HCT343 Research Methods and Data Analysis Report Sample
Assessment (100% of module grade): The student will plan a research study/project investigating an issue relevant to his/her own profession or workplace and present a written proposal (4000 word limit). The written proposal should consider the evidence based rationale for the proposed study, including background literature (this section should include a search strategy and a critical review of the relevant literature), key methodological approaches such as the method/s of collecting data, the method/s of data analysis, the ethical and governance issues involved and how they will be resolved. Learning outcomes tested: Numbers 1 – 5.
Writing a research proposal will enable you to demonstrate your understanding of research methods in the context of a specific study. You can choose any topic area and design a study that will answer a specific research question. The design will be an empirical study and should be a project that would be feasible within the scope of a master’s programme.
As such randomised controlled trials and longitudinal studies would be unsuitable as they would be unachievable with the timeframe available. This assignment may provide the basis for your dissertation and, if appropriate to you, can be used to help you prepare the ethical approval documents. Please be aware that work submitted for this assignment will need to be paraphrased if used for another assignment that is to be submitted, to avoid self- plagiarism.
Alternatively, this assignment may present a purely fictitious study in a topic area of interest
to you.
The uni assessment will be written in a report style; specific information is included below.
The structure in Table 1 must be used for this assignment. Guidance on word limits for each section is provided. These are for guidance only to demonstrate where emphasis should be placed within the assignment. The overall word limit must not exceed 4000 words.
Lower back pain is a common and painful condition that affects the lower portion of the spine. There are several problems that cause lower back pain, like muscles injuries, problems in the spine, problems in joints, or being overweight of the upper body. University Assignment Help, This problem is regarded as a serious health-related issue and besides the old aged people; young people are also facing this problem. In this study the uses of the Pilates method are described for the treatment of the chronic low back pain and also find the effect of Pilate’s method in different age group.
Aim: The aim of the study is to find out the uses of Pilates method in the treatment of the chronic low back pain.
Research Design
With regard to the topic, the exploratory design helps to understand the significance and solutions through a realistic picture.
In this study the researcher will take approximately 71 people to conduct a survey.
Data Collection and Analysis
Primary quantitative type of data will be gathered by the researcher in order to meet the objectives. After collecting the data, primary data will be analysed through IBM SPSS software and secondary data will be analysed through thematic analysis.
Potential Study Outcomes and Impact
Through the research method, the outcome of the study will identify the effect of Pilates well as its effect on lower back pain. As the study will identify the relative cause as affects the study outcome will help in the diagnosis process and as per the outcome, the relative steps can be taken to minimize the effect. The purpose of this research is to determine the influencing factors of the Pilates method. The research process will include the primary resources to identify the first-hand experience of the problem. Relevant survey or interview questions will be used to identify the effects on normal people.
Background of Study
Literature Review
Pilate’s Method in The Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic low back pain is the most common cases of today’s world. Approximately 90 % of adults suffer from this problem and this creates an interruption in their work. Chronic low back pain affects approximately 23% of people in the population (de Souza et al. 2020). The aim of this study is the effect of the Pilates method in the treatment of low back pain. This method performs three times a week, the volunteers are trained first for activating the powerhouse where isometric contraction takes place during the diaphragmatic breathing next session is the training session approximately ten exercises perform per session, each exercise will perform more than three times, each session continues at least 40 minutes. The level of difficulty is increased during the exercise period. The difficulty level is determined by the health condition of the student. Patients with low back pain are strictly instructed to do the isometric contraction of the abdomen, touch the feet with the hands. An evaluation chart is required to collect the data like personal information, consumption of alcohol or cigarette, disease history, and pain intensity. Re-evaluation will perform after the treatment session, two weeks after the initial revaluation. All re-evaluations will perform on the basis of the parameters and the scales of the individuals.
Low back pain can be classified on the basis of the symptoms, potential cause, and radicular symptoms. Chronic low back pain is the most common factor that causes the frequent absence in the office or the workplace. According to (Eliks et al., 2019) low back pain is mostly found in the age group below than the 45 years. According to Philips and Grant most of the patients who are suffering from the low back pain cannot be cured completely. There are many factors that account with the low back pain like physical, physiological and the habitat. Approximately 8% to 56 % of the population of the United States spends billions of dollars on this problem (Eliks et al., 2019). According to the scientist Lee imbalance between the flexor and the extensor muscles can cause low back pain.
The Pilates method was developed by Joseph H. Pilates in 1923 and this spread in the 1930s and 1940s by the choreographer and the dance masters. The Pilates method is now the most important and the scientifically proven method used for rehabilitation. Pilates is the most important preventive measure against obesity. This method is used to improve the balance of the healthy adults and postural ability in the senior citizens. According to the Smith and Smith it improves the physical features like flexibility, proprioception, coordination and the balance. Training improves muscular resistance and balance in the senior citizen.
