MBA5008 Business Research Methods Report 2 Sample
Assessment 2: Research Report
The student will be asked to write a research project based building up on their annotated bibliography in Assessment Task 1, articulating a research problem / question, literature review, analysis and discussion of the various issues from different perspectives and coming up with conclusions, solutions and recommendations.
The student will be asked to write a research-based project building on their annotated bibliography in Assessment Task 1, articulating a research problem / issue / question, discussing a thorough literature review, analysis and discussion of the various issues identified from the literature review, using different perspectives and coming up with conclusions, solutions, and recommendations.
Task: Students are to work on a selected research problem/question, conduct a narrative literature review, and prepare a research report.
Aim: The primary aim of this assessment is for you to understand the research process and get familiar with conducting a literature review, exploring relevant theories, methods, and concepts. The secondary aim of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to enhance your research skills, critical thinking, theoretical applications and report writing skills.
How to write a research report step by step:
To start with your research report, you need to be clear on below questions.
• What is the aim?
• What is the topic? (A topic may be given by your lecturer, or you can make your own choice in consultation with your lecturer, this process needs to be determined through Assessment 1)
• What is the expected research report format?
Use proper in-text referencing as well as list of references. The referencing style must follow the APA referencing style.
In the current era which is also known as the digital era, leadership is considered to have a significant role in the businesses and it is directly linked with the performance and development of the organisation. University Assignment Help, The concept and nature of leadership have changed a lot with time. The research is aiming at identifying the link between a digital era and leadership as it is identified to have a strong bond between each other that can have a direct impact on the organisation and its performance. The research is focused on some relatable articles that help to know more about the digital era and leadership. The Digital Era is not only limited to organisational boundaries but it is something more than that as it is linked with society and societal development. It is a vast topic that is covered with the help of relatable articles, journals and many more.
1.1. Background
This ever-changing world is currently transitioning towards the digital age from the industrial age, where a leader must be able to take fast and challenging decisions for unpredictable changes (Ahlquist, 2017). Leadership in this digital age means that they should be self-sufficient enough to inspire others to make a proper team that will help them to achieve their goals. As a leader of this digital age, they must have some basic knowledge about digital technologies, community management. Knowledge of digital technologies will encompass both internal and external factors, like, information technology, human resources, communication, and knowledge in improved economics. Whereas community management will help them to build relationships within the community and which will also help them to create more value for their team members (Anosike, 2019). To adapt to these changing external conditions a true leader of this digital age must have four leadership qualities that include- Commander, Communicator, Collaborator, and Co-creator. Leadership in this digital age must empower their teams in several ways. They need to prepare a digital environment where their teams must be autonomous and able to make challenging decisions, along with they need to inspire everyone to take simple steps for achieving the goal. They need to choose a team with a strong, shared sense of purpose according to their interests. Also, they must be able to understand the right solution for all upcoming challenging situations which can easily build the bridge to find the solution. As a leader, they need to be a hyperaware, fast executive, and able to make informative decisions, also they must have good vision, adaptability, humble and engaging nature. Leaders need to inspire people to experiment innovate and execute. Besides, leaders of this digital age must inspire everyone to be more communicative, open to work, where they all can bring in new information, ideas, and people from outside of their team, and also, they should encourage everyone to make decisions at the lowest levels possible (Belcher, 2018). The research can significantly help the upcoming researchers to know more about the impact of the digital era in leadership strategies.
1.2. Research problem
The research problem identified is to analyze the impact of the digital era of digitalization on leadership. It will reflect on some of the major aspects of leadership and how it has changed over time due to the continuous change in the technologies like the development of artificial intelligence and so on.
1.3. Aims and objectives
The research is aiming at understanding the link between digitalization with leadership and the way it has changed and improved in the digital age and how it is different from the other ages.
The objective of the research helps the readers to get a clearer view of the researcher's goal of what they are willing to achieve through the research.
? The research will provide a clear knowledge about the impact of artificial intelligence as well as spirituality on leadership.
? The research will help to gain vivid information about the digital transformation of leadership and its direct impact on the performance of the organization.
? It will help to identify the connection that leadership has with AI.
