ENGR8931 Geotechnical Engineering GE. 1st Copy Sample
1. Shaft friction of non-displacement piles in sand
2. Pile end-bearing capacity in sand considering soil compressibility
3. End-bearing capacity of piles in crushable soils
4. Axial capacity of driven piles in sand
5. Settlement of vertically loaded piles
General criteria
• Adherence to 5,000 word limit
• Report writing style and clarity of expression
• Logical planning and sequence
• Correct referencing & acknowledgement
• Overall presentation, including correct grammar
• Appropriate formatting of the tables and charts, spelling and punctuation.
• Is background to the research clear?
• Is problem outlined?
• Is it researchable and achievable in the context of the time frame?
• Are research objectives clearly stated? Are they directly linked with research questions and with the delivered topic content?
Literature Review
• Is the literature related to the research project adequately identified and discussed?
• Are the selected references current and relevant to the research problem?
• Has the literature been critically assessed (similarity/dissimilarity to each other and relatedness to the research projects)
• Continuity of review/discussion (the flow of the arguments)
• Is there a discussion on implications of the findings to the proposed research?
• Are the key finding summarised?
Research Methodology
• Is there a justification that the selected methodology is appropriate?
• Does the methodology connect well with the delivered topic content?
• Is there a discussion on alternative methodologies?
• Are the proposed research data collection methods described?
Analyses and Results
• Are the appropriate analytical tools used?
• Has the data been analysed appropriately?
• Have the evaluations/comparison been carried out appropriately?
• Are the results clearly presented and explained?
• Are the tables, charts, images used appropriately?
• Are the results discussed adequately?
• Has the discussion on results led to the given conclusions and recommendations
A transparent background could include a review of the significance of pile foundations in civil engineering and the function of shaft friction in the load-bearing capacity of piles in the context of analyzing shaft friction of non-displacement piles in sand. It could also discuss the importance of researching shaft friction specifically in sand, given its prevalence as a typical soil type and the particular difficulties it poses. University Assignment Help, The issue with non-displacement pile shaft friction in the sand is described in the question. However, the problem description lacks detailed information. To address problems such as a lack of comprehension of the variables impacting shaft friction in the sand, restrictions in current design techniques, or the requirement to enhance the performance of non-displacement piles in sandy soil conditions, a precise definition of the issue is essential. Researchers can narrow their search for remedies by defining the issue in detail.
Figure 1: Manufacturing of Pile Foundation
(Source: Basack et al. 2022)
More details are required in order to evaluate the topic's suitability for research and ability to be accomplished in the allotted time. Due to the complexity of evaluating shaft friction in sand non-displacement piles, considerable planning and resource consideration are required. The viability of the study can be impacted by elements including the availability of soil samples, lab testing capabilities, and computational resources for numerical modeling. The time period should also be for the gathering, processing, and interpretation of data in a timely manner. Without specifics, it is difficult to assess if the research can be completed in the allotted time.
Although they are not specified in the question, the research objectives are crucial for directing the investigation. A clear set of research objectives helps to focus the study and serves as a road map for the research process. The research questions and the topic information that is presented should be directly related to the objectives. They might include objectives like identifying the critical factors affecting shaft friction in non-displacement piles in sand, creating better design techniques for estimating shaft friction, or testing or numerical simulations to assess the effectiveness of non-displacement piles in sandy soil conditions. The problem description should guide the research objectives, which should also help fill in any information gaps or practical issues regarding shaft friction in non-displacement piles of sand.
Literature Review
Introduction to the topic
In civil engineering, pile foundations are frequently utilised to support structures and transfer loads to the subsurface soil. Non-displacement piles are one of the many types of piles that are used in several construction projects. Non-displacement piles are erected through drilling or other techniques without moving the earth; instead, they use friction to transfer load from the pile shaft to the surrounding soil (Li et al. 2022). To guarantee the structural integrity and stability of the foundation system, it is crucial to comprehend non-displacement pile behavior, especially shaft friction.Due to the granular nature of sandy soil, the shaft friction of non-displacement piles becomes a crucial concern. The resistance that forms along the sides of the pile shaft as it penetrates the soil is known as shaft friction, sometimes known as skin friction or side friction. Shearing resistance between the pile and the surrounding soil is the main cause of it. The amount of shaft friction is influenced by a number of variables, including soil characteristics, pile shape, pile installation techniques, and overburden pressure (Zhang et al. 2022).