Pilate’s method includes several types of strengthening and stretching exercises. This may be of two types like Mat Pilates that is actually performed on the grounds without any particular equipment; another one is the exercise with the Pilates apparatus. Pilate’s exercises may work on the idea of stability and the control of spinal muscles of the patients with low back pain. There are mainly two types of motor control in the patients with low back pain. First one is the activity of the deep muscles like multifidus and the transverse abdominis is detained when the stability of the spine is challenged in the vital tasks (Goldberg et al., 2021). Second one is that patients with low back pain increase the activity of the superficial muscle that actually increases the stiffness of the spine.
There are mainly six principles in the Pilates method like centering, concentration, control, precision, breadth and flow. Centering is the practice of centering concentration to the body between the lower ribs and the pubic bone. Concentration is the most important factor that does with this method, concentration helps to gain maximum yield of the results. Muscle control in the Pilates method includes the conscious and the intentional movement. Awareness is required in the case of practicing every method in Pilates. Awareness improves and increases the exact placement of each body part and it focuses on the proper alignment and the core management.
Sir Joseph Pilates indicates that breathing is most important in the Pilates method. Most of this method includes the berthing hence the breathing is the important in contrast to Pilates exercise. This exercise is not rigid, which means fluidity, grace and ease is applied to every exercise. There are some benefits of the Pilates method like flexibility, functionality and stability. Pilates provides flexibility in muscular management. It actually increases strength and improves flexibility and increases the motion of the body. Pilates develops the condition of the muscle and also improves the balance and posture. This method increases energy and also promotes weight loss. There are mainly two types of Pilates like the mat and the use of special equipment. Pilate’s workout equipment may be two types like small and large equipment. Small equipment also found in the studio and the equipment is easily purchased and it may be practised in the home. Therefore the Pilates method is very useful to maintain the balance increase the flexibility and also reduces he body weight. It is very useful for the senior citizen and also the young adults.
Literature Framework
Figure 1: Literature Framework
(Source: Self-developed)
Literature Gap
The above study shows the uses of the Pilates method in the chronic low back pain. Despite having several advantages of the Pilates method there are several disadvantages also. Pilates does not produce quick results so there is a need for the proper medicine that cures the pain instantly. Pilates requires the coaching and instruction that is very costly, most of the people cannot afford this so there is a need of proper medication and also identification of the causes of the pain.
According to Buchbinder et al. ,(2018), the physiological model of low back pain brings a huge advancement to understanding and the prediction of physiological conditions of each patient. The behavioural approaches on low back pain include the investigation of the mechanism and the biological effect with the patient of the phenotypically distinct subgroups. A good health approach may reduce the long-term effect of low back pain. Low back pain may be reduced by practicing a healthy lifestyle, yoga, and physiotherapies. Funding for the research on low back pain is limited. According to the author, there are major research priorities like changes in the behaviour of the patient and the clinics and designing a health system, and improving the infrastructure in the developing countries.
Muscle strain is the most common cause of low back pain; approximately 80 % of adults suffer from lower back pain in their life. People over 30 with more back pain; lifestyle sometimes creates an issue of lower back pain. Structural problems like Scoliosis are the most common factor that deals with lower back pain. People with a family history like osteoarthritis have a high risk of lower back pain. Back pain creates some issues in present days like muscle strain, slipped disc, sciatica, spinal stenosis. The Younger generation is also affected with back pain in the present days this is another headache for the next generation.
Justification of The Study
Chronic Low back pain is the most common problem in our society, low back pain affects people of all ages. According to the global burden of disease study, 2010 back pain includes this in the top 10 diseases that people face (Chiarotto et al, 2019). The prevalence of the common low back pain is approximately 60-70% in an industrialized country. The prevalence rate is higher in the case of adults. Low back pain causes the absence in the office and increases the limitation in the activity. Low back pain is considered an analgesic in the modern world. There are various causes that deal with lower back pain, treatments like physiotherapy, rehabilitation, spinal manipulation, and at last the disc surgery but the result is not satisfied so there will be further research on some areas. The Pilates method is very effective on the young age group as well as the old ages. Lower back pain needs to be arrested at an early age for proper treatment. The lower back pain can be caused by several problems and the relative treatment process will be different for every cause. As per the study of Zou et al., 2019, this problem is a common health issue and prevention and treatment of low back pain is a major public health concern. It can lead to causes of disabilities and affect general psychosomatic health. In modern times the young generations are getting affected by the problem because of their lifestyle. According to a study, lower back pain can be seen among young athletes very much, so the demand for a relevant treatment method is increasing among the sportsperson as well as among the young generation, because neglecting the treatment process may cause serious health issues in the future.
