MBA505 Business Psychology, Coaching and Mentoring Report Sample
Your Task
The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate and develop your knowledge and skill in mentoring and coaching as an important people development technique within organisations. This subject requires you to thoughtfully develop your abilities in coaching and mentoring, and in weeks 8, 9,10 and 12 we will explore styles and techniques in doing this. These skills will serve you well in many facets of your life. To assist with developing your skills, you will be using these skills to interact with your fellow students or others to sharpen your abilities, allow you to observe others and receive assistance so you can learn to work meaningfully with others in the future.
Assessment Description
In weeks 8-10, you will have opportunities to take the role of a mentor, coach, observer or employee through in-class or online discussions and role plays. In week 12, you will be exposed to content to do with the role of coaching in organisations.
To strengthen your understanding of these experiences, you will be required to write a reflection of the experience of your role as mentor, coach, observer or employee of around 650 words. Over each week you will be required to use your experience to assemble three of these reflections as you engage in the week’s exercises, bringing your work to a total for this task of 2000 words.
In writing up your experience of these coaching and mentoring experiences you should reflect on:
• What happened in the interaction, including what aspects went well and what needed improvement,
• How relevant theoretical reading or research you have done applies to the situation,
• What you learned or gained from the experience, and
• Practical actions you could take to improve your approach in the future based on your reading,reflection, experience and observation.
Assessment Instructions
• This is an individual assessment to be submitted via Turnitin.
• You are to write 2000 words, composed of three pieces of 650 words each as follows-
→ One reflection related to your experience of mentoring (covered in week 8),
→ One reflection related to your experience of coaching (covered in weeks 9 and 10),
→ One reflection related to the application of coaching in the workplace (covered in week 12).
• You are expected to include references to strengthen your understanding of the theoretical bases of your work.
• Your writing should be based on very recent experiences only, ie those which have taken place during the in-class sessions or in the workplace during the period of the subject.
• As with all scholarly work, competent and relevant citing and referencing is essential.
The completed assignment of three reflections is due in Week 13 (one week after completion of formal classes). You should aim to complete your work each week during the class or soon after to minimise workload and maximise accuracy and then consolidate and finalise for submission in Week 13.
Mentoring does assist organization in transforming new hires culturally and indulge character of loyalty in employees. It eventually not only reduces employee turnover rate but also encourage them to perform with best competence (Busse, 2021). As per University Assignment Help, Present reflective report provides detail analysis of my experience and learning relating to Mentoring and Coaching. A detail analysis of insights which I have gained during my learning period have been discussed along with action plan which I would apply to strengthen areas in which I do lack. Even discussion has been provided relating to the way in which these learning would assist in accomplishing playing role of prominent manager in future.
Mentoring approach can be specified as positive development partnership which is driven by mentee on primarily basis. The procedure does assist in clarifying mentees perspective while providing clarification to the perspective of mentee while bringing impartial view to bear on issues (Koopman et al, 2021). I acknowledged through learning attained during this course that mentoring does play main role in an organization for developing leadership skills. However, at the same time all qualities of a leader including motivating, supporting, providing honest feedback is necessary for playing the position of role model being a mentor. Mentoring program does provide advantage to organization in order to capitalize its main resource i.e. employees. As, it does assist in developing talent of employees so that they could contribute in company’s growth and innovation in efficient manner. During my learning period, I got opportunity to enhance knowledge in context with mentoring program. I accessed that the main advantage of mentoring programs is organization is able to present or show employees that they do matter for company by providing mentor who is available for guiding them.
Mentoring programs can be specified as key player in decreasing employee turnover as the two main motives which are gained through this approach are more engaged workforce and increase in job satisfaction (Bortnowska & Seiler, 2019). During my learning period got opportunity to assess mentoring program of different organization and evaluate the extent to which these program do assist in accomplish goal of organization. Through this assessment I got to know that mentoring program promotes development of better trained and engaged workforce. For same mentor do make adequate efforts to provide assistance to mentees so that they can learn the ropes at company and ascertain concerning areas so that they can improve same. It is the reason it is considered as most effective tool for people development. I learned about core standards relating to mentoring program development i.e. design, implementation, matching, training, program management, program evaluation, quality control and role of mentoring program manager. While analysing these standard, I assessed their significance in context with development of successful mentoring program. I learned that one could complete mentoring cycle through assistance of these standards. My main goal is to attain position of manager in big corporate organization. For same I do have to play role of mentor in order to accomplish goals of the organization. These learning would assist me in assessing the key strategies to be applied for development of acceptable and effective mentoring program. I learned that in order to apply mentoring program effectively; it is necessary to emphasize on each phase of mentoring cycle i.e. developing rapport, contracting, direct selling, progress making, maturation and closure.