Figure 2: Construction of Pile Foundation
(Source: Li et al. 2022)
For a number of reasons, it is crucial to comprehend how shaft friction behaves in non-displacement piles of sand. First, for building effective and affordable pile foundations, a precise estimation of shaft friction is essential. It immediately impacts the piles' settlement properties and load-carrying capacity. Second, because they are inexpensive and simple to construct, non-displacement piles are frequently employed in sandy soils. To ensure the stability and effectiveness of these pile foundations, a thorough understanding of shaft friction behaviour is required (Wang et al. 2022).
Key Concepts and Theories
Several fundamental ideas and theories are pertinent to comprehending the behaviour of shaft friction in non-displacement piles of sand. The mechanics governing soil-pile interaction and the variables affecting shaft friction are better-understood thanks to these principles. The following are some pertinent theories and key concepts:
• Soil-Pile Interaction: Shear stresses, soil ddeformation, and weight transmission systems all assume a part in the muddled cycle known as soil-heap collaboration (Zhao et al. 2019). To comprehend how shaft grinding creates, it is fundamental to see the value in the idea of soil-heap contact. To recreate soil-heap collaboration and work out shaft erosion, different speculations have been utilized, including the flexible hypothesis and the hypothesis of pliancy (Zhang et al. 2022).
? Sand Shear Strength: The shear strength of sand is a key trademark that influences the level of shaft grinding. Shear strength can be portrayed by factors like the soil's cohesiveness (c) and internal friction angle (). These elements influence the development of shaft grinding by deciding the protection from shear pressure along the heap shaft.
? Effective Stress Principle: The compelling pressure rule is a crucial thought in geotechnical designing that connects the cooperation of all out pressure, pore water pressure, and successful pressure to the mechanical way of behaving of soil. Understanding the shear strength of sand and what it means for shaft rubbing relies upon the powerful pressure idea.
? Failure Criteria: Disappointment models are utilized to assess the shear strength and solidness of soil, like the Mohr-Coulomb standard (Senejani et al. 2020). These measures frame the conditions under which soil disappointment happens and shed light on how sand responds to the heap's shear stresses. Predicting the beginning of soil shear disappointment and computing the chance of shaft contact, understanding disappointment rules is critical.
? Soil Compaction and Densification: While introducing heaps, soil compaction and densification might occur, which might affect how shaft erosion creates. Sand around the heap shaft might turn out to be more thick, expanding soil firmness and shaft grinding. Understanding the impacts of establishment methods on shaft contact is made conceivable by the hypotheses of soil solidification and compaction.
? Empirical Correlations and Design Methods: To assess shaft erosion in non-relocation heaps, exact connections and plan techniques have been created in view of field perceptions and exploratory information. To expect shaft rubbing, these systems consider various factors, including heap configuration, soil qualities, and establishment methods. For these observational relationships and plan philosophies to be applied and deciphered accurately, one should know about the fundamental speculations and assumptions (Chen et al. 2022).
Researchers and engineers may build a strong foundation for analysing and forecasting the behaviour of shaft friction in non-displacement piles in sand by understanding these fundamental ideas and theories. These ideas serve as the foundation for the creation of analytical models, computational simulations, and design methodologies aimed at improving the design and performance of pile foundations in sandy soil conditions.
Comparative Analysis
Similarities, differences, and trends in the results of the existing research works on shaft friction of non-displacement piles in sand can be identified by comparison
(Shabanpour et al. 2022). Such a study helps pinpoint areas that need more research and offers insightful information on the behaviour of shaft friction. The following comparison is based on the literature that is currently available:
Figure 3: Shaft Friction
(Source: Pei et al. 2022)
? Influence of Soil Properties: Research has repeatedly shown that important soil characteristics, such as particle size distribution, relative density, and shear strength, have a major impact on shaft friction. In general, it has been shown that coarser sands have higher shaft friction than finer sands. However, due to various testing procedures and settings, there can be discrepancies in the precise connections (Pei et al. 2022).