Purpose of The Study
The aim of this study is to find out the effect of Pilates method in different age group, and also find out some advantages and disadvantages of this method. The study also shows the uses of Pilate’s method on the treatment of the chronic low back pain.
Research Questions
? What is the effectiveness of the Pilates method to fix the problem of the chronic low back pain?
? How the Pilates method works on young generation?
? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Pilates method on lower back pain?
Research Objectives
? To identify the effect of Pilates treatment on the lower back pain in the human body
? To identify the effect of Pilates treatment especially among the young generation
? To identify the advantages and the disadvantages of the Pilates method on lower back pain
Research Hypothesis
H1 (Alternative Hypothesis): Pilates method will reduce the low back pain of older person
H0 (Null Hypothesis): Pilates method is not effective to reduce the low back pain of older person
Research Design and Methods
The research methodology of a research study enables the selection process and analyzes the different types of methods used to collect and reflect upon the data. This enables the research to reflect upon the factors which make the information and data on the research relevant, reliable, and valid.
Study Design
There are three types to design in research like Descriptive, Explanatory, and Exploratory (Mohajan, 2018). Observations are important on behaviors and the phenomenon. This method is used by the physiological, social, and market researchers for understanding the situation in real life. The explanatory design provides the final and the conclusive answers, it is the building block for other researchers, it is the examination that shapes the base for different inquiries. It allows the researcher to explore more on their topic. The aim of this explanatory design is to increase the understanding, flexibility of the sources, and a better conclusion (Bowen et al., 2017). The exploratory design will be used for conducting this research. The design allows the researcher a better understanding of a particular field (Walsh et al. 2020). Exploratory designing gives some opportunities to the researcher like identifying the problem, creating a hypothesis, and further research on a particular topic. In this research, the exploratory type will design the research work.
Research Methods
There are several types of research methods the researcher used the primary quantitative type of data by organizing a survey. Survey research is the most fundamental tool in quantitative research. In this research only primary quantitative type of data will be used by the researcher in order to collect data. Online survey will be done by the researcher for collecting the responses from 71 numbers of participants.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Age- 18 above, male and female
Exclusion criteria:
Age- below 18 years, disabled or the mentally retired candidates
Sampling Method
The researcher uses the random sampling method to conduct the survey. Random sampling is one of the simplest forms of collecting data from the population. There are various types of random sampling like simple, stratified, cluster and systematic random sampling. The researcher used systematic random sampling to conduct this study. In systematic random sampling the samples are taken at a regular interval. Systematic random sampling is easy to construct, execute, understand and compare the collected data from the participants during the survey.
Sample Size
The researcher takes a group of 71 people to conduct this program.
Recruitment of Sample
Social media platforms will be used for recruitment of samples in this study.
Data Collection Tool
A research study requires adopting a significant data collection to collect data and information relevant for the undertaken topic. This data collection tool is based on primary and secondary sources of data. Therefore under this concern, this research has used research surveys as the data collection tool for the topic. The research comes under the primary quantitative data collection methods of the research. Quantitative data help us to conclude the research with a strong outcome of the study (Sheard, 2018).
The data collection process involves the adoption of different methods to collect data for a strong data outcome. The different techniques involved in the data collection process include observation, evaluation, and analysis (Fusch et al. ,2018). This was collected through a survey among the different age groups of people suffering from lower back pain. This data collection process helps to collect different experiences and causes behind back pain in different age groups.
There are various types of the surveys and the interview process that the researcher adopts to facilitate this process. Face to face survey or a personal interview is the most important in the case of every research but due to the pandemic situation it is not possible. Researchers must have to follow the covid guidelines so the researcher adopts the telephonic interview, postal surveys and online surveys. Postal surveys or the paper based survey are self administered and the standardized surveys in which the questions are sent by post. Postal surveys may cover a wide range of geographic areas that are most important for the researcher to understand the severity of disease. The researcher found that there is a problem with the response rate of the people. Response rates of the participants are often very low.
The researcher used another data collection method that is the telephonic interview. The researcher asked some questions related to the low back pain of the participants over the telephone. Most of the participants answer frequently and share their personal experience of the pain. It allows quicker feedback than the postal surveys. There are some challenges of the telephonic interview that the researchers faced during the collection of data. Researchers find it is hard to make connections with the participants over the telephone. One of the most important disadvantages is that researchers cannot view the people or see the people's reaction to determine whether the answers are genuine. It is problematic to elaborate the response by the participants over the telephone, which is another drawback of telephonic interviews.
Next one is the online survey, due to the pandemic situation researcher finds that this is the most effective tool for gathering the data from the participants. Researchers create some questions and spread it through social media like the Whatsapp, Gmail and so on. The response rate is very high in this method and relatively low cost. The answers from the participants all are recorded for further usage in the research project.
