HI6034 Enterprise Information Systems Report Sample
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve student research and writing skills and to give students experience in researching the literature on a specific topic relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter. Students will be expected to complete a critique and conduct a literature review on a contemporary Enterprise System issue as determined by the unit coordinator. A student will be required to conduct research in regards to an issue and how this issue impacts on Enterprise Systems and identify appropriate approaches to address this issue.
Assignment Description
This assessment requires individual completion. Students are expected to complete a critique and conduct a literature review to discuss a contemporary issue which an IS professional may experience and identify appropriate approaches to address this issue. The topic is “The Impact of Cloud Computing on Enterprise Systems Adoption and Implementation”. Each student needs to search in the literature and find at least ten (10) academic research papers (references) related to this topic.
The final submission must comply with the draft structure and draw heavily from the key references. The structure of the final submission is headings and in discussion critically analyse each reference and in-depth discuss how these references reflecting the proposed topic. The structure of the final report consists of 4 sections as follows:
• Introduction
State the purpose and objectives of the report.
• Discussion
Present a critical analysis of the references and provide in-depth discussions.
• Conclusion
Summarize your findings by emphasizing the key points of the report.
• Reference
Provide the list of references following the Harvard referencing style
The final submission should be no less than 2500 words and include the work you have already done in the draft submission (including any changes based on feedback). You need to extend the work already performed in the draft. Your literature review should be presenting the state of current knowledge in the specific area of your topic, and as such, should have a narrative that flows from one paragraph to another.
This essay will focus on the impact of cloud computing on enterprise systems adoption and implementation, cloud computing and enterprise systems is a major shift in the field of IS. This essay will focus on analysing the complex structure of cloud technology and cloud-based enterprise system by thoroughly examining the existing literatures related to the topic. The essay will initiate with an in-depth analysis of the cloud computing and Cloud Computing and Enterprise System Adoption followed by trends and benefits in the technology. Further, it will focus on challenges and data security concerns that arises in the technology and could cost consumer’s trust and loyalty, financial loss, and reputational damage. Hence, the IS professional must ensure that they are skilled to deal with such issues and may have to work early before such accidents. Further, this essay will focus on importance of skill development and training for IS professionals in order to ensure a smooth workflow and eliminate the possibility for any kind of mistakes. Lastly, the essay will discuss about the integration strategies for cloud-based enterprise systems and performance optimisation in cloud-based enterprise systems.
Overview of Cloud Computing and Enterprise System Adoption
According to Abdullah et al., 2020, Cloud computing is a booming technology due to its several benefits, one of the significant benefits is that cloud technology offers a huge space to the data to be stored by the enterprises as a large number of data or voluminous data is produced by the enterprises each day and management and storing data becomes difficult. Companies can not delete the data of their clients hence require requires a dedicated space to store such huge amount of data, cloud solves this challenge of the companies. Cloud computing has evolved as a game-changing concept in the world of information technology, transforming how businesses approach their enterprise systems. The paper focuses on offering an overview of cloud computing and its influence on corporate system adoption and deployment (Sriram, 2022). Cloud computing has had a huge effect on business system architecture. Enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and human resource management systems (HRMS) were formerly only available as on-premises installations, requiring costly hardware, software, and upkeep. Enterprise solutions hosted in the cloud, on the other hand, have become more popular because of their scalability, efficiency, and accessibility (Yathiraju, 2022).
As a method of providing on-demand access to computer resources such servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and analytics, "the cloud" has emerged as a popular model for delivering these services via the internet. It allows businesses to increase or decrease their IT resources on demand, cutting down on costly capital expenditures. Therefore, businesses of all sizes are incorporating cloud computing into their digital transformation strategy. Accessing crucial business apps and data from any location with an internet connection is a major benefit of cloud-based corporate solutions (Zebari et al., 2019). Cloud-based solutions are now a strategic option for businesses seeking to improve their agility and responsiveness, since this is particularly crucial in the context of remote work and worldwide cooperation. However, there are difficulties in integrating cloud computing into the existing corporate infrastructure. Some of the most pressing difficulties in the field of information systems (IS) today include data security and privacy, vendor lock-in, integration complexity, and the need for updated skill sets among IS experts. As a result, it is vital for IS experts and business executives to grasp the complexities of cloud computing and its effects on the adoption of enterprise systems. In addition, businesses may now reduce the strain of initial capital expenditures by switching from a capital-intensive model to an operating expenditure one made possible by cloud computing (Amini and Jahanbakhsh, 2023). This has levelled the playing field in terms of access to cutting-edge technology, enabling even tiny businesses to take use of robust enterprise systems that were formerly the sole responsibility of large corporations for university assignment help.