? The research includes clear information about the impact of digital leadership on government services.
? The change in the leadership style that took place due to the digital era is highlighted clearly in the research.
1.4 Research questions
Q1. How Artificial intelligence and spirituality bring a remarkable change in leadership?
Q2. How leadership is transforming digitally and how it is related to organizational innovativeness?
Q3. What is the link between artificial intelligence with leadership and how it is impacting the leadership style of government services?
Q4. How are the leaders coping up with the digital era and how their characteristics have changed with the digital transformation?
2.1. Literature review
Leadership and European Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI has proved to be far-reaching technology in terms of safety, security, transparency, including its malevolent uses as well. This analysis will help us to know about the policies and the current state of development. This analysis will help the ITRE Committee with policy advice (Bäckström et al., 2018). It is analyzed from the article that evolution in the market is based on AI advancement in the top politically strong nations.
The effect of political, technical, and legal factors on AI. The strong political support provided to AI. The need for EU intervention since single-handedly it is not possible to keep up with the latest technology of AI. The societal problems faced due to AI are addressed. The various challenges that are created globally due to pressing AI technology. The European market has a great interest in deploying AI in their market but only 20% have used AI (Canbek, 2020). There are various key drivers based on which the European market can rely on AI but the barriers are prominent enough to stop the European market from relying completely on this technology. In 2017 EU proposed various policies that would prove to be profitable to its market as well as to its member nation markets. As stated by Castiglioni et al., (2019), the government of China came up with a development plan in 2017, that is related to artificial Intelligence, that would help China to become one of the leading countries of AI technology whereas Japan in 2016 has proposed a plan to put AI technology within the sector roadmap. AI technology has brought about policy changes globally which would make AI technology more acceptable.
Does Spirituality Make a Difference in Leadership?
Leadership has always been a trait found in all ages. Leadership is a quality where an individual helps others to reach one certain goal. Spirituality on the other hand is defined as the belief or faith that has arisen while searching for the sacred. Spiritual leadership is defined as an individual helping self and others to reach their spiritual goals. Leadership and spirituality are discussed as inter-linked in some reviews of leadership literature (Corbett & Spinello, 2020). Leadership in the spiritual world helps others to connect and reach their goals whereas spirituality in leaders has helped them to cope up with the various disturbances they have faced in their workplace. In various places, including several developing countries, the idea of Servant leadership works. This is not anti-leadership whereas it is the idea where the leader listens to his group and draws a conclusion keeping in mind all the members (Doornenbal et al., 2021). The concept of leadership can be explained using metamorphic terms such as ‘father’, ‘mother’, ‘children’, and ‘priest’. These metaphors were not meant to distinguish people from one and another in terms of superiority; rather, they were drawn to show the responsible and caring nature of God (father and mother) to his devotees (children). As opined by ERYE??L (2021), spirituality is linked to leadership since leadership is the way one can guide himself and others to a goal whereas spirituality is the belief in the goal itself.
Leadership in a Smart Machine Age
Keeping pace with the mobilizing environment, the workplace is no longer the same. It revolves around digitalization and technical innovations, with artificial intelligence dominating the market. To remain entirely human with curiosity, empathy, humour, creativity, wisdom and passion and to improve together, the brain, mind and relationships have to be made co-work simultaneously, taking in account the fact that machines give humans superpowers (Egan, 2018). It is very important to organise the work structures and cultures in accordance with unbiased objective learning, prototypical brain functioning, interpersonal acquaintances and healthy connections. With these in mind, the three quintessential things, brain, mind and relationships have to be balanced in the best possible way. Brain, the ringmaster of all the geniuses, may also sometimes turn off temporarily at its prefrontal cerebrum. According to Friedman (2020), there is excess use of gadgets and smart machines, pulling us apart from human connections. The compulsory use of these, as well as hectic multitasking and stressful deadlines have immense detaining health effects, yet restrained to the devices. Taking breaks should be put into routine too. The mind executes neuroplasticity, ready to adapt to ever new learning, stretching the perspectives to a whole new level. This is well seen under a stressful situation. Neuroplasticity and precise mindset are two keys which stimulate leadership and character development, along with the ability to lessen all bias (Ghosh, 2020). In spite of these tech-inventions, remaining connected, not digitally but socially, is what matters. Learning from failure can only be promoted in the presence of healthy relationships in any organisation. Neuroplasticity helps to enhance empathy and care by maintaining synchrony between emotional connectivity and creative reasoning.
