HWEL2006 Social and Emotional Wellbeing Case Study 3 Sample
Students will be provided with a case study. The individual in this case study will present with health issues and health compromising behaviours. Students are required to identify these. Health enhancing strategies such as mindfulness and resilience that can improve the individual’s social, emotional and psychological wellbeing are to be recommended.
Paul is a 21-year-old footballer who lives in a share house. He worries about his performance and has difficulty asking for help. He is frustrated with his fitness progress compared to some of his teammates. He trains hard throughout the week and maintains a balanced diet. However, on weekends after the game he binge drinks with his teammates and the hangover that ensues leads to poor food choices, low mood and irritability. He works part time as a carpenter and finds himself financially limited.
A successful case study analyses a real-life situation where existing problems need to be solved. Subject theory needs to be applied to the practical situation; for example, apply the ideas and knowledge discussed in course material to the practical situation at hand in the case study.
It should:
• Identify the main health compromising behaviours and issues affecting the individual’s wellbeing (include social, emotional and psychological) and explain with evidence how these are detrimental to wellbeing.
• Suggest solutions and interventions to these major issues and support with research and evidence why they would be beneficial.
• Consider how the theories and content covered in the subject could be applied.
• Recommend the best interventions to be implemented. Detail how these interventions could be implemented.
• Apply the relevant or appropriate health behaviour theories and relate to any appropriate guidelines (eg Australian physical activity guidelines).
It is expected that students will read the case study fully and write a 1500 word (+/- 10%) report that clearly and concisely explains how the individual in this case study can take steps to improve their wellbeing through mindfulness, resilience, emotional, social and psychological strategies. For information regarding case studies you may choose to refer to this library link.
This report must include:
Introduction - briefly overview the case study
Main health compromising behaviours and issues - ensure information is substantiated with research and evidence.
Main solutions and interventions - ensure information is substantiated with research and evidence.
Implementation steps
Health psychology is a type of practice that governs the lifestyle functioning which can be both positive and negative leading to positive or negative mental functioning. With pace of time and highly competitive world, the urge to govern good career has been seen in people. Paul a sports person playing football intends to have good aspirational carrier in sports but due the external parametric functioning his physical and mental health is not governing good growth. In context with Paul, questions on daily life and manner in which he is sustaining is financial needs can be analysed (Arden and Chilcot, 2020). The alteration in attitude post match can be totally linked with binge drinking and unhealthy lifestyle governed by Paul every weekend. Most of the time he works as carpenter and governs very less financial stability in order to have better physical health the well-being of mental health and social functioning plays a vital role.Changes in moods and issues in not governing growth post practices often trigger Paul with frustration and high stress (Halkitis, 2020). The issues can be psychologically analysed and it can be mentioned that due to lack of discipline and urge of motivation Paul is facing simple mental stress. Problem of Paul can be sectioned into segments like lack of physical health, financial needs and lesser pace of motivation due to not living with family. The above report will analyse Paul’s situation using various psychological methods and the effective solution to same will be drafted for university assignment help.
Main health compromising behaviours and issues
Paul is a young boy who has very high expectations in fabrication of his football career which can be seen through the picture (Allen, 2022). However, in accordance to the situation he is not following positive psychology conditions. Positive psychology explains that focus on strengths more than weakness can govern any individual with effective growth in given frame of time. However, Paul has very disruptive life cycle in which he intends to govern consumption of alcohol which is influenced by the surrounding environment. According to human psychology the mental illness is ruled by many types of external factors which does nor divert the human brain from major gaol achievement but also govern high stress conditions for the human beings.
Health Compromising Behaviours
The health compromising behaviours are influenced behaviours which are practiced by people that intend to harm them and govern them long term health issues in pro-active manner. The lesser strength in daily functioning is due to lack of good lifestyle. Under the above case study, Paul works as a part time carpenter which is a type of intense laborious work. Additionally, he is a foot player and aims to become a good player with optimised physical growth. But on the other hand, consumption of alcohol some times and lesser nutritional food preference govern by Paul inculcates him with high fatigue govern issues in good mobilisation. The health behaviour negligence governed by Paul affects his physical health (Moran et al., 2023).
Symbiotically, linking all factors the overall frustration is generated which incurs him on weekends to consume alcohol again. The cyclic process in long term will directly affect the fitness and health of Paul and in later stages the physical strength aspiration might not be achieved by the player.
National Guidelines of Alcohol Consumption
According to NHS, the alcohol consumption is very harmful for all types of bodies and risk to many types of short term issues like dizziness, fatigue, frustration and stress and long term issues like obesity, diabetes and blood pressure can be drafted. However, with pace of time the fit mark scheme of consumption of alcohol that might intend to have lesser harm on consumer was made in which 14 units of alcohol in three-day spread can be consumed. However, this consumption will harm the consumer in overall life span. Paul can follow above guideline but terminating of alcohol can govern him with biggest solution possible (Moran et al., 2023).
It can be analysed that Paul needs to alter his lifestyle and living manner in order to have better physical change. Additionally, discipline in actions and saying no to alcohol can aid him in achieving the goals in effective manner.
Main Solutions and Interventions
The solution to above intervention can be drafted by application of PERMA model in Paul’s daily lifestyle in an effective manner.
Positive emotions: flourishing meaning in psychology is termed as good mental health and wellbeing of any person which can be intended by Paul by keeping a positive attitude not only through the week but also after match. He must govern a learning type of attitude in order to learn from mistakes and elevate his physical fitness in prominent manner (Farmer et al., 2021).
