MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Report Sample
Your Task
Your task has two components: drawing on the Industry Guest Speaker (Week 6) and the self-analysis tools and techniques that you have been exposed during this subject. Based on these two components, you will write a reflection that you can use and continue to build on during your time studying at Kaplan Business School. This reflection and related activities will support the development of your “reflective best self” (RBS) statement, by bringing together theories, self-development tools and concepts that have been covered in the subject. Both components of this reflection will be supported by in-class activities.
Assessment Description
This assessment involves you developing an RBS statement. The process for developing your RBS statement will start in Week 6, drawing upon what the Industry Guest Speaker had to say about people, culture and leadership The topics, theories and concepts covered in the second half of the trimester will also be used to help you develop a well-rounded statement.
An important part of undertaking postgraduate study, is that you actively reflect on what you have been learning and how you could apply it to assist your own professional development and/or future career. This RBS statement supports these areas and is designed to be updated regularly during your time at KBS as you grown and learn. Reflection One will be conducted in-class in Week 6. Based on the Industry Guest Speaker you will link the theories and concepts covered in the subject and apply them to both the Industry Guest Speaker and to yourself. Attendance at this class is a requirement to complete the assessment. Discussions, participation, and self-analysis activities will be conducted in class during the trimester and will form the basis of this reflection and support the development of your RBS statement. You will submit this Reflection in Week 13 at 11.55pm (via Turnitin) as part of your final reflection. Reflection Two will be conducted in Week 12 and be a self-analysis of your leadership style and ways that you can develop your own leadership skills? During this trimester, you have undertaken several personality and leadership style tests and been exposed to a range of ideas and concepts to support your future leadership development, your current skills gap and development of your “reflected best-self”. You need to refer to a range of tools/tests and leadership theories to support your answer. You must include a minimum of four (4) academic references to support your ideas. Attendance at this class is a requirement to complete the assessment. Discussions, participation, and self- analysis activities will be conducted in class. You will then be required to upload your final submission, combining Reflection One and Reflection Two on Tuesday, Week 13 at 11.55pm.
Assessment Instructions
To assist you in developing your reflections, you should be writing weekly diary notes recording your experiences (both positive and negative), on the topics and discussions. To ensure the success of your RBS statement make certain that you incorporate the following:
Examples from you own personal experience that supports your analysis and the development of a true and accurate RBS statement.
• Paragraphs that don’t just describe your experiences but critically analyse them as well
You should refer to at least three (3) relevant theories that you have covered during the subject to support your responses within the context of action-based learning.
Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
Reflection one:
During the study of leadership, I realise that as a leader, I should move on from comfort zone to enrich my knowledge from practical field. According to my viewpoint, self-assessment is essential to develop my skills from both practical and theorical grounds and will incorporate these into my work. University Assignment Help, to become an effective leader, I need to transit from a stage to another by understanding human behaviour and surrounding environment. To understand my capability as an effective leader, I am going to analyse myself with the leadership view given by our guest speaker Michelle Gheurghtu and her real-life experience in the field of leadership. These concepts are discussed based on my leadership style, major theories related to leadership and personal and leadership tests.
Guest Speaker:
The guest speaker discusses some leadership criteria among these I find two points as the most important for me and these are:
The first important point is, to become a successful leader, a leader needs think about her team first. According to her, an efficient leader mentors her team members and tries to remove their backdrops and highlights their releasing capability. The second point is the role of CEO in the business compared to other executive officers. While a CEO of an organisation plays the role of a leader, other executive officers play the role of managers. Hence, an effective leader needs to plan a vision and utilise opportunities. A leader cannot copy leadership skills from others instead he or she can get inspiration only. The leadership style is unique as it depends completely on the self-reflection of a human.
According to this leadership style, I understand that an efficient leader can bring a significant and positive changes among employees. By making trust with others, I can easily complete a large and complex project efficiently within time. A successful leader should encourage all the team member to work enthusiastically by understanding their believes. Furthermore, a leader is an innovator who does not only innovate new ideas and business methods but also explores capabilities of other employees by monitoring on them. Hence, from my understanding depending on the interview and my personal opinion, a leader needs to have unique value. Therefore, from the entire discussion I understand that a leader can be successful in her field by understanding her own potentiality and leadership skills that is completely unique and which is grown with time. Thus, to become a successful leader in this dynamic and globalised business world, I should look into myself to understand my potentiality and will highlight by positive sides for getting work motivation.
Her discussion can be connected with the transformational leadership theory that we are learnt in the class. (Andriani, Kesumawati & Kristiawan, 2018). According to the test result, my charismatic and extrovert leadership style supports the transformation leadership and hence I can achieve business goals by making proper visions. The discussion also covers the concept that distinguishes between the role of a leader and a manager where I find that I have average potentiality to become a successful leader.
Reflection Two:
Theory 1:
For me, authentic leadership style is also useful and here I demonstrate my knowledge of an authentic leader with references. From study, I understand that this kind of leader understand her purpose and values of life and also makes real and genuine decisions (Crawford et al., 2020). An authentic leader has the highest integrity and intends to endure organisational problems. The leader has strong and true core values as well as deep understanding regarding the business purpose so that the organisation can meet requirements of all stakeholders. An authentic leader also understands the importance of serving the society. Hence, to become a successful leader in future, one needs to be authentic in his leadership.