Understanding the concept of Transformational Leadership and its importance in bringing innovation in the business
In the technical era, digitalization and innovations have been cast so much light upon, that often human-ware like creativity, exploiting, learning, and applying manually goes ignored. Knowledge sharing is the bridge between leadership style and organizational innovation, with acceleration being the success factor. Digital transformational leadership decides how to embrace digital disruption (HAUER et al., 2021). A thriving digital leader expedites organizational changes steadily. Knowledge, both donation and collection, is the most judicious source to be shared, bringing out new creative information. The knowledge-based view says that creating, transforming, and incorporating knowledge is requisite for turning basic resources tangible, which are required for flexible competitive strength. The mutually integrated capability enables globalization, an organization the formation of profitable resources, which can be developed by teamwork emerging discoveries. How humans behave socially deduces interpretive processes. According to Haecker et al., (2017), Knowledge-based empowering interaction (KEI) creates a goal-oriented team with interactive engagements. Innovation, in four major fields, product, process, market, organization boost up the team’s cohesiveness in adopting a 3D model, to foster innovation and profitability.
One such research suggests the Empirical Research model, following the three hypotheses: Digital Transformation Leadership, Knowledge-based empowering interaction, and Organisational innovativeness (Hensellek, 2020). These three are interrelated and co-occur synchronously. The Empirical Model research statistics show that Digital transformational leadership positively correlates to KEI and organizational innovativeness whereas KEI mediates the alliance between the other two. KEI is crucial for employee sports. The study proves the fact both scientifically and practically that the term helps to empower the capability of interaction and sharing of knowledge is vital for a scientific discussion that in return can have an impact on innovativeness.
Leadership and Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence has become an important part and many companies are using it in various fields. Until now, no scientific studies had found the importance of Artificial intelligence but various experiments are undergoing to get the desired result. With seventeen companies interviews are done, among them only one company has used it for leadership purposes and others are planning for implementation. The use of artificial intelligence has shown both advantages and disadvantages. Use of artificial intelligence aimed to change leadership style in future.
Studies have shown that the use of Artificial Intelligence has shown companies with a huge growth rate. A Deloitte survey says that among 200 German companies questioned, 80% of them have mentioned the use of Artificial Intelligence for their huge growth (Hopp et al., 2018). Artificial Intelligence, if fed with enough data, can reduce the workforce and make decisions independently. The use of artificial Intelligence would mostly affect average employees rather than more qualified ones. Few scientific papers focus on Artificial Intelligence and its impact on leadership. There has been a huge gap in the research field on how Artificial Intelligence would someday provide quality leadership to the working place. After conducting interviews and questions, it is concluded that at this age there is no prior connection of Artificial Intelligence with leadership as many fields’ remained unexplained. That may be due to only one company using artificial Intelligence in leadership currently (Jones, 2018). There are no companies that could explain if Artificial Intelligence could replace manpower when provided with proper information as people lack knowledge in algorithms and the use of artificial intelligence.
The importance of Leadership Style in Government Services and the Implementation of AI
According to certain articles, the wide use of artificial intelligence (AI) in government, including Indonesia has been able to bring reform in bureaucracy making it more active and efficient. In this industrial revolution, 4.0 machines are occupying the work of humans but human intelligence can form culture and influence through leadership. According to a research by KLEIN (2020), Dr. Syarif Fasha Mayor of city Jambi has put AI in government for leadership purposes. Research shows that the application of AI in leadership is growing more important than the old leadership method. Data are collected from social media sites, websites, journalism topics, and report documents which are then analyzed showing a change in the style of leadership by application of AI.
