ENEG28001 Australian Engineering Practice Report 1 Sample
Assignment Details
Part A (1600 words)
1. Visit the Engineers Australia website and download the STAGE 1 COMPETENCY STANDARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER document. Read this document thoroughly (https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sites/default/files/2022-07/professional-engineer-stage- 1-2013_0.pdf).
2. Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis of yourself.
3. Map your skills and competencies with Engineers Australia’s descriptors.
4. Discuss your journey as an engineering graduate and list your career goals, the reason you have joined this course and what subdiscipline you wish to specialise in and why.
5. Reflect on your current standing as an engineering graduate and what areas you have to improve in order to achieve your professional targets.
Part B (1200 words)
1. Download the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics document and read it thoroughly
(https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sites/default/files/2022-08/code-ethics-guidelines- professional-conduct-2022.pdf).
2. Based on the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics indicated above, state how you think they are important to the practice of engineering, not just in Australia but across the globe (200 words).
3. Choose any one of the 4 codes of ethics and write an essay (1000 words) on your opinion of the code you have selected by citing a personal example in your career of how you have upheld that Code of Ethics.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Develop and submit a portfolio on the tasks asked in Parts A (2-5) and Part B (2-3).
2. Ensure your portfolio is well structured and properly separated into Part A and Part B.
3. According to CQU policy, without prior approval, a late submission penalty (5% mark deduction for each day of delayed submission) will be applied.
4. For unacceptable similarity scores, CQU policy will be applied. The concerned department/section will deal with any plagiarism issues.
5. 2% marks will be deducted if the guidelines are not followed and the template is not used.
This report will highlight my experience as an engineering graduate, current status and abilities which needs to be improved to reach my career targets. It includes an explanation of my technical skills competencies using Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineer Document, workplace experience, communication competence, teamwork power, and constant learning motivation. Report seeks to find out what is my strength, to accentuate weaknesses, and how I am going to improve my capabilities and to add value to the engineering world.
1. SWOT Analysis
• Technical Knowledge- I have completed by bachelors in Mechanical engineering, I am equipped with a strong theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas such as thermodynamics, design, automobile, and manufacturing. The education I have received in engineering, equips with the proper tools to be able to solve problems and overcome complex engineering challenges.
• Quality Assurance Expertise- As of now, my professional career comprises of a Quality Engineer at Flowjet Valves Pvt. Ltd. and a Vendor Quality Assurance Engineer at Tata Motors, with which I have gained first-hand knowledge of inspection, verification and quality control methods.
• Teamwork and Collaboration- I have learnt how to work with people from different backgrounds while working in various professional setups and this has made me a better team player. Teamwork is important to me and I think it should be used to maximize people’s talents and guide the team towards the general objectives.
• Limited Experience in Diverse Industries- I have had most of my professional life in the manufacturing and auto sectors in particular. On the upside, I’ve gained knowledge that is specific to the industry, however, I might have missed the opportunity to get an inside view of the different industries and the way they tear apart for university assignment help.
• Continuous Learning- In the fast-paced environments of engineering and technology where knowing and learning new things continuously is essential. Undoubtedly,
I am willing to dive deep and to be flexible in the process of the learning, but I think that there will be require more hours and effort to keep up with the latest developments.
• Professional Growth and Development- Mechanical engineering and quality assurance are as wide as the river with plenty of opportunities for the professional development. Through the process of getting a higher certification, participating in workshops, or taking up a specific training program, I can therefore upgrade my skills and widen my scope for the career I want.
• Industry Evolution- The manufacturing and automotive industries are going through major changes as the technologies, automation and sustainable practices come into existence. These changes will open up room to try out new technologies, innovate and also enrich the industries.
• Networking and Collaboration- Partaking in industry meetings, conferences, and networking activities will contribute to my existence of business people, experts as well as potential employers.
• Technological Disruption- The risk is that rapid technology development and automation may have adverse impacts on traditional manufacturing and quality assurance processes. The major issue with this threat is that the industry is rapidly growing and changing. Thus, to tackle it, I need to be aware of new technologies, adapt to the changes, and continuously acquire new skills.
