AHS205 The Australian Healthcare System within a Global Context Report 2 Sample
Assessment Task
In this assessment, you will investigate and discuss the influence of policies on the provision of healthcare. This information will be presented in a poster format.
Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Healthcare services, regardless of who delivers them (government, non-government or private individuals and organisations) are influenced by politics and the societies within which they operate. Politics and societal expectations determine the health care priorities, policies, funding and delivery of healthcare services. As a health professional comprehending the context of your work and employment, and its influence on the provision of healthcare services, is of paramount importance.
Choose one (1) of the following health policies for discussion:
• National Disability Strategy
You will visually present an analysis of your chosen health policy in poster format.
Title: Choose a title that reflects the content of your poster.
Discuss the following in relation to your chosen health policy:
1. Provide an overview of context/background of the topic and purpose of the public policy as
an introduction
2. Identify the key ‘players’ or stakeholders who influence decisions for the policy and briefly describe their roles in the sector.
2. Identify 2-3 current health service challenges and/or problems in thissector?
3. Identify which challenges or problems this policy addresses and how these are addressed?
4. How might the current policy (and related healthcare services) impact 2 social determinants of health for someone with this health issue within this sector? (For example, how does the policy affect the social determinants of health for someone with a disability, or someone living in an aged care facility?)
Conclusion: Summarise your main points about how your health policy influences the provision of healthcare services.
Read ‘Creating an Academic Poster’ for more instructions on developing a poster. There are alsotemplates available for you to use, these are optional.
1. Introduction
Australia's comprehensive policy framework to better the lives of individuals with disabilities is called the National Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (Disabilitygateway.gov.au, 2023). The plan has developed with the participation of people with disabilities and their advocates. The policy aims to promote change and improve the lives of persons with disabilities in all facets of Australian society by emphasising the importance of accessibility and encouraging cross-sector collaboration.
The key features of health and social care systems are impacting nursing and health service delivery and practice, there are an estimated 1.3 billion individuals with substantial impairments worldwide, and the health and social care systems are adjusting to meet their requirements (Who.int, 2023). University Assignment Help, One in six people on Earth is part of this 16%. A disability shortens a person's life expectancy by up to 20 years (Who.int, 2023). Nursing and healthcare delivery aspects include openness, early diagnosis, and interprofessional cooperation. Health disparities and labour shortages have gained prominence due to recent global developments.
From 4.6% in 1922 to 16.2% in 2021, Australia's proportion of Australians 65 and older shows steady growth (Aihw.gov.au, 2023). An ageing population is only one demographic trend that increases the complexity of healthcare requirements. Evidence-based practises are necessary, as shown by the rise of disability-related research organisations like the National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Limited (Disabilitygateway.gov.au, 2023). To provide more effective and fair care for children with disabilities, the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan emphasises early intervention (Disabilitygateway.gov.au, 2023).
Figure 1: Percentage of the Australian population aged 65 and over, at 30 June, over time
(Source: Aihw.gov.au, 2023)
2. Key Stakeholders and Their Roles in The Sector
Several stakeholders influence the decision for the policy, such as the government, people with disability, disability advisory council, healthcare professionals, employers and businesses. Eleven people comprise the Advisory Council, including the Chair and a delegate from each territory and state's disabilities council (Disabilitygateway.gov.au, 2023). There is room on the Advisory Council for two more special advisers (Disabilitygateway.gov.au, 2023).
(Source: Created by Author)
Role of the key stakeholder
The Advisory Council is responsible for assessing and advising on the progress, Targeted Action strategies, Outcomes Framework, and related strategies made towards implementing Australia's National Disability Strategy (Disabilitygateway.gov.au, 2023). The government's involvement in developing and enforcing the National Disability Strategy is critical. They provide funding for programmes and laws to protect the rights of people with disabilities and guarantee their full participation in society.
Individuals with disabilities and disability advocacy organisations provide valuable first-hand accounts of the needs, experiences, and difficulties faced by people with disabilities (Giermanowska et al. 2020).
Healthcare practitioners, such as physicians and nurses, assist people with disabilities by meeting their healthcare requirements, gaining insight into those needs, promoting inclusive practices, and enhancing health outcomes (Lollar et al. 2021, p.40).
Employers and businesses play an important role in promoting disability inclusion by creating accessible work environments, hiring people with disabilities, and shaping public policy concerning disability inclusion, diversity in the workplace, and equal employment opportunities (Archary & Landman 2022).
Several important elements interact to shape the design, operation, delivery, and accessibility of healthcare systems. Political and policy choices establish the rules and regulations that regulate healthcare systems (Belciug & Gorunescu, 2020). The delivery and reception of healthcare are both influenced by cultural attitudes and conventions. Priorities and tactics in healthcare are guided by ideologies focusing on preventative and patient-centred care. Delivering high-quality healthcare services and introducing innovative technologies and treatments depend on having access to sufficient resources and financing. For healthcare systems to be successful, egalitarian, and accessible while meeting the requirements of various populations, these considerations must be balanced.
2. Current Health Service Challenges in This Sector
Financial Barriers: Higher expenses prevent Australians with disabilities from visiting experts on a timely basis and may even discourage them from seeking treatment altogether. For example, Two-fifths of people with disabilities in Australia had trouble physically accessing medical facilities. In contrast, one-sixth of people with disabilities in Australia reported experiencing discrimination from healthcare providers (Lyons, 2017).
Accessibility: Most Australians with disabilities have trouble getting to and staying in a hospital because of their impairment. They cannot get the treatment they need because they lack accessible facilities like hydraulic examination couches and hoists (Ye et al. 2021).
