DSMG2002 Exploring Emergency in Disaster Management Research Report 1 Sample

Task Description

In assessment task one, you will explore the literature on a topic (see scenario below) related to leadership and emergency and disaster management. In particular, you will identify and consolidate literature sources (part 1) and analyse these sources (part 2) to further your understanding of leadership in the emergency and disaster management context. You must use the scenario below to undertake Part 1) and Part 2).

Part 1: Searching the Literature


You have recently joined the State Emergency Services (SES) as a volunteer and have been entrusted with a leadership role for your team involved in emergency and disaster management. With this new responsibility, you recognise the need to deepen your understanding of effective leadership strategies in this field, particularly in the Australian context. Your task is to conduct a literature search focusing on the latest trends and developments in leadership within emergency and disaster management. This research is critical to enhance your leadership skills and to develop strategies that are effective in various emergency and disaster situations.

Literature Area:

The focus of your literature search will be: & What peer-reviewed literature has been published in the last 10 years on trends and developments in leadership strategies in emergency and disaster management?

Your analysis should identify and understand the prevailing trends, developments, and advancements in leadership strategies within emergency and disaster management, particularly distinguishing between different leadership styles and management approaches.

Activity Instructions:

Based on the above scenario, you need to conduct and document a literature search (for the literature area in the above scenario). For this activity, you are required to use the CQUniversity seven (7) step literature search process, including the search techniques available within each step, to search the academic databases in the CQUniversity library catalogue. You must use the CQUniversity library catalogue and document your search using the table provided in the Assessment Task One Template (see Assessment Tile in Moodle). Ensure that your documentation is detailed enough for your searches to be replicated by your SES colleagues.

Part 2: Using the Literature

1. Choose five peer-reviewed articles or papers that are most relevant to your leadership role in the SES, with a focus on differentiating between leadership styles and management approaches.

2. Write a short, annotated bibliography for each of the five selected pieces of literature. Follow the guidelines in the CQUniversity Annotated Bibliography Info Sheet provided by the Academic Learning Centre and accessible in the eReading List.

3. Write a concise overview (500 words) discussing the implications of these five pieces of literature on your leadership role in the SES.

4. Explain (500 words) how leadership and management are interconnected in emergency and disaster management situations. Describe how the roles of leading and managing complement each other and are crucial in effectively handling emergencies and disasters.


Part 1) Searching the Literature

Part 2: Using the Literature

Annotated Bibliography

Article 1: Pajic, S., Buengeler, C., Den Hartog, D.N. and Boer, D., 2021. The moderating role of employee socioeconomic status in the relationship between leadership and well-being: A meta-analysis and representative survey. Journal of occupational health psychology, 26(6), p.537.https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2022-20018-004

This article was published in 2021 by Pajic et al. (2021) and describes the process of employee socio-economic status impact on leadership and well-being. At the time lower employee socio-economic status is present then constructive leadership gets benefit but suffers in terms of destructive leadership. Based on the job demand resource perspective different leadership styles are implemented in the organisation. In this research meta-analysis and large-scale survey is done to find out the impact of destructive and constructive leadership styles on overall employee well-being. This research helps to understand emergency and disaster management in terms of informing leadership strategies. Maintaining employee well-being provides significant effectiveness in resilience-building efforts and crisis response for university assignment help. .

Article 2: Khuwaja, U., Ahmed, K., Abid, G. and Adeel, A., 2020. Leadership and employee attitudes: The mediating role of perception of organisational politics. Cogent Business & Management, 7(1), p.1720066. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23311975.2020.1720066

This article was published in 2020 by Khuwaja et al. (2020), analyses the influence of leadership style talent and organisation culture for maintaining sustainable performance in the Maritime industry. Service dominant logic and large-scale surveys of 308 shipping companies are done in the research to understand different perspectives of leadership style. In the study for talent types in organisation culture, four leadership styles and five sustainability dimensions are analysed. The findings of the research provide significant understanding regarding talent and its impact on leadership sustainability performance. The organisation and culture improve talent management and sustainable relationships. This literature is relevant for understanding leadership effectiveness in disaster management because leadership style talent management and organisational culture help to achieve effective strategies in emergency and crisis situations