Trends in Enterprise Systems Adoption and Benefits of Cloud-Based Enterprise Systems
According to Turner et al., 2019, dynamic trends and variables that affect how businesses handle their operations and data are constantly shifting the landscape of enterprise systems implementation. In order to maintain competitiveness and efficiency in today's digital environment, IS professionals and businesses must have a strong grasp of these developments. The development of corporate systems based on modules and microservices is another important development. Flexible and agile architectures are replacing traditional monolithic systems because they allow for more system personalisation and scalability (Abdullah et al., 2020). Since microservices allow for the creation of smaller, decoupled components that can be readily combined, they speed up the development of solutions to meet the evolving demands of businesses. The rising demand for cloud-based solutions is a major trend that is driving the adoption of corporate systems. Because of its scalability, adaptability, and low cost, cloud computing has become an integral part of contemporary company operations. In order to free up resources for innovation and core strengths, businesses are increasingly moving their enterprise systems to the cloud.
According to Prakash et al., 2022, moving business processes to the cloud has become an attractive option for companies that want to save money and get an advantage in the market. Insight into these benefits is crucial for businesses thinking about migrating their corporate systems to the cloud. The capacity to scale is big benefit. The flexibility of cloud-based solutions allows them to meet the ever-changing needs of businesses. This flexibility allows businesses to adapt quickly to shifting market circumstances, allowing them to expand without being restricted by their facilities' physical limitations. According to Saini et al., 2019, the low cost is one of the primary benefits of cloud-based business solutions. Since cloud service providers handle the hardware and provide regular maintenance, organisations save money in these areas. In addition, because cloud solutions often use a pay-as-you-go approach, businesses may easily scale resources up or down based on demand without incurring any unnecessary costs. Cloud-based technologies improve accessibility and distant collaboration. Remote employees and teams from across the world may now access company data and apps from any location with an internet connection (Zeebaree et al., 2019). Because of the recent COVID-19 epidemic, it is more important than ever that these resources be easily accessible.
According to Tabrizchi and Kuchaki, 2020, while technologies come up with a huge potential and offers several operational benefits to the organisation and IS Professionals, it also comes with a huge pack of challenges that can cost a lot to the businesses especially in terms of money and consumers loyalty and trust. Cloud-computing technology have transformed the way businesses conduct their operations, providing scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. This significant change, however, is not without its challenges. Understanding and overcoming these problems is critical for Information Systems (IS) professionals and organisations looking to capitalise on the advantages of cloud computing in their corporate systems. According to Vinoth et al., 2022, one of the major identified issues while deploying cloud-based technologies is Security, organisations entrust critical data as well as operations to cloud service providers, demanding strict security measures. Significant dangers are created by security breaches, data leaks, and unauthorised access. To protect against these risks, information security experts must work continuously to develop encryption, access restrictions, and comprehensive security measures. Furthermore, organisations must ensure data privacy and legal compliance in order to comply with industry-specific standards such as GDPR and HIPAA (Li et al., 2019).
According to Li et al., 2019, the importance of data protection as well as user confidentiality is further emphasised by the realisation that privacy challenges are closely associated with security challenges. It is the responsibility for organisations to verify that cloud service providers observe strict data privacy regulations. In addition, maintaining confidence among users and stakeholders requires openness about data handling practises including data storage locations and access permissions. The challenge of integration is also a major barrier. It could be difficult to move traditional on-premises systems to the cloud while maintaining compatibility with cloud-based alternatives. In order to improve the flow of information across systems, IS experts must develop elaborate integration strategies using middleware and API management tools. The goal is zero data loss and minimum downtime during the transfer. According to Abraham et al., 2019, managing and governing data in the cloud requires an innovative approach. IT administrators should create comprehensive governance frameworks that handle data across every stage, from first phase of data collection to the last phase of data lifecycle. Data governance is crucial as it focuses on ensuring the data quality, compliance, and accountability in cloud-based corporate systems, where various stakeholders and data sources are often involved.
According to Kunduru, 2023, optimising performance in the ever-changing cloud presents new challenges. While the cloud's scalability is appealing, maintaining reliable performance may be difficult. In order to optimise resource allocation and perform up to standards, IS professionals must employ proactive monitoring tools and auto-scaling processes. Inefficiency, additional expenses, and dissatisfaction among consumers can rise from not optimising performance. According to Bonesso et al., 2019, lack of technical skills among the IS professionals is another major challenge that needs to over come at any cost, as according to studies lack of skills contributes 40% in data breaches and security challenges. Expertise in cloud technologies, DevOps practises, and automation is essential as businesses make the shift to cloud-based systems. Companies can help close the skills gap by investing in training and development programmes. To efficiently administer and enhance cloud-based infrastructure, a competent staff is required. According to Hansen, 2021, capital is foremost aspect in any business even it’s a small shop opening. Controlling and budgeting capital investment is crucial, cloud technology implementation is a matter of huge capital investment (in millions) hence it requires a proper budgeting. However, it can also act as a challenge, cloud computing offers cost advantages, unmonitored usage can lead to budget overruns IS professionals must apply strong cost management practises, such as monitoring costs, optimising resources, and making use of reserved instances.