Engagement: communication with peers about matches and mistakes is something that Paul feels hesitant about. In order to build a personality coming out of the comfort zone is required. Paul can initially just communicate with friends about match and ask for help. He on later stages can communicate with coaches in order to govern help.
Relationships: confidence and communication can fabricate the relationship of Paul. The current relationships not only thrive him back to high frustration but also govern him physical issues. He must say no such parties and govern orientation with people who are more like him so that disciplined career can be governed (Arikhah et al, 2022).
Meaning: meaning of football and sports for Paul must be first governed by himself. Post application above tactics effective happiness creation can be governed by
Achievement: The goals can be achieved in effective span of time by application of PERMA model. When the attitude of any person changes the entire mental, physical and social health of person changes.
Biopsychosocial model application
The model majorly has three sections in which biology, psychology and social factor are analysed in order to comprehend the mental health of any person (Bolton and Gillett, 2019). The model in context with Paul is explained below:
Biology factor: the physical heath of Paul is not elevating which intends him to govern mental stress. Due to many types of attributing functions like sports, self-care house works, living with shared partners and part time job the physical fitness is governed up to the mark.
Psychology factor: self-esteem, coping skills and social skills do not comprehend for Paul to govern a communicative channel in order to have effective solution to any problem.
Social factor: peers and family circumstances are not in very positive function for Paul which does not motivates him to govern daily activities (Mescouto et al., 2022).
Hence, each of the factor has some issue which needs to analysed by Paul in order to have effective functioning and lesser mental stress.
Implementation steps
SEEDS model can be applied by Paul in order to have better functioning of all types of mental, physical and social health. The SEEDS model intends to govern better lifestyle function to an individual by controlling their daily habits in an effective manner. By changing the environment around him Paul can have a stable lifestyle which he can balance from his finance as well.
Sleep: at least 8 hours of sleep must be governed by Paul in order to have better mental rest and physical rest. Under the above case study, Paul works as a part time carpenter which is a type of intense laborious work, which requires accountable rest (Piloto et al., 2022).
Exercise: daily football domain oriented exercise must be governed through early morning in order to have better physical growth. Additionally, he must think one step ahead of training in order to govern an effective growth in career. Never skipping exercise attitude will govern Paul with positive psychology.
Education: due to lack of education in controlling and discipline the entire week’s hard work is over seen at the ground by Paul. This can be altered by reading books which are affordable or even lending from friends. Diversion of Paul towards other things will govern him safety towards the hard work done entire week (Walton and Yeager, 2020).
Diet: after game binge eating and drinking is a type of factor that Paul has introduced in his lifestyle to govern an accountable social presence. Poor food choices directly affect the lifestyle and mental health of the person (Kotarska et al., 2019). Hence, Paul must learn to choose correct options of diet demands when in social groups. This might aid in governing effective social presence and diet balance.
Self-care: financial limitation is one aspect in Paul’s life which is affecting his self-care regime. He must stay in touch with family and make good friends so that some sort of social presence can govern him motivation.
The above analysis concludes that mental, social and emotional fitness plays a vital role in elevated growth of any person. Using PERMA model Paul can identify the issues and understanding of each section can be governed. The national guidelines and human behaviours in context with eating habits and alcohol has been explained in the report. SEEDS model is applied in order to have implementation of change application in managerial actions of Paul.
Allen, M., 2022. Health psychology. In Principles and Practice of Health Promotion and Public Health (pp. 113-132). Routledge.
Arden, M.A. and Chilcot, J., 2020. Health psychology and the coronavirus (COVID?19) global pandemic: A call for research. British journal of health psychology, 25(2), p.231.
Arikhah, A., Sessiani, L.A., Makmun, M., Safitri, R.M. and Zuhri, M.K., 2022. The experiences of gratitude in female ulama: An interpretation from Sufi psychology and PERMA-Model perspective. Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi, 7(2), pp.231-248.
Bolton, D. and Gillett, G., 2019. The biopsychosocial model of health and disease: New philosophical and scientific developments (p. 149). Springer Nature.
Farmer, N. and Cotter, E.W., 2021. Well-being and cooking behavior: using the positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment (PERMA) model as a theoretical framework. Frontiers in psychology, 12, p.560578.
Halkitis, P.N., 2020. A new public health psychology to mend the chasm between public health and clinical care. American Psychologist, 75(9), p.1289.
Kotarska, K., Nowak, L., Szark-Eckardt, M. and Nowak, M., 2019. Selected healthy behaviors and quality of life in people who practice combat sports and martial arts. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(5), p.875.
Mescouto, K., Olson, R.E., Hodges, P.W. and Setchell, J., 2022. A critical review of the biopsychosocial model of low back pain care: time for a new approach?. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(13), pp.3270-3284.
Moran, C., Shaw, H., Black, S. and Brewster, K., 2023. Compassionate Mind Training Group Programme: Implementation and Evaluation within an NHS Physical Health & Rehabilitation Psychology Service. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 8(1), pp.1-23.
Piloto, L.S., Weinstein, A., Battaglia, P. and Botvinick, M., 2022. Intuitive physics learning in a deep-learning model inspired by developmental psychology. Nature human behaviour, 6(9), pp.1257-1267.
Walton, G.M. and Yeager, D.S., 2020. Seed and soil: Psychological affordances in contexts help to explain where wise interventions succeed or fail. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29(3), pp.219-226.