MBIS4008 Business Process Management Report 2A Sample
Assessment Description
Students are expected to write a 1000-word literature review individually. Your lecturer may select an industry for you to do some research and write a literature review. Example: Food and Beverage Delivery Industry; You will try to find out how businesses are operated within that industry. You goal is to figure out general business processes managed by companies in that industry. The structure of the project is a 1000-word. This is subject to plus or minus 10%. The literate review should include a cover page, an abstract, a body that provides the main discussions surrounding the key topics discussed in the literature review and at the end of the document you are required to include a complete list of reference. The List of references should be formatted in Harvard style.
For high marks, the report should cover the theories, concepts and notions covered in the weekly topics. It is also vital that your work is guided by the marking rubric.
Research expectation:
? The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources.
? Credible sources should be varied and include, but not limited to, the Textbook,
Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal articles.
? Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support page on
Moodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email (academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you require further assistance.
• Detailed - Use Harvard referencing including the reference list
This literature review is focused on examining the essential ideas, analytical frameworks, and implementations concerning business processes. Moreover, it delves into the significance of information technology in mapping these business processes. The review emphasises the necessity of comprehending and amplifying business processes to heighten operational efficiency and efficacy. Our research findings imply that through the utilisation of information technology, business process mapping can be greatly strengthened, ultimately leading to better decision-making in the industry of beverages.
In the global economy, one of the biggest contributors is the beverage manufacturing industry which provides a huge range of products to their customers over the world. The literature review defines the different Business Process Concepts, Analytical Frameworks, and Applications used in the beverage manufacturing industry. University Assignment Help, The literature review also discusses how technology has been used in the industry and helped in business process mapping. Overall, it highlights how it is significant in optimising operations and decision-making.
Extensive research was undertaken, relying on applicable academic publications, industry papers, and credible web sources to complete an in-depth literature review. The sources of information picked for this assessment were considered to be acceptable and relevant to the issue, demonstrating great research skills.
Interpretation of Business Process Concepts, Analytical Frameworks, and Applications in Business:
A step-by-step business process is incorporated into the Beverage manufacturing industry, which includes sourcing raw materials for production, packaging, and distribution. According to Chen and Voigt., (2020), it is important for the beverage manufacturing industry to effectively interpret the concepts which are related to the business processes and implement analytical frameworks for identifying the correct bottlenecks, improving efficiency, and achieving operational excellence.
In the study done by Ali and Aboelmaged., (2022), one of the common concepts implemented in the beverage industry during manufacturing is "value chain analysis". Multiple brands widely use the framework as it helps them to understand the primary and support products needed to be brought into the market. For the manufacturing of beverages, the correct raw materials must be sourced, processed, packed, and then distributed. This whole process, from sourcing raw materials to distribution of the product, comes under the primary activities. The support activities include procurement, human resources, technology, and infrastructure. As per Telukdarie, Munsamy, and Mohlala., (2020), companies identify the areas where they can create greater value and make informed decisions to optimise their processes and leave out the waste through the "value chain analysis". Siagian and Tarigan., (2021) discussed that there are multiple uses of value chain analysis in the beverage production business. Value chain analysis, for example, may assist in identifying cost-saving potential by enhancing purchasing processes, increasing manufacturing efficiency, and simplifying distribution networks. Businesses may obtain an edge over others by evaluating the value provided at each level and making educated decisions about the outsourcing process, vertical integration, or technology investment.
Another concept, lean manufacturing, focuses on eliminating waste and improving efficiency in production processes. According to the study done by Capcha-Huamali et al. (2021), lean principles are being incorporated into the manufacturing of beverages as they improve overall operations by eliminating non-value-added activities in the process. These activities mostly include the overproduction of goods, unwanted transportation or movement of the products, or excessive inventory. In the study done by Bor (2021), there are many analytical frameworks which are associated with the lean manufacturing concept, which are JIT (Just-in-time) and Kanban. Through JIT, the manufacturer mostly targets to produce and deliver the products which are needed at that moment as it would help them lower inventory costs and reduce waste. Kanban is a visual scheduling system the manufacturer uses to regulate the production of the beverage and manage the inventory levels with ease. Kanban helps the manufacturers to know which raw materials need to be Renewed. The study done by Putri and Dona., (2019) demonstrates that Beverage manufacturers can easily streamline their operations and eliminate all their waste through lean manufacturing, and this also increases their productivity and reduces unwanted costs on inventory and raw materials. By applying lean procedures, manufacturers can improve quality, decrease delivery times, and boost consumer satisfaction. This concept is useful in situations where companies need to produce products that might have a short shelf life or the market demands are time-sensitive.
Analysing the Role of Information Technology in Business Process Mapping in the Beverage Industry:
As per the report published by Daengs et al. (2020), the need for technology has gradually increased in the beverage manufacturing industry, and the use of Information Technology to enable manufacturers to simplify their operations and enhance their decision-making process. It also gives the brands a competitive advantage over the others. Businesses could efficiently trace their operations and discover improvement opportunities by employing IT technologies.
Setiabudi, Siagian, and Tarigan (2021) discuss one of the essential tools used by beverage manufacturers today, known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. It is a platform integrated with the whole business process and helps manufacturers track their inventory, monitor production schedules, manage procurement, and handle financial transactions. ERP helps manufacturers with real-time data right before them, making it easier for them to optimise their operations and develop plans based on the market's demand.
Another important element in mapping business processes for the beverage industry is the Supply Chain Management (SCM) tool. According to Chienwattanasook and Onputtha (2022), SCM helps manufacturers to simplify their procurement, logistics, and distribution. The SCM tool is used to monitor the supply chain and manage the inventory levels of the products. The manufacturers also keep track of delivery timings of the raw materials and the final product with SCM.