In my personal life, I also try to be authentic leader as it is a sign of being a good leader in future. My friends trust me and give priority at any situation. I suggest better options to them so that they can perform any task with motivation. Hence, I focus on the way I am and will try to improve my capability based on it to become a leader. I maintain my uniqueness at any moment to avoid any risky or uncertain situation.
For being a successful leader, I try to increase self-awareness and need to reflect my understanding, thinking and other aspects carefully support the organisational growth. I believe that I have tendencies to become a successful authentic leader, who can easily achieve the business goals. Thus, I am going to conduct a self-analysis of my leadership style and the ways I can develop my leadership skills. With academic knowledge, I try gain knowledge from practical fields and leaders that have great influence on my life. From 16 personality factors of leadership, I try to improve my skills in dominance, tension and apprehension.
Theory 2:
To become a successful leader, I think the concept of strategic thinking needs to be applied in the team. It will help the leader to achieve a futuristic goal by making proper ideation, analysis and strategies (Arayesh et al., 2017). The leader also incorporates relationship building and execution for engaging workers with their jobs. By building relationship, the leader can leader can keep in touch with employees and this help employees to adopt any business decision easily (Pollack & Matous, 2019). Furthermore, execution will lead the leader to achieve the business objective my arranging things properly maintaining disciplines, consistency and responsibility in the work place.
The idea of managing a team is the most important task for a leader. In childhood, I also instructed my friends to act properly in a school drama and completing the entire task by making strategies. I also encouraged friends to manage disciplines and consistency in their individual act. The entire act received huge positive feedbacks from audiences due to my charismatic nature.
According to me, strengths and weaknesses demotivate our leadership capability. Instead of considering some characteristics as weaknesses, I like to consider them as gaps between my present situation and s successful leader. Hence, I try to fulfil these gaps by improving my skills. Thus, I find the importance of strategic planning, relationship building and execution are the most essential elements that a leader needs to manage within the team. In my professional life, I will apply these concepts to improve productivity level of my team members and to increase work engagement among them. The execution in team will be to achieve the goal by making proper arrangement, belief and making consistency in the work. Hence, I try to learn from practical and theoretical fields easily and can incorporate these in my life (Guzmán et al., 2020).
Self-assessment tools:
According to the personality test, conducted in truty.com site, I have extraversion, intuition, thinking and perceiving characteristics. According to the leadership self-assessment tool (Q 4-3) my score is 62 which implies that I have average tendencies to become an entrepreneur personally. Because I do not enjoy a career which have risk and uncertainty. Moreover, in quiz (12-1) of communication effectiveness test, 7 out of 11 statements are mostly wrong for me. It implies that I am not an effective communicator.
This test is important for me as it helps me to analyse my inner ability to become a successful leader. I always admire the process of self-assessment from childhood and try to overcome any difficulties in personal life by using my logical views and capability to solve it.
These tests help me to understand my potentiality and also gaps of skills to become a leader. Hence, I can be an inspired innovator who finds new solutions enthusiastically and challenges problems intellectually. According to my personality, I am curious, cleaver and want to comprehend systems, people and principles around me. I always want to analyse, understand and motivate others with my open-minded and unconventional behaviour. My positive side is that I prefer to interact with people, want to stay busy with my surroundings, keep engaging myself with the outside world, expressing my thinking and feelings with others. I also prefer to be recognised by others and prefer stimulation and activity of others. According to the report, I am energetic, clever, inventive, imaginative and entrepreneurial. Moreover, I am analytical, logical, objective, open-minded, adaptable and changeable. In another personality test, I am an extraverted, sensing, emotional and perceived person. These elements can help me to solve any particular work-related or personal problem. According to the leadership test, I am a self-taught leader which means I need to work hard for becoming a good leader.
Reflected Best Self:
When I am at my best, I can be a good leader as I can easily interact with people and express my thoughts easily. I try to be a good speaker so that my words can motivate others. According to my personality, my visions are very objective and logical which can help me to plan future strategies in a systematic way. I utilise each moment of my learning positively so that I can remove all challenges that I have within me. Moreover, I believe that relationship building with team members will be helpful to achieve the business goals successfully.
Crawford, JA, Dawkins, S, Martin, A & Lewis, G 2020, ‘Putting the leader back into authentic leadership: Reconceptualising and rethinking leaders’, Australian Journal of Management, vol. 45, no. 1, pp.114-133. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0312896219836460
Guzmán, VE, Muschard, B, Gerolamo, M, Kohl, H & Rozenfeld, H 2020, ‘Characteristics and Skills of Leadership in the Context of Industry 4.0’, Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 43, pp.543-550. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351978920307472
Pollack, J & Matous, P 2019, ‘Testing the impact of targeted team building on project team communication using social network analysis’, International Journal of Project Management, vol. 37, no. 3, pp.473-484, https://e-tarjome.com/storage/panel/fileuploads/2019-04-09/1554796358_E11978-e-tarjome.pdf