MBIS5010 Professional Practice in Information Systems Essay 2 Sample
Alignment with Unit and Course
Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate Attributes Assessed
ULO 1: Explain ethical and professional issues related to business information systems.
ULO 2: Compare, contrast and report on the behaviour of IS professionals with those required by relevant codes of professional conduct.
ULO 3: Demonstrate an ability to use ethical theories to explain the causes of a problem or a dilemma.
ULO 4: Critically evaluate alternatives to create ethical and professional recommendations in an organisational setting.
Assessment Description
Students are required to analyse given situations and evaluate the consequence of the actions taken. Please refer to the case study below -
Offshoring has become a popular practice for IT companies, with developing countries being regarded as attractive locations. Although offshore outsourcing has economic benefits, it also involves several ethical issues, such as poor working conditions, child labour and environmental pollution. Drawing on relevant ethical theories, analyse the consequences of the actions of IT companies that engage in offshore outsourcing.
Your essay should be a synthesis of ideas researched from a variety of sources and expressed in your own words. It should be written in clear English and be submitted at the end of week 5 in electronic format as either a Word document or a pdf file. This electronic file will be checked using Turnitin for any evidence of plagiarism. You are expected to use references in the normal Harvard referencing style.
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The complicated and divisive practice of offshore outsourcing in Information Technology (IT) firms has gained attention as a result of the globalization of company operations. These firms increasingly choose emerging nations as attractive locations for their operations as they look to maximize efficiency and save expenses. University Assignment Help, However, underlying the attractiveness of financial rewards lurks a web of moral dilemmas that affect a wide range of stakeholders, including as workers, nearby communities, and the environment (Mohiuddin et al., 2013). They explore the complex effects of offshore outsourcing in the IT industry in this research, influenced by moral theories such utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, rights-based ethics, and the stakeholder theory. They seek to understand the complex web of decisions and outcomes surrounding offshore outsourcing via this ethical lens, giving light on the moral conundrums faced by IT businesses in a worldwide society.
Consequences of the actions of IT companies that engage in offshore outsourcing
Due to the effects it may have on a variety of stakeholders, including employees, local communities, and the environment, the practice of offshore outsourcing in IT corporations may definitely present ethical questions (Mitze et al., 2023). They may draw on a number of pertinent ethical theories to assess these effects from an ethical standpoint:
1. Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism measures the total usefulness or effects of a course of action. When it promotes overall enjoyment and reduces suffering, offshore outsourcing can be viewed as moral from a utilitarian perspective.
Positive Effects: IT businesses that engage in offshore outsourcing frequently assert that doing so results in cost reductions, which may lead to reduced consumer pricing and increased shareholder profits. This can be considered a good outcome (Asimakopoulos et al., 2023). Offshore outsourcing proponents claim that it can result in financial savings, increased productivity, and lower consumer pricing. Additionally, it can encourage economic development in underdeveloped nations, creating employment opportunities and boosting living standards.
Negative Effects: On the other hand, offshore outsourcing may be viewed as immoral from a utilitarian standpoint if it results in subpar working conditions, the exploitation of cheap labor, and environmental damage in developing nations (Arnold et al., 2019). On the negative side, outsourcing to foreign locations occasionally brings about subpar working conditions, low pay, and the exploitation of workers in underdeveloped nations. Additionally, it could exacerbate unemployment and wealth inequality at home.
Ethical Analysis: Utilitarianism necessitates careful analysis of the equilibrium between these favorable and unfavorable effects. Some may contend that overseas outsourcing is morally acceptable if the advantages to the business and customers vastly exceed the disadvantages caused to employees and the environment. However, it can be regarded as immoral if the pain and injury are extreme (Guitián et al., 2023). A comprehensive evaluation of the net balance of benefits and drawbacks is necessary for utilitarianism. If the total advantages, such as economic progress in developing countries, exceed the negative effects, such as exploitation, a utilitarian viewpoint can view offshore outsourcing as ethical. But it can be considered unethical if there is severe pain and harm.
2. Deontology: Deontological ethics emphasizes the fundamental character of acts rather than the results of such activities. It contends that certain behaviors are inherently right or evil, regardless of the effects they may have.
Deontologically, the morality of offshore outsourcing hinges on whether it transgresses any moral obligations or norms. Regardless of any possible financial advantages, outsourcing would be regarded as immoral if it involved abusing child labor or intentionally promoting terrible working conditions.
Deontology can offer a clear ethical position against offshore outsourcing methods that constitute the violation of fundamental human rights or values, according to an ethical evaluation. Infractions of Moral Principles: According to Deontology, certain behaviours are essentially bad (Noudogbessi et al., 2023). The use of child labor or deliberately promoting hazardous working conditions is examples of behaviours that might be considered immoral in offshore outsourcing.
