MBA613 Organisational Change and Innovation Case Study 3 Sample
The 2021 Workplace
In the 1990’s and the early part of this century the business environment was predominantly stable with organisations generally following a predictive trajectory – business fundamentals and theoretical constructs were not really challenged (at the macro level). Many staff stayed with organisations for a lengthy period of time, even their lifetime of employment (at a micro level). In 2021, this traditional understanding of the business landscape is challenged. Today the workforce has less full-time employees and more contractors, part-time, shared roles, people working remotely, and casual workers employed on a needs or demand basis. We’ve seen the rise of the gig workforce. The way we work is also changing, due mainly to higher levels of technology (including information technology), while disruptive innovations are creating new industries and business models, and obsoleting old ones. Many of the roles and job titles of tomorrow will be ones we’ve not even thought of yet. Given these changes there are many implications for creative and innovative skills in the workplace, organisational management, organisational strategy, and workforce training. To successfully engage with the contemporary workforce paradigm, the workplace ecosystem may need a re-conception. Where might your ideas fit in? Welcome to Assessment #3.
Your Task
Assessment #3 is a case study analysis. The case study is fictional, but your exploration of the case is to have regard to the contemporary business landscape and the concepts explored in the MBA613 subject. The task requires selecting one question to be answered from a choice of three questions offered and using the case study as basis for your considerations. It is your choice as to the question you will answer. If you attempt to answer more than one question, only the first question attempted in your assessment submission will be the answer that will be assessed for the purpose of this assessment.
As you’ve explored in this subject, working with others to consider and analyse potential solutions to contemporary workplace problems gives a greater scope towards developing appropriate solutions. You will be given time in workshops (Week 11-12) to work on your journey towards addressing the assessment. You will undertake this in groups to help give you added perspective for your assessment. You should focus on seeking to dimensionally understanding the various problems, not immediately consider a question and potential solution, as such may not result in an appropriate demonstration of your understanding and learning. Based on your workshop participation with your group, you will then write and submit an individual report. The research requirement is a minimum of 5 contemporary and appropriate references to support your analysis and answer.
Assessment Instructions
Carefully analyse the Case Study:
‘Implementing organisational transformation in Auzee Engineering Services (AES)’.
The case study can be found on the MBA613 subject Moodle page:
Subject Resources – Supplementary Resources – Assessment 03 Case Study
The URL link is here:
Answer only ONE of the following questions after exploring and analyzing the Case Study:
Question No. 3: Do managers and employees have roles when implementing organisational change, or is it just a managerial prerogative?
In the context of the topic that has been a part of the assignment, the automotive sector of AES has been taken into consideration. With annual revenue of around $1 billion, the business is based in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne (Riaz et al. 2017).
The end of the mass production of cars brought in huge effects in the Australian automotive component production which had a direct and negative impact over AES (Riaz et al. 2017).
The globalized forces have brought a drastic change in the company's economy because of the higher manufacturing costs. For University Assignment Help, In the context of the supply of automotive parts, AES is no longer competitive in the worldwide market. Thus, AES is looking forward to remodelling its organisational substructure so that it remains financially stable and consistent in the globalized market (Riaz et al. 2017). The various forms of approaches would form a part of our discussion for fulfilling the purpose of refuting the question that forms an essential part of our analysis.
Company’s background:
As stated by Riaz et al. (2017), there have been great changes in the business environment in the current scenario because of the swift adaptations in this growing world. An estimate of about 95% of Fortune 500 occupational companies are either finished or have merged themselves or are reduced in number. In Australia, the rudimentary challenge is to maintain the consistency of the company in a prosperous form. For this, a transformative change is considered as the major focus to implement the functional and operational activities of the company on.
AES comprises four business sectors: industrial tech, transportability solutions, consumer goods and energy and building automation. With a revenue of around $1 billion annually, this company has around 1500 employees across Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (Riaz et al. 2017).
The various forms of approaches through which the fulfilment of the topic is implemented are delineated as follows:
1. Decision making:
As opined by Panpatte & Takale, (2019), the procedure of decision-making forms an integral part of the operative processes of the company.
