ECE6012 Professional Practice Report 1 Sample
Assignment Details
Major developmental theories have been a resource to early childhood education researchers and educators. They help to explain how child development unfolds, sources of vulnerability and protection that influences child development, and how the course of development may be altered by prevention and intervention efforts.
Understanding factors which may support or compromise development and integrating this knowledge into their work with children and their families are key to supporting healthy developmental outcomes and creating trusting partnerships with caregivers.
1500 words
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You will need to analyse one early childhood theory and suggest ways to apply into practice while on placement.
1. Choose one of the below theories that aligns with your philosophy, as a pre-service teacher.
o Paulo Freire - Pedagogy of transformation
o Rudolf Steiner - Waldorf Education
o Loris Malaguzzi - Reggio Emilia
o Howard Gardner - Multiple intelligences
o Albert Bundura - Social learning theory
o Jean Piaget - Cognitive theory
o Lev Vygotsky - Zone of proximal development
o Pierre Bourdieu - Cultural capital
o Jerome Bruner - Scaffolding
2. Analyse the theory by critically answering the following five questions:
o Introduce the theory? (100 words)
o Provide an explanation of the theory. (300 words)
o What do you recognise as strengths in the theory? Give reasons to your answer. (250 words)
o What do you recognise as gaps in the theory? Give reasons to your answer. (250 words)
o How will you apply it into practice while you are on placement? (500 words)
o Provide a concise conclusion. (100 words).
o Use at least 4 references according to the APA Style.
Introduce the theory
Psychologist Albert Bandura proposed that Learning within an individual takes place with the help of different factors which includes observation modeling as well as imitation. Also, these factors are influenced by certain aspects which mainly account for motivation attention emotions as well as attitude. The proposed theory was further named Social Learning Theory by Bandura (Rumjaun & Narod, 2020). In the following assessment, the social interaction theory by Bandura will be evaluated and analyzed in order to sustain understanding regarding the theory the strengths the gaps as well as its impact on implementation during early development years.
Provide an Explanation of The Theory
The Social Learning Theory accounts for the interrelation as well as the interaction of cognitive elements as well as the surrounding environment of an individual which impacts the way of learning. According to the proposed theory proposed by Bandura, people have a nature of observing behavior which can be by direct social interaction with the people surrounding them or with the help of indirect means such as observing behavior with the help of media and other platforms. It has also been found that actions or activities that are often praised and reported are mostly observed as well as imitated by people while behaviors that are considered to be punishable are being avoided (Bandura & Hall, 2018). The social learning theory is often explained to be an intermediate bridge between traditional behaviorism learning theory as well as cognitive theory. Behaviorism theory focuses on the fact that a major change in external behavior within an individual is sustained with the help of reinforcement as well as the repetition of certain activities or actions in order to shape and structure significant behavior which accounts for effective learning within an individual. Whereas, cognitive learning theory focuses on the fact that different aspects of effective learning can be guided as well as instructed to an individual by analyzing and evaluating their mental state and processing potential (Resnick, 2017).
The social learning theory by Bandura structures is the precise framework in order to assist individuals to understand the concept of learning focusing on observation and modeling. The theory states that personal factors such as biological events, and cognitive effectivity As well as behavioral factor and environmental factors are interrelated which altogether develops a well-defined social learning environment for an individual (Deming & Johnson, 2019).
Fig: Social Learning Theory Framework
Source: (Made By The Author)
Strengths in The Theory:
There are a wide range of factors that are associated which serves as the significant strength of the concept associated with social learning theory. One of the strengths of the theory is that it helps in integrating cognitive theories as well as social theories in the learning process altogether which helps in the progress of better learning opportunities. It has been found that when providing social learning theory within a learning environment, professionals always focus on both social factors as well as the cognitive factor that are associated with the individual that can help in sustaining better learning outcomes. Another significant strength of the theory is that it emphasizes the surrounding environment where the learning process takes place the theory focuses on the importance a role model plays within the learning process as well as the surrounding environment (Allan, 2017). It has been found that children often have a major impact on the surrounding environment family structure as well as the social involvement they witness during their early development years. It has also been found that the theory tends to explain a large number of behaviors that are often learned or have an impact on the learning process of an individual it serves as a major strength of the theory as its significant associates social as well as cognitive theories along with behaviorism theory within the learning process (Feather et al., 2021). Behavior such as aggression, empathy, respect anger, and many more as some of the behaviors which are found to be easily imitated and observed by children during early years of development which has a direct relation with the cognitive state for university assignment help.
Gaps in The Theory:
There are a wide range of limitations or gaps within the theory which often develops a state of criticism within the process of learning. One of the gaps that have been identified within the theory includes a loose structure as it focuses on a wide range of theories and concepts altogether. It does not possess a unified structure of principle which often makes It difficult to implement within certain fields. As it uses cognitive theory behavioral theory as well as social theory often difficulty in implementing social learning theory develops as it does not often relates to all the theories together (Bandura, 2021). Another major gap within the theory was highlighted by Steven Pinker who argues that certain sets of behaviors are developed in response to emotional factors which are associated with the biological factors of an individual (Allan, 2017). These biological factors in relation to emotional responses cannot be developed or promoted with the help of observation. Other limitation or gaps that have been identified within the theory highlights the concept of reward and punishment it has been found that the theory states that behavior is often developed based on rewards and punishments. It states that rewards initiate the implementation of active behavior whereas punishment tends to limit certain behaviors or promote withdrawal the theory lacks a proper concept to explain that reward and punishment in order to develop behavior may vary in individuals (Olsson, Knapska & Lindström, 2020). It can be possible that any punishing action for an individual may serve as a reward for another with thus can lead to the development of negative behavioral outcomes.
