MBIS5012 Strategic Information Systems Report Sample

In this assessment, you will work individually. The topics for this assessment will be covered in the previous weeks: therefore, it is vital that you attend this class. You are encouraged to attend a workshop on Referencing and Research Practice organised by the Academic Success Team (AST). You may also schedule a one-on-one workshop with the AST by emailing academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au. Use APA referencing including the reference list.

ULO01: Evaluate the changing role of Strategic Information Systems and Technology in organizations

ULO02: Apply the evolving role of Strategic Management Frameworks for strategy formulation to gain a competitive advantage

ULO03: Investigate effective processes for developing IS strategies that would enable strategic alignment is to be achieved between the business and its IS processes

ULO04: Reflect on information systems and technology investments and communicate recommendations


At the Australian Institute of Higher Education, Session 1 on Strategic Information Systems presents an overview of the strategic context for IS/IT in companies. The material stresses the importance of interdependence between corporate and business strategies, arguing that IS/IT should be consistent with general strategic priorities. The lecture starts by pointing out that IS/IT is both the implementer of selected strategies and the enabler of new business ways. It was knowledgeable that, in the past, a large percentage of IS/IT funds were not aligned with business purposes, however, modern approaches are developing to become more compatible with constantly changing nature.

The sequence of development in strategic management maturity is covered, providing stages ranging from a cash flow orientation to organizations driven by innovation that can influence their business environment (Bocken & Geradts, 2020). The problems are caused by the disparity between emerging business environments and IS/IT strategy development. The lecture indicates that strategy is not purely a product of planning but stems from encompassed processes such as strategic thinking, making plans and opportunistic choices.

The Strategic Framework

The strategic framework for university assignment help includes external factors, pressure groups, stakeholders and internal business planning. The PEST Analysis approach is recommended for the analysis of factors in the external environment including Political, Economic, Social and Technological aspects (Cox, 2021). Then, each dimension–economic, social political legal ecological and technological is discussed separately focusing on the effects they have on business strategies, vigilance and adaptability. The lecture discusses business strategy formulation and planning processes that include the identification of strategies, their evaluation, and planning. Various strategy implementation tools and techniques, including IS/IT alignment with business strategies, are mentioned (Baker & Singh, 2019).

Historical Development of IS/IT in Organizations

The historical development in organizations’ IS/IT evolution briefly highlighted looking at the change from batches to online facilities, connectivity integration service and data administration including maturity. The two eras of data processing and management information systems are distinguished, indicating the notable changes in allocating IS/IT within organizations (Tallon et al., 2019). The presentation ends with a reference to the role of IS/IT as strategic, whereby it is mentioned that traditional IT strategy describes demand for information and systems while modern-day one demonstrates how this demand will be met through technological means. The emphasis on strategic alignment and the integration of IS/IT strategy with business strategy reflects the current reality that these areas are inseparable.

Overall, Session 1 sets the stage for the strategic context of IS/IT by highlighting alignment with broader organizational strategies and recognition that a dynamic business environment demands evolutionary thinking on strategy. 


Baker, J., & Singh, H. (2019). The roots of misalignment: Insights on strategy implementation from a system dynamics perspective. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(4), 101576. https://dspace.aus.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11073/16526/BakerSingh_2019_JSIS_Misalignment_ACCEPTED.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y

Bocken, N. M., & Geradts, T. H. (2020). Barriers and drivers to sustainable business model innovation: Organization design and dynamic capabilities. Long range planning, 53(4), 101950. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0024630119301062

Cox, J. (2021). The higher education environment driving academic library strategy: A political, economic, social and technological (PEST) analysis. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(1), 102219. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0099133320301105

Tallon, P. P., Queiroz, M., Coltman, T., & Sharma, R. (2019). Information technology and the search for organizational agility: A systematic review with future research possibilities. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(2), 218-237. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1058&context=mis_facpubs

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