Both management and employees contribute to the foundation's final decision-making, helping to create confidence and worker commitment. In management terms and that in the perspective of the workforce, the right structure of control and coordination and the method of communication has been strengthened that improvises the decision-making cycle. Such an enhancement would lead to a standardized form of decision, appropriate amalgamation of skills and proficiency at the company’s operative functions.
The normative decision thesis is sought to be implemented so that the decision taken proves to be the most ideal in the context of the given situation. This would bring a transformative change and a remodelling in the business substructure of AES. Hence, Implementing the "normative decision concept" resulted in an examination of the given scenario providing an optimum way of decision-making. Hence, the results would have been clearer and more effective.
1. Organisational proficiency:
As stated by Martini et al. (2018), organisational proficiency implies the expertise of the organisation in the highly competitive market so that the organisation can transcend and stand out in a prosperous form despite the high competition in the market.
The amalgamation of various forms of skills and attributes contributes to the proficiency of the organisation that leads to the ultimate success of the company.
In the context of the question, the mixture of both the managerial activity and the contribution of the employees for the same leads to the identification of the required skills to maintain that competency and train the employees accordingly. A strong form of proficiency management by the managers would result in greater employee development and evolution which will enhance the company’s structure as a whole. This will bring in the right candidates for the company and the goal of profitability and consistency would be accomplished (Riaz et al. 2017).
2. Organisational Culture:
As viewed by Paais and Pattiruhu (2020), the organisational culture comprises the collection and bunch of those values and practical applications that imparts a form of guidance and frames out a set of actions that are to be performed by the working management of an organisation. This is a bunch of attributes that make the company what it is in actual terms.
The culture of the organisation is an appropriate delineation of the various processes that teaches a way of behaviour in the organisational premises. The managers of the company are highly responsible for shaping the performance of the employed workforce so that their cultural identity is maintained. A contributed and co-operated structure of both the managers and the employed workforce in the company (here, AES) would maintain the culture of the company and reflect a valuable overview of the company. This will bring success for AES.
3. Innovation and Expressiveness:
As stated by Garcia (2018), the notion of innovation and expressiveness under the context of an organisational substructure implies the implementation of a contemporary approach to envisioning the existing processes and ideas.
The innovative practices that are applied in the company’s operations such as opting technological methods or introducing applications of creativity have been executed through the contributed actions of both the manager and the employed workforce. This signifies their role in the implementation of a transformational change in the organization.
4. Organisational Control and Composition:
As opined by Verburg et al. (2018), organisational control implies the implementation of the guidance that helps in framing out the strategies and goals for that organisation. This entails additionally specifying remedial procedures and procedures for the organisation to undertake whenever observing an inefficiency. Hence, every organisation's structure specifies the workflow. Therefore, the success of the company is determined through the hierarchical structure of the company in which the managers are responsible to motivate the workforce to fit in their job better. The motivated workforce will lead to a betterment in the organizational structure and fetch huge remunerative revenues and income for the organization. The implementation of certain theories of controlling and directing would lead to the success and consistency of AES in the highly competitive market (Riaz et al. 2017).
The governance theory is sought to be implemented under this contextual area. This implies the system in which the company is controlled and direct. A proper mode of such control and direction leads to the ultimate success and prosperity of the company. Hence, Applying the governance theory has resulted in the correct monitoring and management of the organisation that directs the business's performance and coherence in a successful manner.
5. The Management of Risks in an Organisation:
The processes of risk management are of great significance to the company. As opined by Korableva et al. (2017, September), risk management is essential for the company because it imparts the potential of delineating the objectives of the company and the risks that it should take to fulfil those objectives. Other such risks are kept under control.
Risk management within AES will help identify the hazards that contribute to the company's performance and reliability in a tremendously competitive international market. This brings about the communication barrier amongst management and workers and assists them to define the right corporate goals that will result in increasing the organisational performance. This implies the improvising of the company’s performance in the highly competitive market and paves its way to remain consistent in any kind of circumstances (Riaz et al. 2017).