Action Plan
During my learning period, I recognized while participating in one of the activity that in order to develop skills for being prominent mentor I do require excel on skills such as monitoring success and providing true feedback in constructive manner so that I could motivate employees. As I didn’t performed well being lack at providing feedback in constructive manner. I learned that I could develop mentoring program through different projects or group assignments in which I participate so that I could get to know about the areas or skills I required to work on. During my learning period I acknowledged that for being successful mentors it is necessary to balance personal development and career development i.e. one of my weak areas. Thus, in order to improvise same I would take continue feedback from my teachers and mentors while performing in group task so that I could assess the far way I have reached in excelling specific skill. I would incorporate suggested changes so that I could develop required skills significantly and make decision in prominent way.
In the simplest term, coaching is referred as providing training, and gives instructions to the subordinates. In the present scenario, a number of entities in engaged in providing coaching to their workers in order to improvement in the performance by which company’s performance can be accelerated (Bozer, & Jones, 2018). In this aspect, the given course has provided significant learning regarding several aspects of coaching. Prior to this course, I think that coaching is only based on providing instructions or make interaction with each other. However, during this module I came to know that, there are a number of models that could be applied to offer the structure for a coaching conversation. This course is basically focused on GROW model, which stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. I understand that, the cited model act as a mechanism that enables coaching conversation. The fact cannot be defined that, GROW model is one of the important model for decision making, issues addressing, and objective setting (Baker, 2019). In order to understand the practical understanding of the model, several activities have been conducted.
Apart from this, by this course, I also become aware about the distinct and in-depth understanding of the goal. I understand that, there is existence of the distinct types of goal and the awareness of these provide support in inform coaching conversation. Further, with the help of SMART model and powerful questioning mechanism, goal setting should be performed. I came to know that, goals should be defined in SMART model that stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-framed. Moreover, the activity of goal setting, in which student were asked to set goal by using SMART techniques and powerful question tool, helps in understanding of the practical application of the model. Further, this course also provides understanding about the learning concept with the help of Kolb model. According to this, learning is referred as the procedure in which knowledge is built by the transformation of experience (Lee, 2020). Along with this, I also recognise that behaviour change is one of the prominent elements of coaching. This module also enhances my knowledge in the context of leadership coaching, which is usually undertaken through external and skilled coach with very particular competencies. I came to know about its benefits such as management of stress and well-being, management of conflicts, effective communications, presentation skills, and some others.
In the future period, being a coach, I would like to apply GROW coaching model in order to raise the motivation among subordinate employees. By asking effective questions in the structure manner I would be able to enhance in-depth awareness and more responsibility that assists towards practical steps for accomplishment of goals and objectives and address obstacles.
Action Plan
In one of the class activity, students were asked to form five questions of every step of GROW model such as growth, reality, option, and will. In this activity, it is required by observer to share the feedback on what worked and what did not. Therefore, such type of activities would be very beneficial for me in order to familiarize the concept of GROW model. In the course of my learning period, there are several other skills are also required such as planning and settlement of goal, active listening, direct communication, strong questioning, and some others. As earlier I did not have any understanding regarding such model, therefore after completion of this course, i am capable to implement such model for coaching. Moreover, I would also work on improvement in my direct communication skills, which is one of the essential requirements for becoming effective coach that could be possible through attending seminar, obtaining feedback from audience, and some other aspects.