Strategies To Apply The Social Learning Theory To Practice While on a Placement:
The social learning theory focuses on three core concepts that serve as a key to the implementation and progression of the theory in practice. The initial concept highlights that an individual has the potential to learn through observation. The second concept Focuses on the fact that the internal mental state of an individual serves as an essential part of the entire process of learning. Whereas the final core concept states that learning any action or activity does not indicate that it will implement major change within an individual's behavior. Focusing on these core concepts there are different ways with the help of which the social learning theory can be implemented within a placement in order to provide children with better learning outcomes (Mari? et al., 2017). A student learns through observation and imitation as well as by focusing on the surrounding environment, it will be necessary that a classroom with positive learning outcomes activities as well as interactions are promoted. It is also necessary that students are involved in developing better connections and relationships with each other in order to learn from one another and progress together. It has also been found that observation and imitations are practiced through direct and indirect means hence it will be necessary that a well-structured teacher-student relation is developed as well as encouraging sessions are provided to the student. It will also be necessary that different media which includes videos, audio as well as books are used in order to guide them regarding the positive behavior of the social factors as well as promotion of better learning (Pinho, Franco & Mendes, 2020).
In order to implement social learning theory within a classroom it will be necessary that reward systems are implemented in order to motivate and encourage students within the classroom it will be necessary that good activities have better outcomes within academics as well as positive behavior with each other will ensure reward for the children. It will also be necessary that individual assessment is carried out within the classroom in order to ensure personal behavior attitude and response based on which different learning assessments will be provided to the students it will help in developing a better opportunity for the student to sustain learning based on social factors cognitive abilities as well as behavioral outcomes (Khechine, Raymond & Augier, 2020). It will also be necessary that different creative activities must be implemented within the classroom such as role play video presentations as well as games which will ensure social bonds among the students as well as ensure positive attitudes and behavior.
Concise conclusion:
In order to conclude the assessment, it can be stated that social learning theory plays a significant role in the development of a child during the early development years. It tends to focus on both behavioral as well as cognitive theories in order to promote a better learning experience for an individual. It has been found that social, personal environmental as well as behavioral factors altogether develop a state of active learning within an individual which altogether accounts for social learning theory. Implementing social learning theory within the classroom provides children with a better opportunity to enhance their skills, progress behavioral outcomes as well as promote cognitive capabilities which serve in enhancing the learning experience.
Allan, J. (2017). An analysis of Albert Bandura's aggression: A social learning analysis. CRC Press. Retrieved from: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-EgrDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Social+Learning+Theory+and+strength&ots=QOI-W-FOnu&sig=lOBepsGmgfLGS_HafqTBC2w4pXk#v=onepage&q=Social%20Learning%20Theory%20and%20
Bandura, A. (2021). Analysis of modeling processes. In Psychological modeling (pp. 1-62). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003110156
Bandura, A., & Hall, P. (2018). Albert bandura and social learning theory. Learning theories for early years practice, 63-65. Retrieved from: http://digital.casalini.it/9781526450753
Deming, P., & Johnson, L. L. (2019). An application of Bandura’s social learning theory: A new approach to deafblind support groups. JADARA, 42(4), 5. Retrieved from: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2537&context=jadara/
Feather, N. T. (Ed.). (2021). Expectations and actions: Expectancy-value models in psychology. Routledge. Retrieved from: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=c2BCEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Social+Learning+Theory+and+strength&ots=-xr9aLTN_s&sig=DFvoNDBAd3ekILB5i1MUsvqtyes#v=onepage&q=Social%20Learning%20Theory%20and%
Khechine, H., Raymond, B., & Augier, M. (2020). The adoption of a social learning system: Intrinsic value in the UTAUT model. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(6), 2306-2325. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12905
Mari?, M., Saka?, M., Lipovac, V., Nikoli?, S., Rai?evi?, J., & Sara?evi?, M. (2017). Teachers and social learning as a factor of modern educational competencies. Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy, 11(2), 233-245. Retrieved from: http://bjsep.org/getfile.php?id=243
Olsson, A., Knapska, E., & Lindström, B. (2020). The neural and computational systems of social learning. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 21(4), 197-212. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41583-020-0276-4
Pinho, C., Franco, M., & Mendes, L. (2020). Exploring the conditions of success in e-libraries in the higher education context through the lens of the social learning theory. Information & Management, 57(4), 103208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2019.103208
Resnick, L. B. (2017). Toward a cognitive theory of instruction. In Learning and motivation in the classroom (pp. 5-38). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315188522
Rumjaun, A., & Narod, F. (2020). Social Learning Theory—Albert Bandura. Science education in theory and practice: An introductory guide to learning theory, 85-99. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-43620-9_7