Importance of Skill Development and Training for IS Professionals
According to Whysall et al., 2019, Information System professionals are the one responsible for operating the technical system hence it is unspoken that they need to be skilled at any cost in the field they are being hired in, however technology is always evolving which bring the need to continuous training and refining the skills of the professionals. The significance of continuing training and accreditation for Information Systems (IS) employees in today's rapidly developing IT industry cannot be avoided. IS professionals must adopt a mindset of continual learning to keep up with the latest technological developments, industry trends, and security dangers facing their organisations. One of the key reasons behind the importance of skill development is the continual growth of technology, new programming languages, development frameworks, and tools are always being developed to provide more efficient as well as powerful solutions. According to Harsch and Festing, 2020, IS professionals must keep current on these advancements in order to pick the best technologies for their organisations and optimise system performance. Furthermore, integrating innovative technologies such as AI, machine learning, and blockchain into business procedures necessitate specialised expertise and skills. Information security professionals with these abilities can employ these technologies to improve productivity, automate activities, and acquire important insights from data.
Acquiring competency in these areas, however, requires focused training and skill development activities.
According to Dimitrov et al., 2020, however, organisation mistaken when they limit the training and skill development to technical aspect only, soft skills such as communication and leadership is also a crucial aspect because without proper communication and creative mindset nothing can be explained be innovative. Collaboration with cross-functional teams, comprehension of business requirements, and the effective completion of projects all need strong communication, problem-solving, and project management abilities. IS professionals benefit their companies and the industry as a whole by having these abilities (Deshpande and Munshi, 2020). According to Reeves et al., 2021, cybersecurity is another important area in which IS employees need continuous training and certification. Cyberattacks are growing more common and complex, thus the risk environment is always changing. In order to identify, prevent, and respond to security breaches, IS professionals must regularly upgrade their knowledge and abilities. Organisations can protect their critical data and keep operations running smoothly with the help of cybersecurity training.
According to Kunduru, 2023, today's changing business environment creates need of implementing new and advanced cloud-based enterprise system or integration with current infrastructure. Integration methods help organisations combine data and processes to ensure cloud-based services complement rather than disrupt operations. According to Weir, 2019, one of the integration strategies involves Application Programming Interface (API), it connects internal and external applications. IS experts could design, publish, as well as manage APIs on API management platforms to integrate cloud-based enterprise systems with other apps. This method helps organisations maximise their data assets and boost innovation. Further, According to Symeonaki et al., 2020, middleware is a popular integration technique, it allows applications and systems to interact and exchange data. Integration of cloud-based corporate systems with on-premises solutions is simplified by this technique. Middleware systems provide tools and connections for data interchange, making data consistency and coherence simpler.
According to Zdravevski et al., 2019, optimising performance in dynamic cloud settings is essential for cloud-based corporate solutions in order to meet organisational demands. Optimising cloud performance requires many ideas and practises. IS professionals must focus on using real-time monitoring tools in order to track system performance, utilisation of resources, as well as application responsiveness. These technologies detect challenges and delays if any, and restrict resources for rapid optimisation. Managing workload moves requires auto-scaling. this technique of optimisation aids cloud-based enterprise systems modifies resources in order to meet peak demand and decrease them during low demand. Consistent performance as well as cost optimisation are achieved by employing resources as required. According to Zhao et al., 2019, additionally, companies must focus on using load balancing, Balancers evenly distribute incoming network traffic among numerous cloud resources or instances, avoiding any one resource from bottlenecking performance. System reliability and responsiveness increase with load balancing.
The essay was focused on “The Impact of Cloud Computing on Enterprise Systems Adoption and Implementation”, this essay thoroughly analysed the benefits, challenges, integration, and data security & privacy issues concerned to the cloud- based enterprise system and technologies. Along with that, the essay also focused on Importance of Skill Development and Training for IS Professionals as its is very crucial in evolving digital era ad innovation happening every day. The impact of cloud computing is positive, it brings security benefits and operational ease and advancements. IS professionals can feel confident in their ability to do their jobs successfully if they commit to lifelong learning in the areas of technical proficiency, cybersecurity knowledge, soft skills, and regulatory awareness. The essay started with a thorough discussion on cloud computing and enterprise system adoption followed by trends in enterprise system and benefits of cloud technology. Further, the essay thoroughly focused cloud technology implementation challenges and importance of training IS professionals.
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