? Effect of Pile Geometry: The literature is interested in the effect of pile geometry, such as diameter and roughness, on shaft friction. There is some heterogeneity in the observed trends for pile roughness, despite the fact that most research agree that increasing the pile diameter improves the shaft friction. Rougher piles have higher shaft friction, according to some research, while others only demonstrate a limited relationship.
? Importance of Installation Methods: The literature places a strong emphasis on the importance of pile installation methods including drive and drilling. Due to the sand being compacted and made more dense during installation, impact-driven piles typically have increased shaft friction. However, due to the loosening and disturbance of the surrounding soil, drilled piles may have reduced shaft friction. During design and analysis, it is critical to take the unique installation technique and its effect on shaft friction into account.
? Design Methodologies and Empirical Correlations: The literature emphasises the shortcomings of current design methodologies and empirical correlations in precisely forecasting shaft friction. Studies comparing results from projected and measured values have revealed differences, highlighting the need for better design methodologies.It has been hypothesised that adding further variables, like installation energy, pile roughness, and soil stiffness, will improve the accuracy of shaft friction estimation (Soomro et al. 2022).
Overall, the comparative analysis highlights the significance of taking into account site-specific parameters, installation methods, pile geometry, and soil conditions when analysing and designing non-displacement piles in sand.
Research Gaps
The shaft friction of non-displacement piles in sand still needs to be studied further due to a number of research gaps that persist despite the body of knowledge already in existence.
• In order to understand how various soil conditions effect shaft friction, additional in-depth research is first needed. Despite numerous research examining the impact of sand attributes, including particle size distribution and density, there is currently a lack of knowledge regarding the precise significance of factors such as grain shape, mineralogy, and fabric (Zwara et al. 2022). Examining these elements can lead to a more thorough knowledge of the interaction between soil and piles and increase the precision of prediction models.
? Second, additional investigation is required into how non-displacement piles behave when subjected to dynamic loads. However, in reality, piles are frequently subjected to dynamic stresses from earthquakes, wind, and other sources. The majority of existing research concentrate on static loading. Designing more durable foundation systems can benefit from an understanding of the dynamic behaviour of non-displacement piles in sand.
? Furthermore, there are no established testing protocols for measuring shaft friction in non-displacement piles. It is difficult to compare and generalise the findings from various investigations due to the use of various procedures and equipment. Creating standardised testing procedures would make data collecting more dependable and consistent, improving comparison and validation of experimental and numerical results
? Last but not least, more study is required on novel pile materials and installation methods. The performance of the piles as a whole may be improved by investigating alternate building materials and procedures, such as the use of geosynthetics or cutting-edge drilling processes.
Figure 4: Pile foundation in construction
(Source: Zwara et al. 2022)
By filling in these knowledge gaps, we would be better able to understand shaft friction in non-displacement piles in sand and develop geotechnical engineering designs and construction methods that are more precise.
The main discoveries and results of the research in this area are highlighted in the literature review on shaft friction of non-displacement piles in sand. It has been found that shaft friction resistance is substantially influenced by soil type, notably the characteristics of sand (Alawneh et al. 2022). The behaviour of shaft friction is influenced by a number of variables, including particle size distribution, density, and grain form. Laboratory testing, field instrumentation, and full-scale load tests are techniques for determining and forecasting shaft friction. To estimate shaft friction, analytical and empirical models have been created, taking into account factors like pile diameter, embedment depth, sand characteristics, and installation technique. The research also highlights how shaft friction is impacted by pile design and installation methods. The necessity for thorough investigations on soil properties, the behaviour of non-displacement piles under dynamic stress, standardised testing protocols, and investigation of cutting-edge pile materials and installation techniques are just a few of the research gaps that have been highlighted. Taking care of these gaps will improve our knowledge and lead to more precise design and construction methods in geotechnical engineering.
Research Methodology
Selection of Study Sites:
The choice of study locations is essential for assuring the validity and representativeness of the research findings (Ali et al. 2020). The following criteria will be taken into account while choosing study sites to examine the shaft friction of non-displacement piles in sand:
Figure 5: Pile design methods
(Source: Ali et al. 2020)
? Pile Types: Different non-displacement pile types that are frequently utilised in practise, such as bored piles or auger-cast piles, will be present at study sites. This will guarantee that the process can be used to various pile kinds.
