DATA4500 Social Media Analytics Case Study Sample

Assessment Details

• This assessment is to be done individually.

• Students are to write a 1,500-word report about Influencers and Social Media Markers and submit it as a Microsoft Word file via the Turnitin portal at the end of Week 10.

Assessment case

• You are the Digital Marketing Officer in charge of picking a social media influencer to lead an extensive campaign as the face of your organization, which will be assigned to you by your facilitator.

• As part of your research and decision-making process, you must gather and analyse more than just average likes and comments per post.

• Some of the statistics you will need to gather and assess are (only as an example):

o Follower reach.

o Audience type (real people, influencers, and non-engaging).

o Demographics.

o Likes to comments ratio.

o Brand mentions.

o Engagement rates for social media accounts.

o How data into competitors’ use of influencers can be measured to generate insights.

Assessment Instructions

• You have been asked to write a report on your options and choice, the criteria you used, and any tool that will support your work in the future.

• Some of the information you are expected to cover in your report is:

o What is the audience-type composition?

o What is an engagement rate, and how should advertisers treat this statistic?

o When is an engagement considered an authentic engagement?

o Why should we care about the followings of followers?

o How does our influencer ROI compare against that of our competitors?

• Your report should include the following:

o Cover.

o Table of Contents (see template).

o Executive Summary (3-4 paragraphs).

o Introduction.

o A section discussing social media analytics and its value to the business.

o A section on the role of the techniques taught in class, like sentiment analysis, competitive analysis, data mining, and influencer analysis.

o A section on how social media analytics was used to choose the influencer you recommend.

o A section recommending how your choice of influencer will be used as part of the organization’s marketing strategy.

o At least ten references in Harvard format (pick an additional five on your own besides five from the list below).



The chosen organisation for this study is Wild Child Style Lab, this report will focus on social media analysis of this brand. As a digital marketing officer, my responsibility will be picking an Influencer for the brand and lead an extensive campaign. This report will be divided into 4 key sections, the first section will focus on discussing the social media analytics and values it offers to Wild child by style lab brand. Further, the second section will focus on role of techniques such as sentiment analysis, data mining, Influencer analysis, and competitive analysis. Furthermore, this report will focus on selecting an Influencer in fashion niche, lastly, enlightening on how the chosen Influencer will be a best suit for the brand.

Social Media Analytics and its Value in Business

Social media is a booming platforms for business as social media acts as a marketing tool, aids in connecting with the audiences from each corner of the world, market the products, launch a new business, communicate thoughts and aides, and many more advantages social media offers (Shahbaznezhad et al., 2021). Wild Child Style Lab organisation has its whole business running on Instagram (a social media platform), where the company endorse its products have strong following as well i.e., customer base. Social media analytics provides valuable insights for the Wild Child Style Lab organization beyond average likes and comments per post. It allows for a comprehensive evaluation of influencer performance, campaign effectiveness, and audience engagement (Wildchild Stylelab 2023).

The major values that Social media analystics offers to Wild Child Style Labs are-

- Design new campaigns- Platforms such as Upfluence, HypeAuditor, and Social Status provide a variety of influencer analytics services such as campaign statistics, engagement rate monitoring, audience demographics, and false follower identification. This will help Wild Child brand to analyse if the infleuncer is well-suited for marketing or not (Tajvidi and Karami, 2021).

- Campaign Performance Measurement- social media analytics will aid Wild Child Style lab brand to calculate their return of investment of spending on media marketing and Influencers , such as people engagement, requests for purchases, sales, and many more. They also provide insight into the effectiveness of influencer partnerships in terms of sales, brand recognition, and other critical campaign KPIs (Chen and Lin, 2019).

- Collaboration Success- another value that social media analytics tools offers to the brand is measuring the success of the campaigns run by the brand, such as measuring if the chosen Influencer is able to connect with the audience by evaluating the success of influencer-generated content (de Oliveira et al., 2020). This analysis guides future collaborations, ensuring that partnerships are consistent with the brand and provide favourable benefits.