• Market Competition- The competitive environment in the engineering and manufacturing sector is very tough with companies trying to grab talent, contracts and market share and many other things. To stay competitive, I should strive to differentiate myself by doing not only outstanding job but also being able to think of new ideas and improve my abilities.
2. Skills and Competencies Mapping with Engineers Australia’s Descriptors
Knowledge and Skill Base: Elements and Indicators
Engineering Application Ability: Elements and Indicators
Professional and Personal Attributes: Elements and Indicators
3. Reflection on Journey as an Engineering Graduate and Career Goals
At the end of my engineering degree, I can say my journey was a combination of struggles and rewards in learning to focus the theoretical knowledge on practical side. I was awarded the degree of Mechanical Engineering after I have gained an education that is solid in basic engineering principles, practical abilities and am passionate innovations and solving problems. During my job, I have received a lot of knowledge related to quality control, manufacturing processes, and project management work that I have performed for such famous companies as Flowjet Valves Pvt.Ltd and Tata Motors. Such encounters are blessings to me, since they helped to develop my professionalism, boosted my technical proficiency and ingrained in me a profound respect for shared vision, creativity and learning.
Attending this course is a vital part of the overall strategy designed to push my career objective forward, which is to develop my professional competency in a narrowly-focused area of engineering. I choose particularly "Advanced Manufacturing and Automation" as my specialization area due to its enormous potential to revolutionize the traditional manufacturing processes and make them more technology-based. I am of the opinion that being an expert in this particular sub-field is going to provide me with a unique view on how to work smarter and drive greater efficiency, allowing me to execute projects of a larger scale and, as a result, contribute to the change that all manufacturers are aiming for nowadays.
4. Current Standings and Areas of Improvement
1. Importance of Code of Ethics to The Practice of Engineering Across the Globe
Integrity is the very foundation of trust in any profession, especially in engineering where decisions can affect the lives of many people critically, the strength of structures and the state of environment. Through adherence to honesty, trustworthiness and respect for all, technological professionals signify the credibility and reliability of the profession, bringing in public confidence and perception of accountability (Pdh-pro.com, 2024).
Competence, in turn, is essential for delivering engineering projects with high safety standards, good quality, and maximum efficiency. Continued training in professional development, elaborate practice of the duties and areas of accountability ensure the engineers will have the best expertise to tackle complicated challenges, innovatively and responsibly and to offer the best solutions that satisfy the society.
Leadership in engineering amounts not only to technical skills but covers the executive role in the field of ethics and diversity as well as communication with stakeholders. Through backing and promoting diversity, creating inclusive conditions, and involving in open and honest dialogue, engineers can catalyze innovation, collaborate, and bring about constructive socio-economic effects, thus resolving issues at a global scale and contributing to sustainable development (Freeza and Greenly, 2021).
Sustainability in engineering is gaining wider attention across the globe as the environmental, social, and economic issues of the planet are on a progressive decline. Engineers being responsible for creating, running and administering projects, which are not limited to immediate requirements, but also take the future and environmental impact in account. Sustainability can be accelerated by engineers, which will add to society's stability, equality, and ecological preservation all over the world.
2. Chosen Code of Ethics and Its Application in Career
In my opinion “Promote Sustainability” is one of the core codes of ethics for engineers. It that implores engineers to interact with the society and other stakeholders positively, prioritize everyone’s health, safety, and well-being while maintaining the social environment equilibrium and, furthermore, ensure the needs of the present prevail yet are not sacrificed at the expense of the needs of the future generations. All around the world sustainability is a huge problem that goes way beyond the norms, cultures and the disciplines thus; that is why sustainability has become a fundamental principle at any level of engineering practice regardless of the location. The essence of sustainability in engineering lies in understanding all the inter-described links between the ecological, social and economic systems as well as in achieving a balance between the earthly goods the present time needs and the long-term rights of future generations (Tseng etal.,2021). Engineers hold the keys to the development of new technologies as well as the building and maintaining of the infrastructure of the globe and in this way, they are the party who control the direction devolving to global sustainable development at some degree.