People are getting involved more in electronic and print media and losing interest in face-to-face interaction. In 2015, The Internet Service Provider Association reflected Indonesia to hold the 5th position that uses social media on a regular manner. The use of the internet has allowed people to have more diverse knowledge and know about things. Research has provided that in the present era where artificial intelligence plays one of the major roles, the old bureaucratic government has proven slow. E-government uses various artificial intelligence to keep in touch with people knowing their problems and providing solutions. Dr. Syarif Fasa Mayor of city Jambi has immense popularity within youth as it uses artificial intelligence to connect with people and provide the city with better development. There is no specific research that states the effect of artificial intelligence, but some experiments have come up with the conclusion that using modern technology can easily provide better solutions and can come up with new leadership qualities (Kelley et al., 2018). The city of Jambi is seeing better development with a new leadership style. Involving artificial intelligence to connect with people has also opened an easy path to improve the quality, government, responsibility, and attraction towards the city. It provides Jambi with a positive impact and develops into a smart city.
Leadership roles during digital transformation
Digital transformation in the 4th industrial revolution must not be treated as a problem related to technology as it helps in fundamental and organizational development of the companies. The digital leaders of the organizations are expected to work accordingly i.e on one hand they have to act rapidly and flexibly according to the structure of the organization as well as manage the digital transformation. As stated by Kim & Doil (2017), almost every company has to go through the initial stages of digital transformation where they face difficulties in understanding the standard model of digital leadership. The rapidly changing environment of digital technologies has made globalisation and communication easy but is also challenging digital leadership. Despite digitalization or digital transformation being one of the most used factors of business, there are many leaders who are yet unaware of the actual use of it in business. (Larson & DeChurch, 2020). The digital transformation has led to some vital changes in organizations and affected other processes of the business. The research process was: search phase after literature, elimination phase according to the suitability, data collection of digital leadership characteristic and lastly the categorizing of the similar features and the calculation of popularity frequencies (Lee et al., 2020). The results should help in building a firm concept regarding digital leadership and making it more strongly with the implementation of the latest requirements of leadership along with the previous ones. The digital leadership will first be optimized and verified by conducting a survey and then the adaptation of the theories will be put to use.
2.2 Research approach
To conduct the present research the researcher used an inductive approach of research. An inductive approach can be stated as a method of observing a social phenomenon. The data collected in an inductive approach is based on the feasible reasons of why a particular phenomenon is occurring and the trends that are present in the data are therefore monitored accordingly (Meffert & Swaminathan, 2018). Using an inductive approach helps in developing the faradism based on these social phenomena.
2.3 Data collection method and sampling
To conduct the present study the researcher had collected data from secondary resources. These resources were peer reviewed articles that were based on the research topic and were completely dedicated to providing solutions to the research questions. This method of data collection is known as qualitative data collection method. The sampling method that the researcher used for these documents was simple random sampling. This method of sampling is considered as a probability sampling where the researcher randomly selects the sample from the population (Mugo & Wekesa, 2018). In the present case, the researcher randomly selected the articles from different sources and used it as a source to analyse and discuss the aim and objectives of the present research.
4. Discussion
4.1. Critical Analysis
The link between artificial intelligence and factors of leadership is significant. Countries like China and Japan are constantly focusing on implementing artificial intelligence into organizations to optimize leadership and improve the efficiency of the employees of the companies (Oberer & Erkollar, 2018). Countries like the United States have started implementing the use of artificial intelligence in organizations and it has also become a major part of education. However, it is also important to mention that the use of AI is increasing competition among individuals and is creating a constant conflict among employees. It can also be stated that artificial intelligence and its use in leadership is a very new concept and multiple countries are still accepting it. Several governments around the world consider using human labor over the application of artificial intelligence as they believe that this helps in increasing employment (Smith & Green, 2018). It is an obvious factor that using artificial intelligence in an organization can lead to a reduction in the need of employees which can on the other hand harm the rate of employment in a country. Considering these as factors, developing countries still avoid the use of artificial intelligence in their organization, and thereby they also obstruct the use of automation in leadership. Several companies also consider the fact that using artificial intelligence will reduce human interactions among organizations. It is also important to mention the factors of spirituality that directly relate to leadership (Sood et al., 2017). There are certain unique challenges of both factors however, using the comprehensive approach to leadership seems to be one of the most important factors that help in running an organization.