- Consumer opinions and experiences Analysing The study of sentiment and discussions around the brand gives useful input. Social listening technologies assist Wild Child Style Lab in understanding public opinion, allowing the brand to quickly resolve problems and capitalise on positive emotion (Liu et al., 2021). This real-time responsiveness helps to control brand reputation and builds a pleasant online community.

Figure 1: Social media analytics value in business
(Source: Hipsocial 2022) 

Role of Techniques

There are several techniques that could be used for social media analysis which offers several advantages in order to gain deeper insights and advance the digital marketing strategies.

- Sentiment Analysis- this technique will help Wild Child band in analysing the emotions of the customers around their products by analysing likes, reviews, shares, comments, and other features of social media. this will help the brand in making improvements, re-stock the most liked products, and many more (Drus and Khalid, 2019). This analysis will also help in keeping the strategies in align with the business's goals and build a positive brand image.

- Competitive Analysis- Wild Child Style Lab can effectively analyse its performance in the industry competition using competitive analysis technique. this will help in analysing the marketing strategies that the competitors are using in this fast paced fashion environment as well as the results gained from it. This will let the brand stay ahead of the competition and bring more audiences and revenue (Swain et al., 2020).

- Data mining- this is another technique of social media analytics' which focuses on gathering the entire data pf the customers and brand and further analyse it for generating desire outcomes which are strategies for brand elevation. This technique can be used by Wild Child Style Lab to find trends in customer behaviour, preferences, as well as purchase habits. This data informs personalised marketing strategies, ensuring that content on its social media is relevant to the target audience (Iberdrola, 2023).

- Influencer Analysis- Analysing influencers is critical for improving influencer connections. Wild Child Style Lab can find the most influential collaborators by analysing the performance of influencers in terms of engagement, reach, and audience alignment (Semrush, 2022). This data-driven methodology guarantees that influencer efforts not only raise brand awareness but also result in significant engagement and transactions. Through influencer analysis, the business may establish genuine relationships with its target audience and boost brand credibility (Valcheva 2019).

Social Media for Selecting an Influencer for organisation

I choose Sophie Milner as my brand’s Influencer, she has 199k followers on Instagram and is a booming social media star whose niche is fashion and travel. As a digital marketing officer, recommending a Influencer involves pre-steps such as analysing the niche of Influencer, then their engagement with the audiences, creativity, costs, and many more. Selecting Sophie Milner as Wild Child Style Lab's influencer likely involved a comprehensive analysis of social media analytics to ensure an optimal fit for university assignment help.

- Alignment and relevance- Sophie Milner's content and ideals were evaluated using social media analytics techniques to ensure they aligned with Wild Child Style Lab's brand image. Milner's recent articles and partnerships were thoroughly examined to ensure that her style and message fit with the brand's target demographic (Omar 2023).

- Demographics of the Audience- Another reason of selecting Sophie Milner as brand's social media influencer is that she has fashion demographics audiences who aligns with the brand's target audiences. It includes, geography, and hobbies, this information is revealed by social media analytics companies. All the collected data was matched to Wild Child Style Lab's target demographic to confirm alignment and possible reach.

- Engagement Metrics - Sophie Milner's social media engagement data was thoroughly analysed, including likes, comments, shares, and saves in order to analyse her engagement with the audiences, turns out she has pretty good engagement rate.

- Aesthetics and content quality- The visual attractiveness and general quality of Sophie Milner's Instagram content were evaluated using social media analytics techniques. Consistency in publishing, aesthetic compatibility with Wild Child Style Lab, and the capacity to properly promote the brand's items were all taken into account (Promoty, 2022).

- Influencer's Past Collaborations- Sophie Milner's track record of partnering with other businesses was reviewed using analytics, with the success and effect of such partnerships evaluated. The capacity of the influencer to genuinely incorporate items while maintaining audience engagement was a major element in the choice.

- Influencer's Past Collaborations- To analyse the possibilities for a long-term cooperation, historical data on Sophie Milner's collaboration tendencies and brand loyalty were studied. Analytics aided in projecting the influencer-brand relationship's longevity and development potential.