In the current era, entities are continuously confronting competitive marketplace and therefore they require to respond on accordingly. Changes and transformation would be possible only when individuals are motivated and performed in the effective manner. Due to this, there is requirement that companies and leaders should identify the manner in which individuals could learn, adapt, and reflect the accurate behaviour in order to be successful (Grant, 2017). In relation to this, this course has accelerated my learning in the context of coaching in the workplace, which is one of the prominent requirements for the contemporary organizations. I recognize the fact that, the primary objective of the workplace coaching is to advance competent, efficient, and greatly performing workers, so that companies can cope up with its rivals in the robust manner. Notably, the role of coach at the workplace coaching is very significant as they are capable to understand pattern and predict negative or adverse trends (Bozer, & Delegach, 2019). In this course, I also went through several activities, which assists in enhancement in my knowledge by considering the practical experience. Further, by watching video on YouTube, I came to know that, manager, leader, and coach are overlapping terms, and each has their own roles and responsibilities.
From this course, I also came to know about several benefits of coaching in the workplace, which consists of cost and time effectiveness, enhancement in productivity, enhancement in morale, flexibility, personality advancement, and more self-reliance. On the other side, workplace coaching possesses some disadvantages as well such as confidentiality, goal alignment, capability of coach, and some others. It can be said that, the cited course has provided practical as well as theoretical understanding with respect to the workplace coaching. I can say that, this learning and knowledge would be very useful for flourishing my career advancement by possessing position of manager or coach in any organization. In other words, it can be said that, if I obtained managerial position in the company then in such case I would probably use a coaching style for enhancement in the performance of employees. My role would be focused towards conducting a coaching conversation that motivate the workers to form their own thoughts as well as activities and to be greater self-directed. By this mechanism, employees would feel more privileged, and more committed towards their work, which ultimately generate superior performance.
Action Plan
I can say that, prior to joining this course; I do not possess significant and in-depth understanding regarding workplace coaching. Since, I only think that workplace coaching is required only when any company introduce any new technique or when any new worker joins the company then training and education should be provided so that he/she can understand about the prevailing practices in the organization. However, after attending this course, I understand that, in order to compete in the competitive scenario, workplace coaching must be provided by the organizations, so that competencies, efficiencies, and performance of workers could be accelerated.
By considering the significance of workplace coaching, I would like to make improvement in my skills further, and therefore would related programs in the future such as training and reduction for professional development, skills for coach, effective leaders, advancement of personal skills, and some others. Overall, I can say that, my experience in relation to workplace coaching has been immensely accelerated by this course, which would be very supportive in advancement of my future career.
It can be concluded from above analysis that for being a successful mentor it is necessary to be clear on mutual expectations and being a role model. The learning and acknowledgements gained during this course would assist me playing role of coach as well as mentor being manager of an organization in future successfully. I would be not only able to develop efficient mentoring program but would encourage employees to make out best they could and accomplish organizational goals successfully.
Baker, T., (2019). Using GROW for a Better Coaching Conversation. In Bringing the Human Being Back to Work (pp. 71-78). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.Doi< https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93172-2_8>
Bortnowska, H. & Seiler, B., (2019). Formal mentoring in nonprofit organizations. Model proposition. Management, 23(1).doi <10.2478/manment-2019-0011>
Bozer, G. & Delegach, M., (2019). Bringing context to workplace coaching: A theoretical framework based on uncertainty avoidance and regulatory focus. Human Resource Development Review, 18(3), pp.376-402.Doi<https://doi.org/10.1177/1534484319853098>
Bozer, G. & Jones, R.J., (2018). Understanding the factors that determine workplace coaching effectiveness: A systematic literature review. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(3), pp.342-361.Doi< https://doi.org/10.1080/1359432X.2018.1446946>
Busse, W.W., (2021). Mentoring: A lifetime cycle and key to successful career development. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 147(5), pp.1634-1637. Doi<>https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2021.02.036>
Grant, A.M., (2017). The third ‘generation’of workplace coaching: Creating a culture of quality conversations. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 10(1), pp.37-53.Doi< https://doi.org/10.1080/17521882.2016.1266005>
Koopman, R., Englis, P.D., Ehgrenhard, M.L. & Groen, A., (2021). The Chronological Development of Coaching and Mentoring: Side by Side Disciplines. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring, 19(1).doi< 10.24384/3w69-k922>
Lee, K.W., (2020). Learning management knowledge: Integrating learning cycle theory and knowledge types perspective. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 19(2), pp.192-222.Doi< https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2016.0029>