ENEG11005 Introduction to Contemporary Engineering Report Sample


Reflective practice is a way of studying your experience to improve your work. Continually improving your practice requires reflecting on your experiences, evaluating them, and learning from them. Engineers must engage in reflective practice as part of their professional progression and develop the ability to reflect on their activities, identify areas for improvement, and take action to achieve better results. Irrespective of whether you have recently graduated from high school or are returning to study as a mature-aged student, it is important to understand the process of becoming a reflective practitioner. This assignment introduces you to the aptitudes needed to become a reflective practitioner. You will be asked to read, digest and reflect on information about several topics. You will need to understand how to perform and plan your time to reflect on the individual skills, knowledge, and support services that promote the effective study technique to become an engineer.


• You must prepare a Reflective Paper in accordance with the Reflective Writing Guide and other resources listed in Table 1.

• You should reflect separately on all topics in Table 1. These topics may also provide a good heading structure for your paper.

• Your Reflective Paper should include a cover page with the date, your name and student number, the unit code and name, and the assignment title.

• Evidence is required for many topics. Include all evidence together in a single appendix at the end of your document. During your reflections, refer to the evidence appended.

• Refer to the marking rubric herein for indicators of attainment at the various levels of achievement in each section of your Reflective Paper. Try to address the criteria directly.

• A strict word limit is not applied, either minimum or maximum, but you should prepare approximately one page for each topic. More space may be needed depending on your writing style.

• Only a single PDF submission uploaded to Moodle will be accepted.

• Only extension requests submitted through Moodle before the due day will be considered.

• You may wish to have CQUni’s support services, for instance, Academic Learning Centre and Studiosity, review your assignment before submitting it, but you must check when and how to send it to them. It might be a good idea to send just one section so you can get prompt feedback.



Writing a reflection is giving careful consideration to and then writing on an experience, event, or idea. It entails thinking on how the experience contributed to one's development, understanding one's own motivations, emotions, and behaviours via reflective thinking is crucial to growth and development. University Assignment Help, Making these connections between knowledge and practise aids in the recognition of what has been learnt and its potential future use. The increased self-awareness it fosters has a ripple impact on all aspect of a person's life, including their relationships with others, their productivity at work, and their originality in problem-solving.

The report aims on providing reflection on different topics covered under contemporary engineering, it includes topics like learning Management, Time and Task Management, –Information Literacy using lectures, textbooks, workshops and Moodle tools.

Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competencies

As a professional engineer/technologist, I have been working to develop my Stage 1 Competencies as outlined by Engineers Australia.

Competency 1: Knowledge and Skill Base Over the past year, I have been working to expand my knowledge and skills in my field of engineering/technology. I have attended workshops and conferences to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and technologies. However, I realize that there is still much to learn and I need to continue to seek out opportunities for professional development (Engineers Australia 2019).

Competency 2: Engineering/Technology Application. I have applied my engineering/technology knowledge and skills to several projects over the past year. One project that stands out was my work on a new manufacturing process that reduced costs and improved efficiency. I was able to use my problem-solving skills to identify areas for improvement and develop a new process that met the needs of the client (Engineers Australia 2019).

Competency 3: Professional and Personal Attributes I have worked to develop my professional and personal attributes by actively seeking feedback from colleagues and supervisors. I have also taken on leadership roles in my workplace and community to develop my communication and teamwork skills. However, I recognize that there is still room for improvement in areas such as time management and delegation (UTS 2022).

Competency 4: Professional Practice As a professional engineer/technologist, I have a responsibility to maintain high ethical and professional standards. I have demonstrated this by following codes of conduct and actively seeking to minimize risk in my work. However, I need to continue to seek out opportunities to learn about new regulations and standards that may impact my work (UTS 2022).

Engineers Australia Code of Ethics

As an engineer, I understand the importance of ethical behaviour in my professional practice. Overall, I understood the Australia’s code of ethics in a profound manner.

Demonstrating Integrity

I strive to always act with honesty, transparency, and fairness in all of my interactions. I believe that maintaining a high level of professional integrity is essential for building trust with clients and stakeholders. To ensure that I am meeting this component of the Code of Ethics, I regularly review my actions and decisions, seeking feedback from colleagues and supervisors (Engineers Australia 2022).

Exercising Leadership

Because of my position as a leader, I am in a position to encourage my subordinates and other interested parties to operate in an ethical and environmentally responsible manner. With the help of managerial positions in both the workplace and the community, as well as by actively seeking out chances to mentor and encourage younger colleagues. But I know there is always more to learn, so I will keep looking for methods to hone my leadership abilities (Engineers Australia 2022).

Practice Competently

Ethical engineering practise relies heavily on the engineer maintaining a high degree of expertise. I have actively sought feedback from co-workers and superiors and participated in professional development opportunities to further my skills and knowledge (Engineers Australia 2022).