- Analysis of Sentiment- To measure the general sentiment around Sophie Milner and her partnerships, social media sentiment analysis methods were used (Zote, 2023). This analysis confirmed that the influencer had a favourable public image, lowering the danger of Wild Child Style Lab's brand reputation.

Figure 1: Sophie Milner
(Source: Author, 2023)


This report focused on Wild Child which is a fashion enthusiastic brand, the report focused on social media analytics fr the company by implementing analytics tools and techniques such as sentiment analysis, competition analytics, and many more. Further, the report focused on the values that social media analytics brings to the brand, followed by choosing a fashion Influencer which is Sophie Milner for promoting the products and services of Wild Child. This will brings attention to the brand and increase revenue.  

Choice of Influencer as part of Organisation’s marketing Strategy

Sophie Milner's position as Wild Child Style Lab's chosen influencer is essential for a dynamic and successful marketing plan. The brand hopes to increase exposure, trust, and engagement by using her real approach and engaged fanbase. Milner's curated material will be skillfully incorporated into the social media channels of Wild Child Style Lab, highlighting the brand's goods in a genuine and approachable setting. This relationship presents the brand not just to Milner's current audience, but also to Wild Child Style Lab's target market. Milner will be included in bigger marketing activities such as special premieres, behind-the-scenes video, and interactive campaigns, in addition to individual postings. The company hopes to establish a true relationship with customers via this multimodal strategy, encouraging brand loyalty and increasing conversions. Furthermore, the influencer's material will be intelligently repurposed across various marketing channels, so increasing its reach and effect. This collaboration between Wild Child Style Lab and Sophie Milner is a potent catalyst for increasing the brand's online visibility and leaving a lasting impact in the fashion and lifestyle spheres.


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Chen, S.C. and Lin, C.P., 2019. Understanding the effect of social media marketing activities: The mediation of social identification, perceived value, and satisfaction. Technological forecasting and social change, 140, pp.22-32.

de Oliveira Santini, F., Ladeira, W.J., Pinto, D.C., Herter, M.M., Sampaio, C.H. and Babin, B.J., 2020. Customer engagement in social media: a framework and meta-analysis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, pp.1211-1228.

Drus, Z. and Khalid, H., 2019. Sentiment analysis in social media and its application: Systematic literature review. Procedia Computer Science, 161, pp.707-714.
Hipsocial 2022, Benefits of Using a Social Media Analytics Tool, Hipsocial, hipsocial, viewed 21 December 2023, <>.

Iberdrola 2023, Data mining, definition, examples and applications - Iberdrola, Iberdrola, viewed 21 December 2023, <,to%20direct%20personalised%20loyalty%20campaigns.>.

Liu, X., Shin, H. and Burns, A.C., 2021. Examining the impact of luxury brand's social media marketing on customer engagement: Using big data analytics and natural language processing. Journal of Business research, 125, pp.815-826.

Omar, K 2023, How to Choose the Best Influencer For Your Brand, Lightspeed, viewed 21 December 2023, <>.
Promoty 2022, Your guide to finding fashion influencers on Instagram | Promoty, Promoty, viewed 21 December 2023, <>.

Semrush 2022, Influencer Analysis, Semrush, viewed 21 December 2023, <,YouTube%2C%20Twitch%2C%20and%20TikTok.>.

Shahbaznezhad, H., Dolan, R. and Rashidirad, M., 2021. The role of social media content format and platform in users’ engagement behavior. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 53(1), pp.47-65.

Swain, M., Swain, D. and Paikaray, B.K., 2020. A competitive analysis on digital image tamper detection and its secure recovery techniques using watermarking. In Machine Learning and Information Processing: Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 (pp. 477-484). Springer Singapore.

Tajvidi, R. and Karami, A., 2021. The effect of social media on firm performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 115, p.105174.
Valcheva, S 2019, 26 Free Online Competitor Analysis Tools That Work Effectively, Blog For Data-Driven Business, viewed 21 December 2023, <>.

Wildchild Stylelab 2023, Wildchild Stylelab, viewed 21 December 2023, <>.

Zote, J 2023, How to Become a Successful Fashion Influencer in Today’s World, Influencer Marketing Hub, viewed 21 December 2023, <>.

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