There are also some advantages of the online surveys like confidentiality and providing advanced security. Online surveys may eliminate the need for paper surveys. The researcher sets a password for the protection of the online surveys; the researcher also creates the unique links and host data on secure servers. The researcher strictly maintained the information of the participants during the project and also kept notice on the security of the participants information. Online surveys are used to avoid the bias that is created during the face to face interview or the survey and other most important thing is the researcher can track their participants to complete the project.
Reliability and Validity
It is the concept that is used to evaluate the quality of the research. It indicates how well the method and the techniques work (Mohajan, 2017). Reliability deals with the consistency of the measure and validity deal with the accuracy. The sources of data will be checked before including data from resources. The researcher obtains the test retest, parallel forms and the inter-rater reliability to conduct this research. The researcher asks the question to the participants listens to their answers and further asks questions in different ways to measure the reliability. The researcher sometimes asks the same questions to the different participants to tally the answers. It is important for the researcher that the results must be precise, reproducible and stable. It is important to reduce the external factor when collecting the data because these factors create variation in the results.
Validity actually measures how accurately study answers the questions. Validity should be considered as the earliest stage of the research when the researcher decided to collect the data. In this study the researchers do not create any pressure on the participants. The researchers do not use any kinds of blogs and Wikipedia for the data collection. The data provided in the study from the government websites and the published articles or the journals. The researchers do not manipulate any data to achieve a better result.
Data Analysis Process
The data will be analyzed by the SPSS software; this means the statistical package for the social science will be used to perform different tests like ANOVA, Chi square, descriptive statistics and so on. The main aim of the exploratory analysis is to explore, it indicates the relation between the data and the variables (Wouters et al., 2019).
Ethical and Governance Considerations
Ethical Issues Related To Participants and Researchers
Ethical consideration in research is the set of principles that provides guidance on the research design and the practice. The principles include various parameters like voluntary participation, anonymity, confidentiality potentials of harm, and communication. Researchers must notice the code of conduct to collect the data from the others. Anonymity means researchers do not know about the participants and confidentiality means the researchers know who the people are and remove the information of the participants. Research ethics is used to keep human rights, dignity, and the collaboration between science and society (Correll, 2019). These principles are used to provide comfortability to the participants in terms of voluntary, safe. Research misconduct means the manipulation and the misrepresentation of the data, it is the term of academic fraud. It is the responsibility of the researcher to analyze the data appropriately in order to avoid the misconception and the misinterpretation. Plagiarism is the most important aspect of ethical issues, the researcher does not copy paste the other authors research work. The researcher conducts a survey, collects the data, evaluates and analyzes the data. The researcher provides the appropriate referencing by using the google scholar. The researchers do not create any kind of pressure on the participants to achieve a better result. Confidentiality is the most important factor that accounts with the ethical issue, in this study all participants' information like name, caste, religion, country are kept secret.
Risk analysis
Risk management is used to reduce uncertainty; risk can be recognized either positively or negatively. Risk analysis provides guidance on the unsafe matter. There are four essential steps in risk management like identifying the risk, addressing and trit the risk next monitor and report of the risk. The first step is risk identification, there are three objectives like the financial condition of the project, scope, and milestones (Salman et al., 2018). All the members of the project should identify the risk by analysis of the document, interview, using the pre-established checklists, using the appropriate standard of methodologies like a failure, effect, and the critical analysis. There are two types of risk assessment the qualitative and quantitative, Qualitative assessment includes the evaluation of the occurrence, evaluation of the impact severity. Quantitative assessment needs for the establishment of the financial evaluation. The organization first identifies its risks in order to treat the risk.
The aim of risk management is to reduce the probability of the occurrence of the risk. There are a few processes of the risk response like the accept, enhance, transfer and avoid the risk. The next step is risk monitoring and reporting. Developing and monitoring the risk ensures the appropriate escalation and the appropriate risk response. In this regard, the success of any project is associated with the strategies used by researchers. In order to get positive results at the end of the study, proper strategies are essential to be implemented. Analyzing the risks in the project can help to mitigate issues. The development of communication skills and leadership skills can help to avoid risks in this project.
Data Protection Management
Data management in research covers a huge area and thereby proper regulations of the data project act should be maintained by the researcher. Confidentiality of the research data should be maintained by keeping the records private. Apart from that, the researcher needs to manage all the data in an effective manner for avoiding data hacking or leakage. In the opinion of Kotsios et al.,(2019), monitoring, administration, and management of all data ensure the protection of data. The researcher should securely store the data and also keep a backup that could be recoverable by the researcher in the study (Chico, 2018). Apart from that, different kinds of software of data protection managers can be used by the researcher for maintaining the ethics in the study. All the protection practices for data maintenance should be maintained by the researcher in an effective manner. There are three components of a data protection plan that are availability, confidentiality, and integrity. Therefore, all of these components should be taken care of by the researcher in order to get effective results at the end of the study.
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