By acting in accordance with the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics, I may earn the respect of my peers, keep my professional reputation intact, and help create a more equitable and sustainable world. So that I may become a more efficient and conscientious engineer, I am dedicated to furthering my education in ethical principles (Victoria State Government 2021).

Self-learning Management

Using self-learning management, I found the strategies which is used for effective learning. The study hack along with decision taking on what to do and when to do really provided an growth in my learning. Before studying this subject, I remember really had hard times to remember and cope up with learning things, I used to think how to cover and learn everything easily (Priscilla 2020).

But now, things have changed; I am able to learn things easily and started remembering for longer time. Even during the workshop, I was able to cope up with the task due to my memory enhancement. I have been able to make significant headway in the direction of my learning goals by formulating them, making a strategy to achieve them, and periodically reflecting on my progress. I experienced many changes by active experiment which I performed for 2 weeks and checked the progress. I started inquiring things, acquire knowledge and practice them within the two weeks set (Andriotis 2021).

I think in future, I will follow the same technique and provide some better outcome. However, there are some challenges which comes with the timing issues and prioritizing things which sometimes impacts my learning but overall, I consider the ability to self-learn and manage well to be crucial to success and I am dedicated to further honing that talent.

Time and Task Management

Time and task management are two vital topics which I knew but always used to pay less attention. Previously, my 24 hours used to be unplanned and many tasks remained pending due to non-consistent routine and planning. But after learning, I started making diary box for my daily plans and for some plans, I used to follow the Don’t box, the goals which I used to set, I started prioritizing them based on short and medium for covering my studies, my growth in terms of physique and mentally (Vardy 2022). I started planning the days just after waking up and which covered all the useful task and less attention to distraction from the goals. I was able to take the classes, revise notes, learn new activities, do my job work, along with some reward and fun time after completing all the tasks. Later after following the same routine and plans, I started completing task an hour before the allocated time which saved me time for giving higher rewards and spend time in relaxation (Lucidchart 2022). Even yet, staying fully focused and ignoring interruptions like social media and email has been a struggle for me. I have started trying the Pomodoro technique, in which I work for 25 minutes straight before taking a 5-minute break, to get beyond this obstacle.

Information Literacy

Information literacy is essential for solving issues, making choices, and communicating. I can see how honing this skill has helped me in many areas of my life (Haider and Sundin 2022).

Academically, I have found information literacy useful in terms of doing in-depth research for assignments, identifying relevant and reputable sources, and performing a critical evaluation of the material I find. My work has improved, and I have a better grasp of the material because of this. It has helped me find my way around the internet, get reliable information, and avoid being a victim of online fraud. Personally, I've found that being literate in the ways of information has helped me when it comes to things like shopping, getting medical help, and organising vacations (Haider and Sundin 2022).

I try to keep record of the information by making folders on laptop and keeping it under some distinct name so that I can find them for later; example: bookmarking website which are informative.

In conclusion, the ability to effectively utilise information resources is an important trait in today's world. It has helped me become a more well-rounded and analytical person, and it has equipped me with the self-assurance to deal with the complexities of an ever-evolving information landscape. However, sometimes its uneasy for me to remember and keep information for everything which I think I have to overcome (Head, Fister and MacMillan 2020).


Engineers Australia, 2019. STAGE 1 COMPETENCY STANDARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. Available at: < https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sites/default/files/2019-11/Stage1_Competency_Standards.pdf >

UTS, 2022. Graduate Attributes and Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competencies. Available at: < https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/current-students-information-faculty-engineering-and-it/undergraduate/graduate-attributes-and-engineers-australia-stage-1-competencies >

Engineers Australia, 2022. Code of Ethics and Guidelines on Professional Conduct. Available at: < https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/publications/code-ethics >

Victoria State Government, 2021. Code of Conduct for Professional Engineers. Available at: < https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/library/publications/businesses/professional-engineers/code-of-conduct-for-professional-engineers.pdf >

Priscilla, 2020. What is self-paced learning? Meaning explained. Available at: < https://www.easy-lms.com/knowledge-center/learning-training/self-paced-learning-definition/item10384 >

Andriotis, N, 2021. The power of self-directed learning in the workplace. Available at: < https://www.talentlms.com/blog/power-self-directed-learning-workplace/ >

Vardy, M, 2022. The Difference Between Time Management and Task Management. Available at: < https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/the-difference-between-time-management-and-task-management.html >

Lucidchart, 2022. 10 tips for mastering time management at work. Available at: < https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/time-management-at-work >

Haider, J. and Sundin, O., 2022. Information literacy challenges in digital culture: conflicting engagements of trust and doubt. Information, communication & society, 25(8), pp.1176-1191. Available at: < https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1369118X.2020.1851389 >

Head, A.J., Fister, B. and MacMillan, M., 2020. Information Literacy in the Age of Algorithms: Student Experiences with News and Information, and the Need for Change. Project Information Literacy. Available at: < https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED605109 >

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