6. Schematic plans and their implementation:
As stated by Kabeyi (2019), the strategic form of implementation of the schematic plans and policies leads to the conversion of the plans into actions. Such an implementation guides the organisation in a direction that would fulfil the organisational goals and objectives. Scheme strategies and guidelines are implemented inside the AES system and both managers and employees contribute towards them. Ultimately, this contributes to the identification of the organisational strategy, which would, in turn, generate massive profit and enormous revenue and remuneration for the workforce.
7. The internal and the external environments:
As viewed by Islami et al. (2018), the internal environment of the organisation comprises the internal conditions and circumstances that affect the functional and operational activities of the workplace. The internal elements encompass the working environment, its personnel, the quality of management and financial procedures.
The organisation's external surroundings include aspects that do not directly govern the organisation. Hence, according to Shtal et al. (2018), economic conditions, consumers, rivals and organisation policy are all aspects that make up the external environment. Therefore, these factors may affect the operation of the company in the coming times.
The roles played by the managers and the employed workforce in AES is highly important in the success and consistency of the company. The managers are highly responsible to evaluate the uncontrollable and dynamic factors and assess them accordingly. And around the same period, the staff must be well aware of such developments and focus on profit-making and corporate success. This would fetch profits for the company and maintain its consistency in the highly competitive market of Australia (Riaz et al. 2017).
While implementing and bringing about a change in the organisational structure, the transformative measures taken by the company proved to be favourable in their context. A form of diversification was brought into the business premises that initiated the remodelling procedure in the substructure of the business. Hence, modern markets have been investigated and staff have been qualified to meet consumers' expectations. Throughout the amendment process, the managerial level dealt with everything open-mindedly and was very much receptive to any new ideas coming from the employees. The corporate management appropriately appreciated the individual career of the personnel that inspired their feeling of belongingness. Hence, this would be the best aspect in order to boost organisational performance through individual improvement and efficiency. Therefore, the feedback was accepted and valued for better performance inside the organisation. This led to the ultimate remodelling and success of the company and helped in maintaining consistency in the highly competitive globalized market.
Panpatte, S. & Takale, V.D., 2019. To study the decision making process in an organization for its effectiveness. The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, 3(1), pp.73-78. Retrieved 15 June 2021 <http://www.theijbmt.com/archive/0925/2143635892.pdf>
Garcia, C., 2018. Innovation & creativity in organisations. Leadership & Management–DBA. Retrieved 15 June 2021 <http://aiu.edu/applications/DocumentLibraryManager/upload/Inovvation%20and%20Creativity%20in%20Organization.pdf>
Islami, X.A., Mulolli, E.S. & Mustafa, N., 2018. The effect of factors industrial and internal to the firm’s performance. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 14(5). Retrieved 15 June 2021 <http://www.journals.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/oeconomica/article/viewFile/4895/4588>
Paais, M. & Pattiruhu, J.R., 2020. Effect of motivation, leadership, and organisational culture on satisfaction and employee performance. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 7(8), pp.577-588. Retrieved 15 June 2021 <https://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO202026061031735.pdf>
Martini, I.A.O., Rahyuda, I.K., Sintaasih, D.K. and Piartrini, P.S., 2018. The influence of competency on employee performance through organizational commitment dimension. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 20(2), pp.29-37. Retrieved 15 June 2021 <https://www.academia.edu/download/56829746/E2002082937.pdf>
Riaz, S., Kimberley, N., & Morgan, D., 2017, ‘Implementing organisational transformation in Auzee Engineering Services (AES11)’, CAST STUDY 2
Verburg, R.M., Nienaber, A.M., Searle, R.H., Weibel, A., Den Hartog, D.N. and Rupp, D.E., 2018. The role of organisational control systems in employees’ organisational trust and performance outcomes. Group & organisation management, 43(2), pp.179-206. Retrieved 15 June 2021 <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1059601117725191>