• Soil Conditions: In sand formations where the shaft friction of non-displacement piles is of interest, study locations will be chosen (Al-Soudani et al. 2020). To account for the heterogeneity in soil behaviour, various sand types will be taken into consideration, including changes in grain size, density, and relative density.
? Data Availability: It will be preferred to choose study sites that have enough information, such as soil parameters, pile dimensions, installation techniques, and load test results. The accurate analysis and validation of the suggested approach will be facilitated by the availability of sufficient data.
? Geographical Distribution: Study sites will be chosen from a variety of geographical areas, taking into account various environmental conditions and construction practises, in order to account for regional variances.
Data collection:
A vital component of the research approach for calculating shaft friction of non-displacement piles in sand is data collection. To collect pertinent data, the following strategies will be used:
• Field Investigations: Site visits will be made to the chosen study locations in order to gather field information. Cone penetration tests (CPT) or standard penetration tests (SPT) may be used to ascertain the shear strength, unit weight, and relative density of the soil (Borges et al. 2019). It may also be necessary to install geotechnical instrumentation and conduct borehole sampling to gather more data.
? Laboratory Testing: To ascertain the soil samples' geotechnical characteristics, laboratory testing will be performed on field samples of soil. Grain size analyses, direct shear testing, triaxial tests, and consolidation tests are a few examples of these tests.
? Load Test Results: Results of earlier pile constructions at the research sites' load tests will be gathered, if they are accessible. The validation and calibration of the estimation methodology are made possible by these tests, such as static load tests and dynamic load tests, which offer useful information on the pile response under various loading circumstances.
• Design and Construction papers: The non-displacement piles at the study locations' existing design and construction papers will be examined (Subair et al. 2021). These documents might provide useful details about pile dimensions, installation procedures, and any measurements made while the building was being built.
Data analysis:
A key component of the study methodology for calculating shaft friction of non-displacement piles in sand is data analysis (Franza et al. 2019). In order to gain useful insights and set the essential parameters for the estimation process, the acquired data will be analysed appropriately. The following methods for data analysis will be used:
• Calculation of Effective Stress: The effective stress at the pile-soil interface will be determined using the field data that have been gathered, including measurements of pore water pressure and soil characteristics (Chandiwala et al. 2023). This computation provides a crucial variable for calculating shaft friction by taking into consideration the total stress and pore water pressure conditions at various depths.
? Statistical Analysis: To analyse the variability and relationships between various variables, such as soil parameters, pile dimensions, and load test results, statistical analysis techniques, such as mean, standard deviation, and regression analysis, will be used. Trends, correlations, and any potential outliers in the data will all be found through this study.
? Mathematical Modelling: To analyse the data and identify links between variables, mathematic models, such as empirical equations or constitutive models, may be used. Based on the observed data patterns, these models can be utilised to produce parameters useful for calculating shaft friction, such as adhesion factor ().
Figure 6: Foundations criteria
(Source: Chandiwala et al. 2023)
Validation and discussion:
To guarantee its dependability and applicability, the study approach for calculating shaft friction in non-displacement piles in sand must be validated and discussed. The anticipated shaft friction values will be compared to the results of available load tests and current design standards to validate the suggested methodology. Any differences or deviations will be examined, and the methodology will be calibrated as necessary (Doan et al. 2019). The results will be discussed, emphasising the methodology's drawbacks, benefits, and practical ramifications. The validation and discussion phase will offer a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of the methodology and help to improve knowledge and design procedures for calculating shaft friction in non-displacement piles of sand.
Analyses and Results
In order to assess the effectiveness of methodology, many analyses and findings will be gathered during the research on measuring shaft friction in non-displacement heaps of sand. Calculations, comparisons with load test results, and discussions of the applicability and constraints of the methodology will all be a part of these investigations (Sulaeman et al. 2020). The main analysis and findings that will be attained are as follows:
Figure 7: Analysis of shaft resistance
(Source: Sulaeman et al. 2020)
Calculation of Shaft Friction:
Shaft friction will be computed for the non-displacement piles in the sand using the defined -methodology and the gathered data. In order to calculate the shaft resistance per unit area, the effective tension at the pile-soil interface will be multiplied by the adhesion factor (). The shaft resistance per unit area will be multiplied by the pile perimeter to determine the total shaft friction throughout the length of the pile.