One of the tasks of sustainable engineering practice is to take the community and all the stakeholders into account as well as to promote community health, wellbeing and environmental safety, and to keep long-term consequences and immediate needs in balance. This requires a holistic approach encompassing a diverse range of perspectives, giving due consideration to the social, cultural, ecological, and economic factors, and pursuing sustainability goals that are ecologically sound, equitable to all, and economically viable. To me, "Promote Sustainability" is far more than a moral responsibility for engineers, it is also a professional not only ethics but a way of life (Pistikopoulous et al., 2021). Carrying out the role of engineering development pioneer, engineers hold a privilege and responsibility to make valid contribution to sustainable development, mitigate all the scourges of the environment, and tackle the social inequality issues with the innovative solutions in engineering.
Introducing green principles in engineering work may become a driving force for the emergence of innovations in the field, which can be the basis for collaborative approach to complex problems, such as climatic change, resource overconsumption, and social imbalance. Engineers are supposed to develop duty-driven solutions. Designing responsibly should become their part of the job, therefore, they should be thinking about people first. Building communities, being socially responsible, growing sustainability is what their work will be about (Melgarejo, 2023).
Personal Example of Upholding Code of Ethics
This ethical notion is in line with my values, as I strive to consolidate sustainability as a key principle in engineering practice, and I hope to make a positive impact in searching for ways to create a future that is greener and more resilient. Over my career as a mechanical engineer I have been working on the projects that were sustainable, and accordingly I would like to give a personal example that underlines my commitment to environmentally friendly technologies through engineering. Over the course of my job period at a manufacturing firm, I participated in a project dealing with the redesign of product lines that were previously developed to alleviate energy inefficiency and had a negative impact on the environment. The product of the first design was old fashioned consuming too much of energy all was associated with more waste during manufacturing. Realizing this chance to change something for better, my task was to work out the best direction and lead a cross-functional team towards the product redesign which would be more sustainable without loss of the quality and performance.
To foster sustainability, I undertook a holistic LCA that took into consideration the environmental impacts at every stage of the product's life, i.e. from raw material production to its eventual disposal. By doing this analysis we have recognized what areas need improvements to use energy carefully, to not generate waste and emissions through the whole lifecycle of the product. Through my professional learning experience, I have teamed up with designers and equipment manufacturers to implement various sustainable design strategies and process upgrades. Through choice of components such as energy-saving items, effective use of materials to limit waste generation, and also incorporation of recycling and reuse programs within the production place, we have been able to make a difference. Meanwhile, I fought for the introduction of renewable energy options and energy management programmes as part of the effort to even lower the plant’s emissions.
We did this by communicating in a proactive manner with stakeholders, strategic partners, suppliers, and customers, where we ensured that the redesign of the product line gave a 30% more energy efficient rating and a drastic reduction in wastes and carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, it was not only the environment which benefited from the introduction of the sustainable measures, but also the costs have been reduced, the quality of the products has been increased and the customers are now more satisfied.
Pdh-pro.com. (2024). Continuing Education for Professional Engineers PDH-PRO» Engineering Code of Ethics. [online] Available at: https://pdh-pro.com/pe-resources/engineering-code-of-ethics/ [Accessed 27 Mar. 2024].
Tseng, M.L., Tran, T.P.T., Ha, H.M., Bui, T.D. and Lim, M.K., 2021. Sustainable industrial and operation engineering trends and challenges Toward Industry 4.0: A data driven analysis. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 38(8), pp.581-598.
Pistikopoulos, E.N., Barbosa-Povoa, A., Lee, J.H., Misener, R., Mitsos, A., Reklaitis, G.V., Venkatasubramanian, V., You, F. and Gani, R., 2021. Process systems engineering–the generation next?. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 147, p.107252.
Melgarejo, C. (2023). Sustainable Engineering: Why It’s Important and How It Can Help. [online] Ptc.com. Available at: https://www.ptc.com/en/blogs/plm/sustainable-engineering [Accessed 27 Mar. 2024].
Frezza, S.T. and Greenly, J.M., 2021, July. Identifying Core engineering virtues: Relating competency and virtue to professional codes of ethics. In 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access.