• Rights and Duties: Deontological ethics also highlights the significance of upholding one's moral rights and performing one's moral obligations (Ramanathan, 2008). Companies that use offshore outsourcing should make sure they aren't violating employees' rights and should uphold moral obligations including treating employees fairly and paying them fairly.
• Ethical Assessment: From a deontological standpoint, offshore outsourcing that upholds moral obligations, rights, and values might be viewed as ethical, whereas actions that do so would be viewed as immoral.
3. Virtue ethics: Virtue ethics places a strong emphasis on a person's or an organization's character and qualities. It rates deeds according to whether they exhibit virtues or vices. An IT business might be viewed as morally upright if it engages in offshore outsourcing while maintaining fair compensation, decent working conditions, and environmental responsibility (Ragsac, 2023). On the other hand, a firm may not be seen as moral if it deliberately disregards these criteria and puts money above ethics.
• Virtuous Character: Fairness, honesty, and social responsibility would be given top priority by a moral IT corporation engaged in offshore outsourcing (Syed, 2023). It would guarantee the ethical treatment of employees and the preservation of the environment.
• Virtue ethics stresses that moral behaviour involves more than just adhering to laws; it also involves exhibiting virtues. Companies that pursue moral behavior in their offshore outsourcing methods will be regarded as moral, whereas those that put profits above morality may be viewed as deficient in virtue.
4. Based on human rights
The idea of rights-based ethics holds that people have some inherent rights that should not be infringed and is frequently connected to the writings of thinkers like Immanuel Kant. When referring to offshore outsourcing:
Respecting Human Rights: IT businesses need to make sure that their offshore outsourcing procedures respect the human rights of local employees (Rivera et al., 2023). This includes the freedom from exploitation and the right to reasonable pay and safe working conditions.
Ethical Assessment: Rights-based ethics offer a precise framework for assessing the effects of outsourcing to other countries. Businesses must determine if their activities uphold the basic rights of all parties involved, notably those in the host nation.
5. Theory of Stakeholders:
According to the stakeholder approach, firms should take into account the interests of all parties involved, not just shareholders (Modak et al., 2023). When referring to offshore outsourcing:
• Multifaceted Stakeholder Analysis: IT businesses should evaluate how outsourcing decisions may affect a variety of stakeholders, such as staff members, clients, neighbors, and the environment.
• The ethicality of offshore outsourcing depends on whether it advances the general well-being of all stakeholders and prevents damage or exploitation, according to a stakeholder's perspective.
Finally, overseas outsourcing in IT companies creates a challenging ethical environment. The many ethical frameworks that it have looked at demonstrate the complex interplay between material success and moral obligations. The moral issues raised by offshore outsourcing highlight the necessity of thoughtful decision-making that puts the interests of all parties involved first, ensuring that financial gains do not come at the price of moral integrity.
Asimakopoulos, G., Revilla, A. and Rodríguez, A., 2023. International R&D sourcing, innovation and firm age: The advantage of ‘born-international sourcers’. Technovation, 122, p.102662. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166497222002139
Guitián, G. and Sison, A.J.G., 2023. Offshore outsourcing from a catholic social teaching perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 185(3), pp.595-609. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-022-05209-8
Mitze, T. and Kreutzer, F., 2023. Relocation, innovation, and the difference that firm size makes: Insights for global sourcing strategies of SMEs. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, pp.1-31. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10843-023-00326-5
Modak, M., Pathak, K. and Ghosh, K.K., 2023. Factors influencing sustainable outsourcing relationship: An empirical investigation into the Indian coal mining industry. IIMB Management Review. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0970389623000782
Mohiuddin, M. and Su, Z., 2013. Offshore outsourcing of core and non-core activities and integrated firm-level performance: An empirical analysis of Québec manufacturing SMEs. M@ n@ gement, (4), pp.454-478. https://www.cairn.info/revue-management-2013-4-page-454.htm
Noudogbessi, C., The Impacts of Outsourcing on Business Process Automation Implementation: A Comprehensive Analysis. https://www.utupub.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/175616/clara_noudogbessi_immit_thesis.pdf?sequence=1
Ragsac, C., 2023. Ethical dilemmas of outsourcing in RBC. https://www.academia.edu/download/102840950/Case_Study_Report.pdf
Ramanathan, R., 2008. The role of organisational change management in offshore outsourcing of information technology services. In MOPAN Conference, Boston. https://www.bookpump.com/dps/pdf-b/9427095b.pdf
Rivera, L., Ortiz, N., Moreno, G. and Páez-Gabriunas, I., 2023. The Effect of Company Ownership on the Environmental Practices in the Supply Chain: An Empirical Approach. Sustainability, 15(16), p.12450. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/16/12450
Syed, R.F., 2023. Compliance with and enforcement mechanism of labor law: cost-benefits analysis from employers’ perspective in Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Business Ethics, pp.1-24. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13520-023-00179-0