Article 3: Kruse, P. and Rosing, F., 2023. An experimental investigation of perceived differences in personality and leadership attributes of social entrepreneurs compared to for profit entrepreneurs and non-profit organisations leaders. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 32(1), pp.75-110.https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/09713557231160332

In the year 2023, this article was published by Kruse and Rosing (2023) describing personal trade leadership style values of social entrepreneurs (SEs) in comparison with non-profit organisation leaders (NPO) and for-profit entrepreneurs (FPEs). The experiment explores similarities and dissimilarities between leadership perceptions in different situations. Understanding the different partitions of leadership provides significant advantages in crisis and disaster management for understanding response and recovery effects.

Article 4: Ryan, B., Johnston, K.A., Taylor, M. and McAndrew, R., 2020. Community engagement for disaster preparedness: A systematic literature review. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 49, p.101655.https://eprints.qut.edu.au/202039/1/59981815.pdf

This article was published in 2020 by Ryan et al. (2020) and describes the examination of various community engagement techniques in different disaster preparedness. This research analyses the effectiveness of the leadership methodologies used for accessing successful improvement programs in community engagement. In this research, face-to-face interaction and personalised communication importance over mass media campaigns are analysed. At the time different community engagement techniques in disaster situations are analysed by the leader then the strategies help to enhance collaboration and resilience for better management in the crisis. Understanding the impact of adopting uniform methods on cultural engagement strategies helps the leader to underscore benchmarking planning and community engagement efforts as per the needs.

Article 5: Khalili, S., Harre, M. and Morley, P., 2015. A temporal framework of social resilience indicators of communities to flood, case studies: Wagga wagga and Kempsey, NSW, Australia. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 13, pp.248-254.https://www.academia.edu/download/43988525/Main.pdf
The article was published in 2015 by Khalili et al. (2015), and primarily focuses on understanding the development of a comprehensive framework for social resilience indicators in recovery phases responses and pre-disaster by utilising flood-affected communities in Australia. This research mainly aims to understand all the essential social factors and indicators that are required for disaster management. In the sense of community social support and education, the leadership process provides significant importance. The effectiveness of the leadership strategy in disaster and emergency management particularly in the Australian context is analysed in the research. To understand the different trends and developments in leadership management this article provides insight related to social support, and community support in emergency management time.

Implications of these five pieces of literature on your leadership role in the SES

As a first scholar, the findings of the Pajic et al. (2021) research can be utilized by me as a leader, belonging to the SES (Socioeconomic Status), on multiple levels. First, the supervisor's effectiveness is manifested through its impact on employee attitudes toward their well-being. This means promoting and initiating a fulfilling work environment that not only increases their productivity but also improves their well-being. Taking these two factors into consideration, their backgrounds may influence the way they both view their job but also how they interact with their co-workers. In the setting of the background of staff, therefore, leaders have a huge influence on employees' health. Last, it shows an inclination towards the fact that diversity and individual differences should be taken into account within the team. There are various ways in which each member of the team may contrast in response to leadership approaches caused by the very factors that affect their status. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of inclusive management practices that integrate the multi-))cultural backgrounds of staff. Additionally, it connotes that I should care as a leader that my behaviors and decisions can either pull down or help the welfare of my fellow team members coming from different walks of life and socioeconomic levels.

The second scholar, Khuwaja et al. (2020) in their research points toward the fact that leadership can affect the way employees feel about being at their workplace. Managers of the studied company identified that perceptions of employees towards organizational politics are very important for positive changes in the workers' attitudes. As the leader of all agency employees in the SES, it is important to acknowledge that your ability to manage political dynamics could affect how motivated and hopeful your staff is. Recognizing this relationship is the key to effectively learning political trends inside the organization. Through trust, fairness, and timeliness, create a happy environment at work where employees feel that they are heard and appreciated, this will in turn make them feel motivated to contribute positively. Besides that, being aware of how their behavior and the way they make decisions is seen by the other members of the team can also bring about an effect that minimizes the occurrence of negative political images, which will result in an improvement in the employees' attitudes and team performance.