Comparison with Load Test Results:
The estimated shaft friction values and the load test data that is currently available from the chosen study sites will be compared. In order to verify the methodology and judge its accuracy, this comparison is essential (Doan et al. 2020). Under various loading circumstances, such as static load tests or dynamic load testing, the calculated shaft friction will be contrasted with the observed pile response.
The load (kN), displacement (mm), and shaft friction (kN) columns of the table are all present. A particular measurement or observation is represented by each row.
Sensitivity Analysis:
To determine how important factors will affect the estimated shaft friction, a sensitivity analysis will be carried out. The sensitivity analysis will identify the most important elements and their effects on the estimation findings by adjusting parameters like adhesion factor (), soil conditions, and pile dimensions. Sensitivity graphs or charts will be created to show how shaft friction estimates can vary depending on the parameter scenarios.
Discussion of Applicability and Limitations:
The analyses' findings will be examined in terms of the methodology's applicability and restrictions. The presentation will focus on the benefits and drawbacks of using the -methodology to calculate shaft friction in sand non-displacement piles (Fakharian et al. 2021). It will take into account variables like soil type, pile type, and construction method, and assess how well the methodology performs in various contexts.
Figure 8: Friction capacity of open ended piles
(Source: Fakharian et al. 2021)
Improvement Suggestions:
Suggestions for enhancing the estimating approach will be offered based on the studies and comments. This could involve ideas for improving the -values for various soil and pile conditions, taking into account more variables, or altering the estimating process to improve accuracy.
Future Research Directions:
The analyses and findings will also shed light on possible directions for more study. It may be possible to identify areas that need more research or data collecting, such as the behaviour of non-displacement piles in particular soil types or under particular loading situations (Fakharian et al. 2022). These new study directions will help advance knowledge of shaft friction in non-displacement piles in sand and enhance geotechnical engineering design procedures.
Calculations, comparisons with load test results, sensitivity analysis, and discussions of the methodology's application and limits are all part of the analyses and findings from the research on predicting shaft friction in non-displacement piles of sand. These analyses will help validate the technique, permit ideas for improvement, and point the direction of future research. They will also offer insightful information about how well the methodology performed.
The performance, restrictions, and prospective improvements of the methodology are thoroughly covered in the discussion, findings, and recommendations of the study on estimating shaft friction in non-displacement piles in sand. The following discussion points, conclusions, and suggestions can be drawn from the analysis and results:
The created "-methodology" has proven useful in predicting shaft friction in sand non-displacement piles. Important variables including the adhesion factor (), the effective tension at the pile-soil interface, and the linear distribution of shaft friction are taken into account by the methodology. It offers a useful method for calculating shaft friction based on information that is easily accessible. The projected shaft friction values appear to be reasonably accurate when compared to the load test results. However, certain discrepancies between the estimated and measured values might exist as a result of the methodology's assumptions and simplifications. In actual applications, these differences need to be carefully taken into account.
The adhesion factor () values for various soil types, pile materials, and construction techniques should be further investigated. The nonlinear behaviour of the contact between the pile and the soil may be missed by the linear distribution assumption of shaft friction. Future studies should look into sophisticated numerical modelling methods or empirical formulations that can better capture nonlinear effects as stress redistribution and pile-soil relative displacements. More field testing and monitoring programmes can help us better understand how shaft friction behaves in sand non-displacement piles. Monitoring instrumented heaps over an extended period of time can yield useful information for validating and improving estimating techniques.
Advanced technologies including geophysical techniques, remote sensing, and real-time monitoring can be used to better estimate shaft friction and provide insightful information about the interaction between soil and piles. Future research can improve the precision and effectiveness of the estimating process by investigating these technologies. To improve the estimation methodology's accuracy, ongoing validation and calibration against field data and load test results should be carried out. The conclusions, highlight the usefulness and restrictions of the created approach for calculating shaft friction in non-displacement piles in sand. It highlights the need for additional study to improve the approach, take into account nonlinear behaviour, and use cutting-edge technology. The estimating methodology in the practise of geotechnical engineering will develop and become more widely accepted as a result of ongoing validation and calibration efforts.
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