Using innovation in every factor of the organization has become a recent trend in the digital age. Innovation helps in using the cognitive skills of an individual to find solutions to critical problems. It is important to understand that to cope up with the digital age, leaders are constantly improving their skills of cognition, communication, critical thinking, and more. Implementing the use of machine learning with leadership helps in enhancing these major factors. However, humans need to remember that they help in differentiating between humans and machines (Sow & Aborbie, 2018). A leader should embrace technology and innovation however, keep track of his or her abilities that include creativity, empathy, passion, humor, wisdom, and more. The leader needs to keep the prefrontal cortex active to make solutions that help in the betterment of the organization. It is very crucial to note that not every individual is technology-friendly and to understand the use of technology, one must always know about it. To cope up with the technological advancements of the organization leaders are constantly learning globalization newdigital technology like alternative intelligence and machine learning to understand their use in the organization. Every organization is focusing on digitalization that is bringing change in the process of production, communication, logistics, and several other factors (Subramony et al., 2018). To cope up with these factors leaders constantly focus on learning new skills to understand the use of digitalization in companies. However, this increases the workload of the leaders as they have to learn new things while leading a team.
4.2. Limitations of the review
While analyzing the literature it was visible that there remains a significant literature gap in discussing the major relationship between the exact use of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other digital factors and leadership. The literature obtained from the present study has given a detailed discussion about the importance of both the factors however it seemed like there was a lack of information when considering the relationship between the digital age and leadership. It is visible that the digital age has brought significant changes in leadership and has also made work a lot easier. However, the analysis could not establish the exact relationship between the two. The review also had the limitation in providing information regarding the major negative impacts of not implementing digitization in companies. The review seemed distorted while providing knowledge in this area. The review also could not provide exact information about the connection between leadership, government services, and the use of AI in government organizations in developing countries. A gap remains in the literature on these factors.
4.3. Recommendations
The current study deals with the impact of leadership in the globalised age. As the literature entails the digital tools and how it helps in improving the decision making using AI tools. Future research might include the broad aspects of MIS as a technological tool for future leaders. Also, future research will objectively try to investigate the impact which technology plays in managing risks. As risk management and strategic decision making are crucial aspects of the leader, the firm performance inevitably improves once a leader has made an appropriate judgement (Wang & Siau, 2019). In order to carry out future research, secondary literature like firm performance, merger and acquisition, and also risk management will be critically analysed. A one on one session like a face to face interview can be used for objectively analysing the opinions of executives of various firms regarding the importance of technology and how it helped in their decision making.
5. Conclusion
From the key findings of the above-mentioned journals, it can be clearly stated that leadership is one of the most vital components for every organization in the present age. Leadership provides direction to an organization and helps the organisation’s employeesdigital conduct their work based on the organisation’s requirements. The articles clearly stated that to improvise the factors of leadership in the digital age it is important to induce digitalization in the education system that shall help individuals to accept the advantages of technology while practicing their models of leadership. Understanding the concept of "Open Leadership" understanding the importance of social networks while practicing leadership was one of the major components of one of the articles mentioned above. Analyzing the articles it was visible that to establish the relationship between transformational leadership and the digital age it is important to induce change, creativity, and innovation within the organizations. Leaders should always focus on using creative methods within the organizational system that shall help in bringing change and improve the efficiency of the company and its employees. The articles also stated the use of artificial intelligence in the organization and its benefits that can reduce workload and increase efficiency. This is so because with the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning the chances of mistakes can be reduced and the organization can produce flawless products and services.
5.1 Limitations of the research
The research's limitations are the strategy or technique aspects that have affected or altered the evaluation of the investigation results. The limitations of the research can depend on the generalisation, applicability and usefulness of the observations. The limitations can alter the overall structure of the study, influencing the validity and viability of the outcomes. Unexpected obstacles while conducting the research can hamper the researcher's investigation to a greater extent. Lack of information or trustworthy information certainly limits the extent of the study. The research study might also be limited by the lack of previous research or knowledge gaps. Similarly, if the sample size or the research design or approach is irrelevant, it might become a serious impediment in conducting the research and developing an analysis.
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