The third scholar, The work of Kruse and Rosing (2023) found that social entrepreneurs have specific personal attributes and leadership qualities like for-profit entrepreneurs and the leaders of non-profit organizations despite their differences. This therefore implies that being a leader in the SES (Social Entrepreneurship Society), it is imperative to comprehend and realize those differences. Through recognition of the social entrepreneur's unique characteristics, you can create a personalized leadership style to have the best possible support and empowerment for them. Moreover, the film demonstrates the importance that is created in tandem with the values and aspirations that guide social entrepreneurship. If the members of the SES understand the intricacies of such cultural differences it can increase cohesion and efficiency within the SES and most outcome will be a greater impact on society and the successful attainment of its aim.

From the fourth scholar, The literature review on community engagement for disaster preparedness supplies in your position as a leader of SES (State Emergency Service), some critical messages. Disaster planning is the first and the main concern in the process with a focus on involving communities In short, it means that you should always be ready to connect with individuals within your neighborhood and brief them on the passing of a disaster preparedness message Furthermore, it shows that community-based programs serve an essential role in the process of elevating the level of resilience to disasters. It is important that you as a leader nurture an environment that fosters community participation in SES activities. The review, also, points out that there is a high chance of communication being muddled due to diverse community groups. Therefore, you must ensure that your messaging and communication channels engender and accommodate people from every corner of society. Finally, it focuses on the key issue of confidence establishment and togetherness between emergency workers and neighbors. The importance of your leadership lies in establishing cordial relations that are effective and can be mutually beneficial. Lastly, the literature emphasizes the fact that evaluations as an acquisition of information from community engagement projects are ongoing. There should be a constant tendency for you to reassess and adjust your strategies on feedback and the lessons learned from past experiences.

From the Fifth and last scholar, While the key literature on the SES’s (State Emergency Service) role in building and enhancing community ability of resilience to floods is limited, these articles have useful findings in this area. This social resiliency assessment model suggested by Khalili et al. (2015) constitutes an argument that points to the factors of social resilience in the communities affected by floods. This model will enable me to better look into the dynamics that surround various floods and also the impact of these disaster communities. Also, the literature indicates that communication plays a significant role in floods through this information should be time and effective (for example, Smith, 2013). The above example only points to the necessity of efficient communication methodologies in my leadership role to ensure the timely passage of information to disaster management-affected communities. Besides also shows the key role of community involvement and participation in both flood readiness and response works (Aldrich, 2012). Thus, they need to role as a leader in the community. They must actively engage community members in planning as well as decision-making processes for enhanced resilience for the betterment of community resilience. This leads us to the point of employing. meeting changeable environmental conditions as well as sustainable management of floods (Cutter et al.,2008). Therefore, the paramount role of myself an SES leader is to emphasize adaptive and sustainable strategies for the prediction and mitigation of flood risk.

Leadership and management are interconnected in emergency and disaster management situations

In emergency and disaster management, leadership and management are two faces of the same coin, the sides that have nothing in common. A leader delivers moral and motivational input when a crisis hits, whereas a manager keeps structures, resources, and operations running continuously. Buhagiar and Anand (2023) point out the synergy of these three elements. They stress how leadership, knowledge management, and organizational learning, which form a powerful triad, are crucial for a crisis management team.

Leadership is mostly about visualizing a destination, making tough choices, and stirring others to action. Being an effective leader is especially crucial during times of crisis, such as epidemics, armed conflicts, or natural disasters, as it offers clarity, confidence, and guidance to all those affected. One instance is calamities arising from a natural catastrophe where the leader can consider the safety measures, formulate clear communication for evacuation plans, and provide hope to the affected community. However, the principal role of management is quite different. It rather concerns organizing, planning, and overseeing resources to reach certain goals instead.

Emergency management tends to be effective through assigning resources such as manpower, equipment, and funds to capable people quickly and accurately. Managers are a vital link in the chain of events that involve rescue operations, distribution of supplies, and monitoring progress toward an efficient response.
The interconnectedness is thus a principal hurdle in the process of dealing with a crisis on a complex level and reorganizing efforts. Crosweller and Tschakert (2020) state that leaders must state that a moral dimension of leadership is involved in climate disasters that have been caused by climate change and leadership must ensure that well well-being of the affected communities and environment is safeguarded.