Care Coordination: Hospital and primary care providers must work together to provide the best possible care for patients with disabilities. However, creating a coordinated strategy to meet the complex health requirements of those with disabilities is made more difficult by the present healthcare system due to the division between state and Commonwealth obligations (Lyons, 2017).
3. Challenges and Addressed The Issues
The results shed light on the policy's flaws, particularly concerning the accessibility of healthcare facilities for people with disabilities. Only 22% of patients with disabilities report feeling autonomous, suggesting barriers in terms of both access and assistance (Assuraplc.com, 2021). 45 % of respondents say the available restrooms meet their needs, and some have asked that changing places be added (Assuraplc.com, 2021). Almost half of people report feeling anxious because of their immediate surroundings' design, lighting, noise, and layout. These difficulties underline the need to create healthcare environments that are accessible to people with a wide range of abilities.
To address the challenges, several solutions exist to the problems that impaired persons face while visiting health centres. Wheelchair accessibility can improve by installing ramps, lifts and larger entrances (Comellas et al. 2022). The requirements of people with disabilities are better met by installing changing places and providing accessible bathroom facilities. Reducing environmental stress can be as simple as adjusting a location's lighting, acoustics, and architecture to make it more comfortable and relaxing. A more welcoming and courteous atmosphere for patients must be achieved via staff training in disability awareness and communication.
Funding, staff limitations, and population health demands are local challenges that undermine the long-term viability of healthcare systems. Healthcare administration is impacted by global concerns such as infectious disease outbreaks and lack of access to vital drugs. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an international initiative with the overarching objectives of promoting healthy living (SDG 3), expanding access to high-quality healthcare (SDG 3.8), and fortifying health systems (SDG 3.b) (Galan-Ladero et al. 2023). The SDGs aim to make healthcare systems more robust and adaptable in the face of new threats by encouraging sustainable practices.
Universal health coverage (UHC) aims to ensure that all people, regardless of their income level, have access to quality healthcare services when needed (Berman et al. 2019). It guarantees that people of all backgrounds and locations can get the medical care they need. Universal health coverage emphasises safeguarding people from incurring exorbitant medical bills. Improved health outcomes and fewer inequalities in healthcare access are two of the many benefits of a more equitable healthcare system.
4. Impact of 2 Social Determinants of Health Care Services
Two social determinants of disabled people's health might be affected by the present policies in the disability sector. First, "Social Support Networks" are affected by factors including healthcare facility accessibility and staff assistance. A person's social network will strengthen due to increased access to care and support provided by more welcoming healthcare facilities (Pyzdek, 2021). Second, the "Physical Environment" is impacted because patients with disabilities are less likely to have negative health outcomes if treated in a comfortable, stress-free environment. The policy's focus on these factors means it can help make healthcare more accessible and equitable for persons with disabilities.
5. Conclusion
Health policy has a major impact on the development of healthcare systems. Political choices, cultural factors, regulatory frameworks, resource distribution, and financing are all impacted by this. This has ramifications for healthcare system accessibility, quality, and overall design. The policy has the potential to improve healthcare for all people by tackling critical variables and encouraging sustainability, equality, and universal health coverage.
Aihw.gov.au (2023). Older Australians. Retrieved on 25 July 2023, from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/older-people/older-australians/contents/demographic-profile
Archary, K. K., & Landman, C. (2022). Ability within disability: reflective memories shared with dr kasturi varley. Hts : Theological Studies, 78(3). https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v78i3.6799
Assuraplc.com (2021). New National Disability Strategy looks at challenges for healthcare. Retrieved on 25 July 2023, from: https://www.assuraplc.com/news-items/new-national-disability-strategy-looks-challenges-healthcare
Belciug, S., & Gorunescu, F. (2020). Intelligent decision support systems : a journey to smarter healthcare (Ser. Intelligent systems reference library, volume 157). Springer. Retrieved July 26, 2023.
Berman, P., Azhar, A., & Osborn, E. J. (2019). Towards universal health coverage: governance and organisational change in ministries of health. Bmj Global Health, 4(5). https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001735
Comellas, M., Chan, V., Zondervan, D. K., & Reinkensmeyer, D. J. (2022). A dynamic wheelchair armrest for promoting arm exercise and mobility after stroke. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 30. https://doi.org/10.1109/TNSRE.2022.3187755
Disabilitygateway.gov.au (2023). Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub. Retrieved on 25 July 2023, from: https://www.disabilitygateway.gov.au/ads/advisory-council
Galan-Ladero, M. M., & Alves, H. M. (2023). Social marketing and sustainable development goals (sdgs) : case studies for a global perspective (Ser. Springer business cases). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27377-3
Giermanowska, E., Rac?aw-Markowska, M., & Szawarska, D. (2020). Employing people with disabilities : good organisational practices and socio-cultural conditions (Ser. Palgrave pivot). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-24552-8
Lollar, D., Horner-Johnson, W., & Froehlich-Grobe, K. (Eds.). (2021). Public health perspectives on disability : sciences, social justice, ethics, and beyond (Second). Springer. Retrieved July 26, 2023,
Pyzdek, T. (2021). The lean healthcare handbook : a complete guide to creating healthcare workplaces (Second, Ser. Management for professionals). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69901-7
Who.int (2023). Disability. Retrieved on 25 July 2023, from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/disability-and-health#:~:text=An%20estimated%201.3%20billion%20people,earlier%20than%20those%20without%20disabilities
Ye, Y., Chen, Y.-F., Hu, R., & Yang, Z. (2021). Scaling relationships between van genuchten model parameters and hydraulic conductivity. Iop Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 861(7). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/861/7/072076