handle/10072/397930/Wanna432833-Published.pdf?sequence=2
Schleich, A. M. (2022). Australian Elections: Winning Politics of Climate Change. RSIS Commentaries, 056-22. Retrieved from: https://www.rsis.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/CO22056.pdf
Zernetsky, P., & Kucherova, O. (2021). Cognitive maps of discourses of British conservative and Australian liberal political manifestos. Retrieved from: https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/server/api/core/bitstreams/23b79685-414b-446f-b028-4574e1fc0000/content