In the beverage industry, data analytics technologies have grown rapidly and have become important for business process mapping. As per the case study done by Jagtap et al. (2021), Businesses may obtain knowledge about their operations and make data-driven choices by analysing data sets, resulting in increased production, effectiveness, and satisfying consumer requests. Through data analytics, the manufacturers and the businesses gain an extra edge as it makes it easier for them to predict the timings of delivery, manage manpower and energy consumption, optimise the business process, and also provide ideas and insights on product development. Furthermore, Saryatmo and Sukhotu (2021) mentioned in their study that the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the beverage industry has helped beverage businesses anticipate concerns, automate operations, and assure product quality and uniformity.
By applying business process principles, analytical frameworks, and technological applications, the beverage manufacturing industry has optimised its business operations and decision-making. Lean manufacturing and value chain analysis assist in identifying opportunities for enhancement, eliminating waste, and boosting productivity. ERP systems and SCM, for example, provide real-time data management, control of inventory, and simplified procurement and delivery. Data analytics and IoT devices provide useful insights that allow for more informed decision-making, improved efficiency, and improved quality of products. By using these techniques, beverage businesses have accomplished operational excellence, better innovation, and met global market expectations.
Ali, I. and Aboelmaged, M.G.S., 2022. Implementation of supply chain 4.0 in the food and beverage industry: perceived drivers and barriers. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 71(4), pp.1426-1443. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohamed-Aboelmaged/publication/349645428_Implementation_of_supply_chain_40_in_the_food_and_beverage_industry_perceived_drivers_and_barriers/links/628605ca7eae937368c7945e/Implementation-of-supply-chain-40-in-the-food-and-beverage-industry-perceived-drivers-and-barriers.pdf
Bor, J.K.M., 2021. Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance of Food and Beverage Processing Sector in Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, JKUAT-COHRED). http://ir.jkuat.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/123456789/5498/Thesis_Edited_Final%2026th%20jan%202021.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Capcha-Huamali, E., Vila-Huaman, W., Viacava-Campos, G., Quiroz-Flores, J. and Cardenas, L., 2021. A Lean Manufacturing and RCM-Based Production Process Improvement Model for Increasing the Production Capacities of Carbonated Beverage Bottling Companies. In Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control:
Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Production Management and Process Control, and Additive Manufacturing, Modeling Systems and 3D Prototyping, July 25-29, 2021, USA (pp. 464-472). Springer International Publishing. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juan-Carlos-Quiroz-Flores/publication/352992008_A_Lean_Manufacturing_and_RCM-Based_Production_Process_Improvement_Model_for_Increasing_the_Production_Capacities_of_Carbonated_Beverage_Bottling_Companies/links/61df1fed5c0a257a6fe34d6c/A-Lean-Manufacturing-and-RCM-Based-Production-Process-Improvement-Model-for-Increasing-the-Production-Capacities-of-Carbonated-Beverage-Bottling-Companies.pdf
Chen, X. and Voigt, T., 2020. Implementation of the Manufacturing Execution System in the food and beverage industry. Journal of Food Engineering, 278, p.109932. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0260877420300315
Chienwattanasook, K. and Onputtha, S., 2022. The Impact of Inspirational Leadership on Green Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance of Food and Beverage Companies. Asian Administration & Management Review, 5(1). https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Suraporn-Onputtha-3/publication/360050845_The_Impact_of_Inspirational_Leadership_on_Green_Supply_Chain_Management_and_Organizational_Performance_of_Food_and_Beverage_Companies/links/6262fde8ee24725b3ebdf916/The-Impact-of-Inspirational-Leadership-on-Green-Supply-Chain-Management-and-Organizational-Performance-of-Food-and-Beverage-Companies.pdf
Daengs, G.S., Istanti, E., Negoro, R.M. and Sanusi, R., 2020. The aftermath of management actions on competitive advantage through process attributes at food and beverage industries export-import in Perak Harbor of Surabaya. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 9, pp.1418-1425. http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/710/1/The%20Aftermath%20of%20ManagementIJCSV9A162-Daengs.pdf
Jagtap, S., Skouteris, G., Choudhari, V., Rahimifard, S. and Duong, L.N.K., 2021. Internet of Things approach for water efficiency: A case study of the beverage factory. Sustainability, 13(6), p.3343. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/6/3343/pdf
Putri, N.T. and Dona, L.S., 2019. Application of lean manufacturing concept for redesigning facilities layout in Indonesian home-food industry: A case study. The TQM Journal. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nilda-Putri/publication/335894327_Application_of_lean_manufacturing_concept_for_redesigning_facilities_layout_in_Indonesian_home-food_industry_A_case_study/links/5e96cad9299bf130799adad7/Application-of-lean-manufacturing-concept-for-redesigning-facilities-layout-in-Indonesian-home-food-industry-A-case-study.pdf
Saryatmo, M.A. and Sukhotu, V., 2021. The influence of the digital supply chain on operational performance: a study of Indonesia's food and beverage industry. Sustainability, 13(9), p.5109. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/9/5109/pdf
Setiabudi, K.J., Siagian, H. and Tarigan, Z.J.H., 2021. The effect of transformational leadership on firm performance through ERP systems and supply chain integration in the food and beverage industry. Petra International Journal of Business Studies, 4(1), pp.65-73. https://ijbs.petra.ac.id/index.php/ijbs/article/download/167/71
Siagian, H. and Tarigan, Z., 2021. The central role of its capability is to improve firm performance through lean production and supply chain practices in the COVID-19 era. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(4), pp.1005-1016. http://growingscience.com/uscm/Vol9/uscm_2021_59.pdf
Telukdarie, A., Munsamy, M. and Mohlala, P., 2020. Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector. Sustainability, 12(22), p.9331. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/22/9331/pdf