Roles of leading and managing complement effectively handling emergencies and disasters

As leading and managing tasks are instrumental in the successful execution and resolution of emergencies and disasters, a focus on coordination and communication among stakeholders is critical. In emergency communication and coordination networks, effective communication and coordination are crucial, argues Sienkiewicz and Owczarek (2020). Leaders who develop crisis preparedness and response goals and strategies to meet them, and managers responsible for implementing these standards and plans in a streamlined manner, are accountable (Khorram-Manesh and Burkle Jr, 2020).

The interagency collaboration described by Fan, Li, and Desouza (2022) was when leaders promote the effective sharing of resources within the network of agencies involved in emergency management and coordinate actions among them. Moreover, Bhandari et al. argue for the indispensability of the establishment of a correct hierarchy of roles and duties in disaster risk management, where leaders define who does what during pre-disaster mitigation, during the response phase, and post-disaster relief. Leaders rally teams and spur them to work together for shared objectives, while managers are responsible for administrative supervision and making sure tasks are finished by the deadline. Leadership that can engender trust and credibility on the part of the stakeholders, through channeling motivation and spawning innovation among the emergency responders (Khorram and Burkle, 2020). A manager’s specific role includes: allocating resources, managing logistics, and keeping communication channels open that are crucial in delivering timely responses to emergencies and disasters (Sienkiewicz and Owczarek, 2020).


Bhandari, D., Neupane, S., Hayes, P., Regmi, B. and Marker, P., 2020. Disaster risk reduction and management in Nepal: Delineation of roles and responsibilities. Kathmandu: Oxford Policy Management.

Buhagiar, K. and Anand, A., 2023. Synergistic triad of crisis management: leadership, knowledge management and organizational learning. International journal of organizational analysis, 31(2), pp.412-429.

Crosweller, M. and Tschakert, P., 2020. Climate change and disasters: The ethics of leadership. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 11(2), p.e624.
Fan, B., Li, Z. and Desouza, K.C., 2022. Interagency collaboration within the city emergency management network: a case study of Super Ministry Reform in China. Disasters, 46(2), pp.371-400.

Khalili, S., Harre, M. and Morley, P., 2015. A temporal framework of social resilience indicators of communities to flood, case studies: Wagga wagga and Kempsey, NSW, Australia. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 13, pp.248-254.https://www.academia.edu/download/43988525/Main.pdf

Khorram-Manesh, A. and Burkle Jr, F.M., 2020. Disasters and public health emergencies—Current perspectives in preparedness and response. Sustainability, 12(20), p.8561.

Khuwaja, U., Ahmed, K., Abid, G. and Adeel, A., 2020. Leadership and employee attitudes: The mediating role of perception of organizational politics. Cogent Business & Management, 7(1), p.1720066. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23311975.2020.1720066

Kruse, P. and Rosing, F., 2023. An experimental investigation of perceived differences in personality and leadership attributes of social entrepreneurs compared to for profit entrepreneurs and non-profit organisations leaders. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 32(1), pp.75-110.https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/09713557231160332

Pajic, S., Buengeler, C., Den Hartog, D.N. and Boer, D., 2021. The moderating role of employee socioeconomic status in the relationship between leadership and well-being: A meta-analysis and representative survey. Journal of occupational health psychology, 26(6), p.537.https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2022-20018-004

Ryan, B., Johnston, K.A., Taylor, M. and McAndrew, R., 2020. Community engagement for disaster preparedness: A systematic literature review. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 49, p.101655.https://eprints.qut.edu.au/202039/1/59981815.pdf Sienkiewicz-Ma?yjurek, K. and Owczarek, T., 2020. Complementarity of communication and coordination in ensuring effectiveness of emergency management networks. Sustainability, 13(1), p.221.

Son, C., Sasangohar, F., Neville, T., Peres, S.C. and Moon, J., 2020. Investigating resilience in emergency management: An integrative review of literature. Applied ergonomics, 87, p.103114.

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